Read Song of the Sword Page 49

Freya's hand felt strong and warm as Ayden held it and told her every detail of their journey. She was still weak, but she was alive. She gave scowls, gasps, and squeals of joy or horror in all of the right places during Ayden's recounting of his and his companions' amazing journey.

  Keena, whom Freya had been overly exuberant at meeting, stood contentedly beside Volos, who was all too happy to fill in where Ayden forgot things or correct him where he exaggerated the truth. Both Volos and Keena had suffered terrible wounds but once again, thanks to the curatree sap, had survived.

  Some of Degus' army had fled with fear when the shock wave had blown past them, alerting them to her demise. Others, who'd been forced in service by her spells, had been released with tears of joy.

  Ayden had told Freya of their journey, the surprise at finding Sabina, the kelpie, Palmaero, everything. He told of the battle, pausing when he came to where he discovered that Pax had betrayed them; he worried that the rest of the tale might be too stressful for his grandmother to hear. Jynx had already left his comfortable post at her side when she'd squeezed him too tightly at Ayden's telling how he'd nearly died when flying from the kelpie's back.

  Ayden's pause was confronted with Freya's question, "What is the matter? Please, do not leave me hanging!" Then, smiling gently, she said calmly, "Do not worry, Ayden. My body is a bit weak, but my heart is strong. And I know you survived, so I can't become too worried, can I?"

  Ayden continued slowly, watching his grandmother's hand fly to her mouth as she exclaimed, "NO!" at his revelation of Pax's betrayal. Her face moved in a lot of curious exclamations as he continued the story, telling of his battle with Pax, and then Degus. She released a yelp at his telling of how Nya stood to sing, sacrificing her life for Ayden and Shae Vale, and allowing Ayden to strike the deadly blow that caused a shock wave and earthquake, ending Degus' life and her hold over Shae Vale.

  With cheeks flushing, Ayden told Freya of the enchantress and how Nya and Endia became one, and how they had kissed, the magic of the sword in Ayden's blood allowing the siren to come to life and to magically know Ayden's language. That moment still burned in Ayden's heart and mind as if it had been etched there, vivid and strong. He and Nya shared more than language now, they were a part of one another. The memory played warmly in his mind as Freya's singing voice echoed, "So, you found love." She smiled warmly at him, her own cheeks turning a pleasant pink.

  Smiling bashfully, Ayden continued, telling how the enchantress had helped him and other survivors to find and gather the fallen. Each and every companion they had approached had caused Ayden's stomach to feel as stone, terrified that he'd find them dead. Some were on the very doorstep of death's domain, but were thankfully spared with the intense healing care of the elves and fairies.

  Pax had been in the worst condition, having been touched so deeply by Degus' evil magic. They had all made the journey back to Faylinn Cannelita, his grandfather's home, to heal. Pax had remained comatose for nearly a week, his face paler than his bedding. Ayden had visited him often, and every time he'd visited, he'd found Sabina at Pax' side, reading or tenderly holding his hand. She had, of course, healed much more quickly than anyone and had been a tremendous help in tending the wounded.

  Once Pax had woken, Ayden had knelt by his bed, begging for forgiveness for his terrible lack of judgment and his "jerk-ness". At first, Pax just stared at him, causing Ayden's heart to drop with dismay. He'd deserved Pax's hate, though, and had been ready to leave without saying another word. But, as he'd begun to stand, Pax had grasped his arm, holding him to his position. "There is n-nothing to forgive. I-I am th-the one who i-is at fault. I-I let h-har in--I let h-har control me!" His eyes had welled with bitter tears as he'd unconsciously dug his fingers into Ayden's arm.

  "No one blames you, Pax. Degus was very powerful. And, if my memory serves, you proved even stronger by resisting her. You kicked her wicked butt!"

  Pax had looked taken aback for a moment and then they'd both busted out laughing. As Ayden had rubbed his tired ribs, he looked at Pax and said, "Tell you what, if you ask Sabina out, we'll call it even."

  Pax had become sober in a flash and wagged his head from side to side. "I-I couldn't."

  "Why not? She's been here for hours on end every day, reading to you and holding your hand. I think she deserves something!"

  Bringing his mind to the present, Ayden smiled at his grandmother, "To make a long story short, Pax and Sabina are now an item."

  Presently, Freya clapped her hands together and smiled, looking just as pleased as she had at Ayden's revelation of his feelings for Nya. Ayden, Volos, and Keena continued the story, telling of the grand celebration the fairies had given in every warrior's honor. They had given Ayden and his companions special honors, bestowing them with gifts of gold and silver, magical seeds, and fresh weapons. The fairies had played amazing, intoxicating music, dancing and laughing their contagious tinkling laugh and causing flowers and plants to sprout spontaneously everywhere.

  Volos had faced Palmaero and Aclippa. The white princess of the unicorns had touched him, drawing away his crimes and his shame forever.

