Read Something About Lorelei Page 9

  “Good. We had a lot of fun.”

  “That makes me happy. Why don’t you go put your bag in your room?”

  “Okay.” She smiled.

  I looked at my mom, who was grinning at me. “So how did your night go?”

  There was no way in hell I was going to tell her what happened with me and Jack.

  “The party was a lot of fun.”

  “So you had a good time?” Nick asked.

  “I did. It was a wonderful night out. Thank you again for keeping Hope overnight.”

  My mom walked over and gave me a hug. “You’re welcome. You know how much we love that little girl. We have to get going, sweetheart. We’re meeting some friends for dinner.”

  “Have a nice dinner and thank you again.” I kissed both their cheeks. “Hope, Grandma and Grandpa are leaving. Come say goodbye.”

  She came running from her room and into their arms, hugging and kissing them goodbye. After we ate dinner, I helped Hope with her bath and we sat down on the couch and watched Cinderella.

  As she was snuggled against me, she looked up. “Cinderella got her prince.” She smiled.

  “She sure did.” I kissed the top of her head.

  “Prince Charming never gave up until he found her.”

  “Nope. He didn’t.”

  “I wish you would find a Prince Charming.”

  I tilted my head as I stared into her blue eyes. “Why, Hope?”

  “Because you deserve one.”

  My heart ached when she said that. “I had my Prince Charming, baby. Your daddy.”

  “I know, but he’s not here anymore, so maybe there’s another Prince Charming somewhere out there. You don’t believe he was the only Prince Charming in the world, do you?”

  “I don’t know what I believe, baby. But I do know that it’s time for you to go to bed.” I tapped her on her nose.

  I tucked Hope into bed and kissed her good night. “Sweet dreams, little one.” I smiled.

  “Good night, Mommy.”

  I walked into my room and climbed into bed. I lay there and stared at the flowers that were sitting on my dresser. Picking up my phone from the nightstand, I sent Jack a text message.

  “Thank you for the flowers. They’re pretty.”

  I didn’t expect him to reply since it was a Saturday night and I was sure he was out. I was wrong.

  “You’re welcome. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I’ll see you on Monday.”

  “You too.”


  “Yes, Jack?”

  “I just want you to know that I really enjoyed our time together last night and I don’t regret what happened.”

  “Me too. Have a good night.”

  He said he had never been in love and that made me feel sorry for him. To be thirty-two years old and to have never experienced the beauty of love with someone was tragic. I couldn’t think about him anymore. Last night was a mistake; a beautiful mistake, but I wanted nothing more than to put it out of my mind and move on.


  As I nervously walked down the street to the office building, the only thing I could hear was the sound of my heels clicking against the pavement. My belly was already flipping around at the thought of seeing Jack. Taking in a deep breath, I stepped onto the elevator and looked at my watch. It was seven fifty-five a.m. When the doors opened, I gulped as I stepped out and headed down the hallway to my desk. After setting my things down, I stepped into Jack’s office and let out a sigh of relief when he wasn’t in there. Setting his coffee on his desk, I took in a sharp inhale when I heard his voice from behind.

  “Good morning, Lorelei.”

  “Good morning, Jack.”

  As I walked past him to leave his office, he reached out and lightly took hold of my arm. I stopped, looked at his hand on my arm, and then up at him.

  “Again, I’m sorry.”

  Was he sincere? I was eighty-five percent sure he was. Hearing him say he was sorry versus reading it on a card were two different things.

  “You’re forgiven.” I gave a small nod.

  He let go of my arm and I walked to my desk.



  Sitting down at my desk, I picked up my coffee cup and, when I took a sip, I spit it out.

  “Lorelei!” I yelled.

  “Why are you yelling?” she asked as she walked into my office.

  “What is this?” I held up the cup.

  “Your Americano with a triple shot of espresso. Like you get every morning.”

  “This is NOT an AMERICANO! It’s sweet and sickening. Taste it.” I held out the cup to her.

  She brought it up to her lips and took a sip. “Oh. You’re right. This isn’t an Americano. It tastes like a caramel macchiato. You can clearly see on the cup it says ‘Americano Triple shot espresso.’”

  “I see that. Obviously, they fucked up.”

  “Would you like me to go get you a new one?”

  “No. I have a meeting to get to.”

  “I’m sorry, Jack. I guess from now on, I’ll have to taste it before I leave.”

  “It’s not your fault. I’m sorry I yelled your name like that.”

  She gave me a small smile and walked out of my office. After grabbing my phone from my desk, I headed upstairs to my mother’s office.



  As Jack walked down the hallway to his meeting, I sat there with a smile splayed across my face. Starbucks didn’t screw up Jack’s coffee. I did. I ordered a caramel macchiato but had them write “Americano” on the cup. I considered it a small payback for him being an insensitive jerk. Even though the day had just started, for me, it was now complete.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Stepping into my mother’s office, I took a seat across from Coco, who was sitting at the round table with Garrett and our mother.

  “What is going on?” my mother asked as she took off her glasses and glared at me. “I had a very important meeting this morning with the editorial staff, which I had to cancel due to your ‘emergency’ meeting. These two won’t tell me a thing.”

