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  Deep Space Mission Corps 3

  Spider Bight

  When the Tamora Bight is diverted from a scheduled mission to conduct a rescue operation and tow a disabled Kal’moran vessel, the crew’s also ordered to refer to Emi Hypatia as the ship’s captain. Aaron Lucio, Caph Bates, and Ford Caliban aren’t delighted to learn Kal’moran is a luxury resort planet for women, run by women. They’re even less pleased when they’re diplomatically obligated to visit the Kal’moran capital with Emi.

  Emi tries to maintain objectivity, but finds it hard to remain agreeable while being shown around a planet that treats males as little more than pack animals. Unfortunately, a jealous, scheming Kal’moran sets her sights on obtaining Aaron, Caph, and Ford by any means necessary when Emi refuses to share.

  Now Emi must fight to save her men from a Kal’moran warrior who’ll stop at nothing to win. And on a planet that houses deadly arachnid-like creatures, Emi’s going to show them she can be even more formidable than any Spider Bight.

  Genre: Futuristic, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Science Fiction

  Length: 42,089 words


  Deep Space Mission Corps 3

  Tymber Dalton


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2012 by Tymber Dalton

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-923-4

  First E-book Publication: November 2012

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  To all my sisters in geekiness.


  If you want to read the books in order, read Love at First Bight, followed by Bightmares. The events of this book take place immediately following the events of Bightmares. Both books are available from Siren-BookStrand. (Yes, I have more planned in the series after this one. *smile*)


  Deep Space Mission Corps 3


  Copyright © 2012


  From the personnel files of Dr. Louis Graymard, Deep Space Mission Corps Chief Personnel Acquisitions Officer:

  Mission Debriefing Summary #1

  File #20-8630.1

  Ship: DSMCV Tamora Bight

  Base of Origin: New Phoenix, Arizona, Earth

  Crew: Captain Aaron Lucio; First Officer Caphis Bates; Mate Ford Caliban; Medical Officer Dr. Emilia Hypatia

  Captain Lucio and his crew returned to the Martian base with the crews of the Kendall Kant and the Braynow Gaston following their successful intervention on the Aroykin settling colony. Unfortunately, Captain Eckhart, formerly of the Petrovis Skye, died as a result of his own actions (see incident report #20-9246.1). Dr. Hypatia, along with Dr. Stevens, of the Kendall Kant (see separate crew debriefing summary, file #20-8711.1), working with the crew of the Braynow Gaston, was able to isolate the cause of the rages and cure the colonists, as well as Captains Lucio and Elloy (again, see file #20-8711.1). Also, see my crew pairing summary report detailing the addition of Dr. Sophie Vanderlin, formerly of the Forrester Cross, as the medical officer on the Braynow Gaston (file #20-8716). While they did not go through an initial sim pairing scenario, I believe, in light of their already close bond, it would be counterproductive to deny the crew pairing.

  With the emergency mission out of the way, the Tamora Bight can now be employed for its original purpose—exploration, and surveys of potential settling locations. Cargo, retrofit and maintenance crews will finish vessel modifications by the end of the week. After the crew enjoys several well-earned days of R&R, they will be assigned to…

  Chapter One

  “Is this seat taken?”

  Dr. Emilia Hypatia squinted up at the large shadow blocking her patch of Martian sunlight. The tall, hunky man wasn’t muscle-bound, but large, with broad shoulders tapering down to a narrow waist and gorgeously tight ass.

  “Maybe. I’ve got three hunky husbands who are very protective of me. They’re liable to kick the ass of anyone they catch flirting with me.”

  Despite the warning, the green-eyed man with shaggy blond hair and wearing civilian clothes proceeded to sit on the lounge chair next to hers. The most delicious smile curled his lips into a kissable expression of amusement. “Hunky, huh? I’ll risk it. What are they doing letting you come to a Martian resort all by your lonesome if they’re so protective?”

  The resort’s solar dome surrounded the swimming pool and had a great view of the mountains to the north. It was wonderful being able to sit out on the lounges and soak up the sun. The special panels magnified the diminished sunlight so that it appeared nearly as bright inside the dome as it would on Earth.

  And they almost had the beautiful view to themselves.

  “I escaped,” she said.

  One eyebrow playfully shot up. “You had to escape your husbands?”

  She rolled onto her side to face him, propping herself on one elbow. “I wanted to have a little fun. Get wild on my R&R.”

