Read Songs and Fins Page 17

  ‘Yeah, I know I’ll get my friends back after our next lesson,’ she replied.

  ‘No, I was talking about the safe part. I’m pretty sure my father took last night as a declaration of war, and we are smack dab in the middle of it.’

  Author note:

  Thank you for reading SONGS AND FINS! Keep reading for the sneak peek of the next book in this series. Before we get there, I’d like to ask that if you enjoyed reading this book, please consider leaving me a good review on Join my mailing list for the latest updates and sales info at If this is your first night human world book, there are nine more in the same world that you can read while you wait for the next book. Check out THE LEGEND OF THE BLUE EYES or THE WITCHLING APPRENTICE.

  I greatly appreciate all the support from everyone and it keeps me going day in and day out! THANK YOU!


  Sam stood on the pier and watched below while Whitney moved out of the way as a fish darted out at her. She was a bright student and caught on quickly. If she was actually allowed to join the guard like she wanted, she would have been one of the top people in the group by now. But all she was allowed to do was train. He was fine with that. She would learn how to protect herself and not be in danger from assigned protection duty around the island waters. Really, he could live with that, and it was even better that his father had suggested it, because then Sam didn’t even have to take the blame for holding her back even if he agreed.

  “See, I knew if you told her the trick to that one she would be fine,” Sam’s older brother, Nic, said as he watched beside Sam. He was the one officially training Whitney as Sam was more than enough busy with his father now.

  “I didn’t tell her,” Sam replied as he watched her move out of the way of the second fish that would have at least nicked her arm if it was the day before.

  Nic returned his gaze to the water, and they watched more. Whitney had made it through all the obstacles and was already on her way to ding the bell.

  “Man, that took you years to figure out and she did it in one week. Are you sure you are higher up than her?” Nic teased.

  No one knew the truth that Whitney was a stronger siren than Sam, or even the king. Sam had a feeling his father suspected it after the fight on the island, but she had played the part of being beneath him since they had come back to the island and no one could prove otherwise.

  Whitney had taken to being a siren like a natural even though she complained about not knowing how to do anything. All it took was a little practice and she could do anything Sam taught her. In the two months they had been on the island full time, she had grown strong enough to be one of the top siren and everyone knew it.

  It was hard to get Whitney to say good-bye to her mainland life, but it was for the best. She still went back to check on her aunt and cousin twice a week, but she was now living on the island pretty much full-time with Sam. They didn’t even notice she was gone the rest of the time, but she did agree it was better for them. War was coming and she needed to be with Sam. And now he was more set on staying on the island. It was the one truly safe place for the siren, and they needed to stay protected. From all their intel, it looked like most of the mer were slowly siding with the Lara and Undines.

  Whitney poked her head out of the water as the bell rang. She was through the course in record time. Heck, she probably even beat Sam’s best time. It was like she was magic. She could move as gracefully as any mer underwater, but there was power behind her that not even the best could match. Sam had a feeling that some of her previous night human was leaking through. She had been a cat for so many years, and now she was a siren. Sam didn’t need to worry about her safety. She was a force to be reckoned with.

  Whitney waved and blew him a kiss.

  ‘3:28,’ she told him mentally. Their connection was permanent on the island. ‘Two more seconds and I’ll beat your best.’

  ‘So who told you how to get past the fish at the middle part?’ Sam already knew the answer, but he had to ask anyways.

  ‘No one, silly. I did what you said and thought more about it. It made sense that they couldn’t turn as quickly as me, and that if I got them going to the right with enough speed, I could fake them out,’ Whitney replied, ducking into the water and swimming back over.

  “Are you going to run her through the land drills again tonight or is she done?” Sam asked Nic.

  “Again? I’d prefer to not get my butt handed to me by a girl one more time tonight. I have no idea where you found this one, Sam, but you are one lucky guy.”

