Read Spice Box: Sixteen Steamy Stories Page 21

  “That’s it,” she bit out, as he gave her swollen nub his undivided attention.

  He dipped inside her and pumped, his long finger stroking deeper than ever. Then he gently brushed the tip of his finger over her sensitive G spot while his tongue did the most delicious things to her clit. A surge of heat stole through her as soft quakes began at her core, and she nearly sobbed with relief to know he was finally going to bring her over.

  “Come for me now, baby.”

  “Yes,” she cried out, so ready to do just that.

  Unhinged, she sucked in a breath as her muscles clenched around his finger, and he gave a low, throaty groan as her cream completely coated him. Her mind shut down, focusing only on the intense pleasure as she rode out the waves of ecstasy. He continued to stroke her deep, to squeeze out every pulse and prolong her euphoria. God, he was such a skilled, considerate lover.

  When her body finally stopped throbbing, she exhaled a whimper of satisfaction and reached for him, needing to taste him, to feel his cock inside her. But he stayed between her legs, drinking every last drop. His soft licks were intended to soothe her swollen pussy, but succeeded in arousing her all over again.

  “I need to fuck you,” he murmured, his voice sounding rusty, needy, and so completely steeped in emotion it caught her off guard.

  She lifted her head to see him, but couldn’t make out his face in the dark. She fell back onto the pillow as he climbed up her body and buried his mouth in the crook of her neck. As he slid over her, it occurred to her how hot and heavy his hard body felt as he settled his weight on top of her. She soaked in his warmth as his cock breached her damp opening.

  “Yes,” she cried out, lifting her hips to welcome him home.

  Fire surged through her veins as he eased into her, offering her only an inch at a time. When he finally pushed all the way in, she couldn’t ever remember his cock reaching so deep. But she didn’t want to think about that right now, she just wanted to indulge in his body and the concentrate of the pleasure he was offering.

  His hips rocked and she met each thrust. His hands curled around her back and gripped her shoulders for leverage. Her breasts pressed against his chest, moisture sealing them as one.

  They came together, moving in synch and, surprisingly, his lovemaking was as slow and as achingly tender as his foreplay. As he rode her long and hard she couldn’t believe she was there again already. Small ripples pulled at her core and from the low growl coming from Adam’s throat she guessed he must have felt them too.

  His lips found hers, and with exquisite gentleness his tongue moved inside to tangle and play while his hand found her clit. “That’s it,” he whispered into her mouth as her cunt clenched and massaged his cock. “Come for me again, baby.”

  And come she did.

  Her hot cream poured over his shaft and her aroused scent saturated the air. Adam inhaled and then began to move quicker, chasing his own orgasm.

  When her body stopped spasming and she could finally formulate a sentence, she said breathlessly, “I want to feel you come inside me.”

  “Jesus,” he bit out, and with the way his cock was swelling inside her, she knew he was ready to fall over the edge right along with her.

  A moment later his hot seed splashed high inside her and she moaned in delight. Her nails bit into his skin and held him close, never wanting to let him go as his cock pulsed and throbbed. As he depleted himself, his heat moved through her body and brought on a shudder. She briefly closed her eyes and drew a satisfied breath, knowing without a doubt that she was in the right hands.

  Throughout the night Adam took her again and again, until dark bled into dawn. They both fell asleep in the wee hours of the morning, and Lauren couldn’t remember ever feeling so happy and content on hump day.

  She slept well but not long, and as the early morning sun shone in through a tiny crack in the drawn dark curtains, she stretched out her fatigued limbs and gave a happy sigh. Her body felt used and sore from her all-night rendezvous. When she blinked her eyes open and reached for the amazing man beside her, she jolted upright and gasped out loud.

  “Oh. My. God.”


  “Oh. My. God.”

  Garret Wilson blinked his eyes open and stared at the gorgeous woman looking down at him. With a tangle of bed sheets clutched to her chest, her big eyes were wide, her sexy mouth agape. Her long, chestnut hair was tousled and mussed from last night’s lovemaking marathon, and had his cock hardening all over again. Adam wasn’t kidding when he said she was amazing.

