Read Song of the Sword Page 55

Continuing with the gifts, we see that Sabina has had an unfortunate accident that left her different. But with that transformation, she was also given new abilities, or gifts, that prove useful in helping her friends. Like Sabina, we sometimes don't want the gifts we are given, but if we embrace them, we can learn to use them to help others. Or, like Da'ewyn longing to have one of Sabina's gifts, (ability to see in the dark), we sometimes wish we had someone else's gifts. But it is good to be content in what we are given and to use those gifts to help others and glorify God.

  Ayden has an intense emotional and nearly physical encounter with Sabina. Teens especially face sexual pressures from their peers and from their own changing emotions. The Bible tells us that God does not tempt us beyond what we can endure, and that He will always provide an escape for us if we put our trust in Him ( 1 Cor. 10:13). No one ever HAS to give in to temptation.

  Ayden becomes impatient and strays from the marked path a couple of times. This causes a lot of trouble for him and his companions. It is the same for us spiritually; if we stray from the path God has given us, (even though what tempts us looks REALLY good at the time), we'll most likely find more trouble for ourselves. And if we stray too far, we will find only death and darkness.

  Volos instructs Ayden, "Don't dwell on what is past or what might happen. This is the choice we made and this is where we are now. Let's try to focus on what we can do now." Too often we focus on the past or on what might happen in the future. Focusing on today and trusting God to help us with each moment will get us on the right path and will free us for what we are facing right now.

  Palmaero's lesson for Ayden: "Be quick to listen and slow to act", (James 1: 19). Too often, I want just to do things my way and I act too quickly. Always, this gets me into trouble. When I take the time to quiet my heart and mind and listen to God, things go much more smoothly.

  The good elves and fairies are how I see God's people; even though they are still capable of making mistakes, they are full of life and song. They embody serenity and joyfulness. Their eyes twinkle and their mouths are constantly smiling. It seems that light and joy emanates from them and they are such good examples for me.

  At one point, Volos must face his past and beg for forgiveness from someone he wronged. If we want to discontinue allowing our past to haunt us, we must confront it, admit (or confess) our wrongs, and ask for forgiveness from God and from those we have wronged, including ourselves.

  Ayden has to face his fears. In facing our fears, we learn to trust God more. Fear is a great tool of Satan's. If we are full of fear, he can manipulate us with ease. Often times, our fears are unfounded. Our fear can keep us from seeing the truth. (Ayden learns his fear kept him from seeing his parents.)

  Pax's jealousy toward Ayden caused him to become vulnerable to Degus' dark magic and nearly to kill his best friend. Jealousy and self pity are more of the devil's tools-although he can't use them against us unless we allow it. Pax allowed Degus to control him. It is so much easier for Satan to turn us away from God if we cling to negative thoughts and emotions.

  Nya sacrificed herself to save Ayden and all of Shae Vale. Ayden sacrificed saving her (something he wanted desperately) to save others. Just as Christ gave his life to save us, we should be willing to give our lives for others. Maybe not always physically, but in denying self and being willing to serve others.

  One voice can make a difference. Nya sang, breaking the curse on her people. A single voice that cut through the darkness. Our voices can be a light for others when we have the love of God in our lives. Nya also tells how her deeds are her "life song". Actions often times speak louder than words. How we live, what we say, how we react to others and our situations can be like a beautiful song that can help lead others to Christ.

  My hope is that those who read this story and these comments will remember some lessons not listed here. While reading the scene toward the beginning of the book where Ayden knocks some dirt into the water and then watches the dirt dissolved into nothingness, my mother was reminded of how Jesus washes our sins away; He throws them to the sea and they are no more.

  Thank you for reading. May God bless you, and may the beauty of His love carry your dreams.

  About the author:

  K.L. Bauman grew up in the wide open valleys and badland areas of Eastern Montana. It was the perfect place to let the imagination run free. She now lives with her husband and two beautiful daughters in a small town in Eastern Montana. She enjoys spending time with God and her family, writing, reading, watching movies, and nature.

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