  “I don’t even know what this is about, Mother,” Coco expressed as she took a sip of her coffee.

  “We’re here to talk about Bradley Shaw,” I spoke.

  “What about him?” my mother asked.

  “He’s embezzled money from this company.”

  Coco choked on her coffee as her eyes grew wide. “What?!”

  “You know this for sure, Jack?” My mother glared at me but spoke with a calm tone.

  “Yes. His secretary found some papers on his desk and when she asked him about it, he became very nervous and hasn’t been seen since. I have a private investigator trying to find him and we’re meeting with a lawyer from Finn, Muir, & Abernathy. I have someone upstairs right now hacking into his damn computer to try and find out where the money is.”

  “How much did he take?” Coco asked.

  “Over eight million dollars.”

  “WHAT?!” she shouted so loud that it made my ears hurt.

  I stared at my mother, who took in a deep breath and sat there with her arms folded.

  “Keep me posted and keep this quiet. Make sure Lindsey doesn’t speak a word of this to anyone.” She got up from her seat and walked out of the office.

  Garrett looked at me and narrowed his eye. He was thinking the same thing I was. I got up from my seat and tilted my head to the side, alerting Garrett to follow me out of the office.

  “Don’t worry, Coco. We’ll get to the bottom of this.”

  Garrett followed behind, and as we stepped onto the elevator, he looked at me.

  “What’s up with Kit?”

  “If you mean why she didn’t seem upset, I have no clue.”

  “Maybe she’s in shock?” Garrett asked.

  “Doubt it. I’ll talk to you later.” I placed my hand on his shoulder as I stepped out of the elevator.

call accounting and have the last six months’ reports brought down,” I spoke as I scurried past her desk and went into my office.

  I sighed as I sat down and turned to my computer. Cupping my face in my hands, I heard Lorelei’s voice.

  “Here are your reports,” she announced as she set them on my desk.

  Running my hand down my face, I looked up at her. “Thank you.”

  “Are you okay?”

  With a small grin, I spoke, “I will be if you give me a kiss.”

  “No thanks, Jack. Been there, done that, and we saw how that turned out.”

  “I think it turned out perfectly.” The corners of my mouth curved upwards.

  “Really?” She stood in front of my desk with her hands on her hips, turning me on more than I already was.

  I got up from my chair and slowly walked over to where she was standing. Running the back of my hand down her cheek, I spoke, “Yes. Really.”



  My body was on fire at the mere touch of his hand on my cheek and the ache down below that I’d been feeling since our night together escalated. I swallowed hard as our eyes locked.

  “I’ll never forget the way your body trembled under the tips of my fingers or how your eyes danced with delight when my cock thrust deep inside you.” He leaned in closer to me until his lips were millimeters from mine. “I’ll never forget the way your lips felt against mine. I want to feel that again, Lorelei.”

  I was trapped in his gaze as he ran his thumb across my lips. His hand reached around to the nape of my neck as he gently kissed me and I kissed him back.

  “I said something I shouldn’t have. I sent you apology flowers and you forgave me. Now I know you want to feel my cock inside you again,” he whispered.

  “No I don’t,” I panted.

  “Yes you do. I can tell by the way you’re trembling right now.”

  My panties were soaked already and my heart was rapidly beating. He was right. I did want to feel him inside me again. When he touched me, I forgot about what an asshole he could be. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Damn it. WHAT!” he shouted.

  I hurried and took a seat across from his desk. He walked over to the door and when he opened it, Coco walked in.

  “Why did you yell like that? Was I interrupting something?” She glared at him.

  “Yes. Actually, you were. Can’t you see I’m in a meeting?”

  She rolled her eyes at him and I snickered.

  “Hello, Lorelei.”

  “Hi, Coco.”

  “Sorry to interrupt your meeting, but I need to talk to my brother.”

  I got up from my chair, still trembling on the inside from his touch. “No problem.” I smiled as I walked out of his office.

  It was lunchtime, so I grabbed my sketchbook and walked down the street to a café called LaRue. As I sat down at a table by the window, my business phone rang. It was Jack. I rolled my eyes as I answered it.


  “Where are you?”

  “Lunch. You know I go to lunch every day at this time.”

  “Yes, I know. But where are you having lunch?”


  “Because I’m your boss and I want to know, damn it.”

  I pulled my phone from my ear and looked at it like I couldn’t believe he just said that.

  “I’m down the street at LaRue’s.”

  “Good. I’m joining you. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Click.

  For fuck sake. Why the hell did he have to join me for lunch? I needed to get over the fact that my body was still craving him from earlier. Since he felt the need to ruin my lunch, I put my sketchbook in my bag and looked out the window.

  “Good afternoon. Are you ready to order?” the waitress named Jennifer asked.

  “Hi. I’ll have the Cobb salad, please, and I have someone joining me.”

  “Cobb salad it is. I’ll grab another place setting for your guest.” She smiled.

  A few moments later, Jack walked into the café and I immediately crossed my legs. The ache between them had to stop.

  “Did you order yet?” he asked as he sat down across from me.


