Read Someone for Me Page 2

  Keep the fuck out. I’ve got a baseball bat, and I’m not afraid to use it.

  I sigh. “That’s Morgy for you.”

  Cruise reaches past me, twists the knob, and whisks us inside, encapsulating us in the quiet reserve of Morgan and Ally’s bedroom without regard to Morgan’s quasi death threat.

  A light floral scent mixed with Morgan’s signature Polo permeates the air. The bed is neatly made with a pink sateen comforter, and a giant stuffed bear holding a heart sits crookedly in the center.

  “Aw, isn’t that cute?” I lean into Cruise while staring dreamily at the scruffy little beast.

  “Yes.” Cruise spins into me with a smile tugging at his lips. “I think it’s adorable the way Ally chooses to emasculate your brother.”

  “That’s not funny.” I tickle his ribs. “You know my brother loves Ally just as much as you love me. And if I wanted a pink frilly comforter and a boatload of stuffed bears, I hardly believe you’d deny me.”

  He picks up my hand and presses it to his lips. “I’d give you every damn real or imagined animal on the planet if I could.” That sexually deranged look I love takes over his features as he walks me back toward the mattress. His eyes gloss over with lust, and he’s flirting with his lids hooded low.

  “I know you would.” I lean in and run my tongue along his jawline, enjoying the roughness of his five-o’clock shadow. “And that’s why I know you’ll understand I can’t possibly do anything with you in this bedroom.” I shrink a little when I say it.

  “What?” His head inches back a notch, and his cutting good looks set my insides on fire.

  “This is Morgan and Ally’s special place.” I wave my hand over the neatly made bed. “It’s practically sacred.”

  Cruise lets out a low moan before glancing around.

  “I got it.” He presses out a dull grin and kisses both my eyelids in turn. “Close your eyes.”

  I do as I’m told, and Cruise leads me carefully by the shoulders less than ten feet away. I hear a door creak open. It smells like shoes and leather, and instinctually I know we’re in the closet.

  “Open,” he says, shutting the door behind him.

  The lights are on, and, as I suspected, we’re surrounded by sneakers and heels, jackets, and . . . feathered boas?

  “Kinky.” I pull out a bright-red one, and a few loose feathers fly around the small walk-in. “You think this comes in my size?”

  “There’s only one way to find out.” Cruise gently lifts the sundress right off my body, and I don’t protest the effort. There’s not a whole lot of protesting that goes on in our private lives. Mostly it’s Yes, oh God, yes, faster, right there! followed by a cataclysmic scream on my part—and believe you me, neither one of us is about to complain.

  Cruise ties me at the wrists with the overgrown string of feathers before securing my hands to a pole near the ceiling.

  “Well, looky here”—he brushes his lips across mine, rough and determined, and a soft moan escapes my throat—“it does fit after all.” He steps back and brazenly examines me, with that lewd grin I love twitching on his lips. I’m laid bare in my lace bra and matching panties, my spiked FMs that are just about to live up to their name.

  I can totally tell he doesn’t mind one bit that an alarming amount of our “budget” gets portioned out to Victoria’s Secret.

  “Taking off my clothes? Tying me up?” It comes from me breathy, and I know for a fact it drives Cruise insane when I do that. “Why, if I could, I’d take that belt right off your body and teach you a lesson, Professor Elton.”

  His lips twitch with a grin as he reaches down and unhooks his buckle. He pulls his belt off nice and slow, like a snake charmer luring a cobra out of a basket, all the while keeping those stealth-blue eyes locked on mine.

  “Maybe I’ll use this on you.” He slips the length of it from his body and gently fashions it around my waist, pulling me in. “Look here, princess, I’ve got a really hard problem brewing in my Levis, and you’re going to help me out with it whether you like it or not.”

  A string of giggles escape my throat. I lean in, aching for his lips to find mine, but Cruise tucks his head back a notch and winces as if he’s about to say something.

  The door crashes open, and Morgan wields a bat in our direction, with Ally looking terrified behind him.

