Read Soul Cry: The Ten Year Girlfriend Page 6

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  “ I just made you fall in love with me.”


  “ Amina hurry your ass up! You were the main one acting like you didn't wanna come to the BBQ today. Now you're the main one primping in the mirror holding us up!” Katrina said popping the piece of gum she'd just thrown in her mouth loudly.

  I checked my hair and lip-gloss in the rear-view mirror once more then cut my eyes at Katrina.

  “ Look,just because this ain't my first choice in how I'd like to spend my afternoon, doesn't mean I'm going to walk up in here looking raggedy. When you're somewhere you don't want to be that's when you run into everyone!”

  Katrina broke out into peals of laughter.

  “ Bitch you right! I know it's going to be plenty of niggas up in here too. Let's go.” Katrina said stepping out of Amina's car adjusting her breasts in the tiny halter top she'd chosen to wear to this afternoons hood festivities.

  “ How do I look girl?” she asked.

  “ You look like you have way too much titties squeezed into that tiny ass top.” I replied.

  Katrina rolled her eyes at me.

  “ Good. That's just the look I was going for. By the way,you look like you have too much ass for those tiny ass shorts so I guess we're even!”

  We both looked at each other and burst out laughing.

  “ Come on girl. We ain't staying here all damn night either.” I said to Katrina. She had an annoying habit of making herself a little too comfortable at times. Wearing out her damn welcome. I for one, was not trying to be in this neighborhood once the street lights came on. Katrina and I made our way to the backyard where Tupac's “California Love” was bumping through the large speakers placed on a makeshift DJ table. The food and drink appeared to be flowing as well. The smell of spicy baked beans along with smoked chicken and ribs,peppered with a hint of weed smoke filled the air. I could already see the fat blunts being passed around freely. After all,this was Los Angeles. Everyone and their mama had a “ medical marijuana “ card. Knowing damn well the only sickness they had was the munchies after smoking all day and night.

  The afternoons hood festivities were in full swing. Kids were running throughout the yard laughing and playing. A card table was set up in addition to a temporary dance floor that laid on a large area of grass for later. I couldn't help but chuckle softly to myself when I saw it. I'll bet they'll be doing the electric slide on that later and cuing the Al Green,I thought.

  “ Damn! It's crowded up in here.” I said to Katrina who had already grabbed herself a cold beer.

  “ Oh baby, anytime Ms. Priss has a get-together it packed. I wonder where her fine ass son Damien is?” Katrina asked aloud. More to herself than me since I had no earthly idea who Damien was. Katrina's eyes were already scanning the crowd for her intended target. This was Katrina's old neighborhood so she was familiar with pretty much everyone in attendance. We'd only been there ten minutes and it seemed like Katrina had greeted and hugged damn near everyone at the BBQ.

  “ Oooh! There he is girl. I'll be back.” Katrina said adjusting her breasts and patting her mid-back length curly weave.

  “ Hold on! Don't just leave me...,” I sputtered but I was already talking to her retreating back. Katrina was walking rapidly towards a tall, slim, deep chocolate brotha with a head full of long, thick curly hair that was brushed meticulously back into a smooth,wavy low ponytail positioned at the nape of his neck. He looked good I had to admit. No wonder Katrina was practically running her ass across the damn yard.

  Whoever this Damien guy was,he appeared to already be deep in conversation with a scantily clad young woman. Katrina didn't give a damn. She didn't stop walking until she was dead in his face. I don't think she noticed...or cared about the heated look the woman was giving her for interrupting her conversation.


  Katrina always did this mess. The minute she set her sights on a man she was out. I decided to walk over and check out the food. It smelled delicious. My rumbling stomach quickly reminded me I hadn't eaten anything all day. On my way to the food I had to change my direction several times to avoid a few shady looking characters attempting to come my way. I liked a little thuggish swagger in my men but the brothas checking me out right now were doing the most. A couple were looking like they were fresh out of the penitentiary. I was not in the mood to deal with any disgruntled brothas mad because they got shot down. I quickly threw a scowl on my face to dash any hopes they had of trying to solicit any type of conversation from me.

  I picked up a paper plate and looked over the potato salad debating on whether or not I should take a chance on eating some of it.

