Read Spiral of Need Page 11

  The latter part won, and Ally’s body burst to life. A satisfied growl rumbled up Derren’s chest, vibrating against her nipples, as one strong hand collared her throat. Bristling at the possessive move, she scratched his scalp with her claws. Snarling, he tightened his hold and—

  Their mouths broke apart, panting, as a howl split the air. Her thought processes like mush, it took Ally a moment to discern it was the howl of a full-blooded wolf; it wasn’t one of alarm. Forcing herself to release Derren’s hair, she let her arms fall to her sides. But she didn’t back up—that required more strength than she had.

  Derren wanted nothing more than to back her into the lodge and taste and explore every inch of her, to drive deep inside her as he’d dreamed of doing every damn night since he brought her here. But she was tired, and what she needed was rest. If he followed her inside, it would be the last thing she’d get. Besides, although she wanted him, he could see she was still wary of him. He wanted there to be nothing but need in her eyes when he finally had her.

  He brushed his thumb over her mouth. “You taste better than anything else I’ve ever tasted.” And he wanted more. He’d have more. Just not right now. “Get some sleep.” With a restraint he hadn’t known he possessed, Derren walked away.


  Receiving a text message from Nick summoning him to his office, Derren abandoned his paperwork—gladly, since it was past eight o’clock in the evening—and immediately headed there. He found Nick, Shaya, Eli, and the enforcers waiting inside. The dark energy radiating from Nick was enough to make Derren stiffen. “Something else happened?”

  Standing behind his desk with Shaya at his side, Nick sighed. “The day after the grenade incident, I contacted Donovan, asked him to look into whether any other packs are having the same kind of trouble. My theory was that if our culprit’s style is to use various forms of attack, it would be something they have done before. He contacted me ten minutes ago. There’s no indication that any other packs have undergone the same experience. But he found something else.” Nick paused, seeming to take strength from the hand Shaya was rubbing up and down his arm. “We’re on a hit list.”

  A boom of stunned silence followed that announcement. Derren had thought of many different possibilities that might account for what was happening, but he hadn’t considered this.

  It was Roni who finally spoke. “Could you repeat that?”

  “A hit list.” Nick’s voice hardened. “Someone wants us dead. And not just us. There’s also a hit out on the Phoenix Pack.”

  Curses rang throughout the office.

  “Does Trey know?” Marcus rumbled.

  Nick shook his head. “Not yet. I’ll call him once our meeting is over.”

  “It explains everything.” Eli seemed to be talking more to himself than anyone else. “It wasn’t one person using different forms of attack. It was different people trying to cash in on the bounty. Hyenas were responsible for the poisoned animals, and foxes really did attack.”

  “It even explains the use of the rifle grenade,” stated Zander. “Most hits are taken care of with firearms.”

  “The hyenas and foxes who attacked were all probably lone shifters.” Marcus fingered one of Roni’s ash-blonde curls, as if touching her calmed him. “They often become guns for hire.”

  Anger mixed with Derren’s shock, making his voice a growl. “Who put the hit out on us?”

  “That’s just it, we don’t know.” Nick’s jaw hardened.

  Derren blinked. “You don’t know?”

  “There’s a website that provides a list of people or packs that have bounties on their heads,” explained Nick. “Anyone interested in collecting on any of those bounties simply has to do the deed and prove it afterward. The problem is that whoever runs the website protects the identities of the people who submit requests for a name to be placed on the list. Only the person behind the website knows their identities.”

  “So we need to find this person,” said Bracken.

  “Donovan tried.” Nick leaned back against his desk. “There’s actually a group of shifters already working on it. But the site is run on some kind of high-tech, super-fucking-advanced anonymity network that protects the creator’s identity. To make matters even harder, the site also has all kinds of ‘trip wires’ that sense anyone trying to hack into it and immediately delivers viruses that crash whatever computer is being used.”

  “Shit,” Eli bit out. “This isn’t going to be like the problem we had finding the jackals; we can’t rely on hackers to trace the servers or IP addresses.” At his brother’s nod of agreement, Eli asked, “So what now?”

