Read Sommersgate House Page 7

  “Oh! There you are,” Julia greeted her as if she was actually looking for her and wanted to speak to her. Veronika was finishing in her bathroom and watched as the American approached.

  “Look at these… can you believe? I told Sam I needed a mobile phone and a computer, what… two hours ago? And look.”

  Veronika shrank back as Miss Julia showed her a sheaf of papers, all of which had tiny writing and pictures of phones or computers on them.

  “‘Pick one,’ Sam said, ‘and I’ll have it delivered to you this afternoon.’ This afternoon!” Miss Julia shook her head and Veronika watched the shining, fair hair move around the woman’s tired face. Unlike Lord Ashton and his mother, this one, Veronika could tell from her own awful experiences, was in mourning.

  In Russia, when you lost a loved one, you wore black and you beat your chest and you cried and screamed and followed the coffins throwing yourself on the ground while you cursed God. Veronika knew this, she’d done it three times in her short life.

  Not here, not in England.

  Here, one day Lady Tamsin and Mister Gavin were alive, the next day, they were not and it was business as usual.

  Veronika had walked in on Mrs. K snuffling into her handkerchief and Carter hadn’t spoken for a week, walking around tight-lipped and pale.

  But, the family had showed no signs that the slightest thing was amiss.

  But Miss Julia looked like she could use a black shawl around her head and good scream and beating of the chest. Her grief was etched in every line of her body.

  In her short, sad life, Veronika had lost her mother, father and sister. She knew grief and the look behind Miss Julia’s eyes was a look Veronika had seen in the mirror many a morning (and sometimes she still saw it in the mirror). She could try to hide it but it showed.

  “Which one should I pick?” Miss Julia asked, sounding genuinely like she wanted an answer.

  Veronika stared at the papers, not understanding the words written on them.

  “I do not know,” she answered in her heavily-accented English.

  “I don’t know either,” Miss Julia sighed and walked down the hallway. Little Ruby was laying on her back on the bed, arms and legs splayed out like she was arrested in the act of making a snow angel. Julia jumped on the bed and pulled the child’s t-shirt up and blew a raspberry so loud on her belly that the child shrieked with laughter. It made Veronika want to smile. She hadn’t heard laughter in this house in… well, she’d never heard it.

  Though, of the three children, Veronika knew Ruby would one day find it the hardest. She didn’t know what she felt now, just loss and bewilderment. To her, Mummy and Daddy could come back any day.

  But one day, without the precious memories the others enjoyed, Ruby would have the hardest time of all.

  “So, you’re coming with us to London?” It took a moment to register that Julia was speaking to her she was so used to being ignored. Veronika stood there, carrying the towels Julia had used the night before.

  “I… yes. To look after children,” Veronika answered.

  “Have you ever been to London?”

  Veronika shook her head.

  “Then you’ll go with us on Saturday,” she decided and Veronika just stared. “We’re going to Kensington Palace to see Diana’s gowns and to Madame Tussaud’s to see all the waxworks.”

  “And the Tower of London where they chopped off people’s heads!” Ruby shouted, even though both women were close enough to hear.

  Julia turned and looked at Veronika, her tired, sad eyes kind.

  “Would you like that, Veronika? To see Diana’s dresses?” she asked.

  “And the place they chop off heads!” Ruby shouted again and Julia smiled indulgently at the child.

  Veronika didn’t know what to say. She was paid to do what she did. Would she get sacked if she went sightseeing in London? Mrs. K said the American was now a member of the Ashton family and should be treated thus. If Miss Julia told her she must go then she couldn’t refuse.

  She’d always wanted to go to London, she’d always wanted to go anywhere and everywhere, to travel and have adventures, see things, meet people, eat different food and hear different music. But those were dreams and even though she was only seventeen she knew that her life was this. Work and loneliness, not sightseeing in London. Any dreams Veronika had were long since dead.

  “Don’t worry, Veronika, we’ll take care of you,” Miss Julia assured her in her soft, throaty voice, watching Veronika closely.