  “ Damn girl! So the food is that nasty?”

  I jumped,startled by the deep,sexy voice coming from over my shoulder. He was so close to the back of my neck I could smell the sweet, cinnamon scent of his warm breath.

  “ What?” I said turning my head towards him. We were so close only inches prevented our lips from touching.

  “ I was just asking you if the food was nasty. The way you're standing here looking at it has me scared as hell to take a bite. I also better warn you about something too. You pretty as fuck but don't be standing over here looking at all the food with your face scrunched up like that. Especially if Ms. Priss cooked it. If she looks over here and sees you looking at the food crazy,you might get cussed out! If she did the cooking that is. If people brought food she may cut you some slack. If she goes off on you,I wont be able to save you.” he said shrugging his muscular shoulders at me.

  I slowly turned around,my eyes landing on a striking white v-neck t-shirt that stretched over the broad expanse of his chest. I slowly raised my eyes taking in his thick neck, slight Adams apple,to the slightly pronounced cleft in his chin. My eyes then landed squarely on his full,defined lips until my eyes raised finally settling onto his deep-set,thickly lashed eyes.

  “ I, umm,no see...,” I stammered,my hands shaking so nervously the three ribs I did have on my plate would have hit the grass if he hadn't reached out and grabbed it from me.

  He licked his lips and smiled at me. I could tell he was holding in his laughter. I felt like a complete fool.

  “ Ms. Priss?” he called out,looking in the direction of a pretty older woman standing over the grill talking with an older gentleman.

  “ Yes baby?”

  “ Did you make this potato salad?” he called out.

  “ Hell yeah! You know I don't eat just anything and I don't allow anyone to be fooling around in my damn kitchen either!” the woman quickly answered back.

  “ Ms. Priss made all this food so I'll vouch for it. If you don't like it, I'll take you out to eat. In the meantime, you seem a little shaky. How about you point to what you want and I'll fix your plate.” the sexy stranger said placing a scoop of potato salad on my plate before I could say a word. I followed him down the long table of food unsure if I should grab my plate and run. Or follow him wherever he chose to lead me. As fine as he was, I was willing to go anywhere with this man. Who was he? He stood head and shoulders above every other man I'd seen here so far. Literally. The brotha stood about 6 ft 4. Where the hell was Katrina? She knew everyone so I knew she could give me the 411 on him.

  The handsome peanut butter toned stranger quickly fired off a list of food choices and loaded our plates up.

  “ Do me a favor, grab me a beer.” he said walking towards one of the only tables that didn't appear to be occupied. I grabbed his beer and myself a soda before following him to the table.

  We settled down to eat our food but I could barely eat he had me laughing so much. His name was Roderick Thomas and he was 21,single with no kids. Roderick was fine but not so fine I neglected to ask all the questions I needed answers too. He was questioning me right back as well and looking at me so intensely it made me nervous. This man had me breaking into a sweat! I was trying to dab my forehead on the cool without him noticing. Roderick said he'd just graduated with a degree in Marketing and
Branding. He'd recently been hired as an intern at one of the largest sports agencies in Los Angeles. I can't lie, I felt a little unmotivated after hearing he had his Bachelors and had already enrolled in a program to obtain his Masters degree. Roderick impressed me further by encouraging my dreams of becoming a fashion designer one day. Although he did remind me that even the top designers had education in the fashion business. I blushed as I nodded my head in agreement. He was absolutely correct. First thing Monday morning I was going to check out a few programs I'd picked up enrollment information on yet never followed through.

  “ Well hey Roderick. How you doin'?” Katrina asked finally showing her face again. I hadn't seen her since we'd arrived at the BBQ over two hours ago. If I hadn't been so caught up in talking with Roderick I would have been pissed! After all Katrina was the one who'd invited me . She knew damn well I didn't know anyone here.

  “ What's going on Trina,how you been?” Roderick asked a slight smile on his face. He stood up gathering our plates and dirty cups.” I'll be back. Don't disappear on me okay.” he said winking at me before he walked off. I couldn't take my eyes off him. I loved talking to him. Roderick was smart,funny and every subject I broached he seemed to know something about. Long story short, this man was no dummy. He was the perfect blend of book smart and street smart.