  “Donovan said he’d keep trying, but his opinion is that it would take him years to get past those trip wires—mostly because the trip wires keep changing, like a moving labyrinth. He said he’s never seen anything like this before. The hit on us could have been placed by one shifter, an entire pack, or some kind of organization. All he knows at this point is that they’re also responsible for the hit on the Phoenix Pack.”

  Bracken scratched his nape. “They want every single member of both packs dead?”

  Nick nodded. “Every single last one.”

  Jesse whistled. “Then this is very personal.”

  Eli folded his arms across his chest. “So the question is . . . who hates both packs so damn much?”

  “Someone who both packs thoroughly pissed off.” Marcus exhaled heavily. “That should make it easier to work out who it is.”

  “It could still be hyenas,” mused Bracken. “I mean, plenty of them died here at our hands after they accompanied the jackals in the recent battle. The Phoenix Pack joined us for the fight, and they killed plenty of hyenas too.”

  Roni inclined her head, but she didn’t appear convinced. “Who else could be responsible?”

  “The extremists.” At the skeptical expressions directed his way, Jesse added, “Think about it. Who better to use to kill shifters than other shifters? Especially when no one would expect the extremists to do it.”

  Frowning, Shaya shook her head. “The extremists like the violence, they enjoy hurting us. They wouldn’t have someone else do it for them.”

  “We should consider the council,” Derren claimed. “We know too much. We have evidence that one of their members was using the jackals as their very own attack dogs.”

  Shaya nodded. “The council doesn’t like to get their hands dirty. Putting a hit out on us—that’s their style.”

  Nick sighed. “Until we find out who this is and eliminate them, we need to step up security and defend our territory rather than disperse to go hunting the culprits.”

  “We can’t afford to separate,” said Shaya, her worry reflected in her voice. “Especially when our pack is so small.”

  “And if we leave our territory to go hunting, it makes us easier targets.” Nick curled an arm around Shaya. “On our own territory, we’re more powerful. So we don’t make it easy for anyone hoping to collect on the bounty by separating. We make them come to us. And then we kill each and every person who tries to come at us. Word will soon get out that anyone who attempts to collect on the bounty will disappear.”

  “The Phoenix Pack will probably do the same,” Marcus told them.

  “I’ll notify Trey of what’s happening,” said Nick. “After that, we need to inform the rest of our pack. We need them to be vigilant.”

  So, having called everyone into the kitchen of the main lodge for a meeting, they did just that. Kathy, Kent, and Caleb were clearly worried. To Derren, Ally seemed more pissed than anything else. When he saw her pinch the bridge of her nose while her brow creased in pain, he cursed himself for not considering that being around a bunch of shifters who were currently vibrating with rage would be hard on her.

  Leaning into her, Derren asked in a low voice, “Need to get out of here?”

  “I’m fine.” Her expression smoothed out as she strived to hide her pain, but she didn’t fully manage it.

me on.” He cupped her elbow as he rose, bringing her to her feet. “I’m taking Ally back to her lodge,” he told Shaya.

  Realization crossed the Alpha female’s expression as she took in the lines of strain on Ally’s face. Shaya gave her a sympathetic smile. “Go before your head bursts.”

  Frustrated at being literally dragged out of the lodge, Ally huffed at Derren. “I was handling it just fine.” He simply snorted at her. “And I don’t need anyone to walk me home.” She’d told him that plenty of times, but he always did it anyway, ignoring her mutterings. She’d like to say she was annoyed at having him insist on escorting her home, but she’d actually come to enjoy his company. Yeah, he’d initially been a misguided ass. But there was a lot to him that she admired and respected—especially that once his loyalty was given, it was absolute. After the betrayal of the Collingwood wolves, particularly that of Zeke, she appreciated just how important a quality that was.

  As if thinking about him tempted fate, she received a text message from Zeke just as she reached her lodge. It was the same ol’ spiel he’d spouted in several of his other messages, and the whole thing was getting tedious.

