Read Space Refugees - Star Warriors Page 6

upper levels, where water damage has brought down dividing walls and spoilt some machinery, but the main point is that our energy supply will hold out.’

  ‘That's marvellous news, and over time we could repair anything as and when we need it.’ Sheriff looked over to the building he had just been examining and continued. ‘The palace has slight damage; however, I am tying to make it safe to become our residence. Unfortunately, this means we will have to stay here in the compound until it is free from danger,’ he pointed beyond the island to the colonnades.

  Wolfe agreed, nodding his head. ‘There’s an area in those arches that is sheltered from the sun and has cover at nightfall; it is a decent place to sleep. We do not need for much at present. We have fruit and other food, like the fish in the pool, and we’re finding other things to eat day by day. However, we should try to improve our standard of living as soon as possible, before our health starts to deteriorate,’ he replied.

  Wolfe thought for a moment and then said. ‘What about sending or receiving communications, do we have any equipment for that?’

  ‘It’s called a galactic communicator and it is invaluable for tracking news and communications in various systems,’ Sheriff said. ‘But the ones in the compound have been destroyed, which means we will have to get one from another settlement, perhaps Newport or Prince town where there’s a communications tower at the sub station.’

  ‘But for that we would need transportation,’ Wolfe said.

  ‘No problem, I know just the thing, and I think I know where to find them.’

  That evening the Magellan's sat around an open fire in the sheltered area of the colonnades, discussing how improvements to their new way of life could be made. They all agreed that the first and most valuable thing should be to acquire a communicator, to keep an eye on the sky in case the palace’s previous invaders should return. It was decided there and then that, Wolfe, Sheriff and Mars would leave on an expedition the exact next morning. Time was of the essence if they were going to survive in this new world.

  As the sun rose in the sky, dawn broke quickly, and more types of wildlife scurried around in the compound than before. Mars who was wrapped up tightly in a blanket could hear the splashing of fish jumping in the river pool, new species of birds chirping away in the pine trees towering above the compound and the most beautiful humming birds gathering food from the flowers of the fruit trees. The air still had a chill, and as he rose from his blanket he could feel cold air on his ears and face, his breath appeared on the air. As he blew warmth into his cupped hands he realised he needed heat. He retrieved some logs and carefully placed them over the remaining heated embers of last nights fire, hoping it would quickly build into flames.

  As the dawn light improved he looked around the colonnades to see that only three of the group remained huddled together. Wolfe and Sheriff had left some time in the night, probably to prepare equipment for the expedition.

  Suddenly a faint electrical buzzing from within the utility block grabbed his attention. Something was spiralling down the service ramp at some speed! As the noise got louder Mars could see a light flickering between levels as it descended. As the light accelerated there was a loud scrape and bang of metal, an object could be heard juddering to a stop. A few minutes past before a light flickered on and off, however, the object did not advance until another quieter object following closely behind to interact with it. The beams eventually turned in Mars’s direction and illuminated the colonnades on the far side of the compound, shadows from the arches danced along the ground as lights suddenly bust through from the mountains interior. As Mars jumped for cover, the first object cut through the dawn light it banking from left to right to correct its path before it ran away in an uncontrollable manner. Mars rose to his feet with uncertainty to watch the spectacle unfold before his eyes, he could now see a definition to the object. It was some kind of transportation, which had a cockpit at the front and an open back for carrying cargo.The craft hovered over the ground using the air underneath to cushion its travel. Driving it was Wolfe who looked awkward trying to control its approach to the island bridge connecting the two halves of the compound; he feared the vehicle might soon tip off solid ground into the water.

  For a moment, Mars anticipated another crunch of metal, but it never came so he opened one eye to take a look. Two men dismounted their rides to assess any damage. Wolfe could be seen scratching his head, whilst Sheriff wandered around the larger ride pointing at the metal work. He highlighted the dints his companion had just made.

