Read Something Wicked Page 22

  Darrak moved away from Theo and walked up and down the narrow hallway. He could still clearly hear the music from the next room, the incessant throb from some generic but popular dance song. He closed his eyes and opened his senses as much as possible. He could sense Asmo now. Everywhere.

  Another thought occurred to him. “Six women have disappeared recently. Regulars at this club. Do you know anything about that?”

  Theo crossed his arms. “Asmo got a bit too hungry. Took a little too much. He wasn’t able to stop until there was nothing left.” He shrugged. “It happens. No big loss.”

  No big loss. Just six lonely, lust-filled human women who frequented a nightclub hoping to find a man. Who cared about them? They’d become food for a demon lord. It was actually an honor.

  This is what he told himself. Down deep he didn’t entirely believe it.

  Darrak had come close to draining Eden once before, but he’d stopped himself in time. Would she have simply disappeared as well?

  The thought was extremely disturbing to him.

  “What about the reporter? Did Asmo kill him, too?” Darrak rubbed his forehead and found his hands caught in Eden’s long red hair. It was another reminder that he’d stolen her body. He kept his arms to his sides. It was safer that way.

  “Nope,” Theo answered.

  “I didn’t think so. He was strangled, not drained.”

  “Yeah, Asmo wanted me to make it look like human-on-human violence. Had to control my strength, though. It was really tempting. That guy was really rude.”

  Darrak’s mouth went dry. “You did it?”

  “Of course. He was snooping around, and Asmo got uncomfortable. I took care of it for him. Wouldn’t have wanted the reporter to go get a couple of exorcists. That wouldn’t have been pretty.”

  No, it wouldn’t have.

  Darrak tried to calm himself. It was just his hated humanity that was rising up right now trying to tell him that all of this was wrong. It wasn’t wrong. It was the way it should be. It was perfect, actually. This was his chance to decide on which side he wanted to hang his hat and whether that hat would be black or white.

  White had always made him look a bit pasty.

  When Darrak’s curse was broken, none of this would hold the same weight as it did now. He’d be back to normal, and he’d welcome the chance to drain some humans. Hell, he’d done it countless times in the past. Why was this any damn different?

  It wasn’t.

  Darrak forced a smile to his borrowed face. “I really should have figured it out. I’m kind of embarrassed.”

  Theo laughed. “You should be. But you can make it up to Asmo tomorrow. Be present for his awakening.”

  “His awakening?”

  Theo touched the wall and looked up at the ceiling. “He’s gained enough strength to move to the next step of his plan. Tomorrow at noon he’s going take form again.” His smile was wide when he turned to Darrak this time. “Asmo’s agreed to help you with your curse.”

  “He has?”

  Theo nodded. “But he wants you present tomorrow. Once he heals himself, he’ll heal you as well.”

  His answer, finally, and it was currently lurking in the walls and floor tiles of Luxuria.

  Darrak’s head swam from this information, but he forced any weakness away and instead focused on the most important bits—the ones that involved him again becoming the demon he once was. There’d be no more weakness then. It would be a nice change after all these years.

  He and Asmodeus were both in the same boat. Both looking for a way out of a sticky situation Lucifer was responsible for.

  The enemy of my enemy is my friend, Darrak reminded himself. It seemed to apply in this case.

  “Thank you,” Darrak nodded. “This is a great gift. I appreciate it more than you know.”

  “Oh, this isn’t your gift. Actually, that’s waiting outside. Unfortunately, I couldn’t figure out how to put a ribbon on it.” Theo moved toward the exit and touched the metal door. “Are you ready to see it?”

  More gifts? Darrak was a lucky boy tonight. He pushed aside all the doubts he’d had and only a cool resolve was left behind. This clarity of what he wanted and what he had to do to get it was refreshing.

  No guilt need apply.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” Darrak confirmed, finally allowing himself to relax a fraction after being tense since he’d entered the club.

  Hey . . . a familiar little voice in the back of his head said groggily the next moment. It was Eden. What’s going on—?