  He reached over and caught her left hand, where two rings, a gorgeous engagement ring and a wedding band, graced her fourth finger.

  On the man’s left hand, he wore a matching wedding band. “So, these three hunky husbands of yours who let you out by yourself. They don’t take good care of you?”

  “I never said that.”

  The man raised her hand to his lips, sucked her thumb into his mouth, and slowly, sensually laved his tongue over it. “Then they do take good care of you?”

  She had to think to breathe because the delicious things he was doing to her, hinting at more treats to come, nearly robbed her of thought. He was very skilled with his tongue. “Excellent care,” she managed to gasp.

  “Does a guy like me stand a chance?” His green eyes bored into hers.


  He grabbed her and pulled her over to his lounge, on top of him. His stiff erection pressed through his slacks and against the fabric of her swimsuit. “Depends on what?”

  She teased him, grinding her hips against him. “On how soon you can pry me away from his royal chattiness over there.” She hooked a thumb over her shoulder at the pool, where Ford Caliban swam up to the side.

  “What the hell took you guys so long, Caph?” he called out. “You were supposed to be finished hours ago. And where’s Aaron?”

  Caphis Bates, one of Emi’s three hunky husbands, pulled her down against his chest and kissed her. “He’ll be along soon. He wanted to talk to the retrofit crew one last time.”

  Ford climbed out of the pool and dripped water across the deck and all the way over to them. “You’re laying on my towel, buddy.”

  Caph arched his back so Ford could reach under him and grab the towel. Then Ford leaned in and gave him a kiss, his blue eyes twinkling. “What’s he doing with the retrofit crew again? I thought you all handled that this morning.”

  “He wanted to go over the new control systems one more time before they install them.”

  Despite their vast difference in physical appearance and absolutely no blood relation, Aaron had dubbed Ford and Caph “the twins” years earlier due to their habit of “twinspeak”—frequently saying the same thing at the same time. Caph was Emi’s big goofball buddy, with a heart even bigger than his body. Ford, slim and catlike compared to Caph, was her intellectual chatterbox.

  Emi ground her hips against Caph again, drawing a low moan from him. “What are these new control systems supposed to do?” she asked. She could play the sexy distraction game as good as he could.

  “It means if we had to,” Ford explained, “all of us could leave the ship to go planetside and not worry about her. Or we could leave only one person aboard and they could easily run her.” The DSMC vessel Tamora Bight would be their home for several more years. They’d just returned from their first official mission a few days earlier. The men were anxious to get back to space. Emi, who spent the first several days after leaving Earth in bed puking her guts up from space sickness before nearly losing her life on their mission, planned to enjoy their R&R. They’d spent the last two days in hearings and filing detailed reports about the incident. This was their first full day of official leave since returning to Mars.

  “You keep that up, lady,” Caph warned her as she rotated her hips against him again, “and you’re getting yourself thoroughly fucked.”


  Ford snickered. “Ooh, she’s in a playful mood today. I guess we didn’t wear her out last night after all.” He stepped close and grabbed her chin, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief. “Let’s see how mouthy she is when she’s got all three of our cocks inside her at once, instead of just me and you.”

  A bolt of heat shot through Emi’s body and straight to her pussy. She was looking forward to lots of sexy time with her three men. Their previous mission, an emergency medical journey to a settlement colony, had been stressful. Aaron became infected with the “rage” that some of the male colonists had developed. Along with that, a psychotic captain bent on revenge at Aaron, Ford, and Caph had nearly killed her.

  Not relaxing.

  “And here I thought we would have the pool to ourselves,” a familiar male voice called out from across the dome, interrupting the three’s sexy interlude.

  They looked and spotted the crew of the Kendall Kant entering the dome. Captain Rob Elloy, First Officer Sam Johnson, Mate Gregor Davis, and last, Emi’s best friend and college schoolmate, their med officer Dr. Donna Stevens.

  “You will soon enough, Rob,” Ford called back. “We’re about to head back to our room.”

  Emi climbed off Caph and suppressed a snicker as he blushed and sat up while trying to adjust his slacks and hide his stiff bulge.

  Donna, also dressed in a swimsuit, walked over and gave Emi a hug. “You guys have your costumes for the party Saturday night?” she asked Ford.