  “ Umm excuse me bitch! I leave you alone for a few minutes and here you are hugged up with one of the finest muthafuckas up in here!” Katrina said staring at me wide eyed,hands resting on her non-existent hips. My girl was cute and all but she had no hips and ass. You couldn't tell her shit though. She may not have any ass but my girl had plenty of self confidence.

  “ Katrina your ass has been gone way longer than a few minutes! I'm just glad he came and talked to me or I'd be looking stupid all by myself. Or worse, I could have one of these other fools standing in my face. So I take it y'all know each other...TRINA! Tell me all about him! I asked him if he had a woman and he said no. Please tell me the nigga ain't lying to me.” I asked sending up a silent prayer Roderick was telling me the truth.

  “ A woman? Chile please! Roderick Thomas ain't wifing these hoes. More like love em' and leave em'. You need to be lacing up some track shoes on your feet and running away as fast as you can girl!” Katrina said taking a long swallow of her beer and sitting down next to me.

  My heart sank.

  “ Why Katrina? Damn is he out there that bad? He fucks anyone?”

  “ Oh I ain't really saying he's out there like that but I've known Roderick for a long time and he never has a girlfriend. He doesn't commit to any woman. Not even in high school. He's a serial dater and I know you'll just be one on the list. Besides I heard his dick game is fierce. That nigga will lay the pipe on your ass and have you going crazy. He had two of my home-girls fighting each other in the damn street once. The sad thing about it was,he wasn't claiming either one of them! I'd hate to see you get caught up in some shit like that is all I'm saying.”


  “ Yes girl. Don't get caught up with a bad boy.”

  “ He just graduated college he said...that's a lie?”

  Katrina sucked her teeth.

  “ No it's true. But Roderick is still a street nigga. Hell that's how he paid for school I'm sure. He's from the block,he just has a degree now. His mama is a crack head too.”

  “ Really? That's so sad.” I said looking across the yard where Roderick was talking to a group of guys. He looked over at me and caught me staring. I quickly averted my eyes,embarrassed at having been caught.

  “ Anyways!” Katrina said grabbing my arm. “ Guess who's coming by the crib to pick me up later?”

  “ Who?”

  “ Roderick's boy Damien! This is Damien's mom's house matter of fact..I told you that right?”

  “ Yeah when we came in. Well how come you've never mentioned this Damien before?”

  “ Wasn't shit to say since he had a girl but him and Tasha broke up! So I don't give a damn. I'm going for mine.” Katrina said laughing.

  “ Well how did you finally get him to ask you out after all this time?” I asked. I was trying my best to keep my mood light even through Katrina had just burst my bubble with her comments about Roderick.

  “ Chile please. My time at this party has been well spent. I just got done giving Damien some bomb ass head in the bathroom.” Katrina whispered.

  I choked on the soda I'd just taken a swallow of.

  “ Bitch please ,say you lying! I know you ain't pulling this at a BBQ!” I cried out. I was so embarrassed. What if someone had caught her? They'd be thinking I was out there like her.

  Katrina grinned.

  “ Girl ain’t no one see. We were in the bathroom. The door was locked. The nigga know my head game is on point,now he wanna see how the pussy is.”

  I just shook my head.

  I was happy for her...I guess, but I couldn't help feeling a little sad over the news about Roderick. It felt like Roderick and I really had a connection but I wasn't trying to catch feelings over a man who had a problem settling down. I'd always considered myself to be the girlfriend type. More to the point I'd been a girlfriend for the last four years. Some women liked to date around but I wasn't one of them. I liked a feeling of safety and security with one special man. Even though my friends kept trying to convince me to spread my wings and date. I definitely understood what Katrina was saying about Roderick “ loving them and leaving them” but maybe I shouldn't worry about that so much? It wasn't like I was looking to jump right back into a relationship. I'd only been single for the last six months after a four year relationship. When it was all said and done, I wanted the right man,not any man.

  Maybe it was time I lived a little. Dated a few guys until I found someone right for me. Had some fun for a change. After all,it's one of the reasons Marquise and I broke up. We both felt like we were too young to be so serious.

  I looked back over at Roderick only to find him already looking at me.