  “Yes! Auntie Jewel takes care of everyone. That’s what Daddy always says.”

  Both women looked at the child who was now on her knees, her hands clasped in front of her, her eyes bright with excitement at the prospect of London.

  Veronika turned to the American and saw the tears shimmering in the other woman’s eyes. Knowing instinctively what to do, before little Ruby could see her aunt’s despair, Veronika rushed forward.

  “Come, girl. We take a walk to see what Missus Kilpatrick is doing, maybe she makes bread. You help her.”

  Ruby, always up for an adventure, shot out of the room.

  Veronika quickly followed her but when she turned to close the door behind her to give the American some privacy, Julia was there, one hand on the door to stop Veronika.

  “Thank you,” Julia whispered, her voice such an absolute ache Veronika felt it lodge in her own throat just hearing it.

  Veronika nodded and gently closed the door.

  No, Veronika didn’t know what to make of the American. But somehow, she felt maybe she could believe her luck had changed.

  Chapter Five

  Douglas’s Protection

  The doorbell rang at Douglas’s house in the posh Kensington area of London just as Julia was walking down the stairs. She saw Veronika come out of the room where she and the kids were watching a DVD and she waved her back.

  “I’ve got it,” she told the girl, Veronika nodded and walked back from where she came.

  Julia opened the door and a short woman with dark hair highlighted expertly with blonde streaks charged in.

  “Okay… I hope I’m not too late but I had a million things to do,” the woman announced without saying hello.

  But she didn’t have to say hello.

  Julia had never met Sam Thornton but she would know her voice anywhere.

  Sam whirled around once she’d gained entry and stopped. Julia saw Sam was wearing a well-cut, black suit with impossibly high-heeled black pumps and still she was at least four inches shorter than Julia.

  “Well, I can see I didn’t need to rush. Wow, that’s quite a dress,” Sam pronounced, her eyes giving Julia a head-to-toe.

  “Sam,” Julia said and walked forward, bent down and tightly hugged the woman she’d known for months but had never met.

  The last three days, as with the last five months, Sam had been her lifeline. She’d arranged for Julia to have a mobile phone, a laptop and had the technician come to Sommersgate to connect Julia’s new computer not only to the high-speed broadband that was already laid to the house but also to connect it to Douglas’s complicated, wireless network in the house. Sam acquired an e-mail address for her as well and this meant Julia was in touch with family and friends back home and for that she’d be forever grateful.

  Sam had sent Julia all the forms she needed for her driving license and from the Home Office. She’d researched health insurance and sent her job openings and volunteer opportunities in Julia’s field. She’d even looked into getting Julia a bank account, which right now seemed impossible due to laws put in place to prevent terrorist activities and thus Julia had to be a resident of the country. It appeared Douglas had to open an account for her which was an aggravation Julia did not need and something she had to discuss with him on Sunday.

  As the days went by, Julia was getting more and more uncomfortable with the “arrangement”, as Douglas had called it, and needing to rely so heavily on him, even when he wasn’t there. Her debts to him were
mounting up and Julia was making carefully updated lists to tally these debts so she could (if she ever saw him for long enough to have a conversation with him) settle them.

  Once Julia stepped back from Sam, the other woman started talking in her usual rapid fire way.

  “Good to meet you too,” she said, obviously flustered at Julia’s show of affection. “I brought half a dozen frocks just in case you didn’t have anything suitable to wear tonight but it seems I didn’t need to worry.” She gestured at Julia’s outfit and then quickly on to another thought, she glanced around her. “Where are the kids?”

  Without a response from Julia, Sam headed directly towards the lounge and the other woman’s command of the situation and everything around her made Julia smile.

