Read Sophie's Secret Page 12

  “It doesn’t sound like nothing.” He opened the door, dragging me behind. “Come on!”


  Summer crumpled the infamous booger picture in her hand while stomping her heels on the floor. The corners of the picture were still stuck to her locker, thanks to lots and lots of duct tape.

  A crowd of kids stood behind her, all taking photos of her tantrum with their phones. I wondered if any of them had actually snapped pictures of the booger photo before Summer had torn it down.

  “Where is Lara?” Summer was scanning the faces of the amused crowd. “I know she did this! I’ll kill her!”

  I whispered to Frankie that I had something to take care of before pushing my way to the front. The first punch had been thrown. It was time to see if she’d strike back.

  Taking a deep breath, I straightened my spine while trying to control my shaking legs. “Lara didn’t do it, Summer.” I inwardly smiled after the words came out of my mouth. I was terrified, but it felt so good to finally stand up for myself.

  Summer’s jaw dropped, her eyes bugging out of her head. “You?” she hissed.

  “Maybe.” Though I refused to deny it, I didn’t want to admit it, either. At, least, not out loud. After all, I didn’t want to get suspended. But as I fisted my hands at my sides, a defiant gesture AJ had taught me, I knew Summer would realize I was the one who’d taped the picture to her locker. “So what are you going to do about it?” I taunted.

  It was like someone else was speaking. I could barely feel my lips moving, as my body had gone numb. As a voice in my head kept repeating, ‘Don’t back down,’ I realized my next move. Willing myself to read Summer’s mind, I wasn’t about to be unprepared for Summer’s attack.

  Sophie? No way! Where did she get the nerve?

  Summer glared at the gathering crowd. “What are you all laughing at?”

  Perfect. Summer was shocked and embarrassed. As my confidence restored, so did the feeling in my limbs. I decided to strike again before she regained her footing. “I think they’re laughing at that picture of you with your finger halfway up your nose.”

  “You stupid little freak!” She threw the picture in my face as her lower lip trembled.

  I caught the picture, laughing, and unfolded it. “Pick-N-Flick Powers—sounds like a cool nickname.” Once again, I focused on her thoughts.

  Why isn’t she backing down? She’s gone crazy.

  “Give that back.” Summer lunged for the picture.

  I tossed it on the ground. “Sure. What do I want with your crusty picture, anyway?” I was having fun humiliating her, but I had to be cautious. She was a cornered animal; I wasn’t sure if she’d strike out. Luckily, her thoughts came easily to me.

  Summer picked up the photo, stuffing it in her pocket. Her body quivered as she eyed the crowd. Everyone’s looking. I need to save face. “I’ll get you back for this.”

  “Yeah, whatever.” I folded my arms across my chest and pretended to examine my fingernails. A trick I’d seen her use.

  She backed up a few steps, her chest rising and falling with each angry breath. “You’d better watch your back.”

  “You’d better watch your mouth.” Jerking my head up, I pointed an irate finger and followed her retreat. “Quit spreading lies about Lara. And when I need to get into my locker, stay out of my face.”

  What’s wrong with her? I have to get out of here. Summer turned, pushing her way through the crowd just as the first bell rang. “You’re lucky the bell rang,” she called over her shoulder.

  I laughed as she ran to class. I couldn’t help adding one more jab. “Maybe I’ll see you around after first period. Just remember to use antibacterial lotion before you come near my locker.”

  “Summer Powers piss you off?”

  I turned to see Frankie behind me, holding my book bag.

  Putting Summer down was like a drug for my ego; I still hadn’t come off of my high. “I was tired of her crap.”

  “Yeah.” He shrugged. “I’ve noticed she starts stuff with all the pretty girls.”

  My chest tightened and I had to remind myself to breathe. Frankie thought I was pretty. The fat little dork had come a long way and hearing him say it made it so much better. My head swelled. I understood how Frankie could get so cocky. Even though he liked me, something still had been bothering me for the past few weeks. “Summer said you were going to ask her to the Freshmen Formal.”

  “Yeah, right,” Frankie laughed. “She’s been begging me to take her ever since school started.”

  He winked and grabbed my hand. “Let’s go before we’re late to class again.”


  “Nice job. I didn’t even need to cheat for you.” Jacob’s fingers slid across mine as he handed back my test.