  Noticing that Ally’s expression had morphed into one that he hadn’t seen for a couple of days, Derren guessed, “Zeke?”

  Her head shot up. “How did you know?”

  “You only get that look on your face when it’s him.”

  “Huh. Well, good night.” She had no wish to discuss Zeke. But Derren being Derren, he followed her inside the lodge and into the kitchen. Persistent little bastard.

  She ignored his powerful body leaning against the counter as she made a single cup of coffee, communicating that his time was up. Not that she expected it to bother him. In fact, the harder she tried to get rid of him, the more determined he became to stick around. Derren wasn’t a person who could be handled.

  He invaded her personal space, and Ally couldn’t help but tense. Not because she didn’t want him close, but because she did. And that wasn’t at all good, because he had the ability to reduce her body to a puddle of need. Each and every time his skin came into contact with hers—no matter how brief the contact was—his arousal snaked into her system and served to increase her own.

  “Let me guess,” Derren drawled, barely holding back a growl at the idea of Zeke refusing to leave her alone. “He wants you to go back to the pack and he promises it will be different this time and that he’s willing to listen to what you have to say.”

  She blinked. “Wow. That was good. Do something else. What am I thinking right now?”

  “You’re picturing me naked.” Unable to help himself, Derren crowded her and skimmed his nose over the crook of her neck like he’d been aching to do all fucking day. “Your scent . . . It makes me want to bite you.” A voice in his mind told him to pull back, reminded him that she was another guy’s mate. His wolf growled at that, opposed to the idea of any other male possessing her. But it wasn’t just any male, dammit, it was Cain. And Cain was his friend and . . . “Fuck it, I can make new friends.”

  Ally gasped in surprise as Derren’s mouth slammed down on hers, his tongue thrusting into her mouth and stroking her own. One hand fisted in her hair while the other gripped her hip, keeping her body aligned to his as he crammed her against the counter. He was all she could see, feel, taste, and smell. Her body instantly responded to him; her mouth met his demanding kiss, her hands threaded through his hair, and she began grinding against his hard cock.

  It was frantic, rough, and desperate; she’d never experienced anything like it. That scared her enough to make her shove him away—something that only worked because she’d caught him by surprise—and put some distance between them.

  “Come here, Ally. I want you.”

  Those words made her stomach clench. “Yeah? Well, after what happened with Zeke, the last thing I’m interested in is getting involved with anyone.” She wouldn’t set herself up for more pain.

  “It doesn’t have to be more than sex.” But even as he said that, Derren knew it wouldn’t be an emotionless fuck. She was someone he’d come to respect, who’d earned his loyalty, and who even had some of his trust. None of that was minor for him.

  She scoffed. “That’s what Zeke said in the beginning.”

  Covering the space between them in one stride, Derren put a finger to her lips. “Don’t say his name.”

  When he would have kissed her again, she planted a restraining hand on his chest. “You hate my kind, remember.”

  He cupped her jaw. “I told you that I don’t feel that way anymore.” She’d changed the way he saw things. “I meant it.”

  Ally believed him. How could she not, when his sincerity smoothed over her like the softest silk? Those eyes of dark velvet were glittering with a raw, vicious need—one that she could feel as surely as she could feel her own. She closed her eyes against the dangerous temptation of him, because one thing she’d never been good at was resisting temptation.

  Derren licked along her throat and swirled his tongue around her pulse. “I want to see my cock in you. Want to watch it moving in and out. Taking you.” Finally.

  She wanted the same. No, she craved it. And that was the problem. Ally wanted him with a desperation that was unlike anything she’d ever felt for another guy. That spooked her, especially since her wolf’s hunger for him was just as intense. Add in that Cain would go ballistic that his friend, who thought of her as a little sister, had “used her” and . . . “It’s not a good idea,” Ally whispered, her eyes still closed.

  Derren nipped her pulse. “No, it’s an amazing fucking idea.”