  With a quick flex of his mind he dampened Eden’s presence again. She’d woken too easily. Damn, she was stronger than he’d thought.

  If he tried really hard, it would be possible to permanently dampen her. He’d heard of other bodiless demons who’d done that, found a suitable replacement host and taken it over completely. If things fell through, he supposed that was an option . . .

  Darrak ignored the twinge of guilt he felt at even entertaining that thought. Because demons didn’t feel guilt. Eden was his present. But his future was undetermined.

  It would be determined tonight.

  “If you don’t mind,” Stanley said, and his voice shook a little, “I have a prior commitment.”

  Darrak had forgotten he was even still there, witnessing their very unusual conversation.

  “Blonde, brunette, or redhead?” Theo asked.


  “Go for it. But I’ll need your services again later so don’t go far.”

  “Yes, sir.” Stanley scurried off.

  Theo pushed his shoulder against the door and opened it wide enough for Darrak to walk through.

  This was a night to remember. The night that would shape things to come.

  Darrak pushed aside the niggling feeling of dread he got. It was probably just indigestion.

  He couldn’t wait to see what this gift was. He’d always loved presents.


  Darrak had to admit, he was hoping for a pony.

  “I’ve cloaked the area for sound,” Theo said as they exited the nightclub into the cold night air. “And anyone who wanders back here won’t see anything.”

  “That’s ominous.”

  “Just want to give you a chance to enjoy your gift. Here, give me your hand.”

  Darrak eyed his friend warily, then held out Eden’s right hand. Theo placed the hilt of a knife into it.

  “You shouldn’t have. Does the serrated edge go with my eyes?” Darrak continued to follow Theo curiously as they approached the back of the building.

  “The knife’s not the gift.” Theo stopped walking and nodded his head. “That is.”

  They’d entered a nicely deserted alley lit by only one small light set into the side of the building. The wind blew, making a hollow whistling sound and scattering garbage and dry leaves along the dirty pavement.

  Standing in the dead center of the alley was Ben Hanson.

  Theo approached Ben and thumped him on his back. “I restrained him for you. He can’t move. But believe me, he’ll be able to feel everything. Have fun.”

  Wow. This was a surprise.

  So . . . does this mean I’m not getting a pony? he thought.

  Ben’s eyes were closed. His normally perfect face showed some damage—cuts and scrapes. Some looked deep. His blond hair was streaked with red. His right cheek was bruised and a thick line of blood trickled from the corner of his mouth and dripped to the ground. His shirt, once white, was also torn and bloody.

  The guy was a mess.

  “So, this is my gift?” Darrak asked evenly.

  Theo looked very pleased with himself as he nodded. “He is. You said yesterday this guy was a pain in your ass and you’d gut him if you had the chance.”

  He did say that. At the time he’d meant it. This cop had been nothing but a problem since the day he’d met Eden, and now that Ben was with the Malleus he was even worse.

  Ben had almost killed Eden last night thanks t
o his consuming drive to fight evil. Eden might be ready to make excuses for his actions and forgive and forget, but Darrak couldn’t.

  He was funny like that.

  Ben’s eyes suddenly opened as if he was just coming to. “Eden . . . what are you doing here? It’s not safe. You need to leave right now!” He looked at Theo. “Get away from her, you asshole!”

  It was almost amusing to Darrak. The cop thought he was Eden. Which, since he was currently occupying her body, wasn’t that hard to believe.

  His gift from Theo was Ben’s head on a platter. It was very thoughtful of him.

  Darrak approached Ben slowly, keeping the knife hidden behind his back.

  “Can you move?” At the moment Darrak sounded so much like Eden that the cop’s gaze didn’t even seem to register anything different.

  “No. Damn it. This . . . this demon grabbed me outside my house. Next thing I know I’m standing here and can’t budge an inch. He’s evil, Eden.”

  Ben was in bad shape. Darrak wondered what Theo had done to him in preparation for this moment. It didn’t look like anything pleasant. Stitches would definitely be required.

