Read Souly Yours Page 3


  “Hey, what are you doing?” she asked her friend Rosie on the phone. She was still back in Morehead City and thought Selena was absolutely nuts for having left.

  “Not much, just watching television. You?”

  “I just made myself a drink. I put my chair right under the window that looks down on Pirates Alley and I’m watching the tourists walk by. I might just get ready and go down there myself in a little while.”

  “Sel, you worry me. Don’t go out by yourself.”

  “Well I don’t know anyone yet. Besides, it’s just downstairs. It’s not like I’m going to walk down some darkened alley all alone.” She heard her friend sigh heavily on the other end of the line. “Fine, don’t worry. I’ll stay in. I’m pretty tired anyway. I’ve been unpacking all day. Maybe I’ll just get drunk on my own.”

  “Okay. Hey, I was thinking about coming down to visit you in a month or two. Would it be too soon?” Rosie asked.

  “Of course not, I would love for you to come! You would love it here, Rose. And who knows, maybe you’ll move down, too.”

  “We’ll see. I’ll let you know for sure when I can go. Ooh, my show’s back on. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?

  “Okay. Love ya!”

  Selena decided she really would stay in. She was absolutely exhausted. She loved unpacking, picking out the perfect spot for her things, decorating, but it was hell on the body. She’d had movers help with the heavy lifting, but there was still a lot of stuff left in boxes. Who knew she had so many things?

  She took a nice, long, hot bath, then got into her pajamas and went back to her window. She had it open so that the music and sounds of the passersby could be heard loudly. She set her Bay Breeze on the ledge and watched.

  She wasn’t sure how long she’d sat there, but at some point she must have drifted off. A loud crash from the kitchen startled her out of her sleep. It scared her so bad she almost jumped out the open window. “What the hell!”

  She was standing, simply looking in the direction of the kitchen. She walked slowly towards it, wondering what it could have possibly been. The deadbolt and three chains were still on her door, so it was obvious that no one had entered while she was asleep. If someone had come in through the window they would have stepped on her, thereby waking her up.

  She walked into an empty kitchen, much to her relief. She was about to walk away when she noticed a picture frame on the floor. It seemed to have fallen and the glass shattered. She bent to pick it up, carefully avoiding the shards of glass that were strewn about.

  She frowned when she saw the photo. “Jesse,” she said to herself. Where had this come from? She actually thought she’d gotten rid of all his pictures, the cheating bastard! She looked at all of the boxes in the kitchen. They were all empty except for one that was still sealed.

  Maybe she’d overlooked that one and somehow it had toppled over. Though she didn’t know why she would have packed it in the first place, or why it would have been in with the kitchen stuff. I must really be tired, she thought.

  She went to the garbage can and threw in the frame, then cleaned up the rest of it off the floor. She looked back at the clock. Two thirty in the morning. She needed to go to bed. She would need to go through all of her boxes to make sure they were all clear.

  The following day she walked around the Quarter, taking in all of the architecture, music, and even the smells it was so well known for. She had decided she needed a day off from unpacking. She walked all day, had lunch at Café Maspero, walked some more, took pictures, basically everything a tourist would do.

  By the time she got home she was exhausted. Selena took a shower and made herself a nice little Bay Breeze to help her sleep. She didn’t know why she’d always had problems falling asleep. Once she fell asleep she was fine, the problem was getting there. Usually a drink or two would help, and tonight was no exception.

  She sat by the window and people watched for about fifteen minutes. To her surprise she found herself dozing off as she watched. She had barely touched her drink. She supposed the Quarter was already working its miracles on her.

  She closed her window, turned out the lights and headed to bed. By the time she’d tucked herself in she was already half asleep. Her lids were so heavy she felt drugged. For a second she wondered just how much vodka she’d actually put in her drink. But a second was all she had, for in that instant she fell into the deepest sleep she’d ever had.

  He trailed kisses up her bare back, all the way to the nape of her neck. “Mmm, that feels so good,” she breathed.

  She could feel his hot breath in her ear and the heat of his chest at her back. The weight of his body on her felt so right.

  He brought his hand up her side, caressing the side of her breast, then fully cupping it. She pushed back slightly, wanting to impale herself on him, but he pulled away, teasing. “Please,” she begged.