  “But Cain—”

  He bit her bottom lip hard. “This is about you and me, Ally. No one else. Look at me.” Finally, she opened her eyes. “Just us. Got me?”

  The intensity and heat in his eyes trapped her, demanded what he wanted. Could she just forget everyone else, forget all the reasons why she shouldn’t do this? Maybe, maybe not. But she damn well wanted to. “One night.” That was all she would allow herself.

  “One night,” Derren agreed. He gripped her chin, warning her, “But don’t think I’ll only have you once tonight.” He took her mouth again, needing her taste, needing every single response she had to give.

  Ally hissed as the tips of his claws dug into her hip through her shorts. Their clothes were quickly removed as they feasted on each other’s mouths—licking, sucking, biting, and giving no reprieve. He kept her so flush against him, it was almost hard to breathe. His hands were firm, purposeful, and possessive as they roved and clutched her hard enough to bruise.

  She raked her claws down his solid abs, feeling the urge to trace the dips and hollows with her tongue. She felt hot, restless, and empty. Flames of need were licking over her, building the tension. A hand fisted in her hair and arched her body so he could suck a nipple into his mouth; every tug was so hard it was painful. There was an urgency to his every movement, as if he’d waited too long for this. They were out of control, and she knew it.

  Ally drew back, trying to gain some balance. “Wait—” He didn’t; he snarled and took her mouth again—this time harder, rougher, and more insistently. With one swift move, he had her flat on her back on the oak floor, his powerful body covering her. Not at all gentle, he shoved his finger inside her.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet for me.” Derren thrust another finger inside her, groaning. It was going to be a tight fit. He pumped his fingers in and out of her, scissoring them, stretching her. When her pussy began to tighten around them, he knew she was about to come. “That’s it, baby. Come. Give me what I want.” He curled his tongue around her nipple and suckled hard. Moments later, she cried out as she came.

  Shit, he wanted to taste her, but he didn’t have the control to hold back any longer. “I need to be in you.” Needed it so badly he practically shook with it. Gripping her wrists, he pinned her hands above her head. “Look at me.” The second her eyes met his, he slammed into her. He groaned as her pussy clamped around
him. Tight. Slick. Hot. Perfect. He watched where their bodies were joined as he withdrew from her pussy before then driving himself balls deep inside her. “I like seeing my cock in you.”

  Ally struggled against his restraining hands as he frantically pounded in and out of her. But even as both she and her wolf balked at being dominated that way, Ally was curling her legs around his hips and arching into his fevered thrusts. “Let go of my hands,” she snarled.

  His upper lip curled, and his grip on her wrists tightened. “No.”

  “Now, Derren.” Instead, he upped his pace. She snapped her teeth, grazing his chin. “I said let go.” He didn’t.

  As Ally kicked at him, cursing and growling, Derren found that he didn’t mind the challenge, didn’t mind if she fought his dominance. “No. You like me pinning you down.” It was a taunt that made her growl. “And you like me fucking you hard, don’t you, baby? You like having my cock in you.”

  As his mouth clamped around her pulse and sucked hard enough to mark, she growled, “Don’t you dare brand me!” The bastard bit her. Worse, his teeth didn’t release her as he hammered into her. But the fight left Ally as her orgasm barreled into her with such force that she thought she’d black out.

  As she screamed, and her pussy rippled around his cock, Derren cursed against her neck. Driving his cock as deep as he could go, he exploded inside her. Filled her. And a deep sense of masculine satisfaction settled into both Derren and his wolf.

  For long moments, neither he nor Ally spoke. It was Ally who broke the silence. “You bit me.” And her wolf liked it, the traitor.

  “So I did.” He started to withdraw . . . but Derren found he couldn’t leave her body yet. He smoothly plunged back inside with a groan. “Again.”

  Derren shouldn’t have been at all surprised to wake up and find himself alone. After another round on the kitchen floor, he and Ally had migrated to the bedroom, where he’d made her come all over his tongue before they’d crashed. Sometime later, he’d woken up and taken her again. He’d intended to reach for her yet again, but she was gone.