Read Song of the Sword Page 30

Pax shook uncontrollably, whether from fear or rage, Ayden couldn't tell. He was hot with anger himself as he helplessly watched the elf- sorcerer circle around Sabina like a hawk calculating an attack. Jared then turned his attention to his captive audience.

  "You keep quite a unique band of company, Sabina. A siren, a human, a Veela," he said and then paused in front of Volos. He studied his massive form for a moment, tapping his index finger against his bottom lip. "I'm not quite sure what this one is, but give me time, I'll figure it out." He released devilish grin. Volos scowled and fought against his restraints. Jared ignored him and moved on. "Ah, yes," he said as he turned toward Pax. "how could I have forgotten the sorcerer? If you can call him that."

  Jared's face contorted with disgust. "You're a disgrace to sorcery, child," he said as he frowned at Pax. Then, as quickly as his frown had appeared, it was replaced with another slick smile. "Ah, well. All the better for me then, eh? I won't have to worry about you much will I?"

  Ayden's blood boiled as he struggled to break free.

  "Stop it!" Sabina screamed. "You have no business holding them here. This is between us. Let them go."

  Jared chuckled as he traced a finger against Sabina's cheek. She jerked her head away, glaring at the elf. "I'm not afraid of you, you know," she said in a deadly whisper that made Ayden shiver.

  For the first time, Jared's face seemed soft and serious. His eyes became tender, almost sorrowful, as he looked into Sabina's. "I know you're not, Sabina," he said softly.

  Sabina wasn't deterred. "But you're afraid of me, aren't you?" she asked as her lips curled into a dark smile.

  Jared's face resumed its haughtiness, and he gave Sabina a smirk. "I would never be afraid of you, Love."

  "Then release me and face me fairly," she challenged.

  "That would be impossible. You want me to find a cure, don't you?"

  Ayden's heart sank. Don't listen to him, Sabina! He shouted in his mind. Why couldn't telepathy by one of his abilities?

  When Sabina didn't answer, Jared continued, "I need you to come with me. As soon as I have what I need, the cure will be easy to produce," Jared spoke casually.

  Sabina's eyes were wide as she answered, "Will you let them go if I do?"

  Several muffled screams chorused from the trees as Sabina's companions attempted to yell their protests. Jared's eyes glowed with triumph. "Of course, whatever you want. Although, I may ask one of your friends to join us," he said, casting Pax a creepy glance. "I believe you possess something my master greatly desires," he said with a sneer. Then, he walked to the Pax's side and peered toward his back, his face now filled with intrigue. "Something I greatly desire," he whispered.

  Before any further explanation could be made, a lone knife flew through the air from nowhere and sank into Jared's leg. He yelled in pain and turned furiously to face his attacker. Ayden scanned the area, but saw no one.

  Jared raised his hands and chanted some kind of spell as if to draw out his enemy. Instead of a body appearing, another knife sliced through the air, cutting Jared's arm. His creepy servant, Devel, suddenly appeared. "It's him, master! We must leave!"

  Jared's face grew a shade paler as he looked tentatively to the trees. A tall man appeared wearing a ragged T-shirt and--Ayden had to blink to make sure he was seeing correctly--blue jeans. The man's messy black hair ruffled in the wind and a smile formed on his stubbly face. He held up another knife with a black, leather-gloved hand.

  How could he have avoided Jared's magic? Ayden watched excitedly as the man sauntered toward Jared. The sorcerer attempted to speak boldly as he backed away from the intruder. "Devlin. How good to see you again."

  Ayden felt Jared's grip loosen as the sorcerer's concentration weakened.

  "Good to see you, too, Jared. Now what could you be up to?" Devlin asked with a smooth voice as he raised an eyebrow and looked around at Jared's captors. His eyes rested momentarily on Nya, his smugness fading slightly. Then he turned back to Jared. "I think you'd better surrender quietly, don't you?" he asked as his pale blue eyes flashed white. Ayden and Pax were almost free. Jared wouldn't be able to hold them much longer.

  "What I am up to is none of your concern. I came for this girl and she has agreed to leave with me," Jared said as he placed himself behind Sabina, shielding himself with her body.

  "You made this my business as soon as you abducted my sister," Devlin's eyes burned white hot, and the companions fell to the ground. Everyone lunged at Jared simultaneously, but he and his servant disappeared in a sudden blast of smoke.

