Read Something Wicked Page 20

  Eden bit her bottom lip. “Right. Uh, thanks Leena. I don’t know what I was . . . um, what I was thinking.” She shook her head, averting her gaze from Darrak’s as she brushed past him and went back into the apartment.

  Darrak followed, glowering at the shifter, who smiled sweetly back at him as she closed the door.

  “You’re welcome,” she said.

  With amusement, Darrak watched the horror return to her eyes as he changed to black smoke in front of her a little quicker than he normally would. She shifted to her cat form again, hissed, and scurried away from his noncorporeal form.

  It was important to enjoy the small things in life.

  Eden had sat down on the sofa. Even with her admission, she still eyed him warily as he approached.

  “It doesn’t change anything between us, you know,” she warned.

  No, she was right about that. No matter what the act of possession felt like for her, it didn’t change the fact that he was draining her of her life’s energy every time he did this.

  However, this time he did notice the slight arch to her back as he possessed her, her breasts straining against the thin material of her blouse. The soft gasp from her lips as she squeezed her eyes shut.

  It made him strangely happy.

  But the happy feeling didn’t last long. His next thought managed to destroy it.

  Selina’s spell. The one that would imbue Eden with more powerful and soul-damaging black magic every time they were together sexually.

  Shit, he thought with a dark, sinking feeling.

  They didn’t have to actually have sex to trigger the spell, did they?

  The spell was triggered every single day at sunset when he possessed her.


  Darrak had been unusually quiet since sunset. But chatty or not, Eden had to take the next step.

  “I want to ask you something,” she said. She hadn’t left the apartment all evening. She didn’t know where to go at the moment, so she stayed in and tried to watch TV as she waited for the right time to broach this subject with Darrak.

  Leena had disappeared into the bedroom and was currently sleeping under her bed. Eden wasn’t sure why the shapeshifter was being so unsocial that evening.

  “What?” he asked.

  “What do you think Theo has planned for that black diamond of his?” she asked, trying to sound casual. Theo hadn’t come out and admitted in front of her that he planned to destroy Lucifer with it. But that was what he was going to do. And she’d been recruited as a double agent to help stop him.

  It was like the rerun of Alias currently flickering on her television. Only Eden didn’t have cool multicolored wigs like Jennifer Garner.

  Darrak hesitated. “I’m not sure.”

  “You don’t sound sure about not being sure. Are you sure you’re not sure?”

  “Sure. Theo does his own thing. He always has.”

  She curled her legs up under her on the sofa and pulled a cushion onto her lap, hugging it to her chest. “So you don’t even question him?”

  “I guess not.”

  He was keeping things from her. Then again, she was keeping things from him, too, but that was for his own good.

  She could call Darrak by his full demon name, Darrakayiis . Then she would be able to command him. The first time she’d used it, she’d forced him to show her his demon form. When Darrak was under her control, he couldn’t lie to her, either. At the very least, he’d have a hell of a time trying.

  As much power as that gave her, it felt incredibly wrong to take his free will away like that.

  Eden used to think money made the world go around. After a lifetime of scraping by and a mother who either won big or lost big at the casinos, Eden was used to slim times. But now she knew it wasn’t really money that made the difference. It was power.

  And, hell, money still helped. Even a black witch had to feed herself.

  Darrak broke the silence after a minute. “You need to forget about that diamond.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Trust me, it would be better if you did.”

  “I want it,” she said as calmly as she could.

  “Pardon me?”

  She grabbed the remote control and flicked off the television. “I want the angelheart.”

  A long moment of silence hung between them. “It’s a bit too big to make a fetching necklace for you. And, really, what would you wear it with?”

  “I don’t want it as jewelry.”

  “Then why do you want it?”

  She stood up and paced back and forth anxiously. “Because I don’t trust Theo, and I know he’s going to do something stupid with it. If he doesn’t have it anymore, no stupid can occur.”

  “Theo’s not stupid.”

  “I guess we have differing opinions on the subject.”

  “Seems like. If you want the angelheart, maybe you should ask Theo for it the next time you see him.”

  She hissed out a breath. “He’ll say no to me.”

  “Wear that blue dress of yours and he might change his mind.”

  “I don’t think it’s going to be that easy.”

  “I don’t know about that,” Darrak said slowly. “Theo did fall for a human once before.”

  That was surprising. Theo had been in love? “What happened to her?”

  Darrak paused. “She died a horrific death and her soul was consumed by hellfire.”

  Her stomach lurched. “Why am I not surprised?”

  “That’s typically what happens when humans get involved with demons,” he said pointedly.

  She snorted. “Is that a promise or a threat?”

  “Just an observation. But back to the angelheart . . . you need to forget it.”

  “Can you get it for me?” She held her breath as she waited for his answer.

  “And why would I want to do that?” he said evenly.

  “You need a reason other than ‘pretty please’?”

  “Afraid so.”

  His flippant attitude was quickly frustrating her. “An angel already suffered and gave up his immortality so Theo could take his power away.”

  “That angel didn’t deserve to be an angel. You saw him. His returning to Heaven with wings intact was already uncertain without Jack Daniels pushing him in the right direction. Heavenly and hellish entities really need to be careful with human drugs and alcohol. Dangerous stuff.”

