Read Space Rats Page 17


  “What’s happening?” Ziggy asked worriedly.

  Krista was pressing buttons on her console to no effect, turning to Troy with a hopeless look on her face. Looking at his console he could see that it was a larger ISF ship that was drawing them ever closer.

  “Looks like they’ve over-ridden our controls, Ziggy. They’ve got us!” He turned to the intercom and said, “Tristan you better get up here!”

  When there was no answer he tried again and this time there was a faint groan that could be heard. Jumping out of his seat he hurried to the engine room followed closely by the others.

  Troy hurried to his brother’s side as Tristan slowly sat up, holding the back of his head and groaning in pain.

  “Tristan!” Troy cried, “What happened?”

  Tristan turned to lean against the wall and Troy knelt down beside him while the others remained standing, watching anxiously. Krista had disappeared back to the kitchen to get the first aid kit.

  Tristan pulled his hand away from his head and they could see the blood on it before he put it back over the wound.

  “That last blast we got knocked me into the wall,” Tristan told them, “I don’t remember anything after that really.”

  Troy frowned a little and said, “But you got the engine’s working again! You even gave us a burst of speed so we could get away from Red Raven!”

  Tristan’s brows came together as he tried to remember. “I did that?” he finally asked, “I honestly can’t remember! There was something though…”

  His voice trailed off as he tried to grasp the memory that just wouldn’t come to mind but then Krista came running in with the first aid kit. While she administered to Tristan’s head wound Troy told him what was happening with the ISF ship pulling them in.

  Tristan blew out a deep breath and shook his head earning a scowl from Krista as she firmly held him still. “There’s nothing we can do,” he told them quietly, “Just don’t panic! Maybe by some miracle we can bluff our way out of this. Help me up.”

  Troy and Krista grasped an arm each and pulled Tristan up, holding him steady as he swayed slightly. He gestured for Troy and the others to go ahead while Krista put his arm over her shoulders and helped him make his way to the bridge after the others.

  When Troy had settled himself back into his seat he checked the console screen and could see that they had almost been drawn into the ISF ship’s docking bay. Tristan sat down in Krista’s chair while she stood behind him, leaning over every now and then to check her computer screen.

  The children watched as the view of space slowly became a rectangle surrounded by shining metal and they were pulled smoothly down a tunnel, which then opened up into a huge docking bay area where smaller ISF ships were parked.

  Personnel were seen going about their various jobs but it was the sight of a small group of armed guards that seemed to be waiting for them that caught the children’s attention and they could feel the dread building.

  “Wait a minute!” Troy suddenly exclaimed, “Isn’t that the officer from Phoenix Space Station? The one I asked Krista to contact?”

  Lena and Ziggy strained to see clearly as they slowly went past the men who could now be seen clearly through their front windshield. They told him they thought so too and Troy thought furiously for a moment.

  “Maybe he will let us go,” he said hopefully, “I mean, he did back on Phoenix. We just helped the ISF catch Red Raven. That must count for something right?”

  He looked around at the others but they only smiled and said nothing. Obviously not as sure of Captain Lin as he was. All other conversation was interrupted as a voice came from outside the ship.

  By now Star Chaser had come to a stop and the group of armed men along with Captain Lin could be seen standing at the front.

  “This is Captain Lin of the Interstellar Security Force requesting permission to come aboard,” the Captain’s voice rang out clearly.

  “What do we do?” Troy asked his brother.

  Tristan shrugged and said, “What can we do? They didn’t exactly ask us if we wanted to come on board in the first place. Even if we refuse now, they’ll just force their way on. I think it would be better just to comply for now.”

  Troy nodded then placed a hand on Tristan’s shoulder as his brother started to get up. “No, I’ll go,” he told him, “You’re hurt and besides, he’s met us before.”

  He indicated with a nod of his head for Lena and Ziggy to come too while Tristan, Krista and Orla stayed on the bridge. They could hear the Captain’s voice again and hurried down to the cargo bay to lower the ramp.

  Before he pressed the button for the ramp he looked around at his friends. “Remember,” he told them, “keep calm.”