  I let out a scream and spin into Ally’s dresses to avoid exposing my lacy boobs to my brother any longer than necessary before I realize I’ve just given him a full view of my G-string-clad ass, so I spin again—this time taking down the entire pole, clothing and all.

  “You little shit.” Morgan yanks Cruise out by the back of the shirt like he’s about to beat him senseless, before they both start in on a brawl in the bedroom.

  Ally jumps into the closet and does her best to untie me.

  “Aren’t you the lucky little slut?” She gives a sly wink.

  “It takes one to know one,” I tease, waving the boa in her face.

  She helps throw my dress back on and we hightail it into the bedroom to find the two of them rolling around on the floor like a pair of bear cubs. Bodies fly, and the pink comforter is ripped right off the bed, exposing a set of black satin sheets. As soon as this whole nightmare is over, I’ll have to ask Al where she got them. The thought of slipping and sliding all through the night with Cruise gets all of my erogenous zones ticking at once. The poor stuffed bear goes airborne, and the lamp at the side of the bed tumbles to the ground.

  I lean into Ally and sigh. “You think they’ll ever get along?”

  “Not as long as Cruise is trying to have his way with you in your brother’s closet.”


  I wrap my arms around Ally and watch as Cruise and Morgan come to final blows before each rolls over to nurse his respective family jewels.

  “Looks like there are a lot of boo-boos to kiss,” she whispers.

  “Aren’t we lucky.”


  I kick Morgan in the thigh one more time for the hell of it before getting up.

  “Oh my God!” Kenny comes over and pulls me away from her moronic brother. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” I press the back of my hand to my lips and check for blood, and sure enough, a seam of crimson drips over my skin.

  “See you tomorrow, Kendall.” Ally gives a slight wave before we leave the room. I’m glad Ally found someone, but at the same time I’m a little stymied by what she or anyone else finds so amazing about Morgan Jordan. I guess at the end of the day he’s a good guy. He just got his feathers a little ruffled seeing me hang his sister in his closet by way of a bright-red boa.

  A slight chuckle bucks through me as we head down the hall. Hell, if I saw someone doing that to my sister, I’d shove his dick down his throat so fast he wouldn’t know what hit him. Come to think of it, that’s exactly what Morgan was doing. In that respect, I commend him as a brother.

  Kenny wraps her slender arms around my waist, and I press a kiss just below her ear. Kenny is a goddess, with her long midnight-colored hair, velvet-blue eyes. You could write a poem on her lips with just one kiss, and I try to do just that every single night.

  I moan into her. “Let’s blow this joint and pick up where we left off. I’m ready to help you celebrate the last night of summer in the most memorable way possible.” I run my hand around her ribs and touch the soft underside of her breast.

  “Memorable, huh?” She blinks at me with those long, thick lashes, and my balls whimper for attention. “Have you been saving some of those mattress moves of yours for a special occasion?”

  “Mmm.” I warm her arm with my hand. “I was thinking of hitting the beach one last time. That way we can give summer a proper farewell on its own turf.”

  “I like the way you think, Elton.” She curls a finger under my chin, and I playfully bite it.

  We head into the living room, and Molly catches my attention as some muscled-up linebacker twirls her in the air. Her blonde hair
flies around her face while he manhandles her like a rag doll.

  “Hey! Dude.” I start to head off in Moll’s direction, but Kenny holds me back.

  “Whoa, cowboy.” She secures her arms around my waist as if she’s holding me back for real. “That’s one rodeo you’re not invited to.”

  The jock holding my sister hostage proceeds to tickle her mercilessly before bending her over the couch and offering a nice firm slap to her bottom.

  “Sometimes you don’t need an invitation.” I head over and push the asswipe clear across the room before helping Molly back to her feet.

  “What the hell are you doing?” She smacks me hard in the chest and takes off after the dick.

  “What the hell?” I hold my hands out, confused as fuck as to what just happened. “That guy just publicly humiliated her, and it’s me she’s mad at?”

  “They were playing,” Kenny purrs into my ear like a kitten ready and willing to seduce me. “He’s obviously into her.” Kenny’s clean-scented perfume wraps around me like a smooth pair of arms, and suddenly I want nothing more than to run my lips over every square inch of her body.

