Read Spellbound: a Tale of Magic, Mystery & Murder Page 17


  Somehow, the afternoon slipped away, allowing time for Ramon and Joseph to drive back to the outskirts of Cristo. Joseph had taken along the rope. While Ramon drove, his companion cut it into various lengths and fashioned one longer piece into a small noose. He smilingly held it up for Ramon's inspection.

  "When promising women will not willingly fulfill their promise, sir," remarked Joseph tightening the noose with a jerk.

  Ramon laughed in delight at the thought of putting the noose to use, especially on the blonde, foreign woman. He pressed down on the gas pedal in his excitement and the little car flew along the rutted road, bouncing and bumping, until they reached a wooded area on the other side of the market, a short distance from the hotel. Spotting Amanda, Ramon pulled to a stop under the trees and, confident that the vehicle was hidden from view, stepped onto the grassy area. Joseph left the back door on the passenger side ajar and placed the lengths of rope on the car floor.

  Voices floated to them on the breeze. Voices that spoke of prices, of quality, and then the foreign woman's voice reached their ears. It was sweet and sad.

  "Thank you, no. I'm just looking today," she said.

  The men peered at the market through the trees, searching for the voice's owner. And there she was, not 20 feet from them, looking over the various designs on the array of woven floor coverings. Ramon caught his breath. The foreign woman was even lovelier than before and his eyes greedily took in every detail.

  She wore a white, short-sleeved, linen suit and the slim skirt had begun to crease in the extreme heat. The foreign woman's full, perfect breasts nestled, maddeningly, in the curve of her white, lace blouse. The golden waves of her hair were caught up in a cascade at the back of her head with a shiny, blue ribbon that matched her eyes.

  She was, without a doubt, the most beautiful, elegant woman Ramon had ever set eyes on. If he could only have one woman in the world, this is the one he would have chosen. He regretted the bargain with the Baka having already been struck. If only he had the matter to do over, he certainly would have included a woman like this in his terms.

  Joseph motioned to him to stay hidden in the trees. The Haitian moved to the right, circling around behind the woman. When Ramon was on the other side of the trees, Joseph called out to her.

  "Lady! American lady!"

  Amanda looked up in the direction of the voice, but saw no one. She turned back to the vending table.

  "Have you lost a wallet, lady?"

  That voice again! Amanda looked into the trees. She took a step forward, shading her eyes from the sun with one hand, and squinted into the foliage. "Hello? Is someone there?" The vendor turned to the next customer.

  "A brown, leather wallet, miss?" asked the Haitian standing beside her.

  She jumped in surprise. "Yes!"

  "Was it yours, miss? The cards in the wallet say 'Hammond' and there are plane tickets," persisted Joseph gazing respectfully down at her. A look of great relief came over the woman.

  "Yes! Yes! I'm Mrs. Hammond. That's my husband's wallet and our tickets! Where did you find it?"

  "At the hotel, miss," smiled Joseph. "My friend has the wallet. Over there!" He gestured to the trees and attempted to usher her in Ramon's direction. She hesitated, frowning. "We have been searching for your husband. Then someone told us you were here." His voice slowed, trailing off. "We have come to the market to return it to you."

  Amanda squinted into the trees. Someone was waiting there. It was a man, holding something that looked like Jim's wallet! She began walking quickly toward the woods and Joseph was right behind her, a chattering distraction.

  In the next minute, Amanda had gained the shelter of the trees and could now plainly see the other man. He was a slightly built Dominican with a thin moustache. His head was down and he held the lost wallet in his right hand. Amanda walked up to him and stopped. The man raised his head and she froze in surprise.

  His eyes!

  Evil! Dangerous! Insane!

  It was the man who had accosted her in Las Naranjas!

  Amanda opened her mouth to scream as Joseph's hand clamped across her face. She tried to fight, but the tall man was too strong. He lifted her off her feet and started for the car. The smaller man grabbed her ankles and, together, they stuffed her into the back seat. Joseph jumped in beside her and Ramon climbed into the driver's seat. The car gained the main road and roared back to the secret place, while Joseph and the woman wrestled wildly in the back seat.

  As soon as he was sure no vehicles or pedestrians were nearby, Joseph released the woman's mouth and she screamed. He forced the noose around her neck and tightened it until the screaming stopped. Amanda's mouth opened, gasping for air, eyes bulging. Joseph loosened the noose. Quickly gulping in air, Amanda attempted to resume screaming. Joseph instantly retightened the noose until his victim was obviously strangling.