  He reached forward and stroked at the wetness between her legs. She was sure she would die if he didn’t take her then. “Please,” she begged again. He pushed against her and she could feel him at her entrance, hot and hard. He bit the nape of her neck, and just as he was about to enter her, she wondered, who the hell is He?

  Selena jumped out of bed and almost hit the wall. She looked around in the dark, expecting to see someone, but she was alone. There was no one there about to ravage her. She had to admit that she was a bit disappointed. It had been only a dream. Damn! Why did she always wake herself up just before the good part? She could still feel how wet she was.

  She turned on the light and went to splash some cold water on her face. It felt good, she was entirely too hot, and it wasn’t due to the heat in the apartment. If anything, she thought the temperature was pretty low.

  It dawned on her then, as she looked at herself in the mirror that she wasn’t wearing any clothes. She was as naked as the day she was born. She walked back to the room and saw the pajamas lying in a pile at the foot of the bed. Had she really been that much into her dream that she took her clothes off?

  Well, she was so hot that she decided to simply leave them off. She turned off her lamp again and went right back to bed, wishing with all her might that she could go back to her dream.

  Unfortunately for her, Selena didn’t go back to her dream. A week had passed and she was completely done unpacking. She’d actually sold most of her furnishings and donated a lot of her clothing before she’d even left North Carolina. There simply wasn’t room for any of it in her new place.

  She’d also made a few new friends, mostly her neighbors and some bartenders. She supposed they were more like acquaintances, but she believed they could turn into friendships. She had dinner with her upstairs neighbor once, and had gone jogging with the girl next door. But what was taking up most of her time was her writing.

  Selena thought that the best way to start would be to write a story about her own life, just to get the wheels going. Hers wasn’t the most interesting life in the world, but she’d been to a few places, seen some things.

  Tonight she was writing about her first kiss. It wasn’t one she particularly enjoyed since the teenager had slobbered all over her face. She was completely engrossed in her writing when all of a sudden her eyes began to cross, and her vision to blur. She was so incredibly sleepy. She looked over at the clock and saw that it wasn’t even eight at night.

  Wow, she thought, it sucks getting old, but as hard as it usually was for her to fall asleep, she decided to take advantage. She shut down her computer and turned off the lights. Even washing her face and brushing her teeth didn’t wake her up.

  She got out of her clothes, not bothering with pajamas, and crawled into bed. The second her head hit the pillow she was out.

  He moved her hair and kissed her neck. She moaned as he bit gently. She could feel the weight of him on her back, his hard cock against her bottom. She pushed back, rubbing herself against it.

  She wanted him so badly it hurt. She rolled onto her back, and he fell neatly be
tween her legs, his mouth seeking hers. He kissed her deeply, his tongue sliding against hers in a seductive dance.

  He bit her bottom lip and sucked it into his mouth, then he trailed kisses down her throat, grazing her skin with his teeth as he went. Each kiss, each nibble sent waves of pleasure right down to her feminine core.

  He kissed and sucked on her breasts, teasing her nipples with his hot breath, but making sure not to touch them. They were hard and erect, begging for his mouth, but instead he lightly bit around them. His whiskers scraped deliciously against her sensitive skin. When he finally latched on to one and sucked hard, she thought she would come. But he must have sensed that because he eased off.

  She was dripping wet and completely ready for him when he pushed her legs back and spread her. She was completely exposed, vulnerable. He rubbed the head of his penis on her clitoris, then agonizingly slowly pushed inside. She cried out when he finally entered her. Pleasure-pain could not begin to describe what it felt like to be filled by him.

  It hurt, but yet she wanted more, wanted it deeper. She reached down, and grabbing him pulled him in further. He began to thrust, slowly at first, but then increasing the tempo, until he was pounding into her frantically. He leaned in closer and she held on to his back for dear life.

  He pushed her legs back even further, until her ankles were practically around her ears! He was in so deep she could barely breathe, but even that wasn’t enough. She wanted more.

  She came with a cry as she dug her nails into his back. She felt him shudder at the same time, then fall limp against her chest.

  He kissed her brow, and she smiled. He rolled off and she immediately felt the loss, but she didn’t have time to think on it, because that is when she woke up.

