Read Sorceurian Dragonier Blackthorn Page 1

  Sorceurian Dragonier Blackthorn

   By Beth Wright

  Copyright 2010 Beth Wright



  Jongian comes to his senses after seeing four more humans die from the awful experiments his evil friends were doing to them. In his mind, he starts to make plans to somehow get the rest of the humans to safety. Shortly before he is able to get his plan started, his best friend turns against him. A report of his plan is sent to the powerful leaders. They sentence him to the dungeons where he is then made to endure the evil experiments himself. In horror, he watches as his own body changes over the years. The blood of the strongest races is being forced into him on a daily basis now. They soon come to realize, he is now the most powerful being in the world. Knowing this, the evil leader Kirikor, decides to put the most powerful spells on Jongian's cell and shackles to keep him confined. To achieve this they need a lot of powerful spells taken from over fifty strong Sorceurians. Doing this will ensure that he will never be able to leave.

  After being held captive for over five billion years, Jongian decides to give up his fight for freedom. Realization takes over him, he is no longer who he was and no one may ever accept him in their life again. His pain and rage build when he comes upon the knowledge of this. Hating himself and the ones who have done this to him is all the emotions he can feel now. The blood of all the races rushing through his body gives him a more feral approach to everything. He does not want anyone to look at him, and he does not ever want to be touched. His mind is filled with blood and rage. Death is what he awaits for now. He welcomes it with open arms, as he watches in horror as others go through the torment as well.


  "Ok Rebecca!" Steph yells from behind her sister. "We have been walking through these woods for the past three hours. Can we finally admit it?" She says as she grabs her younger sister’s arm. "We are lost."

  Rebecca turns to her with a wide smile and says, "Never admit defeat, sister." Rocks slide out from under her feet making her and her sister lose their balance. They slide down the steep incline. Coming to rest at a small clearing. "Well, see, this is much different from what we have seen before."

  Steph stands to her feet, brushing dirt and leaves off of her leg. "Yeah great, now we are lost, and really dirty." Staring at the clearing she sees something in the far distance, glowing and shining. "Hey, I wonder what that is over there." Running towards it, she forgets to watch where she is stepping. Her feet end up in a giant mud puddle. "Great! Can things get much worse than this?!"

  Her sister starts to help her step out of her muddy confinement. "Nope, this is as dirty as you are going to get I think." She giggles.

  "Gee thanks," she turns to face the direction where she saw the glowing. Walking closer to the area she soon realizes. "It's some kind of portal or something. Kind of reminds me of a sci-fi movie I saw once." Rebecca walks closer towards it. "Don't get too close. We don't know what would happen." Before Steph could make it close enough to grab her sister, a shadow from behind her pushed her into her sister and sent both of them head first into the glittering portal.


  Rebecca starts rubbing her sore arms. "Why did you push me Steph?"

  "I didn't mean to. Someone pushed me into you." They both stand and started to take in their surroundings. "Where are we?"

  "This looks almost like the hallway of a very old castle." They notice that the hallway seems to end at a very large black door. "Well should we go see if someone can help us get home?"

  "What do you mean? The portal is right behind us...” Stephanie starts to say as she turns and realizes the portal is no longer there. "Great we are now lost, and to top it all off we are in a weird old building." she rolled her eyes.

  Walking down the hall they hear sounds from all around. Noises of all kinds, even some screams that seemed to be coming from beneath them. "That cannot be good." Rebecca says while slowing down to look at her sister. "I sure hope this is not some kind of horror house. You know like during Halloween time."

  "Honestly sister, if it is I don't think it would be like the ones during Halloween time. I think this one would actually have things, and people in it that would really hurt us." Stopping at the giant doors they both turn to each other and shrug their shoulders. "Well I guess we will just have to find out.”

  They slowly start to push the doors open. Waiting for someone or something to jump out at them. Nothing but a giant empty library looking room, with a giant rectangle table in the center of it. Steph walks towards the table while Rebecca runs up to the shelves and starts to look at all the books. "I don’t know what any of these say." She yells to her sister, who now runs her hand along the beautiful, long table. "This language is not like any I have ever seen." The doors slam shut. Both sisters scream in reply.

  "Who's there?" Steph yells out. "Hello?" Turning to her sister she then sees two men walking up behind Rebecca. "Leave her alone!" she tries to get to her sister before they do, but before she can reach her sister, they do. She feels like she is in a dream, unable to go faster. "Leave her alone!" she yells again.

  One of the men turns towards her. "We only obey our leader." His eyes look at her like studying her ever detail. "He wants her to be brought to him." His golden eyes then direct back to Rebecca who is now being held tight by the other man.

  Steph starts to smack and kick the man who was talking to her, but finds out that it is no use, the kicks and hits do no damage to these strange men. "Why? Why does he want her?" she sees her sister struggling harder to break free from the other man's hold.

  "Does not matter why. It just matter's that I do." Another man says as he enters the room. He walks over to the table and then sits. Steph runs towards him to try to get some answers. Before she reaches the table another man has her pinned. "Now these are the first human females that we have ever met, they seem to have fire in their souls." He says as he waves his hand for the other man to bring Rebecca to him. "This one will stay here with me." He then turns back to Steph. "Put that one in the dungeon with the rest." With a wave of his hand, he dismisses the men, and they take Steph out and the man with Rebecca stays.

  "What do you want from me?!" Rebecca yells. "Why are you taking Steph away?!" She starts to claw at the arms of the one holding her.

  He grunts softly then says, "You are one wild human female. I have never seen one scratch before. Are you going to bite me as well?" He mocks her with a chuckle.

  "If I have to, then yes." she turns to bite his arm. Before she could even get her teeth close enough to its target she is soon swept up into the other man's arms.

  "Now, now dear, biting a leading guard is not a good thing. I see that I will have to train you to be a good mate." He waves his hand and three more men appear. "Take my beautiful mate to the deepest dungeon. She needs some time to learn that obeying is better than fighting me and my guards."

  With that they start to take Rebecca down the hall. They soon stop to unlock a door with magic, then turn to their prisoner. They grab her arms and carry her down the long narrow stairs. "Let me go!" She screams. "Where's my sister?"

  One of the guards turns around and says, "She is in another dungeon far above these." He turns back around and starts to walk once more. They get to the base of the stairs and she watches in amazement as torches light up the hallway in front of them. Stopping halfway down the hall, they turn to face a cell that is empty. "This is where you will be staying till you learn to behave, little one." The two guards take her to the door and throw her inside.

  "I hate you!" she yells.

  The guard who was talking, turns back to face her once again. "You do not have
to like us." He replies with an evil grin. "You just need to learn how to act more womanly."

  "What's that suppose to mean!" she grabs the bars, "where I'm from men don't throw women in dungeons! I will never change for you or that mad man!"

  "You will," He says as they walk back down the hall. "In due time you will learn."

  "I would rather die!" her voice echoes throughout the dungeon.

  He stops and then turns back towards her. "That he will not allow to happen. It may take awhile, but you will learn." With a swift turn, he disappears from sight.

  "I hate you all!" she yells while pushing with all her strength on the cell door.

  He does not respond to her yelling this time. All she hears is the dungeon door slam shut. After staring down the empty hall for awhile