  The strange noises piqued Ramon's attention.

  "What are you doing?" Ramon snapped over his shoulder. He craned his neck to see the activity in the back, but it was impossible to do so and keep the car on the road.

  "I am training her not to scream," Joseph sang out happily. "See, sir, her mouth is free and I have loosened the noose." He stared triumphantly into the woman's fear-widened eyes. "She has chosen not to scream, sir."

  Ramon nodded in satisfaction and pressed down on the gas pedal in his eagerness to reach the hut.

  "You bastards!" Amanda shouted. "Is this the only way you can get a woman?" She spat in Joseph's face. The big man started angrily, jerking the noose. The tirade broke off with a gurgling sound. "Not quite trained, Joseph," observed Ramon.

  Joseph took another rope and, after a brief struggle, managed to tie Amanda's hands behind her back. This accomplished, he cuddled Amanda to him with his left arm. He smirked at her triumphantly, while his right hand toyed with the noose.

  They were halfway to the secret place when Joseph switched the noose to his left hand and pulled it taut. He jammed his free hand between her knees, forcing them apart, pushing up her skirt. The woman began to protest, but Joseph tugged purposefully at the noose.

  "Shhhhh," he hissed in her ear.

  Joseph lay down on the seat clutching her closer, the length of his body against hers. His hand crept up between her thighs. The woman's body shook with rage at being violated, but he pressed on. His exploring fingers reached the crotch of her silken panties and pulled the material aside. His eager fingers slipped inside her. Closing his eyes, he shivered deliciously, savoring her warmth, forcing his fingers deeper.

  Overcome with desire for this foreign woman, Joseph realized he could take her and Ramon would be none the wiser. At least until they reached the hut! Quickly, he withdrew his hand from between her legs and fumbled at his trousers. He continued to hold the noose mercilessly taut and the woman stopped struggling, awaiting the inevitable. Joseph forced Amanda's knees further apart and was about to claim her when Ramon snarled. "Dios mio! Don't spoil her!"

  Ramon angrily screeched the car to a halt in the middle of the road. He jumped out, ran around to the passenger side, and threw open the back door. "Get out! Out!"

  Reaching in, he grabbed hold of Joseph's belt and dragged the man backward out of the vehicle. Ramon struck Joseph with his fist, the blow glanced off the side of the taller man's head. Joseph stumbled and threw up his hands to ward off the blows. Ramon dragged Joseph to his feet and the Haitian stood there, staring stupidly, his trousers down around his ankles.

  "Tie her feet! Gag her! Leave her on the floor!" Ramon commanded. "And pull up your pants, you fool!" Joseph complied without a word. "Now get in the front seat!" Ramon snarled, shoving Joseph roughly.

  Joseph took his seat and Ramon went around to the driver's side. The small man got in, slammed the door with more force than necessary, and glared at Joseph before starting the car. His desire replaced by disappointment and shame, Joseph stared straight ahead, avoiding Ramon's gaze. Neither man spoke and the only sound to break
the silence was Amanda's desperate, futile attempts to free herself. By the time they came to the hidden place, Joseph thought he could stand it no longer. Ramon pulled the car up until it was hidden under a leafy canopy.

  "Get out," he snapped, starting for the hut, "and bring the woman!"

  Joseph opened the back door and pulled Amanda out. He hoisted her to his shoulder and slammed the door, then followed Ramon to the hut in silence. "Put her there," commanded Ramon, pointing to a mat in the corner of the hut. Joseph kneeled and placed her on the mat. "Untie her feet," Ramon snapped, "and get out!"

  Joseph began fumbling at the rope. "Get out, sir? Where shall I go?"

  "Anywhere you like," Ramon snarled, "as long as you leave me in peace for a few hours!" He pulled Joseph to his feet and pushed him toward the door.

  "Can't you see? The woman wants to be alone with me," Ramon whispered hoarsely. Turning to the woman, the little man ripped the gag from her mouth and adjusted the noose. "You may scream now," he told her, "but there is no one to hear you."

  He began tearing at her linen skirt, her silken panties. Amanda screamed as he pulled the clothing free of her legs. She kicked at him, her high-heeled sandal catching him in the chest. Ramon staggered backward and sat down, hard. The pain in his chest made his eyes water. So angry he could hardly speak, he came at her again. By now, Amanda had staggered to her feet and was leaning, hands still tied behind her, against the hut wall. As Ramon sprang at her, she brought up one dainty foot and planted it in his face.