  Nic patted the back of his shoulder as he reached down to pull Whitney from the ocean. It was strange to have his brothers be genuinely nice to him, and he still wasn’t used to it. It had been weeks now and they were still honestly treating him better than they had his whole life.

  “3:25,” Nic told Whitney who was now standing next to Sam’s brother in a short pale yellow dress that seemed to make her skin glow more than usual. Whitney seemed confused. “I didn’t say go quick enough,” Nic explained. “The clock ran three second before I gave you the single, so your time is actually three seconds quicker.”

  Grinning, Whitney hugged Nic.

  Sam coughed to remind her who she was hugging.

  “Don’t get jealous, you big oaf,” she said, patting Sam’s chest. “Everyone knows I am yours.”

  That much was true, but it didn’t mean he liked to see her hug his brother.

  “So we are done for today,” Nic replied, picking up his dropped timer and making his way off the pier.

  “No sparring?” Whitney asked after him as he walked away.

  “No sparring unless you want me as your opponent,” Sam replied, catching her in his arms and nuzzling into her neck. She melted into his touch and that made him want to throw her over his shoulders and march home with her. Whitney laughed as he moved to do just that.

  “Sam, I have a dress on,” she complained.

  He contemplated if it was worth setting her down or not. She also had underwear on and he was sure it was quicker to just carry her back to their home. Whitney pounded on his back while she giggled. She wasn’t really protesting too much. He had seen her training in the past few months and she easily could get down if she wanted to.

  A cough behind him made him stop in his tracks. Sam didn’t need to turn around to know his mother was on the end of the pier.

  “Samuel, is that any way for the future king to be treating the future queen?” she scolded him.

  Sam set Whitney back down and her cheeks flamed red. She was having just as much fun as he was, and it was so rare now that they were allowed to have fun. It was like his mother knew when they were acting their age and appeared to tell them to behave. And since he had taken his father’s offer to be the heir to the siren throne, Sam had to listen to his mother. He thought being king would give him more power, but in moments like these he felt like he had almost no power to do what he wanted. All he wanted to do now was haul Whitney away, and pretend like the mer world wasn’t on the brink of war against the other siren, with odds that were not in their favor.

  Thanks for reading- join my mailing list and be notified as soon as Scales and Legends is released!

  Carnelian: Chapter One

  While you’re waiting for the next book in the night human world, be sure to check out The Chalcedony Chronicles, my time-travel paranormal romance series. Here’s the first chapter to get you started!

  Chapter 1 – Welcome to College

  I had the perfect idea of what going off to college would be like. I’d move into the dorms on the first day I could. My family would come along and my mom would cry over the thought of me growing up, especially since I was her only child. They would hang around, not wanting to leave, and finally I’d have to shoo them all out, reassuring them that I’d be okay. That’s how everyone pictures it going. Yet, here I sat, a
day late, staring at my new home for the next four years, alone.

  My mom and grandfather made the seven-hour trip north with me from Chicago to Minneapolis, but Grandfather got called away on business and my mom had to go with him. He was her ride home after all. Grandfather was in the antique business, and he had a lot of wealthy and powerful clients. I was used to them calling him away at a moment’s notice by now. I drove the last two hours to Lake Superior and Castor, the nice college town that Morton Carole was in. I chose to go to a school far from home, and now I regretted it as I sat outside the campus dorms, pondering my first steps toward being grown up.

  Independence. That’s what college was for me. I’ve spent my entire life with my grandfather and mother, and yes, my mother was the hovering type. I never was allowed to go on trips with my friends, or even leave the city without her by my side. She worried every day about my walk to school. She hated cars and was afraid I’d get in an accident. Luckily, grandfather convinced her I would need a car here at college, so I did have wheels now. She never seemed to lack for something to worry about.

  Sitting in my used Civic, looking at the massive dorms with people flowing everywhere, independence scared the crap out of me. Right now, the one thing every recent high school graduate wanted was staring me in the face, and I yearned to give it back. I was turning out to be the most timid college freshman in history. Thank you, Mom!

