Read Spake As a Dragon Page 70


  “Nate, is it Really You?”

  “Matthew, come sit down and eat your supper.” Matt pulls up a chair across from Mark and picks up a fork. “Matt I have to tell you a couple of things – first about you being a Southern boy, and all; I wasn’t too happy to see you when Kim and Kelley brought you to my home that terrible July day. I barely tolerated her marriage to you, but Son, and I mean that in the most humble way, because I now think of you as a son. I have come to realize you are a fine Christian man, a devoted husband and without your help hundreds of young men would not be able to walk today. You’re coming here was just a Godsend, and I want to take this opportunity to thank you. And I apologize for anything I have said or done earlier that might have besmirched your name. You obviously come from a wonderful, Christian family.”

  “No Sir, it is I who should be thanking you. Without you, Kim, and Kelly I would not be alive today – for you all I am most appreciative.”

  “Thank you, Matt, but now to the sad part – our work on the artificial limbs is over. It is finished. The money is exhausted, and I cannot come up with more. I have mortgaged my house and land and have no way to pay back the notes on them. I’m afraid we will be thrown out onto the street when the notes come due. I’ve even gone as far as borrowing money against my work tools.”

  “But Mark there are dozens of soldiers still on the waiting list! What are they to do?”

  “I know, it saddens me too, but without funds, it is impossible to buy supplies that we need. Even if we could, somehow, come up with some money we need additional workers and there is no money to hire them either. If we had money and more workers we could outfit dozens of soldiers with the means to walk, work and somewhat live a normal life. We will just have to leave it in the hands of God – if it is His will then, He will provide a way.

  “With no means to raise money and the mortgage note coming due Matt your mother Malinda has offered us a place to stay if we ever needed one. I believe we need one right now – I have just enough money to get us to South Carolina. Until God decides to provide a way to help us, I suggest we load the wagon and go to Scarlettsville until times get better. I’m seeking your advice Matt?”

  “Mark, I knew we are in dire straits with the artificial legs, but I did not realize how much you have invested – your home, your land, and your tools. If we need to go to South Carolina, then by all means I am with you.”

  Suddenly there is a pounding on the front door, and they hear a man yelling, “What is he saying?” asked Matt.

  Pushing his chair away from the table Mark stands up saying, “Don’t know, but I’m going to find out!”

  Opening the door was Laredo, Laredo Lawson. He was the collector for the man who holds Mark’s mortgage. A year earlier, Private Laredo was in the process of being hung for killing his sergeant, but when the hangman sprung the trap, the rope broke. The Court Martial judge seeing this as some kind of sign from God commuted his sentence to life in prison, but Private Laredo Lawson, now known as ‘Lucky’ Laredo escaped and is hiding out in this small out of the way town of Gettysburg.