Read Specimen Page 7

  “Sten, you’re crushing me.”

  Slowly, I pull out of her, push myself up, and roll to one side. I start to position myself to give her enough room next to me, intending to hold her closely as long as she will let me, but my plans are quickly thwarted.

  Riley immediately pushes herself off the bed. She reaches down to her torn lab coat, but there isn’t enough of it in one piece to bother with. She sets the remnants on the table and walks quickly to the cabinet where she dresses in clothing far too big for her.

  She says nothing as she wraps her arms around herself and rushes out the door.

  Chapter 7

  “Tell me more about yourself.” I lie on my side with my head propped up on my arm as I watch Riley enter data into her tablet.

  “What do you want to know?” Riley tilts her head, cocking an ear in my direction but doesn’t look at me. She keeps her focus on the tablet in her hands.

  She has been visibly agitated all day, but I have no idea why. Even her tone during training was short, her words clipped when she gave me my instructions. She’s going through the final stats for the day, and soon she’ll prepare my evening meal and leave for the night. She’s offered no clue as to why she’s upset, and I can’t help but think it has to do with last night. I don’t know why she ran off like she did, and I don’t know how to broach the subject.

  I’m afraid of her answer.

  “Tell me everything.”

  “You’re going to have to give me something specific,” she says. “Otherwise, I’ll have to start with ‘I was born at a very young age.’”

  “How old are you?”

  “I was born the same year the comet hit. I’ll be thirty this spring.”

  “What’s the date?”

  “January tenth.”

  A new year had begun, and I didn’t even know it. It occurs to me that Riley hasn’t missed a single day of being here with me. Does she never take a day off, or do I just not remember when she does?

  “Do you know when my birthday is?”

  “Sometime in September, I believe.”

  “When did I get here?”

  “You’ve been at the facility since May of last year,” Riley says. “I know all the specimens were gathered at the military base just outside of Milton several weeks before transformation began. I’m not sure how long you might have been there.”

  I’d missed a birthday, too.

  “How old am I?”


  Well, that’s news, I suppose.

  Her tone is still sterile and cold. Usually when we talk, it sounds more conversational and friendly. She has looked directly at me four times since she came in the room this morning. The only difference between today and yesterday was that I had my cock inside of her last night.

  The thought gives me a hard-on.

  I have to assume she was upset that it had happened. She’d pushed me away so many times, I had been shocked when she let me take her. She’d wanted it though—I could smell it on her. I felt her body tighten around my cock as she came. She didn’t fake that.

  Maybe there’s another reason.

  “Are you married?” I ask quietly.


  I almost sigh audibly with relief.

  “Do you live with someone?”

  “I have a roommate.”

  “Is it your boyfriend?”

  She finally places the tablet down and looks at me briefly. She sighs before continuing.

  “I don’t have a boyfriend,” she tells me before she turns her gaze back to her work. “The work I do here doesn’t leave a lot of room for a social life. My roommate’s name is Sharon, and she works in the tech division.”

  The news pleases me, but it doesn’t explain why she’s agitated. Perhaps there’s something in the past—a relationship gone bad. Did I remind her of someone else?

  “Who was your last boyfriend?”

  “Sten, why are you asking me all this?”

  “You weren’t a virgin,” I say with a shrug, trying to seem like my questions are purely for information and not because the thought of another man being inside of her makes me want to destroy the room. “You know who you last had sex with. I have no idea if I had a girlfriend or not.”

  This much, at least, is true. I’ve had no dreams of a female other than my sister, and I don’t even have a name for her other than “Greenbean.”

  “I’m not comfortable with this conversation.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s all right.” Her tone tells me it’s not.

  I decide to try another line of questioning.

  “Where’s your house?”

  “I live in an apartment,” Riley says. “It’s about three miles from here.”

  “What do you do when you go home?”

  “I have dinner, do laundry, and sleep.”

  “That’s it?”

  “Sometimes I watch a movie.” She shrugs. She continues to stare at the tablet, avoiding my gaze.

  “Do you have pictures of your father at your apartment?”

  She tenses and narrows her eyes at the screen. Mashing her lips together, she ignores my question entirely. She’s told me a little about her father and how he died. I know she was close to him and that his death is part of the reason she is here today.

  If I could kill the man who killed her father—that would make everything I’ve been through worthwhile.

  “Do you have siblings?”

  “Sten, will you stop with the questions already?”

  I sit up on the edge of the bed, frustrated. The last thing I want is for her to be angry with me. I feel myself tense all over, and I know the only relief I will find is in touching her. If she’s angry, she isn’t going to let me do that.

  She comes over and sits on the rolling chair to take my temperature. As she places the thermometer on my finger, I wrap my hand around her wrist. She stills for a moment, and I think she’s going to pull away or tell me not to touch her, but she says nothing. She continues her work as I run my hand up her arm.

  I can’t stand it anymore.

  “Please don’t be angry with me,” I whisper.

  “Oh, Sten.” Riley stands, takes three steps away, and stops suddenly. She rubs her eyes with her fingers and then looks back at me. “I’m not angry with you. I’m angry with myself. Last night…well, it shouldn’t have happened.”