  When they nodded he turned and pressed the button to lower the ramp. As it made its way down they positioned themselves at the top so they stood right in the centre. Troy was in the middle with Ziggy and Lena on either side.

  When the ramp touched the ground there was a silent pause as Captain Lin studied the children at the top with a neutral expression on his face. The moment stretched out and Troy could feel Ziggy beginning to fidget and quietly told him to stop.

  Captain Lin took one step forward and asked, “Permission to come aboard?”

  Troy was a little surprised at being asked so politely but nodded and the Captain turned to speak to the guards behind him. Stepping on to the ramp he approached them alone while the guards stayed where they were although they still looked very alert.

  When the Captain stopped in front of them he looked at each of them with friendly curiosity. “My name is Captain David Lin of the ISF. I believe we met on Phoenix Space Station?”

  Troy licked his lips nervously and replied, “That’s right, Captain. I’m assuming you got our message about Red Raven?”

  Captain Lin inclined his head slightly, “Indeed I did. It was cutting it a bit close but we seemed to have gotten here just in time.” He smiled at the children who smiled back a little unsure. “So, how about that tour now?”

  Troy stepped back and Captain Lin stepped up beside him, walking alongside as Troy took him along the corridor to the engine room first of all.

  “Interesting,” the Captain said as he looked at the sphere that was only glowing slightly while the engines were off.

  “What is?” Troy asked studying the sphere himself and not seeing anything different.

  “Oh, “ the Captain waved a hand towards the sphere, “I haven’t seen a Tachyon drive for decades. They’re adequate but not if you want some real power.”

  Troy frowned, feeling a little insulted. “It’s fine for us!” he retorted.

  “I meant no offence,” the Captain said while he looked around the rest of the room. “There’s some damage here,” he noted.

  “Yes, the last hit we took nearly knocked out our engines completely. My brother was hurt but he’ll be okay.”

  “Hurt you say?” the Captain looked at him sharply, “Well then, we’ll have the medics look him over to make sure he is okay.”

  “I don’t think it’s necessary,” Troy said hurriedly.

  “Oh, I insist!” the Captain said with a quelling look.

  Troy’s heart sank and he ushered the Captain up to the upper level of the engine room where there were just a lot of panels with flashing lights and other monitors that had never held any real interest for Troy so he didn’t know what they were all for but the Captain seemed to find them interesting and spent a few minutes looking at everything.

  Troy turned to Lena and Ziggy who were lurking behind him. “Why don’t you two go on to the kitchen and wait there?”

  They nodded and with a last look at the Captain headed off so they could stay out of the way. It took the Captain a moment to notice that it was only Troy and himself in the engine room.

  “My apologies,” the Captain seemed genuinely embarrassed, “Old ships are an interest of mine!”

  Troy wanted to say that Star C
haser wasn’t that old but decided it would be better not to argue with the man so instead he led him down the corridor and to the bridge, passing Lena and Ziggy who were sitting with Orla at the table in the kitchen talking quietly.

  When they entered the bridge Tristan stood up while Krista steadied him.

  “Please, sit down,” the Captain said, “I believe you were injured?”

  Tristan sat down and glanced briefly at Troy before replying, “It was just a knock on the head – nothing to worry about.”

  “Still, I’ll have the medics look at you – just to make sure.”

  Before Tristan could protest Captain Lin had turned away and was looking at the console before him. Studying it with interest he finally turned to Tristan and Troy.

  “This was your parents’ ship, was it not?” he asked quietly.

  Troy looked at Tristan who looked just as shocked as he did. During the awkward moment Krista excused herself and went to join the others in the kitchen.

  “How did you know that?” Tristan finally asked.

  “May I?” the Captain asked indicating one of the seats, sitting down when the brothers nodded. “When we met back on the station there had been a report about some children that had stolen a spaceship…”

  “Stolen!” Troy interrupted angrily.

  “Troy!” Tristan said firmly and Troy sat down himself but still seethed at the accusation.