  As his erection tented the sheets, her big blue eyes went from his face, to his obvious arousal, back to his face again. Despite the shock spreading across her flushed cheeks, he spotted some other emotion swimming in the depth of those baby blues. Something that resembled desire. She wanted him again—as much as he wanted her—and that realization had his cock growing another inch.

  Jesus, he’d been around the block a time or two, and had bedded his fair share of women, but he’d never quite met a girl like her. So warm, so giving, so generous and sensual between the sheets that it did the strangest things to his insides. Want zinged through him as last night’s erotic memories warmed his blood. Adam was right; there was just something about her, something so unique and beguiling that it could turn even the wildest of playboys into a one-woman kind of guy.

  Her gorgeous pink nipples—nipples that he’d sucked long and hard until their cries of pleasure merged—pressed against the white sheet, and it occurred to him that she was a lethal combination of sweet and sexy and was every bit as giving and passionate between the sheets as his brother had said she was.

  As Garret stared at her, he knew his heart didn’t stand a chance, not with a girl like her. Even though he’d just met her, with the way Adam talked about her it felt like he’d known her for his entire lifetime, which could very well account for what he was feeling. He guessed his brother was betting on that. She brought things out in him that left him reeling and, thanks to Adam, he knew her wants and needs better than she herself did. Which was exactly why he was here.

  “Good morning.”

  “Good morning?” she rushed out. “Good morning? That’s all you have to say? Good morning!”

  He went up on his elbows. “What else would you like me to say?” he asked slowly, in an attempt to calm her and make this as easy on her as possible.

  “How about, ‘Geez, sorry about last night’.”

  “But I’m not sorry.” He reached out to gently trace the pretty outline of her areola, barely visible behind the sheet she desperately clutched to her chest. Last night he discovered the way she liked to be touched and he planned to put that knowledge to good use. He rubbed her nub with the soft pad of his thumb, ever so gently, just enough to make it harden beneath his hand. “Why should I be?”

  She shivered under his invasive touch and inched toward him. The movement was slight, but he noticed it. Then, as if she suddenly realized what she was doing, she squared her shoulders and bit out, “Because you pretended you were Adam.”

  “No I didn’t.”

  “You slept with me!”

  “And you slept with me,” he responded, reminding her that it was she who’d crawled in with him. “And I don’t believe I was the only willing participant in this bed last night.”

  Gorgeous blue eyes flashed daggers. “That’s because I thought you were Adam.”

  She looked so sweet and vulnerable that a wave of tenderness stole over him. He softened his voice and asked, “Didn’t you enjoy it?” He reached for her, but she pulled back.

  “No. Yes. I don’t know. I thought you were Adam.”

  Okay, they were clearly going in circles here and they both needed coffee. When he pushed the comforter off, she quickly averted her glance and scrambled to the other side of the bed.

  “Wait. Don’t,” she rushed out.

  “Don’t what?”” he asked.

  “Don’t get up. You’re naked.”

>   Everything inside him went out to her. He dipped his head and spoke in whispered words. “It’s a little late for modesty, don’t you think, Lauren?”

  With that her head snapped up and a wheezing sound escaped her lips when she asked, “So you know who I am, then?”

  “Sure.” He paused to take pleasure in the sight of the gorgeous woman before him. “But believe me, Adam’s description didn’t do you justice. You’re the most beautiful, sensuous woman I’ve ever met.” Just then Nate jumped on the bed and brushed against him. “Hey, boy, miss me?” he asked.

  Lauren bit down on her lower lips as her glance moved over his face, a careful assessment. He could almost hear the wheels spinning as he stroked his cat. Then when her eyes widened, and her cheeks flushed Garret knew she’d figured it out.

  “Ohmygod, you’re Garret, Adam’s brother.”

  “Yeah, that’s me.” Naked, Garret climbed from the bed. “Coffee?” he asked.