  My organs feel like they’re dropping into my lower gut. She hadn’t wanted it. It was the most incredible sensation I ever recall experiencing, and she wishes it hadn’t happened.

  She felt it too. I know she did.

  “I wanted it.” I push off the bed and walk to her, taking her hands in mine. “I need you, Riley. You’re all I think about.”

  “I know you need it,” she says. “With the upgrade of your chemical treatments, I knew the side effects would be…well, impossible for you to control if you didn’t have a sexual outlet. That’s why I brought in the prostitutes.”

  “I don’t want them.”

  “I know you don’t.” She sighs. “You make that abundantly clear.”

  “I do?”

  “I can tell by the look on your face every time I bring one into the room. It is obvious you don’t want them, but we need some outlet for you. I’m not sure there’s another choice.”

  “You are my choice.”

  “I can’t do that again.”

  Could I really have misread her that much? It doesn’t seem possible. I’m so in tune with her every movement. I don’t think I can be so off-base.

  “You always stopped me before. You didn’t want it to happen.”

  She closes her eyes for a moment and then looks down at our joined hands. She rubs my palm with her thumb and lets out a long breath.

  “I did want it,” she whispers. “I do want it. I shouldn’t, but I do.”

  The words go straight to my dick.

  I want to grab her, push her to the ground, and fuck the ever-loving shi
t out of her. I want to show her just how badly I want her all the time, but I hold myself back. I’d been quick and rough the night before, and she’d left. I don’t want her to leave again.

  Pulling one hand away, I reach up and touch her jaw with my fingertips, stroking slowly over her skin. I look into her eyes, touch her lips briefly with mine, and run my thumb over her cheekbone.

  “There’s so much going on inside my head all the time,” I say, “I can’t keep track of it. Usually I’m just acting on instinct—doing what seems right. But when I’m with you, everything clicks. Everything you’ve put me through…”

  I stop. I can’t find the right words.

  “It’s hard on you,” she whispers.

  “Yes.” I nod before I look back into her eyes. “But when I was inside of you, suddenly it all made sense.”

  Riley looks away, her expression tight and pained. I place my hand on the side of her face and turn her to look at me.

  “It’s all right,” I tell her. “I know what this is. You don’t have to say it.”

  “You shouldn’t have to—”

  “It’s all right,” I say again, interrupting her. I don’t need her to tell me it’s because of the drugs. I don’t need her to tell me I’ve been conditioned for this. I know it. I just don’t care.

  I push her lab coat off her shoulders, and Riley lowers her arms long enough for it to fall to the floor. I want to tear the rest of the clothes from her body, but I hesitate to ruin them again. With my fingers, I work at the tiny buttons on her blouse until they’ve all been released and Riley’s flushed chest is exposed.

  The clasp of her bra is in front, between her breasts, and I thumb it open. Riley shrugs, and it, too, falls to the floor. She reaches behind her back and unzips her skirt. It joins the lab coat and blouse on the floor, and Riley kicks off her shoes as I gaze down at the lacy, pink panties covering her. I groan at the sight.

  “Did you wear those on purpose?”


  I raise an eyebrow at her, and she blushes. I growl under my breath and grasp her hips, pulling her to me. Sliding my fingers into the edge of the panties, I gather the fabric in my fist and tear it from her body. Grabbing the back of her head, I pull her mouth to mine, silencing whatever protest she may have had.

  I don’t break the kiss as I shove my shorts down and free my nearly painful erection. Riley runs her hands down my back, grabbing my ass and pulling me against her. I tilt my head, kissing her harder as I circle my tongue around hers.

  Moving my hand up her side, I wrap it around her breast and thumb her nipple. It hardens against my touch, and she hums into my mouth. I pull back and look down as I rub and pinch her other nipple until they’re both long and hard. I take a short step back.

  She stands before me, completely naked now. I look her up and down, memorizing every inch of her body. Her skin has a soft, pink glow to it, and I can’t help but run a finger from her throat, between her breasts, and down to the apex of her thighs.

  I want to worship her.

  I drop to my knees in front of her. Staring into her eyes, I coil my arm around her leg, lifting it enough to put it up on my shoulder. Riley’s eyes widen as she leans against the medical table behind her, and I lift her other leg.

  Her pussy is spread out just inches from my face. Opening my mouth slightly, I inhale the scent of her sex. My balls tighten. I lean forward and run my nose along her slit, my lips just grazing her skin.

  My heart pounds in my chest.

  “I’m going to make you come so hard, you’ll never consider bringing another woman here again.”

  Riley’s mouth drops open, but she closes it quickly. She licks her lips once and then nods.

  As if I need more encouragement.

  I run my tongue over her flesh, feeling her shiver. Being so close to her scent is overwhelming enough by itself, but when I taste her, I know I’ll never get enough. I want to devour every bit of her.