  Golden boy thought he knew evil? Darrak supposed he hadn’t looked in the mirror lately. The Malleus weren’t exactly squeaky clean.

  “Well, of course he’s evil, silly,” he said dryly. “All demons are evil. It gives balance to the universe, don’t you know, like a massive chess game. Black against white.”

  Shades of gray. Don’t forget about the shades of gray.

  Shut up, he told the nonexistent angel that had slowly and wearily mountain climbed back onto his shoulder.

  “Aren’t you afraid?” Ben asked hoarsely.

  “Afraid? Why should I be afraid? Was I afraid last night when you tried to kill me?”

  Ben’s expression shadowed. “I didn’t mean for that to happen. I wanted to help you. I—I still do. Just because you’re a black witch . . . it doesn’t mean anything. But you have to get out of here, Eden. It’s dangerous.”

  Wasn’t that sweet? He was willing to see past Eden being a black witch, despite the murder attempt by his associate. How generous of him. Darrak cocked his head to the side. “Actually, I’m not Eden, pal. But I’ll be sure to give her your regards in the morning.”

  Ben frowned. “You . . . you’re not . . . ?” Then clarity entered his expression. “You son of a bitch.”

  “Didn’t we already go over this once before? No mother. You really have to find another insult.”

  “You stole her body.”

  “Borrowed,” Darrak corrected, refusing to flinch at the reminder that he was being very naughty again.

  He wanted to be naughty. That was the whole point of being a demon.

  “You don’t deserve to be ten feet away from her, let alone be able to do this.” Ben looked disgusted enough to spit.

  “Are you saying you don’t want to kiss these lips again? Because I’m fine with that.”

  Theo walked a slow circle around the two of them. By the expression on his face, he seemed to be enjoying the show.

  “Just an FYI, cop,” Darrak continued, “but Eden doesn’t need your opinion. Never has, never will. And this white hat routine doesn’t work on me.”

  “White hat routine?”

  “Yeah, you might be all high and mighty, busting criminals and drug rings or whatever you do during the workday.” Darrak had a former host who’d enjoyed watching nothing but retro cop shows and movies, so his education on that particular job was a bit skewed toward Lethal Weapon and Die Hard. “But joining the Malleus? You have no idea how corrupt they are.”

  Ben glared at him. “There is corruption in every company. If you look close enough, you’ll find it. But it’s individuals, not the entire association. I believe in what the Malleus stands for. Even after what happened last night, I still do. My eyes are just a bit more open about the problems, that’s all.”

  He sure looked sincere. Indignant, even.

  “You’re one of the bad guys,” Darrak told him.

  “No,” Ben said. “That would be you.”

  Oh, yeah. Right. Why did Darrak keep forgetting that?

  “Are you going to talk to him or gut him?” Theo asked. “I’m getting kind of bored here.”

  “How can you do this to Eden?” Ben demanded with disgust. “Use her like this when you know damn well she’s foolish enough to care about you.”

  Ouch. And Darrak had thought he’d get the first slice.

  Darrak pulled the knife out from its hiding spot behind his back. “So tell me, Ben. You want a slow or quick death? I’m leaning toward a slow one right now. You’ve been that much of a pain in my ass.”

  Ben didn’t flinch. “She has no idea what a monster you are, does she?”

  “I’ve given her plenty of chances to figure it out. It’s not my fault she thinks I’m delicious and nutritious.” He smirked.

  “She’ll never forgive you for this.” There was determination in Ben’s eyes. He knew death was coming, and he’d accepted it. Embraced it, even. It was more than a little disappointing. Darrak had fantasized about the cop begging for his life.

  There was still time for that.

  “You really think she gives a damn about you either way anymore?” Darrak shook his head. “Dream on.”

  “You know she does” was Ben’s reply. And he didn’t even sound smug about it. Just matter-of-fact.

  Darrak really hated this guy.

  He clenched his jaw. This wasn’t going very well. Theo had been so thoughtful, too, picking out a gift Darrak was sure to enjoy.