  It was morning now and Selena squinted against the bright sunlight that was invading her small bedroom. “Aargh!” She covered her face with a pillow. She had been so tired when she went to bed that she hadn’t bothered to close the blinds.

  She looked over at the clock and saw that it was already past nine in the morning. She had slept over twelve hours straight! “Unbelievable,” she said to herself.

  Selena sat up and stretched, a silly grin spread across her face. What a dream! She never got to finish in her sex dreams. She could only wish that she’d have one every night.

  What surprised her the most, however, was the fact that she was unbelievably sore. She actually had a slight limp when she walked over to the bathroom. As a matter of fact she was sore everywhere. Her nipples hurt, her thighs, and even her genitals.

  She’d never been that sore from actual real live sex, much less from a dream. She must have been tossing and turning a lot, she thought.

  She went to the sink, intending on brushing her teeth and froze. Her long blond hair was completely disheveled and she had patches of red on her breasts. She looked down and studied them. Could it be? Were those whisker burns? “Nah!” Selena shook her head and laughed at herself. Maybe she needed to get out more.

  Selena went out with her upstairs neighbor, Lionel, bar hopping. They’d had an awesome time, but they weren’t quite ready to end the night, so she invited him into her apartment for a few more drinks.

  “Wow, this is really nice,” he said as he walked around the small space. “I wish it would have been available when I was looking.”

  “Well I’m glad it wasn’t because then I wouldn’t have gotten it,” Selena said and handed him a Bay Breeze, her specialty. They were the only things she drank, so that’s really all she knew how to make. He didn’t mind, he actually liked fruity drinks. “Do you want to see the rest? It’ll take like two seconds.”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  She gave him the small tour of the kitchen and bathroom. “And this is my bedroom,” she said reaching for the doorknob. “What the…” It was locked. “Are you kidding me?”

  “Why’d you lock it?” Lionel asked and she rolled her eyes at him.

  “I didn’t. At least not on purpose. Crap! I don’t have a skeleton key. I can’t believe I did this. Now I’m going to have to wait until tomorrow to call the super.” Selena continued to ineffectually turn at the knob, hoping that the door would miraculously open.

  “Hey, at least it wasn’t your bathroom,” Lionel offered.

  “Yeah, I guess I could sleep on the couch. Oh well.” She shrugged. What could you do?

  Lionel and Selena sat and talked for hours while they drank. By the time she’d run out of vodka, neither were willing to walk to the liquor store, so they decided to finally call it a night.

  “I had a great time. Maybe next weekend we can do it again?” he asked as he gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  “Yeah, I would love that. Thanks for tonight.”

  When Lionel left she set about putting the glasses in the dishwasher and then took off the cushions on her loveseat to make it more comfortable. It would be cramped, but it was better than the floor. She went to the bathroom and showered. She felt sweaty from the night out and her hair smelled like cigarettes. Once she was done she turned off all the lights and got comfortable on the couch.

  Only she realized she hadn’t turned off all the lights. Selena raised her head and saw a dim light coming from the small hallway. She groaned when she had to get up again to turn off what she’d assumed was the bathroom light. But as she approached she saw that the light was actually coming from the bedroom, seeping out into the hallway from the door that was cracked open.

  Selena froze. The door wasn’t even closed all the way. Her heart began to pound furiously at the thought of someone entering her home while she was in the shower.

  She walked slowly backwards until she reached the front door. She opened it as quietly as she could, then made a run for it all the way to Lionel’s apartment. She banged on his door until he opened it looking like she’d just woken him.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked when he saw her frazzled state.

  “I think someone is in my apartment.”

  “What do you mean?” he gestured for her to enter and closed the door behind her. She explained what happened and he immediately grabbed a bat and started heading down the stairs.

  “Don’t you think we should call the police?”

  “Yeah, I think you’re right.” They went back to his apartment and called the police.

  Fortunately there was one nearby and he showed up only a few minutes after they called. He went into her place after she’d explained what happened. Lionel and she stayed outside, only peeking in to see his progress.

  A few minutes later, and after thoroughly inspecting the place, the officer came out. “Ma’am, I’m afraid I didn’t find anyone, or any sign of intrusion. Are you sure you didn’t just leave the door open yourself? You did say you’d had a bit to drink.”

