Read Sophie's Secret Page 10

  Krysta’s eyes bulged. “You, too, AJ?”

  “Yeah.” AJ shrugged. “But I don’t understand why now.”

  I had a theory, but it still didn’t make any sense. “Maybe it has something to do with puberty.”

  AJ rolled her eyes. “Yeah, like our gifts bloom with our budding breasts.” She pointed to Krysta’s backpack with a magazine poking out of the top of the bag. “Does your Cosmo mention anything about bra size and supernatural powers?”

  “I’ll have to check on that.” Krysta turned to me and smiled. “By the way, how are you feeling?”

  I covered my eyes and sank into my seat. “You heard?”

  “I saw it.”

  Just great! I wonder how many other people were watching. “I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Things happen.” Krysta patted my shoulder and squinted her eyes. “But I can’t even tell you were hit. You look really pretty today.”

  “Thanks.” I cupped my hands under my chin and batted my eyes. “Rose Marie did my makeup.”

  “So you two are talking now?” Krysta grabbed my hand and placed it on her neck.

  “Yeah. We’re better.” I took the hint and rubbed the knots on Krysta’s neck and back.

  “She still with the loser?” Krysta rolled her head back and closed her eyes.

  “Yeah.” I smirked. “But AJ says not for long.”

  “Nice,” Krysta softly spoke while keeping her eyes closed. “Not to change the subject, but how are things going with Jacob?”

  “You didn’t change the subject.” I rubbed harder then let go. Jacob was still a sore subject with me. Not because I was offended anymore, but because I felt stupid for ever liking him. “Jacob’s a loser, just like Chad. I’ve ditched that crush.”

  “Excellent.” Krysta shook off her limbs and sat up. “Anyone new on the horizon?”

  “Maybe.” I tucked my chin into my chest. I didn’t want anyone on the bus to overhear gossip about something that hadn’t happened yet. Even though I didn’t doubt AJ’s psychic ability, Frankie still had to ask me to the dance.

  AJ leaned even closer and cupped her hands around her mouth. “Frankie Salas is going to ask her to Freshmen Formal.”

  “Get out!” Krysta punched my arm. “How do you know this?”

  AJ cleared her throat. “I saw it coming.” She jerked her thumb at me and rolled her eyes. “Sophie still doesn’t know if she’s going.”

  Krysta’s bottom lip fell. “Are you insane?”

  My shoulders sagged. “I heard Summer saying he’s going to ask her.”

  Krysta crossed her legs beneath her, sitting on her heels. She grasped the back of AJ’s seat and turned. “You don’t believe that, do you?”

  “That’s what I told her,” AJ said.

  “It’s not just that. Look, every girl likes Frankie. Can you imagine what that dance would be like? I’d be fighting off groupies the whole time.” What if Frankie flirted with other girls and ignored me?

  AJ turned her gaze down. “Afraid you won’t measure up to them?”

  Under the scrutiny of my friends, I shifted in my seat. “No, it’s not that.” When he tutored me in Mrs. Stein’s class, I wanted to melt in my seat at his touch, his scent, his nearness. The boy had cast a spell over me and I didn’t trust myself not to act like an idiot in his presence.

  Krysta squeezed my shoulder. “You’re not a fat dork anymore.”

  “Yeah, Frankie obviously sees something in you,” AJ said. “Maybe you should, too.”

  All this time I’d been trying so hard to prove I was cool. Now that Frankie was interested in me, I was afraid I wouldn’t live up to my new image. What if I said something stupid on our date? What if he no longer thought I was cool? Plus, I had another big problem. A problem normal teenagers didn’t have to deal with. With Frankie so near me, what if I read something in his mind I didn’t want to know?


  The bus had to be late this morning. Obviously, the substitute bus driver didn’t know I had a schedule to keep when he took three wrong turns. I had barely enough time to get to my locker before first period.

  But there was just one problem.

  “Hey, Sophie, I saw you knocked out on the football field. Actually, the whole school saw it.” Summer smirked while she stroked her fake nails with hot pink polish. Her hand was splayed flat against my locker door.

  Knowing she had no intention of moving it, I took a deep breath, dropped my book bag to the ground and prepared to do battle. This was a long time coming. I was finally ready to stand up to Summer Powers. Then why were my knees shaking?