  “Of course.” While the Martian calendar was different than Earth’s, people who’d lived on Earth still tended to celebrate Earth holidays in similar fashion. Halloween on Earth was less than a week away.

  “I talked to Sophie this morning,” Donna said to Emi. “She said she’s got her costume.” Dr. Sophie Vanderlin was a last-minute addition to the crew of the Braynow Gaston, which had been sent as an emergency support ship for their last mission even though they lacked a fourth crew member. A problem they rectified when they met up with Sophie, who’d been crewing on a medical support ship. After the resolution of the Aroykin colony’s medical issue, the men of the Braynow Gaston asked her to join their crew.

  “They’re returning to Earth next week, aren’t they?” Emi asked.

  “Yeah, Graymard said he wants them back for more training and to make sure they’re not ready to kill each other,” Donna said.

  Ford snorted. “I hope Graymard doesn’t bother putting them through a sim session at this point. He’s liable to get his ass killed.”

  Rob’s face darkened, as did Sam and Gregor’s. “Yeah,” Rob agreed. “I told that son of a bitch if he ever put us through another sim session like he did when he paired us with Donna, that he’d better not bring me out of it because I’d wring his fucking neck myself.”

  Emi and her men’s sim session to initially pair them and check for compatibility had ended with Emi thinking Aaron was going to die as a huge alien’s fuck toy. When awoken from the sim session and she realized only two hours and not an entire year had passed, and that Aaron was fine, she’d decked Dr. Louis Graymard, the chief personnel acquisitions director of the Deep Space Mission Corps.

  Emi later found out Donna had done the same thing when coming out of her sim session. Although her sim session differed from Emi’s, the result had been similar, with Donna thinking two of her men had died instead of just one.

  In her sim session, Emi had first met and rejected the crews of the Kendall Kant and the Braynow Gaston. Graymard suspected that Emi, as an Alpha-ranked healer, a Class 2 trained empath, and having a psychology degree, would be perfect for the men of the Tamora Bight. So he deliberately introduced her to two other crews he thought she wouldn’t be compatible with. But the men of the Kendall Kant, since their pairing with Donna, were a far cry from the stiff and starched former ISNC military men Emi had originally met. And Donna was thrilled with them.

  The “geek” boys from the Braynow Gaston, a group of scientists from the National Science Institute, were now happily paired with Sophie, although none of them had seen enough of that crew since their return to Mars for Emi to say how they’d changed.

  They were otherwise…occupied.

  Ford picked up Emi’s towel and tote bag. “We’ll let you guys have the pool. We’re heading back to our room.”

  Gregor scooped Donna into his arms and playfully tossed her into the pool as she let out a scream. “We’ll see you guys Saturday night at the party,” he said. He jumped into the pool after her, laughing and holding up his arms for protection as she swatted at him.

  Caph slipped an arm around Emi’s waist as the three of them left the dome. Before they turned down the corridor to their room, they spotted Aaron walking toward them. They waited for him to join th

  “There’s Cap,” Caph said.

  “Finally,” Emi groused.

  Aaron kissed Emi and the other men when he walked up. “What’d I miss?”

  “Greg dunked Donna,” Ford snarked. “I have a feeling she wasn’t too happy about it. We decided to come back to the room for some private fun.”

  Emi didn’t need her empathic skills to read the smoky passion in Aaron’s brown eyes. “Is that so?” He pulled her to him and kissed her again, deeply, as she felt his firm bulge through his slacks grow against her body. “Well, let’s get to it.”

  She giggled. “The wake-up the twins gave you this morning didn’t wear you out?”

  Aaron grinned. “No. I think that muscle relaxer you gave me last night helped me get a good night’s sleep.” He’d pulled his back the previous day. Emi’s dose knocked him out…and he missed her wild and wooly romp in the tub with Caph and Ford before bedtime. She had awoken that morning to the twins tag-teaming Aaron, going down on him before he and Caph headed out for a meeting with the retrofit crew.

  When they returned to the room, the men wasted no time getting undressed. They all jumped into bed, staring at Emi with hopeful looks on their faces.

  She laughed. “You all are going to wear me out at this pace.”

  Ford crooked a finger at her. “We’re enjoying our R&R. You wouldn’t want us to disobey orders and not have a good time, would you?”

  “Oh, is that what this is? Following orders?” She let Caph hook a beefy arm around her waist and drag her into bed.