  I tighten my fingers on her hips, balancing her on my shoulders as I lick and suck. Flicking my tongue over her clit causes her to tighten her legs and grab my head with one hand. I look up to see her head back, one hand grasping the edge of the table, moaning with her mouth open and eyes closed.

  It only makes me work faster.

  She digs her fingers into my scalp. I have to hold her legs firmly to keep her from falling as she writhes and presses against my face. Her sounds change in pitch, becoming higher as her legs tense and shudder around me. She cries out once more, and I have to catch her to keep her from falling to the floor.

  I need to be inside her.

  The desire in me is too great. I’m only barely in control of my actions as I lift her off her feet and lay her on the bed. I crawl on top of her, covering her with my body. My cock throbs painfully, but I freeze and take a long breath. I want to take it slower this time—make it last.

  I take my cock in my hand, slowly running it up and down her slit until she’s begging me with her eyes to give it to her.

  I groan as I enter her. I had half expected it to feel different just because it wasn’t the first time, but it doesn’t. It feels just as glorious as it had before. I look at Riley, and her eyes are on the mirror. I lean over her, slowly stroking in and out as I kiss her neck.

  “Is someone watching us?” I ask, breathing the words into her ear. “Do they know what I’m doing to you?”

  She gasps and tightens her hold on my biceps.

  “There’s no one there now.” She arches her back, pressing up against me as I thrust forward. She moans beneath me as she shakes her head. “It doesn’t matter anyway. Just keep going.”

  I wonder how she knows when someone is watching, but I don’t think about it for long. She holds all my attention.

  Wrapping my arms around her, I right myself and sit up, bringing her with me. She shifts her legs around my hips and I start again, one arm under her ass so I can move her up and down on my cock.

  She caresses my cheek with her fingers and leans in to kiss me. I open my mouth to let her tongue pass my lips as she takes my head in her hands. I feel completely possessed by her as if she is inside of my body instead of me inside hers.

  The connection goes so much deeper that just having a part of me inside of her. It’s more than feeling her skin touching mine or hearing her soft moans as I move. This is a reason to exist. This is perfection. This is peace.

  I shift her to her back again. The twin-sized bed isn’t big enough to move around much without risking her falling.

  Penetrating slowly, I focus on every inch of my dick as it is encompassed by her body. She’s so soft and warm inside, and when I pull back, it feels like her pussy is clamping down on me, trying to keep me in.

  Reaching up, I stroke the side of her face before kissing her again. She coils her fingers around the back of my head, rubbing the short hair backward. I practically purr from the feeling. I moan into her mouth and feel her legs wrap around my waist. She tightens her grip around me, pulling me deeper inside of her.

  Kissing down her chin and throat, I caress her breasts and side with one hand as I start to move faster. I push deep inside, rotate my hips, and listen to her soft groans. Taking a nipple into my mouth, I bite gently, and she bucks against me.

  “Oh God, Sten!” Riley’s arms and legs grip me tightly. She pushes her hips off the bed and holds herself against me as she cries out again. I feel her shudder beneath me before she drops back to the bed as her pussy continues to spasm around my cock.

  Too much pressure. Too much pleasure. I can’t hold back any longer.

  Tilting my head back, I let out a sharp cry as I come deep inside of her. A few more quick thrusts, and I drop my head forward, panting.

  I hold myself up by my arms, not wanting to crush her like I had the last time. Her careful bun has been completely undone, and her face is flushed, making her more beautiful to me than she has ever been before. I stare down at her and smile for a moment before pulling out slo
wly and rolling to one side. I keep one of my legs over hers and wrap my arm around her shoulders, holding her close to me.

  If I let go, she’s going to leave.

  Riley’s breaths return to a regular pace, and she starts to untangle herself from me. I increase my grip slightly.

  “Don’t go.”

  She stills and closes her eyes. I feel her chest rise under my arm as she gives a slight shake of her head. She grips my wrist and pushes my arm down before turning away from me to get up.

  “Please don’t leave,” I say again.

  “It’s late.” She sits up and pulls her legs under her. “I really should go home.”

  “Stay with me.” I grasp her hand, and she looks down at me.

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not? I want you to stay.”

  “If I stay, I have the feeling I won’t be able to walk in the morning.”

  Her words warm me and harden my dick. I hadn’t even thought about what we might do all night, but I know she’s right. If she would allow it, I would take her again. Many times.

  “Is that so bad?” I smile up at her, but she doesn’t return it. “I could keep my hands to myself.”

  “Could you?”

  No, probably not.

  “I’d try.” I tilt my head sideways to look at her. “You know you can always order me to stop.”

  She scrunches up her face, obviously not happy with what I’ve said.

  “It’s just not a good idea.” She swings her legs over the edge of the bed. “I need to get home.”

  “To do what?” I ask as I sit up, grabbing her arm. “Laundry? Got a movie you gotta watch?”

  She narrows her eyes at me, and I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. In my mind, she walks out the door, and it leaves me devastated.

  “Please,” I say again, “don’t leave me alone again.”

  She closes her eyes, and I watch her throat bob up and down as she swallows.

  “All right, Sten,” she finally answers, “I’ll stay.”