  He wished he was enjoying it.

  Ben’s gaze moved to the sharp knife in Darrak’s—or rather Eden’s—hand and there was a short flash of fear in his expression before it disappeared.

  So the valiant knight wasn’t made of impenetrable shining armor after all.

  “You shouldn’t have kidnapped Eden last night. That was a bad move, cop.”

  “Eden’s a special case.”

  “I’ll agree with you there.”

  Ben swallowed. “As far as we know, she’s the first nephilim ever possessed by a demon. The Malleus leaders wanted to know more about her and how what she is affects you as a demon. I didn’t know she was a black witch, too. I didn’t know that would put her in danger.”

  There was a long moment of silence as this new information settled in.

  “Nephilim?” Darrak repeated softly. “Did you say Eden’s a nephilim?”

  Ben’s expression tightened. “Didn’t she tell you?”

  “Hasn’t come up.”

  Ben nodded, a look of resolve coming into his gaze. “I’m glad to see she’s smart enough not to trust you. That’s a start. Maybe there’s still hope for her yet.”

  Theo started to laugh from behind him. “You have got to be shitting me. Red’s a nephilim? I’m surprised you can even stand to be in that body.”

  “She’s human,” Darrak said. “I know she is. I never sensed anything else.”

  “Well,” Theo interjected, “you didn’t sense Asmo, either, did you?”

  That was very true. But . . . a nephilim? Eden’s father—she’d never known him. This meant he was an angel?

  Holy shit.

  “You’re destroying her, you know that?” Ben said.

  Ben gasped as Darrak pressed the knife against his throat.

  “I know,” Darrak snapped.

  “You’re poison to her,” Ben growled. “Like a disease.”

  “I’d shut up now, cop. I strongly suggest it.”

  “Just kill me. Get it over with. Wouldn’t want to keep you from destroying Eden’s life any further.”

  “Yeah, kill him,” Theo said. He sounded bored. “Let’s move this along, shall we?”

  Darrak didn’t want to talk anymore. It was making his head hurt.

  “Okay,” he said. “Here it goes. Prepare to meet your maker. Or whatever.”

  “I’m not afraid,” Ben said through clench
ed teeth.

  “You should be.”

  “But I’m not.”

  Darrak sighed with exasperation. “Don’t argue with me. I’m going to kill you. Seriously.”

  “Then do it already.”

  Darrak pressed the knife hard enough to make a thin line of red ooze up against it, and Ben actually flinched. Finally, a quantifiable reaction.

  He expected to feel relief or a giddy sense of pleasure at inflicting pain on the asshole who’d been an inconvenient obstacle since the first moment they met. But there was no pleasure or giddiness.

  Ben didn’t deserve to die.

  He never had. He really was a golden boy—making selfless decisions and trying his best to do the right thing, especially when it came to Eden.

  How could Darrak possibly fault him for something like that?

  Darrak swore under his breath. Why couldn’t Theo have gotten him a pony? Now that would have been fun.

  He eased up on the pressure before he did any more damage.

  “Release him,” Darrak said stiffly, his borrowed voice barely audible.

  “What?” Theo replied. “I don’t think I heard you right.”

  “You heard me right. Let the cop go. Let him go back to the life he’s made for himself, being the Malleus’s newest lapdog. I’m not going to kill anyone tonight, especially not while I’m in Eden’s body. She wouldn’t appreciate that very much.”

  Theo sighed with frustration. “Who cares what Eden wants?”

  “I do,” Darrak said firmly.

  Ben looked at him with surprise and apprehension. As though this was just a ruse for him to let down his guard before Darrak sliced that knife right through him.

  I should kill him, Darrak told himself. I should be loving every minute of this.

  But he wasn’t.

  It was very disappointing.

  “This is too difficult for you?” Theo asked, confused.

  “I’m afraid so.”

  Theo held out his hand. “Can I have my knife back?”

  Darrak returned the weapon to him.

  “I’d be happy to help you out.” Theo arched the knife toward Ben’s chest.