  “What did you order?” He picked up a menu from behind the napkin holder.

  “Cobb salad.”

  “Sounds good. I think I’ll get the same.” He winked.

  “So why are you here, Jack?”

  He narrowed his eyes at me. “To have lunch with my beautiful personal assistant and to talk about the launch party. It is in a few days.”

  “Everything is all set. All you have to do is show up.” I smiled.

  “I figured as much. Now that we got that out of the way, let’s discuss what almost happened earlier.”

  Shit. Why can’t he drop it?

  “Saved by Coco.” I grinned.

  “Have dinner with me tonight and we can go back to my place after so I can make you tremble again.”

  “I can’t. I’m sorry. I have plans.”

  “Doing what?”

  “My best friend, Stella, is coming over for dinner tonight,” I lied.

  “Oh. Well, can’t you have her over for dinner another time? I’m sure you see her all the time since she’s your best friend.”

  “And I see you every day.” I smirked.

  The waitress walked over and set my salad down in front of me.

  “What can I get you, Mr. Sutton?” she asked with a wide smile.

  “I’ll have what she’s having.”

  “One Cobb salad coming right up.” She winked at him.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “So you know our waitress?” I asked.

  “Not personally. I come in here a lot. Are you jealous?” He smirked.

  “Why would I be jealous?” I frowned.

  “Why wouldn’t you be?”

  Ugh. He was really testing me. I wasn’t feeling well as it was and he was getting on my last nerve with his cocky attitude. I leaned across the table.

  “Listen, Jack. Just because we slept together doesn’t mean anything. If you have it somewhere in that thick skull of yours that I’m smitten, head-over-heels in love with you, you’re wrong. It was sex.”

  “It was more than just sex, Lorelei.” The corners of his mouth curved up.

  “No. It wasn’t.”

  “Yes. It was.”

  I took in a sharp inhalation. “Then why don’t you enlighten me on how it was more than just sex.”

  “I know for a fact you can’t stop thinking about that night. I see it in your eyes every time you look at me. You want more and so do I.”

  Oh my God, he was so full of himself. I sat there in shock at his words.

  “You’re a player, Jack. You have girls lining up at the door who want to have sex with you.”

  “True. But I want more sex with you.” He smiled.

  “Why?” I cocked my head.

  “Because there’s something about you, Lorelei.” His phone rang and he reached in his pocket. “I need to take this. I’ll be right back.”

  I slumped in my chair. He was right. I did want more sex with him, but it was too dangerous. Dangerous in the fact that I hadn’t told him about Hope and I was afraid of his reaction when he found out. I was scared for my job. A job that I really liked. I was falling for Jack Sutton more and more every day, even though I fought like hell not to.

  “Okay, now back to talking about having sex.” He reached across the table and took hold of my hand, rubbing his thumb softly against my skin. “Like I said, there’s something about you that intrigues me. You’re different and I think more sex is necessary. Let’s just say you’ve gotten under my skin, Lorelei.”

  “And you’ve gotten under my skin, Jack. But not in a good way.” I smiled.

  “You go right ahead and keep denying it. Since your friend, Stella, is coming over tonight, I’m going to let you get of
f work at three o’clock today. When you leave the office, I want you to go to the Trump Hotel and get the key to my room. Wait for me and I’ll be there shortly after you arrive.”

  “You have a room at the Trump?”

  “Not yet. But I will in a few minutes.” He winked.

  Damn it! My body was spinning out of control with sexual desire and I wanted him. I tried everything to resist. My heart was screaming at me from the inside to stop, but my body was screaming to go…go…go.

  “So let me get this straight. You’re letting me leave work two hours early so we can have sex?”

  “Yes,” he replied with a smirk.

  This was against my better judgement, but the way his hand was holding mine drove me crazy. I already knew what his hands were capable of and I wanted them all over me.

  “Okay. I’ll be waiting for you at the Trump.”

  “I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

  Looking at my watch, lunch was over.

  “I need to get back. Are you coming?” I asked.

  “I’ll meet you at the office. I have a couple things I need to do before I go back.” He removed his hand from mine.



  Lorelei left the café and I dialed Trump International Hotel.

  “Good afternoon, thank you for calling Trump International Hotel. This is Natasha. How may I help you?”

  “Good afternoon, Natasha. This is Jack Sutton. Is your Executive Parkview Suite available right now?”

  “Let me check for you, Mr. Sutton. Yes. That room is available.”

  “Excellent. I want to book that for the rest of the day. Also, please have chocolate-dipped strawberries and a bottle of your best champagne in the room.”

  “Certainly, sir. When will you be checking in?”

  “Check me in now. You have my credit card on file. A woman named Lorelei Flynn will be arriving shortly after three o’clock.”

  “We look forward to your visit, Mr. Sutton.”

  “Thank you.” Click.

  Walking out of the café, I climbed into the limo and told Tony to take me to Victoria’s Secret.

  “Jack?” He arched his brow as he looked back at me.

  I sighed. “Just take me there. I need to pick something out for Lorelei.”

  “You’ve never stepped foot into Victoria’s Secret.” He smirked.