  She looked down at her dress thinking with amusement about Sam taking charge of even her wardrobe. Julia’s dress was jade green satin, with a high, mandarin neckline with intricate aquamarine frogs and scrolled cording. The hem was embroidered extravagantly in pale yellows, deep pinks, aquamarine with accents of black and gold with high slits up her thighs on either side. She wore a pair of delicate but dangerous-looking high, spike-heeled, slingback pumps. She’d twisted her hair up at the back, clipping it at the crown with a gold barrette inset with jade allowing the thick, waving blonde mass to fall over the clip.

  She followed Sam into the lounge and it was clear the children knew her as they crowded around and Sam gave them affectionate hugs. Either they knew her or they were overwhelmed by the big chocolate bars she was freely distributing from her handbag.

  Julia’s week had been hectic, settling in, getting sorted, understanding the children’s schedules which included daytime trips for Ruby to gymnastics and ballet classes and evening piano and violin lessons for Willie and Lizzie with Lizzie also taking ballet. There was also homework and instrument practice and the rigid schedule of the house mealtimes and bedtimes to keep.

  That day they’d left early and Julia was thrilled to be free of the forbidding house that, even as enormous as it was, still felt claustrophobic. She sensed a strangeness there she couldn’t put her finger on and Ruby’s imaginary friend (whom the girl talked about all the time) was giving her the creeps.

  Carter drove them to London where they spent an excruciatingly busy day visiting Kensington Palace, the mad, tourist-filled crush of Madame Tussaud’s and the equally crowded Tower of London.

  Still not sleeping well, with a day on her feet fighting crowds, watching over the children and hustling from one place to the next, Julia was shattered.

  All week, when she did eventually sleep, it was fitful, filled with strange dreams she couldn’t quite remember or disturbed by an odd tapping at the window that was most likely the branch of a tree or shrub but in the dark of night seemed something else, something sinister.

  Tonight, Sam had told her, she would be having dinner with Douglas and two of his friends, Charlotte and Oliver Forsythe. Julia had met Charlotte and Oliver on several occasions when she’d visited Tammy and Gav. Charlotte was the editor-in-chief of a glossy fashion magazine and Oliver’s family was in banking. “In banking” was Tammy’s way of saying his family owned the controlling share of a bank with hundreds of branches nationwide. Julia liked them both. Even though she didn’t know either of them very well she knew they’d been good friends to Tammy and Gav.

  They would all then be off to an art gallery opening. There, Sam warned her, she would face the “paps”. Thus the need for Sam’s “frocks” as Sam had informed her she wanted Julia to be confident in the face of the onslaught.

  “And every girl knows, confidence often comes in the form a fantastic outfit!” Sam had proclaimed (quite rightly).

  This was something Julia had not anticipated. She did not look forward to this evening, dressing up and having dinner with people she didn’t know very well was enough of a drain on her flagging resources. But facing “paps” made it all the worse.

  “Paps” was English slang for “paparazzi”. Tamsin and Gavin, she knew, were both photographed frequently at balls and other events that Tamsin supported in her role as Lady Tamsin Ashton Fairfax. But Douglas was positively hunted by the photographers. Julia had seen his face dozens of times in various magazines in The States. Until Sam reminded her, it hadn’t occurred to Julia that, in being with him, she would also face the paparazzi. This would be a unique experience but she couldn’t imagine they’d have an interest in her when Douglas was there as a target. Perhaps, she thought (or more to the point hoped), it wouldn’t be that bad.

  “I thought I’d take the kids to a movie tonight, if you don’t mind,” Sam said, interrupting Julia’s thoughts.

  “Wicked!” Willie shouted what Julia was coming to learn was his favourite word.

  “In Leicester Square, Lizzie, where they have all the big premieres, like Harry Potter.” Sam went on when Lizzie didn’t act as thrilled as Willie.

  “Okay,” Lizzie muttered, too well-mannered to ignore someone speaking directly to her but also not willing to show any excitement.

  “Is that okay?” Sam asked Julia and Julia nodded and smiled. The kids would love it and they certainly had enough of being holed up in austere, posh houses.

  She saw Veronika standing away from the group, her face carefully blank and Julia had an idea.