  "AHHH! He took my knife," Devlin said and then turned to Nya.

  She ran to him and he lifted her off of the ground, spinning her in a joyful embrace. She spoke to him in their language after he had placed her back on the ground, "It has been far too long, Devlin! I've been worried for you."

  As Nya quickly introduced everyone, Ayden noticed that she and the other girls had changed from the elvish dresses back into their old clothing. He then watched Devlin as he shook hands with each of them in turn. He bore a tattoo of a lightning bolt on his neck, and several small scars shone silver against his contrasting bronze face and arms.

  "Two sorcerers and two sirens--seems like a double amount of trouble to me," Da'ewyn was saying under her breath. But when Devlin reached out to shake her hand, she seemed suddenly hypnotized. It was payback time. Ayden punched the Veela in the arm. The princess snapped out of her trance and, after scowling at Ayden, smiled at Devlin.

  Strange that he shakes hands--a human custom. And he wears blue jeans. What's that all about? And he speaks English. Ayden cleared his throat and drew Devlin's attention away from Da'ewyn. "Forgive me for being nosy, but how is it that Jared's magic had no effect on you?"

  Devlin smiled, causing a deep dimple to form in his stubbly cheek. He looked at Nya and she nodded to him. "My older sister seems to trust you, so I guess I can too." He pulled a flat, circular object from beneath the collar of his shirt. It hung from his neck by a thin, leather strap and seemed to shimmer as Devlin touched it. "It's a special charm, given to me by my grandmother. As long as I'm wearing it, no magic can touch me. But Jared doesn't need to know that," Devlin smiled and then tucked the charm safely behind his shirt.

  "My brother, he is a bit of a trouble maker," Nya said as she smiled affectionately. "But he has a good heart." Ayden translated as Devlin rolled his eyes.

  "How did you find us?" Volos said. He was studying Devlin with an unwavering stare.

  "Completely by accident; I've been hunting sorcerers, just for fun." Pax turned pale and took a step away. "I didn't realize Jared had met Nya until just now. A nice coincidence, don't you think?" he asked as he gave his sister a cheesy smile.

  "Would it have killed you to wait one more minute? He was about to take me from here and find a cure!" Sabina yelled. Her eyes flamed at the newcomer as he turned to face her.

  "Sorry, but either you are far too desperate, or you're just plain stupid," he said, scowling. Nya spoke to him firmly in their language. He ignored her as he continued to speak to Sabina. "Jared is out for one person and one person only-Jared; although I hear he's currently in Degus' employ. He wasn't going to find a cure for you. There is no cure, little vampire. The sooner you accept that, the better," he said firmly. Then his face softened. "But, this is your lucky day. I was hunting vampires in the Other World before Jared helped me make a change of direction in my life. His experiments have caused a lot of problems for both worlds. Filthy vampires are seeping into the OW like cockroaches."

  Sabina and Nya both glared at Devlin. "Devlin, watch your words, they sting," Nya reprimanded her brother.

  Devlin turned to his sister and they glared at one another for several moments. Then, he turned to Sabina and said, "Sorry. I'm afraid my lifestyle has made me a bit rough around the edges. But I don't lie. Jared will never help you without your having to sacrifice much more than you alrea
dy have." He rested his gaze briefly on Pax, then turned again to Sabina.

  There was a long, uncomfortable silence as Sabina and Devlin stared each other down. Devlin was first to move, and walked over to the knife that had sliced Jared's arm, picked it up and said, "Well, can't stand around chatting all day. I have a sorcerer to catch. It was nice to meet you all. Nya," he said and kissed her cheek, "don't be a stranger."

  "But, you just got here. Why don't you come with us? We could use your?abilities," Da'ewyn blurted. Ayden looked at her with a raised brow. "What?" Da'ewyn said heatedly when she noticed his amused expression.

  Devlin gave Da'ewyn a wink and said, "Not to worry, petin Vele. I won't wonder far. Jared has yet to capture his prey. We will see each other again, that I promise you." He bowed slightly to the princess and then turned to walk away. Then, he stopped and turned to look directly at Pax. The young sorcerer jumped and his eyes widened as Devlin spoke, "Oh, and you, young sorcerer, as long as you are helping to protect my sister and her friends, I will have no need to hunt you. But if you ever give me reason, I won't hesitate to cut you down." Devlin turned on his heel and strode away into the trees.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Goblin Weed