  “So what’s your point?”

  The bite of my best friend’s angry voice resonated behind me. I turned to see AJ glaring at Summer, chin raised, fists clenched at her sides.

  Now she was ready to do battle. AJ’s powerful energy swept over me; I felt her rage in my bones. AJ at my back made me feel safer; my knees stopped shaking.

  “Nothing,” Summer stammered. “I was just making an observation.” She quickly put the cap on her nail polish and stuffed it into her purse.

  “Really?” AJ crossed her arms over her chest. “You were staring at someone other than your own reflection?”

  “Yeah.” Summer’s hands were trembling as she snatched a notebook from her locker and slammed the door.

  AJ threw back her head and laughed. “Good for you. Maybe this means you’ll be spending less time at your locker mirror, so my best friend won’t be late to class.”

  Summer hurried to the opposite end of the hall, but not before casting me a sideways glare. I read the intention in her eyes and heard what she was thinking.

  Just you wait. She won’t always be there to protect you.

  “AJ.” I shook my head. “One of these days I’m going to have to learn to stand up for myself.”

  “You will next time.” AJ put her hand on my back. “I just wanted to show you how it’s done.”

  “Thanks.” I fumbled with the combination on my locker.

  AJ looked from side to side before lowering her voice. “Did you get to hear what she was thinking?”

  I opened my locker, shielding my face with the door. “She can’t wait to get me alone.”

  AJ pushed next to me, pretending to get books out of my locker. “I’m no bigger than you, Sophie. The only difference is I don’t take crap from anyone. Next time you see Summer, give her the stare, and show her you’re not afraid.”

  I paused. “And what if she kicks my butt?”

  “She might.” AJ stopped fumbling and turned to me. “And you might kick her butt. The point is, you’ll have to deal with girls like Summer all your life. Are you going to keep taking their crap?”

  I squared my shoulders. “No.”

  “Now, next time she starts something, get in her face, and then listen to what she’s thinking. I will bet you’ll find out she’s scared.”

  “Maybe.” I wasn’t so sure. Could AJ be right?

  There was only one way to find out. I shuddered at the thought of a future confrontation. If I did get my butt kicked by Summer, the whole school would talk about it. I’d never be cool.

  We exchanged knowing glances at the sound of the first bell. AJ waved as she headed to class.

  I closed my locker and picked up my bag, anxious to get to first period. AJ told me Frankie scored the winning touchdown Friday night. I hoped Lara got the picture. “Hey, Sophie, you okay?”

  My spine tingled at the sound of the familiar voice behind me. I clenched both fists then breathed out, trying to ease my tension. I knew when I turned around, those penetrating eyes would have me stammering like an idiot. I slowly faced Frankie. “What? Yeah, I’m fine.”

  He was leaning one hand against Summer’s locker, his other hand holding a binder to his chest and head tilted to the side. His gorgeous pose could have been ripped from an Old Navy ad.

  “Oh, when you didn’t show up to tutoring, I thought you had a concussion.” Frankie smiled slyly, his
eyes twinkling with something that looked like arrogance.

  This guy was a player, baiting me with his hot body. Did he think I was going to drop to my knees and beg for forgiveness? “Why? Does a girl have to have a concussion if she doesn’t want to be with you?”

  Frankie pushed off the locker, his shoulders falling slightly. Damn. That cut hard. I knew she didn’t like me.

  Frankie’s thoughts stunned me into silence. Had I actually hurt Frankie Salas? I hadn’t thought guys like him could be hurt.

  Head cast down, Frankie brushed past me. “That’s not what I meant. Never mind.”

  Instinctively, I reached out for his arm. My fingers tingled as I felt his muscles tighten. “Frankie, I’m sorry. I can’t believe I said that.”

  Frankie turned abruptly, closing only a small distance between us.

  I released my grip before his skin melted my fingers and tried to turn down the heat that coursed through me when I looked into his eyes. “We had a new bus driver. We just got to school.”

  “That’s okay.” A slight smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Maybe tomorrow.”

  “Yeah.” I bit my lip. I didn’t want a goofy grin ruining the moment. “Definitely.”