  I wanted to gag. What did I ever see in this guy? “It’s called studying, Jacob.”

  Jacob’s eyebrows wrinkled, and then he smiled. “I heard what you did to Summer. Cool.”

  “Cool?” I pushed back my shoulders, trying to sound as sarcastic as possible. “That’s nice. Why don’t you play your Nintendo?”

  Jacob’s mouth fell open and he waited before sneering. “What crawled up your butt?”

  I laughed, looking him in the eyes. “You did.”

  “What did I do to you?”

  I narrowed my eyes, giving him my best ‘you’re an idiot’ smile. “Lara Sketchum.”

  “Whatever.” He shook his head and turned. She deserved it. She’s a slut.

  Ooohhh, what a jerk. His thought was too rude to leave unanswered. “She’s not a slut, Jacob. She’s my friend and you spread lies about her. Even if she was a slut, she wouldn’t get together with a loser who only plays video games.”

  Jacob faced me again, his upper lip curled into a fierce snarl. “Are you calling me a loser?”

  Unimpressed, I rolled my eyes. “You caught on fast.”

  Jacob leaned back and forced a laugh, dramatically shrugging his shoulders as if he wasn’t bothered. “I thought you were cool, but I take it back.”

  “I think she’s cool.” Frankie glared at Jacob with a steely gaze.

  Jacob’s voice lowered, faltering as he spoke. “Stay out of it, Frankie.”

  “Too bad. I’m in it.” He continued glaring at Jacob.

  Jacob turned, huffing as he slammed his video game on his desk, tuning out the rest of the world.

  I was so totally proud of Frankie. He told off his friend for me. I’d never thought the guy could get any hotter.

  Frankie leaned over as we passed our tests to the front of the room. “I never got your number.” I held out my hand. “Give me your phone.”

  Within seconds, I entered my number into his phone and I resisted the urge to scan his phone book. If he had other girls’ numbers, it wasn’t my business. After all, I reminded myself, I wasn’t looking to marry the guy.

  Deftly slipping Frankie the cell, I fought the urge to jump out of my seat when his electrified fingers glided over mine. I didn’t think I could ever get used to his touch.

  He slipped the phone into his pocket. “I’ll text you next period.”

  I slid down in my seat, melting. I still couldn’t believe I was going to the Freshman Formal with the coolest guy in school. “Okay.” The dance was less than two weeks away; Frankie and I needed to make plans. I didn’t think, in all my fourteen years, I’d ever wanted anything more than for that night to finally come. If only everyone else in my life could have been this happy.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Walking home from the bus stop, I spied Rose Marie in the front yard. She was piling clothes into the back of her SUV. That sight worried me. Had Dad kicked her out? Was she going back to Chad?

  “Good news, Sophie.” Grinning, Rose Marie grabbed a lamp from off the ground and set it on top of the clothes. “You get your room back.”

  That much I could tell. But what would happen to my sister and my nephews? “Where are you going?”

  Rose Marie paused to r
ub her lower back. “I’m going to finish my core classes at Central Community.”

  “Central Community? I didn’t know they had dorms.”

  “They don’t.” She shrugged. “But Mrs. Stein lives a few blocks away.”

  “You’re moving in with Mrs. Stein?” I couldn’t believe my ears. When had this happened? Sure, I noticed Rose Marie was spending a lot more time with her after school, but roommates?

  “Yeah. She’s going to help me get student loans and scholarships. When the babies come, I’ll go to school at night while she watches them.”

  I felt a pang of jealousy. How was Mrs. Stein going to have the time to do all this and be my favorite teacher? “Wow. That’s a lot of work for her.”

  “That’s what I said, but she insisted.” Rose Marie picked up another lamp, and then turned. “You know, I think she needs me as much as I need her.”

  “I think you’re right.” I shouldn’t have been jealous. My plan to cheer Mrs. Stein worked better than I’d hoped. She would have a family again.

  “She already found me a job working at her friend’s daycare, so I can be with the babies at work. Besides,” Rose Marie grinned. “The daycare will be good experience, since I’m going to be a teacher.”

  My sister was full of surprises. I would have never guessed she wanted to be a teacher. She’d wanted to be a doctor since before college. “You are? Why?” I didn’t try to mask the shock in my voice.

