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  Space Recall

  Book Two

  By Mikey Robert Simpson

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  Other novels by this author:

  New Age Man


  Copyright 2013 Mikey Robert Simpson

  Space Recall

  Space Station Maverick had now been operational for three years; the gigantic white mass of four spheres was one of the largest space structures ever engineered. Its spheres of highlighted honey combed octagons caught the light reflected off planets in the newly named Eve solar system (E25). Short passageway’s linked each structure, and on either side of these service cables provided air, water and energy, all the elements needed to support life. More importantly the station provided the facilities and a home for the personnel onboard, who worked tirelessly to map and research all four of Eve’s planets.

  In the early morning the space station was peaceful, the hustle and bustle of its inhabitants had yet to start. However, Inter Galactic crews who worked around the clock constantly set courses for destinations in space. Crafts constantly rotated never waiting too long in the terminals refuelled and fully stocked with materials for their onward journey to the station Constellation in E26, which was now nearing its final construction. This station was going to be the jump off point to explore farther solar systems. Soon Maintenance and service astro technicians would begin their daily chores. Scientists and surveyors would start their shifts to meet tight deadlines on recording data about the nearby planet.

  Mars awoke from a deep sleep and sat up in his bed, his cabin dim apart from a shaft of light peering in from the hallway, made long shadows of his bunk and his body, against the oval shaped room. The family’s quarters were quiet his mum and sister asleep in nearby rooms. On mornings like these, he often daydreamed gazing far out into the galaxy spiraling around his portal window. He marveled at the constellations as they shimmered against the harsh spectrum of blackness, which was home. The Milky Way was a spine along which the universe expanded, and as Mars looked out he could see nearby planets among the stars, Planet Eve 4 distinctive because of its lack of size was boring in Mars’s eyes. He had always preferred the larger vibrant blue sphere of Eve 3 or the emerald green of Eve 2. Maverick sat amongst them all, an important base from which probes had been sent and surveys had been carried out on this new system, an expedition to unlock hidden secrets about the makeup of the universe. The collection of data for all of the IGE’s targeted Solar systems had taken decades. One by one the galaxies had been chronicled with unsatisfactory results, increasing disappointment and frustration back on Earth grew as not one of the planets it would seem, could support the human race and become a new colony.

  Mars thought about what he could do today, he had a good understanding of the station and the artificial world within it, he knew about the work carried out there, by his mother a microbiologist who in her laboratory investigated fossils and plant forms. He had often spoken to geologists who used probes in the mapping of planets and had spent time with astro technicians in loading bays and talked to maintenance engineers, who were responsible for life support systems around the station. He liked to mingle with the people in the different zones and was fascinated by the diversity of environments that was its make up. The cargo terminal and quarantine bays In-particular were full of scientific samples waiting to be explored. This was a place to be careful because there were a lot of heavy machinery, lifting and moving containers between vessels, any of which could crush boys who ventured there looking for a sense of adventure. At the far end of the Cargo Terminal were the docking and maintenance bays, where many kinds of spacecraft waited for alterations and upgrades. Mars liked to spend a lot of time there with his father, he had a gift for developing solutions to rebuild space ships and update engines. Great advances had been made in space flight during this period, because of new engines engineered by the Magellan’s, now the majority of IGE’s fleet travelled at increased speeds. His father was extremely proud of their achievements.

  In complete contrast the Labs were a maze of corridors with room after room of specialist equipment, where everything was clinical and sealed within coolers or incubators. Here was one of Mars’s least favourite places, because nothing could be touched and there were no accessible rooms to investigate. His mother had told him. ‘There are dangerous chemicals stored in the labs, and that is why everything is locked away.’ Mars had decided this was no fun, and so did not bother to go there anymore . The ECO zones on the other hand were a perfect place to spend the day; this zone had matured since he had lived on the station and was now full of vibrant colours, smells and noises from the alien animals and plants he had introduced. If Mars had to choose a favourite place it would be there, where he was free to roam alone amongst the rolling lush hills, perhaps he would check the wildlife out later.

  The boy’s thoughts returned to the stations purpose, Mars had sensed patience for finding a new colony was running out. The evidence, which had been recovered by the surveys to the planets at Eve and other galaxies, had only seen microscopic traces of organisms from fossils of long gone extinct species. In-fact the only life form breakthroughs in the program was the secret one on Maverick, the only problem was that they did not know where the life forms were from. Until they had concrete evidence to back up their findings, the crops and animals now confined to a restricted area of the ECO Zone would remain top secret and hidden from IGE headquarters. Mars himself had hatched a mischievous quail like creature, which scurried around causing all sorts of trouble. Oddly its personality had only become better natured once his sister had adopted it. To everyone's relief Capella who shared a similar sense of fun, could control ‘Sweeney’ who was now classed as a unique species to the station.

  Lately the turbulent frantic atmosphere of the space station had affected many people. Mars knew that life was becoming unsustainable on Earth and was particularly worried about the pressures being put on his parents. He wondered how they coped with the long hours day after day, it seamed that they had changes so much recently; they were always too tired to do anything with him or Capella. Mars had adapted to this and become more independent than ever, he had become used to entertaining himself by exploring the station alone.

  His hypnotic gaze continued for a few more moments. He looked past the Eve system, trying to picture the blue of water and green land that made Earth so unique, and able to support the species that had evolved there. He had read and been tutored in many of the subjects relating to Earth, and until recently had been excited about the chance of seeing such a world. Now he had doubts, was it still the same as people remembered, or as the reference books portrayed? He had so many unanswered questions about the place. The topic had risen only last week, when he had over heard his father discussing a very real possibility of the family returning to Earth. He had said, "The Ministry for Space Exploration has no funds to keep exploring space, a recall of IGE’s Astro’s and Scientist’s maybe the only option until an agreement can be reached between MSE and the United Nations."

  Mars did not understand the politics behind an inevitable recall; he remembered that it had made his dad miserable; Wolfe had let his feelings known that, apparently living on Earth had changed beyond recognition and certainly was not a place to return to in a hurry. He had also said, "That world was now more than ever reliant on the search for a new home, that could sustain human life for its overcrowded population."

  His mother was also angry and spoke her mind about the organisations time-consuming investigations. ‘All the resources and records produced on the mapping of the universe are being overlooked. We need to look for clues for life in
Earths nearby solar systems before we can track them in another's,’ she had snapped, not in anger at her husband but with the stupidity of the situation. ‘The financial cost of new life exploration projects takes the headlines away from the breakthrough that space exploration has achieved in mapping the universe. If nothing else we have found minerals and raw materials for the world economy.’ His mother’s slender frame belied here fiery nature. One thing was for sure it appeared that both Mars’s parents were in agreement. "Earth’s governing body as well as the planet was in a real mess and it was not looking good for the future of the human race," Wolfe had stated.

  After a huge yawn Mars stretched out and swivelled around on his bunk before jumping to the floor. Scattered around at his feet were yesterday’s clothes, he quickly pulled them on and looked at his watch, he had one hour before his mother would wake. One hour was more than enough time for him to go exploring in the station’s terminal.

  Quickly he left the family’s cabin and entered a nearby service duct for his preferred route to an old locker room he had found. It lay forgotten about and was an