  His eyes locked with mine as he placed his hand on my shoulder. Thinking he was drawing me closer for a kiss, I leaned in. I could feel my mouth dry up like I’d just swallowed a mouthful of cotton. My hands shook, my heart beat so hard I thought my chest would explode, but I didn’t care. Frankie Salas was about to kiss me. I closed my eyes and opened my lips…ready, waiting.

  “Which way are you going?”

  “Huh?” I watched as Frankie slid my book bag off my arm. He wasn’t going to kiss me. He was just taking my bag. I was a moron.

  “I said, ‘which way are you going?’” He had my book bag slung over his shoulder, gripping it with one finger.

  “Yearbook,” I stammered, the dryness in my mouth almost causing me to choke.

  “I’ll walk you.”

  We both turned, walking shoulder to shoulder.

  I ran my tongue over the roof of my mouth. “Won’t you be late?”

  “I don’t get busted,” Frankie teased. “My teachers love me.”

  We walked the rest of the way in silence. This gave me ample time to reflect on my stupidity. I just couldn’t act cool around Frankie. The weird thing was that he didn’t seem to care.

  The tardy bell rang. I looked at Frankie to gage his reaction, but he didn’t even blink. Although Mrs. Carr wouldn’t be happy when I came in late, that didn’t seem to matter to me at the time.

  When we neared the door to the yearbook room, I knew I had to bring up the football incident, as Frankie was nice enough not to mention it. “Frankie, thanks for everything Friday night.”

  He shrugged, setting down my bag. “It’s nothing.”

  “I heard you still won the game.”

  “Yeah.” He held up a finger. “By one point.”

  I sighed, sinking against the door. “I wish I could have seen you make that touchdown.”

  He moved closer. “There’s always this Friday.”

  I inhaled his scent. Fresh, musky, and not a hint of ketchup.

  “Maybe I can get a picture of you.” I could feel the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I’d misjudged his last move. I didn’t know what to expect now so I wasn’t going to make that same mistake again. I tried to focus on his thoughts, but with my nerves and his dark eyes, there was no hope of any mind-reading.

  He placed one hand above my shoulder, leaning against the door, his face within inches of mine. “Or the Friday after that.”

  My mind was racing. Frankie’s nearness had me so confused. It took me a few seconds to register what he was saying. He didn’t have a game that Friday. That was the night of the Freshmen Formal dance. “I thought you didn’t have a game that Friday.” I nearly stumbled over my words.

  “I don’t.” He grabbed a wisp of my hair, toying it in his fingers, his breath lowering to a near whisper. “So maybe you and I can get some pictures together.”

  I tried to swallow, but the dryness in my throat was back with a vengeance. I looked into his penetrating eyes, searching for a sign this wasn’t a dream, the hottest guy in school really liked me. “Like, as friends?”

  “Not exactly.” He leaned closer.

  I smelled his minty breath and saw his lips part. I knew Frankie Salas was going to kiss me.

  “The bell rang a minute ago,” a gruff voice said. “Get to class, you kids, before I write you up.”

  I jumped at the sight of Tyler, the gender confused rent-a-cop.

  Frankie slowly straightened, turning to Tyler with a wide grin. “Oh, hi, Tyler. You look beautiful this morning. New haircut?”

  Beautiful? Feminine term. Finally, the riddle was solved. Tyler was a girl.

  Tyler blushed and playfully swatted her hand at him. “Frankie, you little rascal, get your butt to class.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” Frankie was a player. He even knew how to make the beastie girls blush. “I was just making sure Sophie didn’t pass out on the way to class. She got a concussion at the game.”

  “Oh, so you’re the one who was hit by the ball.” She peered around his shoulder and looked me up and down with a menacing glare.

  I tried to duck behind Frankie. “Uh, yeah.” Even though I had solved Tyler’s gender enigma, two hundred fifty pounds of grudge with a night stick was still scary.

  “I saw the whole thing from the sidelines.” She grunted and puffed up her chest. “Girls don’t belong on the football field, that’s what I’ve always said.”

  I felt like saying, “So what the heck are you? A few seconds ago, Frankie had me convinced you were a girl.”

  A few seconds before that, Frankie was about to kiss me. But she, he or it, had to ruin the moment.