  “But I thought…I thought you were still in Europe racing. Adam said you wouldn’t be back for months.”

  “Change of plans,” was all he offered, not bothering to explain his revised racing schedule, or that after the long talk with his brother, he was interested in steering his life in a new direction. After meeting Lauren, although their initial meeting wasn’t supposed to go down quite like that, he was rather excited by the prospect and knew he’d made the right decision. From now on he’d be closer to Adam, and travelling only on the weekends.

  With that he made his way to the kitchen, walking over a trail of clothes. Dropping the bed sheet, Lauren scooped up her skirt and blouse and covered her body with the flimsy pieces of material as she followed him through the condo.

  “We…uh…we didn’t use a condom.”

  He turned back around, and gave her a warm smile as the memories rocked him. He reached out a gentle hand and lightly pushed her hair off her shoulder. The truth was she’d caught him by surprise last night, slipping into bed with him. At first he thought he was dreaming, but then when he realized she was actually there in the flesh, they were already well past the point of no return. “You’re on the pill, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, but…”

  “I’m clean, sweetheart.”

  She eyed him suspiciously. “Did Adam know you were coming back?”


  “Did he know you’d be staying here last night?”

  “Can’t say for sure. It was really going to depend on what flight I caught, and I haven’t had a chance to talk to him yet.”

  She pinched the bridge of her nose and wondered why Adam hadn’t called her. Then again, he was flying overseas and probably couldn’t, and it wasn’t like he expected her to crawl into his bed. With his brother! “I just can’t believe…”

  He pitched his voice low, wanting to put her at ease and said, “Look. Why don’t you go get a shower, and when you come out I’ll have breakfast all ready for you.”

  She looked at him, incredulous.

  “Eggs?” he asked.

  “Yes. No. I don’t know,” she blurted out again, clearly flustered as her shirt fell from her hand and exposed a luscious nipple.

  He tried to be a gentleman and not to stare as she fixed herself. He really did. But she was so fucking beautiful he couldn’t seem to help himself.

  He cleared his throat. “Scrambled, right?”

  She arched a curious brow. “How do you know that?”

  “Just a guess,” he answered as she bent down to scoop up her panties. When she stood back up he tore his gaze away. “After you eat, I’ll walk you to work. I don’t have anything on the agenda today.”

  “How do you know where I work?” she questioned.

  He filled the coffee maker with grounds. “Adam’s my brother. We talk.”

  At the mention of Adam her face drained of color.

  “Oh, God, Adam,” she groaned out loud, her voice wavering.

  “You really like him?” he asked.

  Her glance met his and she didn’t hesitate when she said, “Yes. A lot.”

  Garret smiled. Adam was right. She was everything he said she was. Honest, sincere and loyal. Qualities that were important to him, qualities he admired but had yet to come across in a woman. Until now.

  Gulping loud enough for him to hear, she waved her hand toward the bedroom. “Which is why…”

  When he took a small step toward her, she took a small step back. “Trust me, you don’t have anything to worry about,” he said, addressing her worries. Honestly, Lauren had no idea just how understanding his brother was going to be when he found out how good they were in bed together, but it was best for Adam to tell her that himself. “Neither of us realized what was happening until it was too late. He’ll understand that.”

  “Do you think so?” She blinked rapidly. “I really care about him, and wouldn’t want to do anything to hurt him.”

  Garret could tell she more than cared about Adam and that pleased him. “I know he cares about you too.” Which, once again, was the reason Garret was there. He moved close and lightly brushed his thumb over her kiss-swollen lips. Warm desire moved across her face before she blinked.

  Lauren put her hands up and pushed on his chest. “I have to go, Garret.”

  He smiled at her, realizing it was the first time she’d said his name out loud. Something about the way she’d said it had his mind conjuring up images of hot bodies rocking together in synch. He wondered how his name would sound on her tongue when she screamed it during orgasm.