  “I don’t like him being ‘into her,’” I growl as I watch Molly cling to the bloated pile of biceps as if he were her new best friend.

  “Now you know how Morgan feels.”

  “Sounds like I owe your brother an apology.” I wrap my arm around Kenny and lead us toward the exit “And I suppose this is as good a time as any to let you know you may never be an aunt.” I hide the shit-eating grin wanting to spread a mile wide.

  “I wouldn’t brag. Once he recovers he’ll be exacting his revenge and our own children’s lives will be in peril.”

  “I’m all about revenge.” I take a playful bite out of her neck. And I love the idea of having kids with Kenny one day. I picture a dozen little girls with her perfect hair and dimples, and then the thought of paying their college tuition—paying for their weddings—has me blinking them right back out of my mind.

  “Geez.” Cal slaps me on the back. “Can’t you two keep your mitts off each other for five minutes? I saw Jordan head back there, swearing to rip you a new one if he found you fornicating in his closet one more time.”

  I pat my lip with the back of my hand, and a tiny crimson stain turns up on my skin. “I hardly call that ripping me a new one.”

  “You up for talking about that home gym sometime this week?”

  “Yeah, sure.” I had mentioned to Cal a few weeks back that the B and B could use a boost, and he mentioned a workout room might up the value. I hate to break it to him, but I’m pretty sure I can’t afford thousands of dollars’ worth of new gym equipment. I’ll have him check the place out anyway. The worst that can happen is that I’ll owe him a six-pack.

  “Hey”—he leans in—“I’ve been meaning to tell you my cousin is coming into town from Connecticut. She’s old fucking money, dude. She needs a place to stay, and she wants to rent out the B and B.”

  “The whole thing?” Kenny’s eyes expand to the size of silver dollars.

  “Yeah.” Cal holds up his hands to attest to the fact. “Her friend’s got a band. They’re pushing through town, and she mentioned they needed a place to crash.”

  “What about a hotel?” A frown comes and goes. I’m pretty much resigned to the fact that if it seems too good to be true, it is. And the thought of someone breezing into town and renting the entire B and B is for damn sure too good to be true.

  “She says they hate hotels. Anyway, I gave her your number, so expect a call.” He pats me on the back before popping the collar on his polo and taking off.

  “Hey, keep an eye on Moll for me!” I shout after him, but he’s already lost in the crowd.

  “Doesn’t look like Morgan is going to get much sleep tonight.” Kenny chews on the side of her cherry-red lip.

  I lean in to kiss her gently. “Mmm.” Kenny tastes like sugared strawberries, and my dick starts knocking at my jeans. “If I get my way, you’re not going to get a lot of sleep tonight, either.”

  Kenny opted for the cabin instead of the beach, citing the sand that might actually work against us. Plus it’s close to one in the morning and she’s got a class tomorrow at ten. I’m the last person who would want to sabotage Kenny’s college education. I know how shitty it feels—my ex-girlfriend sabotaged mine.

  “Go ahead and get your pj’s on.” I give her shoulders a slight massage as soon as we walk through the door, and she gives a grateful moan.

  “What pj’s?” She glances back. A strand of her jet-black hair gets caught between her lips and she looks sexy as hell.

  “Don’t you have pj’s?” I move my massaging efforts down her back, and she melts into me in a puddle of groans.

  “I sleep naked, remember? You’re mostly responsible for that.”

  “And believe me, I’m grateful.” I take a gentle bite out of her ear, and she lets a cry rip from her throat like she’s about to lose it right here in the living room. “I thought you might want to get some sleep—you know, first day of school and all.”

  “Oh, you’re right.” Her left brow does its impression of a fishhook. “I’d hate to have any bags under my eyes in the event I’ve got a hot professor I’d like to impress.”

  “Whoa.” I spin her into me while guiding us back toward the bedroom. “I knew you were only using me for my scholastic standing.”

  “Oh hush, you.” She loosens my tie and slips it from around my neck before unbuttoning my shirt. “That was a mean trick you pulled last semester by not telling me you were taking over my class.”