  Mrs. Carr glared from underneath her rimmed glasses as I floated into the yearbook room and melted into the seat next to Lara.

  She was adjusting contrast on photos of screaming cheerleaders. “Mrs. Carr is sending the pep rally pages this deadline. Open up the folder on the network and pick your ten favorite pictures.”


  I opened up the folder, vaguely aware I was looking at pictures of kids with pie on their faces. Then I came to a group of football players throwing water on their coach. Frankie was holding the bucket. He had that mischievous twinkle in his eyes. He would make a fun date, especially to the Freshmen Formal. The thought of us on the dance floor together brought a smile to my face.

  “Sophie?” Lara bit her lip and looked at me questioningly, “Jacob put you in a good mood?”

  “Oh, God, no!” I sat up and shuttered, making a disgusting face.

  Lara smiled and nodded. “Well, that’s good to know.”

  “Jacob’s a loser,” I huffed.

  “I’m glad you see it.” She cast me a sideways glance. “Took you long enough.”

  I felt like a complete idiot. How could Lara have stayed friends with me when I was such a mental case over a loser? Maybe now she’d tell me the whole truth. “Now that I’m through with him, you gonna tell me what he did to you?”

  Lara pushed her shoulders back and narrowed her eyes. “You mean you never heard the rumors?”

  “No.” Did everyone know Jacob was a vomit heap but me? I guess everyone, except AJ, decided to let me learn the truth on my own.

  “Remember when I was crying in the darkroom?” Lara whispered.

  “Yeah.” I wanted to pretend I didn’t remember, but that day had been difficult to put from my mind. Even though I didn’t want to believe what she was thinking, that was the first day I started having doubts about Jacob.

  “Jacob had just told everyone on my bus I had sex with him.” Lara rolled her eyes. “I don’t even know him.”

  “What a jerk. Why didn’t you tell me?” She did tell me and now I was silently kicking myself in the butt for not wanting to believe her thou
ghts. Jacob had insulted my friend. I should have ditched that crush on the spot.

  “You’re my only friend right now. Everyone else thinks I’m a slut thanks to Summer and Jacob.” Lara sank in her seat, lines of doubt drawn across her forehead. “I didn’t want you to hate me, too.”

  “Lara.” I squeezed her hand. “I wouldn’t hate you.”

  “I don’t know.” She wagged her finger at my nose. “You were pretty lovesick over Jacob.”

  “Uugghh, don’t remind me.” I laid my hand across my forehead. If I could have erased those weeks. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  “So who’s the new crush?” Lara playfully punched me on the shoulder, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

  What a good friend. How easily she forgave and forgot my bad taste in guys. After all, it was not like I married the guy. Besides, I had better prospects on the horizon. “Frankie Salas. He asked me to Freshmen Formal. He almost kissed me this morning, but The Beast ruined it.”

  “Frankie Salas?” Lara squeezed her hands between her knees and batted her eyes. “Oh, Sophie, he’s a hottie…and so sweet.”

  I frowned. “So I’ve heard from every other girl in this school.”

  “So what? Just think, all those girls like him but he picked you.” Lara nearly fell out of her seat in excitement.

  “You’re right, but...” I bit my thumb, shaking my head. So many girls.

  “But?” Lara tilted her head, raising her brows as if waiting for me to finish. “Sophie?”

  “I just don’t want to be fighting over him all night, that’s all.” I didn’t see myself in his league, and definitely not with so many pretty girls competing for his attention.

  Lara turned up her chin. “Frankie’s not a jerk like Jacob. If Frankie wants something, he goes for it. If he wants to take you to the dance, you won’t be fighting over him. He’ll be all yours.”

  Even though he did have a lot of female followers, there was something about Frankie’s character I liked. Like how he worked so hard in football, how he did so well in school, and how he made me feel with the cute way he teased me. But how did Lara know so much about him? I didn’t want to add Lara to my list of rivals. “How do you know so much about him?”

  Lara cast a sideways smile that shot to her eyes. She must have sensed my jealously. “I’ve got him in five classes and I’ve been taking his football pictures for three years. When Frankie focuses on something, it’s like nothing else exists. Besides, I saw how worried he was when he carried you off the field Friday night.”