  “No. It was locked. Lionel can attest to that. I was going to sleep in the living room because I couldn’t get in there.”

  “Then maybe the wind blew it open or something. Your window is open in there. May I suggest you close it while you’re not at home? For now I believe you are safe. Have a goodnight,” the policeman said as he headed out.

  “Thank you, officer.” She let him out. He probably thought she was a crazy drunk that had just completely wasted his time.

  “I think I’ll be heading off to bed, too. You have my number. If anything happens just call me okay?” Lionel kissed her on the head and left.

  She closed and locked the door behind him, but she still had this weird and uneasy feeling. It was like she wasn’t alone, like whoever had been in her place was still there. Selena looked around wearily and hugged her arms around herself, but saw nothing out of place.

  She made a quick walkthrough just to be sure the policeman hadn’t missed anything, but it was all clear. Once she made sure all the windows were locked, she went back to her room to bed. She did make sure to leave the bathroom light on. She just couldn’t be in the dark by herself. She even grabbed a heavy statue that she kept in her
living room, and placed it on her nightstand to use as a weapon just in case. She really should buy a gun, Selena thought.

  The funny thing was that as anxious and nervous as she was when she went to bed, she thought she would never fall asleep, but the second her head hit the pillow she was out. She barely remembered lying down. She fell into a deep, deep sleep, but not dreamless. Oh, it was definitely not dreamless.

  She felt the bed dip with his weight. He was down by her feet, and trailed kisses up her legs as he made his way up her body. “Mmm, I’ve been waiting for you,” she said as she wound her fingers in his silky hair. She brought his face up to hers so that she could kiss him deeply, to taste him.

  She opened her legs and he fell neatly between them, his rock hard erection against her core. He began to rock back and forth, mimicking the motion of sex, rubbing his cock on her. He grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head with one hand, bringing her breasts closer to his mouth.

  He slid his free hand up her side and pushed up her tank top. She could feel his hot breath on her breasts, then his wet tongue as he laved them.

  He kissed and sucked until she was writhing beneath him, desperate for more. He removed her panties and slid down her body. She could feel his whiskers scraping against her thighs when he kissed and nipped the soft skin there. She lifted herself to his mouth. She wanted him to taste her. Her sex wanted his mouth to suck and lick and nip and anything else he could think of.

  She grabbed him by the hair, pulling him towards her, but he pulled away. “Tease,” she breathed and she heard him laugh. It was the first time she’d heard anything from him.

  “Sh-h, patience, mon amour.” His voice was deep and masculine and it resonated all the way through her like an electrical current.

  He didn’t give her what she wanted. Instead, he blew his hot breath on her overly sensitive nub, but didn’t touch it. She tried to lift it to his mouth again, but he pinned her hips down so that she couldn’t move and inch. He sucked on her labia, first one side, and then the other. She moaned in pleasure. She didn’t know that could feel so good, so erotic.

  He continued his pleasure-torment, but just like he had with her breasts, he avoided her clitoris. He had her so wet and hot that when he finally touched his tongue to it her body shattered. She came so hard she saw stars, but he didn’t stop when she did. He continued to suck her while he thrust his fingers in and out of her slick heat. She was so sensitive from the first orgasm that it took her only a few seconds to fall right back into another one, more intense than the first.

  She was limp as a noodle when he sat up and maneuvered her legs so that he could enter her. She felt the tip of his penis at her entrance, pushing against it. He was large, so even as wet as she was it took a few tries before he could get in. She gasped when he slid in all the way to the hilt. He stretched and filled her completely. Each thrust was painfully delicious. He pushed her legs back further so that he could get in deeper. The pleasure she felt was so intense she actually had tears sliding down her cheeks.

  He sped up his thrusts until her head began to bang on the headboard. He stopped and lifted her body while he was still inside of her. He was going to readjust her position on the bed. She brought her arms around his neck to hold on as he maneuvered them.

  It was at this point that she decided to open her eyes. She didn’t know why she hadn’t done so earlier. Perhaps it was fear of what she would see, or in this case, what she wouldn’t. For you see, there was nothing there.