  “I’ve got a few more mean tricks I’m ready and willing to pull on you.” I track my hand up her thigh and run my fingers down the back of her G-string.

  We hit the end of the hall and enter the bedroom. I flick the lights on, and Kenny is quick to shut them off again.

  “You can pull all the tricks on me you like.” Kenny trails her hot lips down my neck, my chest, until she’s kneeling before me and freeing me from my Levis. “I’ll let just about anything happen in the dark.”

  Kenny isn’t a fan of having a white-hot spotlight over her in the bedroom, but every now and again she gives in, and damn, it’s hotter than a brushfire watching Kenny Jordan work me over with that heavenly bod.

  “Now, if the rest of Garrison isn’t getting much sleep tonight”—she tugs my jeans down to my thighs—“I’d hate to be the exception.” Kenny strokes my dick with her tongue, and I let out a groan that puts any wild animals hanging out around the cabin on a three-mile alert. “You like that?” she teases. Kenny grazes over the tip before plunging her mouth over me, eager and willing, and I can feel myself growing to capacity in her.

  “Damn, Kenny.” The words hiss out of me like a train sputtering into the station. I run my fingers through her long, glossy hair until I’ve tangled myself in her mane, and I hang on while she rides me slow and even. “Yes.” I can hardly catch my breath as I start to tremble over her. Kenny reaches up and gives my balls a gentle massage “Fuck, yes.”

  Kenny plunges down again and this time sucks in her cheeks, holding my cock hostage in the best way possible.

  “Oh shit,” I whisper. “Where the hell did you learn to do that?” On second thought, I don’t want to know. Kenny doesn’t bother to answer the stupid question. Instead, she brilliantly brings me to a climax that has me groaning and moaning at the top of my lungs. I try to pull out but she digs her nails into my ass, imprisoning me in her mouth while I indulge in one of the best happy endings Kendall Jordan has ever treated me to.

  She pulls back and spits out the reserves over her shoulder.

  “Sorry.” The moonlight sweeps over her as she wipes her mouth with the back of her arm.

  “Don’t be.” I flick off my shoes and free myself from my boxers and jeans. I pull Kenny up to the bed with me. “I’ll have my dick write you a thank-you note in the morning.”

  She belts out a laugh, and her teeth shine like a row of stars.
  “I’m so damn in love with you, you know that?”

  “Then come here and kiss me.” She pulls me in but I resist the invite.

  “I will kiss you.” I pull her up until she’s sitting.

  “On the lips.”

  “That’s exactly where I plan on kissing you.” I reach down and run my fingers soft and light over her inner thigh and she lets out a whimper. “You didn’t think I was going to let you go to sleep without returning the favor, did you?” I gently lift her dress off. Kendall leaves her arms in the air for a few extra seconds, and I admire her that way. “I can’t believe in a few short months you’re going to be my wife,” I whisper, mostly to myself. Kenny’s had me under a trance since that first night we met at a frat party last December, and I never want to break free from the beautiful hold she’s got on me.

  “You are excited about the wedding!” She scratches playfully at my chest.

  “Of course I am.” I pull her hand in and kiss it. “But, truth be told, I’m pretty damn excited about the wedding night, too.” I kiss her other hand as well because I don’t play favorites. “And every other night that follows.”

  “I especially like the sound of that.” Kenny starts in on a series of kisses up the side of my neck, working her way to my ear until my skin tingles with goose bumps. It drives me insane when she—I suck in a breath through my teeth—dives her mouth over my ear.

  I lay her gently back down and glide my hands around her until I manage to unhook her bra.

  “In fact”—I pluck off the lace number and toss it in the corner, taking in the view with her back arched over the mattress—“I’ll make sure we have one hell of a creative honeymoon. How’s that?” Kendall’s got the body of a goddess-in-waiting—those round perfect nipples call to me like candy. I bend over and graze one with my lips and she starts to pant as if she’s halfway there.

  “I think that sounds perfect. But it doesn’t have to be anything fancy. As long as we’re together, that’s all I need. I swear to you, the cabin is fine.”

  I know Kendall will want to be back for Lauren’s big day, but that still gives us plenty of time to do something memorable.