  Joseph caught Ramon before he could fall and pleaded, "Let me help you, sir."

  Amanda rested against the wall, panting, eyeing the men warily. Joseph reached down and grabbed the corner of the mat on which she stood. He yanked it neatly from beneath her feet. As she fell, he pounced upon her, seizing the end of the noose.

  "Let me get her ready for you, sir," pleaded the Haitian.

  Ramon held onto the wall for support, nodding weakly. Joseph applied the noose slowly, until Amanda stopped struggling. He removed the cord around her wrists just long enough to strip off her jacket, blouse, and bra, then retied her hands.

  Joseph forced the naked woman to her knees and yanked the ribbon from her hair. Golden waves fell across her face. He stood up triumphantly and handed the leash to his master. Joseph went to the doorway and paused. Looking back, he saw Ramon had tightened the noose in an attempt to force the woman to take him in her mouth.

  Joseph shook his head and passed through the doorway. "Where shall I go?" he asked himself. He started back to the road. After a few minutes he stopped and looked back. Would he be able to find the hidden place again? He certainly hoped so.

  With no destination in mind, he kept to the road. After 15 minutes, he saw another person walking toward him. It was a young Dominican woman with her hair drawn up in a knot atop her head. She carried a straw basket and wore a bright, orange-print dress. The sun behind her revealed the shift as her only garment. Joseph looked at her hungrily, picturing her without the dress.

  Joseph drew closer. So did the woman and, as she approached, she reached up one hand and undid the clip holding her hair. Passing less than six feet in front of him, she shook her head and shining, dark hair cascaded to her waist.

  Joseph stopped in his tracks. So did the woman. She smiled at him, a long, slow smile, and then stepped off the road. Joseph stared after her as she disappeared behind the bushes. He waited and, when she didn't reappear, he decided to investigate. Joseph walked to where she had left the path and peered into the brush. He could see her bright, orange dress through the leaves.

  She laughed, the sound of tiny chimes in the wind.

  Joseph drew closer and the woman threw herself at him. Her arms closed around his neck in a frantic embrace. Her mouth fastened hungrily on his. She drew him behind the bushes and, her arms still encircling him, sank slowly to the ground. Joseph found himself atop the woman, nestled in a bed of leaves, hidden from the world by tall brush. She pulled her skirt up and tugged eagerly at his pants until he was free. She embraced him fiercely, crying out as he entered her, screaming with joy as she met his thrusts.

  This is the way it was meant to be, he thought and lost himself in the moment. At last, Joseph fell asleep in her arms, their limbs intertwined. By the time the sun had sunk low in the sky, he awakened with a start and found himself alone. He looked about, but the woman was gone. Joseph jumped up and arranged his clothing. He searched the bushes, and among the trees, then looked long and hard along the road.

  He called to her, again and again, and waited until darkness was upon him, but she didn't return. "I don't even know her name," he mused as he hurried along the road. He had to find the hidden place before the landscape was completely obscured by night.

  Joseph was mildly surprised at his ability to find the hut without difficulty. He entered hesitantly and froze in his tracks. The foreign woman was dead, sprawled spread-eagled on her back on the mat, wearing only the white sandals. Her large, blue eyes stared vacantly at the ceiling. The once lovely face now swollen and discolored, a mottled purple, tongue protruding from between parched lips. There was a strange, dark depression on her left temple and her torso was covered with numerous stab wounds.

  Ramon crouched, naked and sweating, at one side of the altar, clutching a bloody knife. The little man raised his strange, glittering eyes to Joseph and staggered to his feet. Joseph edged backward, wondering if he could gain the safety of the jungle before Ramon caught up with him.

  "The stupid, foreign woman would not fulfill her promise, Joseph," Ramon whispered. "She was defiant," he continued, creeping back to where Amanda's body lay. "She defied me!" he roared and leapt upon the already shamefully abused corpse, plunging the knife into her again. Joseph waited until his master had vented his frustration and watched in horror as Ramon cradled the body tenderly in his arms, kissing the wounds and crying. Joseph's horror turned quickly to disgust as Ramon clasped his victim to him and made love to Amanda one last time.

  Afterwards, when Ramon had washed and eaten, and better able to listen to reason, Joseph broached the subject.