Read Song of the Sword Page 32

Everyone raced through the forest as fast as Ayden could move. Sabina and Nya each had one side of him, helping him when he needed support. One minute, his body felt like it was on fire, and the next, cold as ice. He went from feeling as light feather and giddy as a school girl, to as heavy as an elephant and gloomy as a storm cloud. The roller coaster of sensations and emotions weakened him even more. Sweat poured from him, and Nya had to keep wiping it away from his eyes so he could see.

  Ayden hit another giggling fit as he looked to each of the girls at his sides. "Sorry if I stink, girls. I just can't quit dripping," he said and then snorted between giggles.

  "Can't we just knock him out and carry him?" Da'ewyn said grumpily.

  "We have to keep him conscious as long as possible," Volos replied. "This poison is opposite to most-it works faster when the body is immobile."

  Devlin, who had taken the lead, stopped suddenly and held up his hand as signal to keep quiet. They had reached an incline topped with a ridge of dirt and grass that formed a small wall. Devlin fell to his belly and crawled up the incline and peeked over. After he'd looked for several seconds, he returned to the group and whispered, "There's a group of some type of man-creatures over that ridge. I don't recognize their race, and I can't understand what they're saying."

  "I can." Ayden said as he raised his hand. "I can understand any language if I listen long enough," he said as he staggered forward.

  Volos put his hand on his chest to stop him. "You are in no condition. We'll go around."

  "No time, old boy," Ayden said and made his way around Volos and up to the ridge. Mimicking Devlin, he crawled on his belly and peered over the top. A group of man-like beings were circled around a fire, eating. Their faces were similar to a man's, but they barely had a nose and, Ayden noticed as he stifled a laugh, they only had four fingers on each hand--no thumbs. He recognized them from one of Freya's many descriptions, but couldn't recall their name.

  Da'ewyn sidled up beside him. "Stop your stupid giggling and concentrate. Your life depends on it!"

  Ayden felt the boulder drop on his shoulders again as fire rushed through his veins. He closed his eyes, attempting to concentrate. The creatures' voices trailed up to him. His mind was getting fuzzy, but he began to understand a few words.

  His concentration slipped after only a few minutes. He slid back down the embankment and relayed what he had heard. "They're on some type of mission. They're after?" Ayden tried to think. He knew they'd said something that caused him alarm, but what was it?

  Suddenly, it returned to him. He felt the boulder lift and he jumped up in triumph and laughed. "They're after Pax! They want the map!" he shouted and Da'ewyn slapped her hand over his mouth to quiet him.

  Pax turned as pale as Ayden. "H-How do th-they know?"

  Devlin answered, "Who doesn't know? My guess is they're working for Degus."

  "She must think the map holds the key to getting a hold on the sword. It doesn't though. It only leads us to its location," Volos stated.

  "No, no, no!" Ayden piped in, his voice muffled under Da'ewyn's hand. He pried her fingers apart and continued, "Jared sent them. I heard his name flying around as they were talking." He waved his hand through the air as he looked at the sky, shooing invisible words away like bothersome insects.

  "Well, whoever sent them, we need a plan," Devlin said and everyone began to spout out ideas.

  Finally, Da'ewyn just walked over the ridge. She didn't pull out her bow and arrow, and everyone scurried after her. All weapons were drawn as the group approached the top of the ridge. But Da'ewyn already had the situation under control. As she hummed an exotic tune, she danced for their enemies; her hips swayed back and forth hypnotically as her delicate feet pranced lightly across the ground. "Wow, she's pretty good," Ayden said as he stared after her. He glanced at his companions. Volos, Pax, and Devlin were staring open-mouthed at the Veela. They lowered their weapons as the princess' hypnotizing music and movements put them under a spell.

  Ayden giggled and looked back to the group of creatures. There were only six or seven, and every one of them was mesmerized by the Veela.

  "Oh, for Pete's sake!" Sabina said grumpily as she looked at her drooling companions. Then, she and Nya took what ropes the men had and ran down to where Da'ewyn danced before the enemy. Quickly, they tied each one, tightening the ropes until they dug into their flesh. The man-things didn't even notice as they continued to stare at the Veela. When the girls were done, Da'ewyn stopped her song and dance and all the men snapped out of their reverie.

  The group struggled against their restraints, surprised that they had been captured. Da'ewyn smiled down at them smugly. "Never underestimate a Veela's charm," she said triumphantly.

  "Why don't you always capture your enemies that way?" Devlin questioned as he gaped at the princess.

  The Veela looked at him with mischief in her eyes. "Because hypnotizing my allies along with my enemies doesn't help me. Besides, fighting is much more fun."

  "They'll need to be taken to Hosgrow," Volos said as he shook his head and forced himself not to look at Da'ewyn.

  "I thought Hosgrow was far from here," Ayden said, feeling depressed again.

  "Hosgrow is always close to wherever you need it to be," Volos answered.

  "I'll take them. I know exactly where to find it," Devlin offered.

  "You can't take them by yourself," Da'ewyn said.

  "Don't worry, Petin Vele, I've handled twice as many brutes as this. I'll manage."

  "That's settled then. Let's move," Volos said as he took Ayden's arm and walked ahead. The fire in Ayden's blood was becoming unbearable. He leaned against Volos and would've begun to cry, but walking was taking every ounce of his concentration.

  Finally, they reached a clearing. The sun peeked from behind rain clouds as the group approached two fae guardians holding large, wavy-bladed swords. They crossed the swords in front of Volos' chest, forbidding him to pass.

  "State your business," one of them commanded.

  "I am Volos, friend of Tyran. This is Ayden, grandson of Arion. He is very ill and will die if you deny us passage," Volos said firmly.

  "Grandson?" Da'ewyn and Sabina chimed in unison.

  The guardians looked at one another in surprise. Then, one transformed and flew off in the opposite direction. Volos waited impatiently as Ayden began again to laugh. "His face is wiggly!" Ayden said between giggles as he pointed at the remaining guard. The guard looked silently down his nose at Ayden.

  The transformed fae returned and the group was allowed passage. They reached a gateway made from the joined, twisted branches of two willow trees and passed through. Another male stood just inside the gate, looking stern. Volos bowed his head in greeting. "Arion Greenwillow, I bring to you your grandson, Ayden. He's been cut by goblin weed and the human blood in his veins has been poisoned," Volos said.

  Ayden looked into the fae's face seriously for a moment. This is my dad's dad? Then he sniggered through his nose as he once again lost control of his senses. Concern flashed momentarily in the fae's eyes before he scowled and walked up to Ayden, muttering under his breath, "Thin skinned human!" He then slammed the bottom of his palm against Ayden's forehead. He abruptly stopped laughing as a flash of white exploded against his vision, and his body flattened against the ground.

  Just before he lost consciousness, he heard Da'ewyn's voice, "It's about time!"

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Falynn Cannilita