  As if she knew what he was thinking, she gave a brisk shake of her head and turned. “I need a shower.” She tossed the words over her shoulder as she sashayed down the hall, her sweet bare ass dragging his focus and generating heat and need deep inside him. “Then I need to get out of here.”

  As Garret watched her go, he wanted to say something, anything to help put her at ease but closed his mouth instead. Even though things hadn’t quite gone according to plan, what he wanted to say was better off coming from his brother. Besides, he had other, more important things to think about, like how he was going to get to know her better, and what it was going to take to gain her trust and show her just how good they could be together. Inside the bedroom and out.


  “You did what?” Shiloh asked as she dropped her mocha latte onto the cafeteria table with a thump and sloshed the hot liquid over the side of the Styrofoam cup.

  Thoroughly embarrassed—not to mention sexually satisfied—Lauren pressed her hands to her face and muffled her words when she said, “I slept with Garret.”

  “Garret? Who the hell is Garret?”

  Desperately needing to get the ugly truth off her chest and bare her sins to her best friend and colleague, she blurted out, “He’s Adam’s brother. I slept with Adam’s brother!” Lauren slowly peeled her hands back from her face and pushed away the coffee Shi had brought her, unable to enjoy their ritual, early morning latte before they both began their rounds.

  “Holy Jesus, Lauren,” Shiloh whispered and leaned forward. “How the hell did that happen?”

  “It just sort of…happened.”

  “Sleeping with your boyfriend’s brother doesn’t just sort of happen. Now give me the details.”

  Lauren fell silent for a moment and gave a polite nod to the group of nurses who were walking by. When they were finally out of earshot she went on to explain, “Well, I went to feed Nate, and when I arrived at Adam’s condo, I found Adam in bed.”

  “Only, it wasn’t Adam,” Shi added and slowly shook her head from side to side, clearly astounded. “And you slept with him?”

  “I slept with him,” she echoed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

  Shiloh let loose a long, low whistle. “Cripes…”

  “Yeah, that just about sums it up.”

  Shiloh’s eyes darted around the cafeteria, then she pointed toward the swinging door that led into the hall. “That gorgeous guy I just saw you talking to a few minutes ago,
that was him, wasn’t it?”

  “He insisted on walking me to work. The roads are icy and he wanted to make sure I arrived safely.” Lauren toyed with the coffee cup and rolled her eyes. “Can you imagine?”

  “Actually, I think it’s nice. No guy has ever been that considerate with me before.”

  Secretly Lauren thought it was nice too, but she wasn’t about to admit it.

  Shiloh pressed her palms to the table and shook her head in disbelief. “And when you were sleeping with him,” she started, bringing the conversation back to Lauren’s colossal mistake, “you didn’t realize it wasn’t Adam? I mean their features are similar but they’re not twins.”

  “I know they’re not, but it was dark, their voices are similar and they’re built the same,” Lauren rushed out, grasping for a way to make the mix-up sound plausible or at least a little less horrible than it really was. God, she could just die. And last night when he’d brought her to her third orgasm she thought she had.

  Good Lord!

  Shiloh cocked her head and raised a curious brow. “So you’re saying they’re built the same, you know…everywhere?”

  “Well, no, not everywhere.”

  Lauren looked down sheepishly and took a moment to really think about it. It occurred to her that the signs were all there, she’d just ignored them. In bed, Garret’s touch was tender, slow, and achingly gentle, the antithesis to the way Adam made love to her, in fact. Physically his cock was a bit longer, driving into her so deep it made her womb clench. But he wasn’t as thick as Adam’s, whose girth made her feel so deliciously full and satisfied it was all she could do to remember her own name. Although they were brothers and were built alike, everything about them was different, right down to the way their cocks filled her and brought her to orgasm. But she’d been too excited to find Adam home during the week, and too lost in the haze of lust to give those differences much thought at the time.

  “So was he any good?”

  “Shi,” Lauren admonished. “What kind of question is that?”

  “Never mind. I don’t need to ask. The look on your face says it all, and to be honest, I’m as jealous as hell. That guy was smoking hot.”