  “Could you take Veronika as well? I’m sure she’d like to see Leicester Square and she’d help you out with the kids,” Julia asked Sam quietly, looking at the young girl across the room and giving her a wink.

  “Sure thing. Ronnie you’re coming with us!” Sam announced and Julia watched with satisfaction as Veronika’s studiously controlled face positively lit up.

  The Russian girl had been a godsend that day. She carefully looked after the children, was immensely gentle with them, occasionally cautiously affectionate and she obviously took her job very seriously. She’d also noticed that, several times, Veronika lost herself in wonder at the sights they’d seen and Julia was pleased that she’d brought her along instead of leaving her with Carter while just she and the kids enjoyed their activities.

  “But we must go, on the double, or we’ll miss our showing. Come on! Chop chop!” And Sam clapped her hands as the kids and Veronika trooped into the hall to get their coats.

  Julia was carrying her evening bag and walking beside Sam and she pulled it open to take out some money for the kids and Veronika.

  “You have a car big enough for all of them?” she asked, sorting out two fifty pound notes because she had no idea how much an evening out to the movies in London would cost. Considering the exorbitant cost of everything else that day, a hundred pounds might not even cover it.

  “No worries. We’ll take a taxi. Haven’t experienced London unless you’ve had a ride in a London taxi. I have one waiting outside with your frocks. We’ll swing by my house, drop off the dresses and off we go,” Sam assured her as they stopped several feet from the front door.

  “Can you come directly back after? Ruby shouldn’t be out late,” Julia requested.

  Sam laughed. “I’ve got five nieces and two nephews. Don’t worry about us, I know the drill. We’ll be fine.”

  Julia started to hand her the money when a deep voice came from behind them.

  “What’s happening here?” Douglas asked.

  Julia whirled around and saw Douglas was standing in the open doorway looking sophisticated wearing another superbly-tailored navy suit, this one without pinstripes. It was accompanied by a deep burgundy shirt and monochromatic tie.

  She hadn’t seen him since Wednesday, hadn’t even spoken to him on the phone. She’d just managed to force him, and the disturbing and confusing rush of feelings she was having, out of her mind. At the sight of him standing there managing to look both dashing and unapproachable, those feelings crowded in on her uninvited and she felt her breath momentarily quicken.

  Ruby dashed to him and threw her arms around his legs. He touched her head lightly, this she accurately took as a signal to disen
gage and Douglas nodded to Willie’s, “’Lo, Uncle Douglas,” and briefly and distractedly touched Lizzie cheek as he walked by the girl.

  “Sam is taking the kids to the movies. I was just giving her some money,” Julia explained.

  Ignoring the proffered notes, Sam ordered, “I’ll put it on my expense account. Right boss?” she said with a cheeky grin at Douglas and, not waiting for an answer, she addressed the crowd. “We’ll be late if we don’t go and you two will be late if you don’t go… children! Onward!” she ordered and trooped the kids to the door leaving Julia standing there, still holding the notes in her hand.

  “Hang on!” Julia called. “Kids… kisses!” And they all came back, briefly pressing kisses to her cheek and rushed, followed by a quiet Veronika who appeared to be trying to make herself invisible, out the door.

  When Julia turned around, Douglas was gone. A light was now on in what she knew was his study and she stuffed the notes in her purse as she walked to the doorway. He’d laid his briefcase on his desk and had the phone in his hand.

  “Carter,” he said into the receiver, “we’ll meet you at the front door.” He turned his head to look at her as he replaced the receiver. “Are you ready?”

  In response, Julia put her arms out slightly at the sides, looking down at herself.

  “I see you are,” he said, his tone no longer businesslike but vastly different. He was looking at her, his eyes moving down her body in a lazy way.

  From the look in his eyes, she felt that familiar tremor slide up her spine and her stomach lurched, then clenched and she felt pleasantly warm, unwelcomely so.

  What was he playing at? He hadn’t even said, Hello, how were the last three days of your new life? Now he was eyeing her like she was dinner.