  Halley and Capella rose at Mars’s side. All the commotion had woken them from their sleep. ‘What’s all the noise about,’ Capella said.

  ‘Looks like your fathers found a new toy to play with,’ Halley replied from over Mars’s shoulder.

  ‘And he has already damaged it,’ Mars added.

  They watched the two men laugh, the men were walking across the island to collect packed field bags for the journey ahead.

  Mars faced Halley and sat back on the ground under the arches, he welcomed the heat generated from the flames that enveloped the new logs on the fire. Smoke rose and dispersed above their heads before leaving the colonnade via the arches.

  From a distance, Wolfe spoke to Sheriff. ‘I was still wondering if taking Mars on the expedition is a good idea?’

  ‘I believe he would be better protected travelling with us. We have the ability to move quickly, and I have the only laser gun if we come into danger,’ Sheriff confirmed confidently as they walked toward the group.

  Halley spoke back to them, ‘Anyway I would like to investigate and record all the animal and plant life around the compound and surrounding fields, so Capella will be able to help me take images. If Mars stops that work will be more difficult knowing how the children can quarrel and fight,’ she ruffling the boys hair.

  ‘It’s settled then. We take the boy and Capella can remain,’ Wolfe smiled. He hoisted Mars off the ground and threw him over his shoulders, picked two field bags up and turned to return to the gliders.

  ‘Lets get going then,’ Sheriff said collecting his bag with water and some bread, which Halley had made the night before to follow Wolfe over the bridge. Within no time, the three figures were settled within their rides. Mars sat with Wolfe and Sheriff rode on top of the second smaller glider like a motorbike.

  Mars looked across the courtyard, Halley and Capella waving at them as they departed. He raised his hand to wave goodbye as they switched the crafts engine on and a whirring noise triggered a little movement, with a jolt they were propelled forward as the turbine picked up speed; their journey was about to beginning.

  ‘Follow me!’ Came a shout from Sheriff as his glider moved away first. It hovered across the compound and through a large archway into the fields in the valley.

  The unusual crafts at speed were reasonably quiet but did seam to create a lot of dust, Mars was disappointed about this disadvantage because it could disturb the wildlife he wanted to watch in the unfolding terrain. The boy made himself comfortable by turning toward the open window of the craft and placing his arm on top of the door to rest his head. He could feel slight vibrations as the craft adjusted when hovering across uneven paths they were travelling along. All around in the valley he could now see how organised the layout of the fields were. He admired the patchwork effect of the different crops, and could see how the lands gradient stepped down on either side from the central canal. The irrigation of the crops was now making substantial progress from the released water out of the mountain, and he could already see signs of new growth shooting up from dead looking clumps of shrubs and trees. Life trickling like the water back into the land.

  The gliders continued to travel along the flat valley land, in and among the surrounding fields and rolling hills on either side were the unusual characteristics of this alien planet’s geography. The pebble boulders like the lollipop trees were dotted around the scenery and made a truly beautiful sight. In the distance he saw hi
s fist sign of wild animals, a small group of goat like creatures darted from a predator through grassland into the elevated rolling countryside, he watched them jump in the thicker grass disturbing flightless birds from their hiding places.

  The journey continued along more tracks, which seemed to have been made for more ancient transportation, the grooves where wheels once pulled carriages or farming equipment still remained.

  Wolfe turned to Mars. ‘I do not think these gliders were made for the fields, but they seam to be able to handle substantial differences in the track OK,’ he said. They both looked in front as their glider travelled over a steep rise in the track, once over they could see Sheriff accelerate away from them into the distance. A series of bends weaved around the perimeter of the fields, separating what now appeared to be cultivated food and barley to their right.

  Sheriff appeared to handle his craft like a powerful racing machine as he banked the ride over onto its side to manoeuvre the corners he approached. The boy watched the man disappeared leaving a trail of dust behind him; it appeared his glider was much faster than the two-seater model they occupied.

  As the day wore on as they continued to glide further into the valley the heat became unbearable, it