  “Theo didn’t have the right to steal from him. It was wrong.”

  “I think you’re forgetting something, Eden. Demons don’t do things for the greater good of mankind. Humans are playthings, mostly. Meaningless diversions.”

  She stared at her reflection in the glass on the balcony door. Her arms were crossed tightly over her chest. “Is that how you feel?”

  “How I feel?” There was an unpleasant twist to his words. “I shouldn’t be feeling anything. I’m a demon, and I keep managing to forget that little tidbit. Maybe it’s good that Theo’s around to remind me of what I truly am. After all, what I really should be feeling is: ‘Hooray, Theo drained an angel today. Point for us.’ ”

  At her reflected look of shock, he actually chuckled.

  “Sorry, I’m not quite as valiant as Detective Hanson. I’m sure he’d be scandalized and disgusted by what happened and willing to march off to war to retrieve that angelheart for you.”

  “You’re right. He would.” Ben had made some stupid decisions lately, but Eden knew he had made them for all the right reasons.

  “Glad to hear you’re still a fan.” But Darrak didn’t sound glad. He sounded pissed off.

  This discussion wasn’t going half as well as she’d hoped. But what had she thought would happen? That he’d choose to help her—some random woman he’d met by accident a couple of weeks ago—over his centuries-old friendship with another demon just like him?

  Was Darrak exactly like Theo?

  She would have said no before, but the way Darrak was answering her questions now—there was
no revulsion for the other demon, no judgment. Theo was just Theo. And Darrak seemed to trust him implicitly, no matter what he did or said.

  Eden had desperately wanted to tell Darrak the truth. While she couldn’t say anything about the deal she’d made with Lucifer, for fear of repercussions if he found out, she could share what she’d learned about her father possibly being an angel. And about the Malleus being very interested in how that might affect the demon that possessed her.

  But now she didn’t want to tell Darrak anything at all.

  “I’m going to bed,” she finally said.

  “Maybe you’ll dream about golden boy tonight swinging in and rescuing you from the evil demon.”

  “I hope I do,” she agreed.

  “Sweet dreams.” Darrak’s tone was decidedly sour.

  Eden could pretty much guarantee her dreams that night wouldn’t be sweet.

  She sincerely hoped tomorrow would be better than today.

  It couldn’t possibly get any worse.

  Nothing used to get to Darrak. Nothing.

  Ah, the good old days.

  Back then, when he’d felt defeated or powerless or even afraid—although that had happened very rarely—he’d covered it up with a joke or a sarcastic comment. He still did that. His mask? Maybe a little. But a snide comment or witty comeback made things easier.

  He wasn’t feeling all that witty at the moment.

  He felt angry mostly. And frustrated.

  And . . . uncomfortable.

  He refused to wear the fuchsia underwire bra. It pinched.

  Leena watched him suspiciously as he got ready to leave the apartment in Eden’s stolen body at half past midnight to meet up with Theo at Luxuria.

  “What?” he asked with Eden’s voice.

  “Going to meet your mystery man again?” she asked.

  “Good guess.”

  “Who is this guy, anyhow?”

  “Love to tell you all about it,” he said, “but I just don’t want to.”

  A flicker of confusion went through Leena’s gaze at the flippant reply. Darrak honestly didn’t care if the shifter figured out what he was doing or not. He was a demon, and he could do whatever he wanted without worrying about any repercussions. In fact, he should revel merrily in it.

  He’d revel merrily later. He mentally put it on his to-do list.

  Darrak waited for Leena’s accusation that was sure to go something along the lines of, “You nasty piece of demon shit. How dare you steal Eden’s body to meet your nasty evil piece of shit friend just so you can feel whole again and not like a washed-up and worthless excuse for a once-powerful archdemon.”

  As he’d said before, the shapeshifter was very insightful.

  In fact, he challenged her to say something. He stood there, one stolen hand on one stolen hip, and he arched a stolen eyebrow. “Got a problem with me, cat?”

  She had to know, didn’t she? Weren’t shifters all intuitive like that?

  Leena glared at him for five full seconds before her bottom lip wobbled. “I’m so sorry, Eden.”

  He frowned. “What?”

  Leena inhaled shakily. “I know I’m difficult to live with. I know I always say the wrong thing and I can’t get along with anybody. But I’ll . . . I’ll try to get along with the demon. It’s not going to be easy, but I’m willing to try. I have the kind of personality that needs to fight with others. Darrak’s not the first. I just like to protect the people I care about from those I think are dangerous.”

  “You think Darrak’s dangerous?”

  “Well, duh. Of course he is.”

  He considered this for a moment. “You’re right, of course.”

  She wiped her moist eyes. “I am?”

  “Yes. I think he’s probably going to get me killed if I can’t find a way to get rid of him.” Well, it was the truth, after all.

  “You need to exorcise him,” she said firmly.

  He snorted. “I appreciate that being so top of mind that you didn’t even hesitate before suggesting it.”

  Leena sat down at the tiny dinette table. “I know people, Eden. They can take care of a demon infestation in twenty minutes or less. They’re independents, not associated with the Malleus.”