  “Mom and Dad always expected me to be a doctor like Lu Lu.” Rose Marie’s head dropped. “After I had Mrs. Stein in eighth grade, I wanted to be a teacher. To help kids the way she helped me.”

  I felt more than just a sisterly connection with Rose Marie. It was surprising to know we shared the same views, too. “Yeah, Mrs. Stein makes me feel that way.”

  Her eyes lit and she came over, squeezing my shoulder. “Anyway, she is getting the babies’ room ready as we speak. Wait until you see her tomorrow, Sophie. I’ll bet you’ve never seen her so happy.”

  “I can’t wait.” For once in my life, everything was coming together. Summer didn’t bother me after the pick incident. Jacob was told to shut up. Frankie thought I was pretty. Rose Marie was getting her life back on track. And now, Mrs. Stein would finally have some happiness. The only thing that could top this was a memorable Freshmen Formal.


  The night was already going better than hoped, except for that one little incident when Rose Marie drove us to the dance. She complimented Frankie about his gorgeous eyes and flirtatious Frankie actually turned beet red. I couldn’t wait till I got my driver’s license. Going out would be so much better.

  Thank God for those dance lessons Mom made me take in seventh grade. Even though I was the fattest thing in spandex, I still learned a few good moves. Frankie and I danced for at least twenty minutes before he went to get us punch. Not once had he looked at other girls. Lara was right, ‘he was all mine.’

  I made my way to the bathroom to make sure those crazy curls Rose Marie formed on my head hadn’t fallen. Everything was still in place, thanks to almost an entire can of hair spray. My make-up looked great, too. I was starting to appreciate the benefits of a Homecoming Queen sister.

  As I looked at my reflection, I couldn’t hide a smile at the pretty girl in the shimmering pink dress. Rose Marie helped me pick it out and I had to admit I looked pretty hot. I would have never been caught dead in a tight dress a year ago, but a lot had changed. The thin straps crossed over the low cut back, and the soft, feminine fabric clung until it ended just at the knee. Mom had doubts about the dress. Dad was furious, but Rose Marie got our parents to back down.

  Besides, this gown actually concealed a lot more than what other girls were wearing, especially Summer Powers, whose chest was ready to fall out of her sparkly black tube top. I was shocked, not at what she was wearing, at her date—Jacob Flushman. I was still laughing over that.

  I spotted AJ and Krysta when I came out of the bathroom. They looked awkward standing next to the two coolest guys at the dance. They’d told me they had surprise dates; I had kind of suspected they would abduct AJ’s brother and his best friend.

  The Mikes sneered as they scanned the crowd of freshmen. They probably had lots of better things to do on a Friday night than baby-sit two goofy girls. I looked AJ and Krysta over from a distance. AJ was actually in a dress! I wondered what bribery Krysta used to get her into that thing. Whatever the case, AJ looked pretty as a girl.

  Krysta’s eyes widened as she spotted me coming toward them. “Love the dress. Jennifer Lopez wore one just like it in Cosmo.”

  “Look at you, girl.” AJ grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. “You’re a little hottie.”

  “You clean up nice as a fem, AJ,” I laughed.

  She batted her eyes and flipped her hair, pretending to be a stupid priss.

  “Hey,” I asked. “How did you get the Mikes?”

  “Mom threatened them.” AJ rolled her eyes at their dates.

  Krysta bounced, nearly jumping out of her heels. “I think, after tonight, we’ll be the most popular girls at school.”

  I giggled. “The Mikes don’t look like they’re having much fun.”

  “Too bad.” AJ shook her head in mock sympathy. “They’re ours tonight.”

  “Yeah,” Krysta beamed, “and they’ll make great pictures. You have to make sure we go in the yearbook with them.”

  “Ask Lara, she’s the one taking pictures tonight.” I pointed in Lara’s direction after I spotted her out of the corner of my eye.

  Lara looked sophisticated. She opted for sleek, low-rise black pants and a modest cut, matching black top. Her long black hair was swept up in a simple, elegant twist. Her black sequined flip-flops made the outfit. And for jewelry, of course, nothing fit better than her camera.

  “Yeah, we saw her.” AJ tensed. “The Mikes were flirting with her, but she blew them off.”

