Read Song of the Sword Page 39

Ayden didn't dare move or even breath. The dragon's enormous sides rose and fell as it slumbered. Silver scales sparkled in the eerie light, and Ayden couldn't help but notice that the dragons on his weapons bore a striking resemblance to the one before him. A spiked spine outlined the creature's back, the spikes growing smaller toward its head and tail. Its head was surprisingly delicate looking, though it was larger than a horse--or two. With fascination, Ayden surveyed the enormous silver wings tucked against the beast's heaving sides. It was, by far, the most awesome creature he'd ever laid eyes on.

  Unable to hold his breath any longer, Ayden exhaled slowly and quietly. He took a few tentative steps forward. The dragon stirred slightly, and Ayden froze. When he was certain the creature was still asleep, he took another step. How am I supposed to know which sword is the right one? he wondered as he passed a sword with a handle encased with flaming red rubies. Most of the other handles were as decorated, and none of them seemed any more significant than the other.

  Ayden looked again to the dragon, making sure it hadn't opened its eyes. It was then he noticed two things; a great silver chain was wrapped around the dragon's neck at one end, and the other was imbedded into the wall. Each of the links was larger than Ayden and as thick as a tree trunk. And, inside the creature's curled up form, next to its belly, was a simple sword. It was not imbedded into the rock as the others, but was resting against the dragon's side, still in its golden leather sheath with the belt attached. An elvish symbol was carved into the sheath, and the protruding hilt was simple but elegant. That's the one! If it weren't for the dragon, all Ayden would've had to do was reach out and grab it!

  The enchantress appeared before Ayden, causing him to jump and yell in surprise. The dragon snorted, raised its head, and stretched out its body and wings as it rose defensively. Ayden raised his sword fearfully, ready to fight for his life.

  The dragon didn't move as the enchantress spoke softly. "You must hurry. Degus' people are at the threshold--they will enter this cave soon!"

  "But, how am I supposed to get it?" Ayden asked pointlessly as the enchantress vanished. The silver dragon raised its head as high as it could without touching the water above it. The chain pulled at its neck and it growled angrily at the restraint.

  Ayden gulped as he craned his neck in order to keep his eyes on the towering form. His feet were suddenly knocked from beneath him as the dragon swung its tail around, breaking swords from the rocky floor as it did so. Ayden's body narrowly missed hitting one of the broken weapons as he slammed into the ground. He scrambled to his feet and raised his sword as two other creatures emerged from a doorway opposite from where he stood.

  The dragon's attention was momentarily diverted to the new invaders. They were burly creatures that reminded Ayden of giant hairy potatoes with spindly arms and legs; they carried crude looking weapons that bore a resemblance to an axe; the blades were serrated for tearing flesh. Sulkas! Filthy creatures, their only purpose in life was to leach off of others, preferably others with great power and wealth. A distinct odor befittingly reminding Ayden of rotting potatoes, reached his nostrils.

  One of the sulkas threw his weapon at the dragon while the other raced toward the sword. Ayden lunged forward--he couldn't let them get to it before he did!

  Neither party was to reach their destination, however. As big as the dragon was, its reflexes were lightning fast. The axe weapon bounced off of its scales, leaving no mark. With its tail, the dragon knocked the two creatures against the wall and turned her head with jaws open wide toward Ayden.

  The boy stopped short as the dragon's surprisingly icy breath washed over his body. The other intruders had regained their feet and lunged at the dragon with jagged weapons and teeth bared. "Degus said to get her under the jaw. Hitting her scales is no good!" Ayden heard one of them shouting gruffly.

  Ayden's first thought was, It's a girl? And then, why hasn't she finished me off? The dragon was still looking at Ayden as her two assailants charged her other side. Ayden stared into her huge eyes and felt strangely peaceful. The dragon looked at him one moment more before she turned toward her attackers and released a roar loud enough to shake the very walls of the cave. Rock showered from the cave walls, and several of the erected swords shook free of their hold, clattering to the stony ground.

  One of the sulkas threw his axe at the dragon's throat. The dragon pulled against her chain, narrowly avoiding the blade that would've ended her life. Ayden's fury was ignited. She's a prisoner! She can't defend herself properly!

  As the sulkas resumed their attack, Ayden raced toward the chain. The dragon knocked one creature against the wall for the second time, but the other dodged his way past and charged on.

  The dragon turned toward Ayden as he approached with his sword raised. He had reached the cave wall where the chain trailed out and clung to the dragon's scaly neck. She turned toward him and bared her sharp teeth, growling thunderously.

  Ayden stopped and looked into her glassy eye. He bowed to her, keeping eye contact. "I mean you no harm. I wish only to free you," he said as calmly as he could, despite the fact that he'd nearly wet himself. The dragon stared at him for a moment and then turned her head toward the creature who was closing in toward her neck.

  Ayden took the dragon blade and raised it in the air. With a warrior's cry, he swung the sword against the chain. He covered his face with his arm as shards of the chain shattered through the air like broken glass.

  The dragon jolted away from her former restraint as she turned all of her attention on the two creatures who meant to kill her. Without looking at Ayden, she took her tail, grabbed Elrohir's sword, and threw it towards him. It slid across the stone floor, clanking against broken blades and stones before stopping several feet in front of him.

  As the dragon bore down on her adversaries, Ayden replaced his sword and raced toward the Sword of Songs. Just as he was about to grasp the weapon, the dragon changed direction and shot upward, slicing through the watery barrier above her. Ayden could see the shadow of her figure above the pond as she stretched out wings as big as a pair of 747's and flew out of sight.

  Your welcome! Ayden thought sarcastically as he reached for the blade.

  "Touch that and die!" a sulka yelled. His axe was raised and ready to throw at Ayden. Ayden's hand hovered over the sword momentarily before he smiled at the sulkas; they were confused by his lack of concern, but soon realized why he acted in such a way. As soon as Ayden's hand touched the sword, the barrier above them vanished, and the pool of water crashed down like a tidal wave.

  Ayden gulped in a huge breath and leapt upward to fight his way against the rushing water. Without Volos' gift, his arms and legs were no match against the raging water. He was forced back to the floor as oxygen slowly seeped from his lungs. It was fate. I was meant to die in the water!

  A soft whisper reached his ears. It was the same whisper he'd heard in the river; he was certain he was hearing his name. He would've screamed if he could've as hands grab each of his arms and thrust upward toward the light. As he squinted through the water toward his sides, he thought he saw human-like forms swimming strongly beside him. The water shimmered and Ayden inhaled it, gasping as he saw faces form beside him.

  The churning pond disgorged Ayden onto the shore as the invisible hands released his arms. He choked out the water that he'd swallowed, and for the second time that day, gulped in the air as if he hadn't breathed in days.

  People were surrounding him, grabbing his arms and pulling him to stand as he coughed and sputtered. He could hear their voices and knew them to be his companions. But their words were lost as his thoughts remained focused on the watery faces he'd seen moments before.

  "Are you alright?" Volos' concerned voice finally reached Ayden's ears. "There was a dragon--I feared the worst!" Ayden did not answer and continued to stare at the water as the foaming and swirling water began to calm.

  The Sword o
f Songs, still clutched and dripping in his hands, was momentarily forgotten as Ayden shivered and whispered, "I think I just saw my parents!"

  Chapter Forty

  The Glass Lake