  “Really? You’re associated with these people?”

  She bit her bottom lip. “My ex is one of the leaders.”

  Interesting. “And he’s your ex, because?”

  “Because I . . . may have stolen something from him,” she said tentatively.

  “Stolen something like what?”

  “Just something small and valuable and worth a fortune. They’re like modern-day Robin Hoods. They steal from the supernaturals they slay and give to the poor victims. And, well, themselves, of course.” She wiped a tear away and actually grinned a little wickedly. “It’s in a safe spot right now waiting for my first opportunity to fence it.”

  Fence it? Darrak’s suspicions were confirmed. Little Miss Kathleen Harris was a thief and a con artist who’d brought trouble upon herself and now relied on Eden’s benevolent nature to protect her from harm.

  And this little confession was because Leena trusted Eden and wanted to strengthen their burgeoning friendship.

  She really had no idea who she was actually speaking to.

  Poor, clueless kitty cat.

  “I want you out of here in a week,” Darrak said.

  Leena’s face fell. “A week?”

  “I think that’s more than generous. Now that I know who you’re hiding from, it doesn’t exactly make me feel comfortable having you around anymore.”

  She stood up so quickly the chair fell to the floor behind her. “But—but what about you and Darrak? If you’re together—”

  He laughed. “You know the saying about shutting the fence after the horses have escaped? That’s how it is between me and Darrak, so don’t worry your furry little head about the fact I can’t keep my hands off the demon’s amazing body.” He added the last part to make himself feel better. It helped a little.

  “But—but you just agreed that he’s dangerous.”

  “Of course he’s dangerous. He’s a demon.” Darrak said. That was the whole point of this display, wasn’t it? He’d accepted that about himself. He was dangerous. And Leena got to be victim number one of his renewed outlook on life.

  “But . . .” Leena looked at a loss for words. She wrung her hands nervously.

  “Seriously, Leena. I know you say you hate him, but don’t you think he’s kind of hot?”

  “Hot?” Leena repeated. “Well . . . uh . . . of course he is.”

  He grinned inwardly. Made her admit it.

  This was getting to be fun.

  “Eden, you need me—” Leena continued.

  “No, actually I don’t. Neither of us needs you.” The crueler he was to her the more powerful he felt. He waited to feel guilt, but there was nothing. “Frankly, you’re a waste of my valuable time. One week and then you figure out how to save yourself because I’m not going to help anymore. I have my own problems to deal with. Got it?”

  Leena’s lips trembled.

  “Well?” Darrak prompted. He waited for her to freak out and start yelling and throwing insults.

  Instead, two tears streaked down Leena’s cheeks. “Got it,” she said softly.

  Well, that wasn’t as much fun as he’d hoped. He watched her warily for a moment, waiting for her to gather herself together, but she didn’t. He’d hurt her deeply. Or, rather, Eden had.

  He didn’t feel bad about that one little bit.

  Did he?

  Darrak forced himself to turn away and walk to the door. “Don’t wait up for me.”

  Once he’d left the apartment, his head began to clear again. This was the way it had to be. Demons weren’t concerned with hurting someone else’s feelings. They were straightforward, blunt, and completely selfish. He had to look after number one—himself. That was the way it should be.

  He’d only changed because of the humanity he
’d been forced to absorb, but that didn’t mean who he was underneath it all was any different. He liked being a demon, without all this inconvenient guilt or emotion to deal with. He’d enjoyed his work and had only grown more powerful until that fateful day with Lucifer that made him vulnerable to a witch’s summoning.

  But Darrak was close to putting the last three hundred years behind him once and for all. He would be cured, he would be powerful again, and all would be well with the world.

  He was an archdemon. And any human or shapeshifter unfortunate enough to cross his path should fear him deeply.

  Hell, yeah.


  There was something really strange about this place. But . . . what was it?

  The other night, Darrak had sensed something unusual about the Luxuria nightclub, but he hadn’t been able to put his finger on what it was. It was still too vague for him to figure it out, but it was decidedly not normal or completely human. There was a darkness here.

  And darkness was good for a demon, right?


  “Party on,” Darrak said under his breath, refusing to let the sound of Eden’s voice speaking his thoughts bother him. He took what he wanted when he wanted it. Period. And if his lovely host didn’t like it, well, then that was just too bad.

  He was in control at the moment and until such time as he decided to release it. Eden dampened him whenever she wanted to, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that he could do the same.

  The only difference is I gave her permission to dampen me, he thought.

  Who cares? his other side chimed in. Permission is for wimps. Take what you want when you want it. Be a demon!

  Great. He was a demon with a proverbial devil and an angel on either shoulder. That was going to prove to be very inconvenient.

  He mentally flicked the angel off his shoulder. It crashed and burned to the floor.

  Much better.

  He scanned the nightclub for Theo but didn’t see him. His gaze fixed instead on a familiar face who’d already spotted him. Nancy, the barista from Hot Stuff, made a bee-line directly toward him.

  Oh, great, he thought tightly.

  “Eden,” she said. “This place is fabulous! Thank you so much for suggesting it to me the other day.”