  After taking a deep breath, I steadied my nerves and finally turned off my car to go to the registration table sitting outside. I gathered all the courage I found and opened the door. The large square brick building in front of me would be home for the next four years. It was intimidating yet exciting at the same time. College was the pinnacle of growing up, and I couldn’t wait any longer. It was time to start a new chapter in my life.

  The registration table was set up with several college students sitting around waiting. The fifteen-foot walk to the table was excruciating. I felt like everyone that passed was staring at me, the scared freshman. In reality, probably no one even glanced my way. The official move-in day was the day before, and I missed the opportunity to be lost in the masses of new students. I was late on purpose. Figuring the crowds would be smaller, I planned to arrive today with my grandfather and mother to help. I tried to concentrate on the table, hoping to see a helpful face, but the girl there just glared at me as I approached. I crossed the parking lot and waited. The beautiful, long-legged brunette who already glared at me, now ignored me and sat talking to the girl next to her. They were obviously friends, as the brunette kept talking and the other girl kept nodding along, never getting a word in edgewise. I stood and waited. I thought the welcome table was to welcome new students, but this girl was anything but welcoming.

  “I’m sure by the end of the week he will be coming back to me. He always does. You know he can’t find anyone better than me,” the brunette told her friend.

  Poor guy, I wanted to add. I had grown up with girls like the one in front of me. Everything about her was fake, from her eyelashes to her boobs. Private school at St. Maria’s had prepared me for two things at the same time: fake girls and dealing with the people you never really want to be associated with. This girl was exactly that.

  I coughed to get their attention. I didn’t need to learn more about the poor guy that the girl had her sights set on. The brunette looked up, surprised that I was there.

  “Marcella Navina,” I told the girl, pointing to my name on the list.

  “Oh, a new freshman,” the brunette said as she held out her hand to the girl next to her. The second girl was digging through a box looking for the correct key. Finally, she found it and handed it to the brunette. “Welcome to Morton Carole. If you need any help, feel free to ask. We’re all happy to help new freshman.” From the tone in her voice I somehow doubted that. “You are in Murdley, which is on the opposite side of the dorms here.” She said Murdley with disgust, as if she couldn’t imagine who would want to be stuck in the studious dorm. She held out her hand and her minion placed a map in it. “You can either go through the courtyard, through the connecting hallways, or around the outside to get there. Room 215. Good luck, and welcome to college.” A smile was plastered across her face, but it didn’t reach her eyes. I gave her my best fake smile back as I took her keys and map. I didn’t really need the map. I had already memorized it weeks ago.

  Still within hearing distance while walking away, I heard as the brunette added, “I hate freshman. They always think they’re better than the rest of us. Did you see how she talked down to us?” I had no choice but to talk downward because they were seated. She wasn’t the brightest, I guessed.

  “I hate fake people,” I added under my breath as I found my way back to my car.

  I opened the trunk and looked at my few belongings. I had packed only two suitcases and two boxes. Good thing the dorms came furnished. I stared at my sparse possessions and sighed. The fact that I was on my own for the first time was starting to sink in. I looked over my things, picked the lightest box first, and took a deep breath. Time to walk the gauntlet.

  It’s strange how you can pack your life into just a few boxes. It took me a total of three whole trips to my car to bring my life into my new room. It also didn’t take long to unpack it. In less time than it took to drive to my college, I was moved in and officially home. As strange as it was, this ten-foot-by-ten-foot space with two beds, two dressers, and two closets was where I’d be spending most of my time for the next four years.