  Ayden tried to sober as he came to a part in the story that he'd saved for the end. He'd skipped telling Freya how he'd seen his parents' faces in the pool and later, the lake. Failing miserably at concealing his excitement, he told Freya, "I have something more exciting to tell you."

  Freya raised her brows and chuckled, "My dear boy, I can't imagine how your story could possibly get more exciting!"

  Ayden squeezed her hand and said softly, "Freya, I saw Mom and Dad."

  That buzzing silence filled his ears as Freya sat, dumbstruck. "Wh-where? They are alive?" Tears sprang in her grey eyes, causing Ayden to find it difficult to continue without following suit.

  "I first saw them in the pool where I found the sword. Those watery hands that thrust me out of the water were theirs." He paused, letting the information sink into Freya's mind. "And the watery arms that came out of the lake to save me from the trolls--that was them, too."

  Freya's face was a mixture of disbelief and utter joy. Ayden rushed forward, telling her the most exciting part. "When I told Arion about it, he took me to the Crystal River. Even though I'd tried this at the lake and failed, he had me place my hands on the water and concentrate on thoughts of Mom and Dad. I know," he said at Freya's startled look. "I actually touched the river without freaking out! But I was hoping to see them, so it wasn't so scary. Plus, having swum through one, I wasn't as afraid as I used to be.

  "I touched the water and thought hard about Mom and Dad. My mind was totally on them. And then, the water sort of started sprouting upwards, like it was pouring upside down into a glass. Only instead of glass shapes, two human shapes formed."

  Freya was nearly falling off of the edge of her bed at this point, her eyes wide with excitement. Ayden couldn't contain his own exuberance as he continued, "They stood there for awhile, watery figures just shining in the sunlight. It was beautiful. And then, they became more solid, like us." Ayden had to pause, choking back the rush of emotion as he remembered how he felt at seeing his parents for the first time in eight years. "We hugged for so long, I thought I would suffocate! But I just couldn't let go, yah know? And then, when we finally composed ourselves after blubbering for several minutes, they told me what happened by the river that day."

  Volos, Keena, and Freya looked soberly at Ayden, waiting for him to continue the story, to fill in the missing pieces to an eight year old puzzle. "When we went camping that day, we were attacked by water wraiths."

  Freya gasped and her brows furrowed, "NO! How dare that witch send such things into the Other World! Sprites are one thing, but water wraiths? Such shadow dwellers should never be allowed here!" After overcoming the initial shock at Freya's outburst, it took several minutes for them to calm her as she spouted on about imbalances between worlds and the foulness of Degus' extreme actions. <
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  Finally, Ayden interrupted her by continuing, "ANYWAY, Mom and Dad's only concern was my safety. Mom took off in the boat, trying to draw the wraiths away from the shore, away from me. Dad shouted to me to run. I remember now how scared I was. I didn't have a clue what was happening. My feet took off with me before I even gave it a thought. Dad kept yelling. I guess one of the wraiths got past him. Dad tried to command the trees to lift me up and hide me, but Other World trees aren't quite used to magic--they wrapped their branches around my ankles and pulled me up too roughly, tearing the skin. Once again, I had no idea what was going on; trees didn't normally grab people like that. So, I struggled wildly, ripping my ankles until I broke free and ran like crazy 'til I passed out. The next thing I remember was waking up at the hospital."

  Freya's face softened, "I'm so sorry we didn't tell you everything sooner. At least you would've been better prepared!"

  Ayden chuckled, "You sound like Mom. She said the exact same thing. They felt horrible, not to mention worried because they never quite knew what had happened to me."

  "But what of them? How did they escape? Although, I may have an idea?" Freya said as she crumpled her face in thought. Ayden waited patiently for her to mull it over. "It is not in the River Guardian's nature to be so generous, but she had to be the one to save them. What caused her to come to such a decision?"

  Ayden answered, "Well, turns out Degus had been polluting the water in a lot of places. The river defenders were dying. She needed recruits. Mom and Dad aren't certain how they got to the River Guardian--they had blacked out and then woken in her sanctuary. She bargained with them; she'd keep them alive if they agreed to become water defenders. They agreed with hopes that they would somehow be able to contact me again. And," Ayden said, "they tried at Lostar the day we captured Skeezicks. It was their voices that I'd heard near the river there."

  Ayden had been dismayed when he'd learned that he could've spoken with his parents that day at Lostar if he hadn't panicked. "Ayden, it was understandable that you had such a fear of rivers. Besides, all happened as it should and you did see you parents again," Freya said gently. It was uncanny how similar she and Ayden's mother were. His mother had mentioned the same thing as she'd returned Phantom to him. She had retrieved the weapon at the lake in hopes that she would see Ayden again.

  Even with the joy of discovering his parents, Ayden was saddened by the fact that they would never walk on solid ground for more than a few moments at a time again. He was less afraid of rivers now, but he'd have to get downright comfortable with them if he wanted to communicate with them regularly.

  "What of the Sword of Songs, Ayden? What has become of it? I know you do not have it with you," Freya asked.

  Chapter Fifty

  New Adventure