  “That’s Lara,” I said. “She only cares about taking pictures.”

  Krysta shrugged. “She doesn’t act like a slut to me.”

  I raised my brows, eyeing Krysta and AJ.

  “She’s not a slut. I already told both of you Summer and Jacob started those rumors.”

  AJ swung her little beaded purse in a menacing gesture. “If I hear anyone talking smack about Lara, I’ll shut them up.”

  “Cool.” I looked over their shoulders. “Frankie’s coming back. I need to go.”

  “Good luck.” AJ smacked me on the shoulder.

  I winced, but not at AJ. Grody Cody bumped into Frankie, almost causing him to spill the punch. Frankie looked ready to pound him.

  “Hey, where you been?” His voice was tense. “I almost spilled these, twice.”

  “Sorry. Girl thing.” I batted my eyes and bit my lip. A technique Rose Marie had just taught me.

  Frankie broke into a wide grin as he handed me the punch.

  “Don’t you two make a nice couple?”

  I turned to see Mrs. Stein beaming. She wore baby’s breath in her hair and cradled a flower clutch to her chest. I didn’t quite get the Hawaiian strapless sundress she was wearing but since she was my favorite teacher, I decided to overlook her fashion flaws.

  She whispered in my ear, “I knew my plan would work.”

  My jaw dropped. “You set us up, Mrs. Stein?”

  She laughed. “You should be thanking me.”

  I loved hearing her laugh. She had been doing a lot of that these past few weeks. But best of all, no more depressing thoughts.

  “Thanks, Mrs. Stein. But not just for that, for everything.” I leaned over and gave her a big hug.

  She patted me on the back. “Just doing my job.”

  “No,” I said, “your job is to teach, but you’re more than a teacher. By the way…” I tilted my chin. “I finally get equations.”

  Mrs. Stein squeezed her handbag tighter; the lines of her wide smile were so stretched I thought her face would burst.

  “I never had an
y doubts.”

  Frankie poked me in the ribs. “Are we gonna dance or what?”

  A thrill ran through me at his words. I couldn’t believe it. For a moment, I had forgotten the hottest guy in school was at my side.

  He tossed our drinks into the garbage and pulled me to the floor for a slow song.

  The magical feeling returned as his fingers locked in mine. I wasn’t scared or worried, just excited. Tonight I would not embarrass myself. I shared smiles with AJ and Krysta, who had dragged the Mikes onto the dance floor. The blinding light of a camera’s flash caught me off guard. I looked up to see Lara.

  “If it’s ugly,” I roared, “I’m deleting it.”

  She winked from above her viewfinder. “You look beautiful, trust me. No booger picking.” She nodded her head toward a cluster of chairs in the back of the gym.

  Jacob was sitting with his Nintendo, stretched out with his legs on a nearby chair. Summer looked absolutely bored as she watched her date play his game.

  I tapped Frankie’s shoulder and pointed in their direction. “Jacob and Summer don’t look like they’re having much fun.”

  Frankie shook his head. “That boy needs a reality check.”

  I shrugged. “I never thought I’d say this, but I kind of feel sorry for Summer.”

  “Maybe I should ask her to dance.” His lips curved into a mischievous grin.

  I pulled back my shoulders and glared. “Maybe you should kiss my butt.”

  “What?” He leaned in, a grin splitting his lips. “Sophie wants a kiss?”

  I pushed on his chest. “Not here.” Panicking, I could feel the nervousness shoot through my limbs.

  He bent his lips toward mine. “Why not?”

  “Mrs. Stein and Mr. Sparks are watching.” I tried to scan the room, but his penetrating eyes drew me in. “You do the math.”

  Trapped by his heated gaze, a thousand different fears seared my mind. I grappled with my brain to find some way out of the inevitable. He was going to kiss me in front of all these people.

  There was nothing I could do to stop him but, truthfully, I didn’t want to stop him.

  He leaned in closer, his lips dangerously a breath away. “I’m sick of equations.”

  Frankie’s mouth met mine in one exquisite kiss. His lips were soft, just barely wet from the punch, and oh so nice. Nothing else mattered. Not getting caught by the principal, not the gossip on the dance floor, not even the light from Lara’s flash that I knew had captured our kiss. I was Sophie ‘So Hot’ Sinora, and I was cool.