  I sat on my bed and stared at the empty bed across the room. My roommate, Sim, would arrive later today. She had been gone all summer in India and would be arriving later than me. I was excited to meet her, but being alone didn’t bother me. My mother and grandfather often left for short weekend trips while I was growing up, always under the direct care of our maid. Adding to it, the dorm website said that Murdley was the quiet dorm, for those that wanted a bit of solitude in college. I didn’t mind this in the least. In fact, I didn’t get stuck in Murdley like most of the students. I chose this dorm. I didn’t want to live in the party dorm, Mordoch, which was on the opposite side of the square from Murdley. The dorms at Morton Carole were actually four buildings that were connected to form a square with an inner courtyard; Murdley was one wall of the square with Mordoch on the opposite side. I was completely happy to find my room didn’t even face the inner courtyard. I would get all the peace I wanted in my room, and maybe a little bit more.

  Outside my window, which faced the campus’ winding paths that meandered between large, ancient trees, Morton Carole students were wandering around. Most probably arrived yesterday and were already making friends. I didn’t know a single person attending Morton; I was miles away from home and all my high school friends. It was a bit scary to start over, but it was for the best. I was really only going to miss a few of my friends, and they wouldn’t ditch me just because I went off to some small school in the middle of nowhere.

  As I puttered around my room, trying to find something to do, a massive maple tree outside my window caught my attention. It looked like the perfect reading tree. I could sit outside and feel the breeze instead of being stuck in my stuffy new home. I wandered down to the tree with my book under my arm. A reading tree was exactly what I needed. I could find time to make new friends and fit in later, after I got through my latest novel.

  I opened the book to where I left off. It was new and the pages crisp. Most of my books were a bit tattered from multiple readings, but not this one. It was the third in the latest series I was hooked on. I bought it new when it came out two days ago, and I was already almost finished with it.

  I began reading just where I left off. Marie, the protagonist, was just finding out her best friend was a demon. It was sad. Marie’s family had descended from angels that were hunting demons. I felt bad for her. It was easy to slip back into the story and forget about the world around me. I continued to read and ignored the person who sat down next to me at my new reading tree. No
one could pull me out of my little world. I needed to find out what Marie was going to do. Would she hunt her best friend? I could hear imaginary music playing as I got more absorbed into the story. If I could write music, I’d have a soundtrack to each book I read. The real world was completely gone as I read with the tune playing on in my head. I turned page after page and didn’t even know how long I had sat there. The last page came too quickly and the book was done. As with the rest of the books in the series, I would have to read it again.

  I closed my book and looked up from under the maple canopy to the blue sky above. I had a normal life, but girls in books always went on adventures. I guess that was what going far off to college was to me, an adventure. My future was already planned, but I’d give anything to be one of those heroines. I wanted to live the life I found in these books. I was still lost in thought over the ending when there was a thump on my lap. College students were walking all around and a few tossing a football between them. I looked down expecting to see a football.

  It wasn’t a football. The head of a perfectly cute guy was lying across my lap. He had tipped over from sleeping next to me and stayed fast asleep, even after his fall. I looked at him and waited for him to wake. I mean, his fall startled me out of my daydreaming. He didn’t wake. He kept sleeping peacefully.

  He was gorgeous—underwear model material. His dark hair had a glint of red in it and was splayed across his forehead. He had high cheekbones and perfectly-shaped lips. Stubble ran across his cheeks, and it seemed like it had been days since he had shaved. I looked at his fluttering, sleeping eyes and wondered what color they were. Mystery man just kept sleeping, like he had often found himself on unknown girls’ laps, and it didn’t bother him. I needed to move soon, but I was stuck, and I couldn’t help but admire him. He had his shirt off. It was draped partially over his shoulder now, but mostly on the ground beneath him. My eyes wandered down him to find he was very fit. All of the muscles around his shoulders and arms were perfectly defined, along with his washboard abs. His athletic shorts were low on his hips, showing off more than I had been close to in a long while since I’d attended an all-girls high school. I turned my head away before my eyes drifted any further. I had to stop checking out this guy. I mean, yes he literally fell into my lap, but I was beginning to feel like a creeper. How could he still be sleeping?