Read Song of the Sword Page 19

Ayden ran through the trees as fast as his legs would carry him. His heart beat against his chest and branches slapped at his face and hands as he sped through their grasp. The trees began to thin, and he could hear voices ahead. His heart pounded faster as he recognized the strange language of Sabina's companion; and then Sabina's voice screamed, "NYA! AHDA!"

  Her words were followed by an ear-piercing scream. A flash of light reached Ayden's eyes as he commanded his legs to move faster. He came into a clearing, sword raised and ready for combat. But what he saw made him slide to a sudden stop.

  Sabina and Nya stood over the fallen body of some creature. Nya's eyes burned white hot, and her staff smoldered against the victim's body. Sabina stood beside her. As she looked up at Ayden, he could see her face was covered with blood. It dripped sickeningly off of her chin and down her cloak. Her hands were also covered with crimson liquid, and she breathed heavily as her body shook. When she saw Ayden, she screamed and ran into the darkness.

  "Sabina! Wait!" he attempted to run after her, but was stopped by the long wooden staff of her companion. "Let me go! She's hurt!"

  Nya, whose eyes still held some of the fiery white glow, answered him calmly in her own tongue. Ayden didn't know what she'd said. He didn't care. Sabina was hurt and if he didn't get to her soon, she'd bleed to death.

  Ayden shoved the girl's staff away and stepped in the direction that Sabina had disappeared. Before he had gotten far, however, she reappeared, most of the blood washed away. Ayden ran to her, checking her over for wounds.

  "It's okay, Ayden. I'm not hurt."

  "But, all that blood. What happened?" He looked around until his eyes rested on the fallen body. Volos, Da'ewyn, and Pax were standing over it, breathing heavily from running after Ayden.

  Volos looked at him. "It's a deer." He looked at Sabina with eyes full of mistrust. Ayden knew that the killing of animals for any purpose other than for food and clothing was detestable to his friend. Volos' voice boomed as he asked, "What happened here? Why have you done this?"

  "Eet was, ah, mourund." Nya's gentle voice caused everyone to jerk their heads in her direction.

  "You can speak English?" Ayden asked.

  "I've been teaching her a little. She said it was dying. It had been wounded somehow," Sabina said.

  "Then what was all that screaming?" Da'ewyn asked suspiciously.

  Sabina shifted her weight nervously. "That was Nya's bird. It alerted us to the deer's condition. I couldn't keep it down on my own--it was too strong. So I screamed for Nya's help. I had to slit its throat or it would've suffered. When it struggled, I got blood on my hands and face."

  Ayden looked over to Nya for confirmation to the story. Somehow, he couldn't wrap his mind around the image of his old girlfriend killing anything. Nya's eyes seemed sad, and he was certain Sabina was holding back information. He looked at her again, ready to question more.

  "Look, here's the knife. You can inspect the deer if you like to see if what I say is true." Sabina handed Ayden the bloodied knife, and he and Volos examined the deer's throat. Nothing seemed unusual about the cut; it was clean and expertly made. A burn mark was left where Nya's staff had held the deer. There was another large, older wound on its side where it had become horribly infected. Sabina's story appeared to be accurate.

  Ayden didn't like the uneasy feeling that lingered in the air. He knew his companions would object, but he made a solid decision not to let Sabina be parted from their company again. He had to find out what was happening with her one way or another.

  "I think you two should travel with us. It's too dangerous for you to be alone." He could hear Da'ewyn gasp in protest behind him, and Volos cleared his throat, signaling his displeasure. Pax didn't speak, but rattled the infuriating pouch.

  "Thank you for the offer. But we've been traveling on our own for a long time now without your help. We'll be fine," Sabina answered firmly.

  Nya touched her arm gently and spoke to her. As they conversed, Ayden listened intently. Slowly, he picked up a word here and there, just as he'd done with Volos and Nyxia. He heard "help" and "protection" in the mix. Sabina became agitated and shook her head at Nya. Her companion remained calm as she placed a hand on Sabina's shoulder. "Please," she stated calmly in English as she stared into her friend's eyes.

  Sabina sighed and hung her head for a moment as she thought. Ayden could see her struggling with herself as she sighed again and shifted her weight. Finally, she spoke, "Okay, Ayden. You win. We'll travel with you. But only until we--well, until we need to part ways."

  "Could we speak with you in private?" Da'ewyn asked through gritted teeth. Ayden groaned. He didn't feel like discussing this decision with the princess or Volos. He walked over to them and in hushed tones argued his case.

  "Look, I know you two don't trust them. But what better way to keep our eyes on them then to have them with us? Besides, we've seen how Sabina can fight. We may need her help."

  "We already have too many in this group, Ayden," Da'ewyn said. "Two more will draw even more attention. She said she's a part of the danger here; what if she's with Degus?" she retorted stiffly.

  "I know her. She's not evil," Ayden answered.

  "You used to know her. She's obviously not the same girl you were once infatuated with."

  "Volos, please. Let them come with us. If there is any sign of trouble, I'll handle it," Ayden pled with his older companion.

  Da'ewyn, Pax, and Ayden all focused their attention on Volos as he weighed the decision in his mind. Finally, he said, "Alright, Ayden. I'll put my trust in you. But know that if either one of them poses any kind of threat, I won't hesitate to run them through."

  Ayden sighed with relief. "Thank you."

  Traveling with the new companions proved to be less than pleasant. Da'ewyn made herself scarce, and Ayden knew she was keeping an eye on the new members from a distance. Volos remained tense, and Pax jangled the marbles more frequently.

  As they walked, Ayden learned that Sabina had searched and found a gateway near her family's new home. She'd told her family that she was traveling to Europe to attend college and left for Shae Vale instead.

  "What about Nya? How did you hook up with her?" Ayden asked.

  "We kind of bumped into each other one day. She's an excellent guide. Well, she's more than that now. She's a good friend."

  "How do you know her language? You couldn't have been in Shae Vale long enough to learn a whole new language."

  "Her language is similar to French, sort of. I just caught on to it quickly."

  Ayden felt like Sabina left a lot out of their conversations, but he didn't press her. Instead, he listened intently every time she and Nya talked, and it wasn't long before he understood a lot of what they were saying. Nya must've sensed this, because she whispered more whenever he came near while they spoke.

  Ayden also noticed, uncomfortably, that Pax had taken a special interest in Sabina. He had attempted more than once to start a conversation with her; but one scowl and he'd nervously jangle the marbles and scurry away, forcing his nose into a book. Ayden felt he really needed to help Pax get over his silly shyness, if for no other reason, to at least get him to leave the stupid marbles alone. But he didn't want Pax practicing bravery with Sabina.

  Ayden watched Sabina with hawk eyes as they journeyed. She seemed so pale and thin, and her floating movement baffled him. On more than one occasion, he woke in the night to find her missing. He'd search for her, but could never find her. He even followed her the night he was on watch to see where she went, but as soon as she reached a shadowy area, he lost her. She always returned a couple hours before dawn and silently crept into her wrap, falling instantly into a deep sleep. This caused a disconcerting notion to form in Ayden's mind about what might be happening with his high school sweet heart.

  After another night of watching Sabina, Ayden walked alongside Pax the next day and
whispered, "Pax, have you ever read anything about vampires?"

  Pax shrugged, "A l-little. M-My uncle h-had every b-book you could find 'bout th-tham." Then he looked at Ayden. "Wh-why?"

  Ayden swallowed and took a calming breath. "I need you to tell me everything you know."

  Chapter Twenty

  The Fury of the Full Moon