  “As I was saying,” the Captain continued with a smile, “there was a report of a stolen spaceship with children aboard. However, we didn’t really have any details so when I saw you I was suspicious but had no real proof.” He paused a moment before continuing. “Anyway, just after you left a Marcus Calhoun demanded to speak to the ISF immediately.”

  “Calhoun?” both Tristan and Troy said at the same time.

  Captain Lin smiled at their astonished faces. “His ship was so badly damaged I was surprised he made it to Phoenix at all. He said that you had attacked his ship and then went on to explain all about the Home and how you had stolen a ship.”

  Tristan looked at Troy then back to the Captain, “So, what did you do?”

  “I knew there was something not right with the story but didn’t know what so I did a little digging. Turns out there is an arrest warrant out for Mr Calhoun, something about embezzlement?”

  The two brothers couldn’t help grinning at that and the captain laughed. “Yes, I thought that might amuse you.” He sobered and continued on, “I also found out all about your parents and how they died.” He paused for a moment as he considered what to say next, ““Would you believe this ship used to be my home too.”

  “You mean, the same kind of ship?” Troy asked, a little confused.

  Captain Lin laughed slightly, “No, I mean this very same ship. I recognised it immediately, it’s hard to forget your very first home. My parents sold it when me and my siblings had grown so they could buy a smaller one.”

  “That’s,” Troy hesitated as he tried to think of the right word, “weird.”

  The Captain laughed and said, “I like to think of it as lucky. I’m glad this ship was someone else’s home. She’s a good little ship!”

  Troy looked down at the floor for a moment then back at the captain. “So, what happens now?”

  Captain Lin pursed his lips together and thought for a moment. Finally he said, “If it wasn’t for your message, Red Raven would have escaped and the fleet would have been destroyed. He’s plagued this part of space for years and we had no idea that he could camouflage his ships like that. Thanks to you we got him and it’s obvious you can take care of yourselves.”

  The Captain sat looking thoughtfully out the front windshield and the brothers could tell he was trying to come to some decision. Abruptly the Captain stood up and rubbed his hands together.

  “What happens now is that the medics are going to look at your brother; my mechanics will fix your ship and then you can be on your way!”

  Troy looked dumbfounded at Tristan who looked equally surprised and then grabbed the Captain’s hand and shook it vigorously.

  “Thank you so much!”

  The Captain smiled and gently removed his hand from Troy’s grip. “Think of it as a thank you! This is my ship and my men are loyal to me but make no mistake, if the ISF finds you they will arrest you and take you back to the home. So, let’s get this done quickly and you can get some distance from here.”

  They stood up and followed the Captain as he walked out of the bridge and into the kitchen where the others were waiting anxiously. Troy smiled at them in reassurance and then a thought suddenly came to him and he stopped the captain.

  “What about the Home?” he asked him, “What happened to the children there?”

  “Oh, well,” the Captain smiled, “It seems it was time for a major upgrade. The whole building is being renovated and it’s now being run by two sisters – old staff members, I can’t remember their names!”

  He smiled as the children all cheered and laughed at this news then excused himself to go and give out his instructions.

  True to his word the Captain made sure the ship was quickly repaired and some modifications were made much to Tristan’s delight who had been given the all clear from the medics. The children were amazed at their good fortune and couldn’t be happier about being allowed to go on their way. With a final few words of caution Captain Lin wished them well and watched them go off into the distance.

  Troy felt elated and calm at the same time as Star Chaser glided along smoothly. Looking around he smiled at his friends behind him and at his brother who was standing in the doorway.

  “What?” Tristan asked when he caught his brother’s look.

  Troy shrugged and smiled even wider. “Nothing,” he replied, “I’ve just realised something.”

  “What’s that?”

  Troy paused a moment and looked around at everyone before saying, “I’ve realised that we can go anywhere we want!”

  “This is true,” Tristan agreed, “So where do you want to go?”

  Troy turned to the front and looked intently out at the stars and said simply.



  About the author:

  My name is Jacqueline Kirk and I live in the south west of Scotland with my two children. I love to write and fantasy and science fiction are my favourite genres to write in - and read in! I have lots more in store for the crew of Star Chaser and I hope you will carry on reading their adventures!

  Connect with me online:




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