Read Spiral of Need Page 29

  “You’re banishing me?” Rachelle actually seemed shocked—even more support to the theory that she was insane.

  “You expected anything different after all that you’ve done?” asked Matt. “I almost banished an innocent wolf because of your lies! How can you expect me to overlook that, to trust you?” He shook his head. “You no longer have a place here.”

  Rachelle didn’t speak; she just gawked at her Alpha. But Ally could feel her rage and resentment rising, burning Ally’s skin until she thought it would blister.

  Ally tilted her head. “Sucks, doesn’t it? Being banished and isolated, I mean.”

  Rounding on her, Rachelle cracked her neck. “You want to duel? Fine. We’ll duel.”

  “Rachelle . . .” Zeke tried to pull her away, but his mate shrugged him off.

  “Don’t. You don’t care whether I’m hurt,” Rachelle accused him. “You know you might survive my death, since we’re not fully mated, so you don’t even care if I die!”

  “That’s not true,” he maintained. “I’m trying to protect you!”

  “I don’t want your help.”

  “Step aside, Zeke,” ordered Matt, pulling Zeke with him as he backed away. The other Collingwood wolves followed their Alpha’s lead, giving the females plenty of space to duel. “This is between Ally and Rachelle now.”

  Derren cupped Ally’s nape as he kissed her temple. “You can take her, baby. Finish this so we can go home.”

  Feeling that both he and his wolf were in turmoil despite their confidence in her, Ally gave a reassuring smile. “Gladly.”

  “I love you,” he whispered low enough for only her to hear. He backed away before she could respond, signaling for Eli, Bracken, and the Phoenix wolves to do the same.

  “Don’t hesitate,” Taryn told her. “Do what you have to do.” Ally understood what she meant: if Rachelle refused to submit, kill her.

  Jaime nodded. “Smack the bitch down, Ally.”

  Focusing her attention on her opponent, Ally kicked off her shoes and took on a strong, stable stance: feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, claws unsheathed. She also kept her expression totally neutral, her gaze locked on Rachelle with lethal intent.

  Ally planned to fight as hard and dirty as she’d been trained to do, well aware that since Rachelle was equally dominant they were well matched. Ally had seen her fight, knew the bitch had some good moves and didn’t mind cheating. As such, she didn’t intend to give Rachelle any openings, especially since her craziness could give her an edge.

  The tension had Ally’s wolf still, coiled, and raring to strike. Right then, the animal was infuriated, vengeful, and restless with the need to end this shit. For the wolf, it was all very simple. Rachelle was a threat. And any threat to Ally was a threat to Derren. Ally and her wolf would eradicate every single one, would do whatever it took to keep him safe.

  Ally had never really liked dueling, but sometimes it was the only language shifters understood. Although she detested Rachelle, Ally hadn’t wanted it to come to this. Not because she had any mercy for the heifer, but because she had the distinct feeling that Cain was right: Ally would have to kill her.

  Taking a life wasn’t something Ally had ever done before. As a Seer, she was used to trying to save her pack from danger and death, not fight to the death. But she was also Beta female now, and that meant being strong for her pack and doing whatever she had to do.

  Standing there, so many emotions flowed over her: the worry, aggravation, and support of her allies; Rachelle’s fury, bitterness, and nervousness; the shame, guilt, and anxiety belonging to both Matt and Zeke; the contrary emotions that flitted through the crowd.

  The Collingwood bystanders had turned silent. Their anticipation, anger, and confusion almost made her itch. Although they couldn’t deny to themselves that Rachelle was guilty, there was still an element of uncertainty there. They hadn’t yet accepted what they had heard, didn’t want to admit to the fact that they had been so easily fooled and had wrongfully isolated and targeted Ally.

  Rachelle balled her hands up into fists. “Last chance to go home.”

  Go home? “You really are a nut job.” Ally struck. No warning. No holding back. She rammed her elbow into Rachelle’s throat at the same time as she stabbed her claws under the bitch’s breastbone.

  Stumbling backward, Rachelle doubled over, expelling a whoosh of air. To her credit, she didn’t take a moment to recover, didn’t move her eyes from Ally. Instead, the blonde straightened up, eyes shimmering with rage. She raked her claws, narrowly missing Ally’s face. Apparently, Rachelle was out for blood.

  Ally had long ago learned not to telegraph her moves, to give nothing away. Rachelle, on the other hand, didn’t appear to have been taught any such lesson. So when the heifer dipped her chin and cocked back her arm, Ally easily ducked and slipped out of range. Again and again, Ally sidestepped her punches and kicks, allowing her opponent to tire and weaken from blood loss.

  That was when Ally went at her full force. She used her claws like knives and delivered one dirty disabling shot after another, making every pitiless strike and slice count. Her anger was raw but controlled, giving her the fuel she needed.

  This was for all the lies, all the insults, for turning her pack against her, for causing Ally to lose her status, and for plotting to kill her. If Ally hadn’t gotten away from the tigers and had died today, Derren would most likely have died right along with her. That wasn’t acceptable to Ally. Not one little bit.

  Ally brought up her arm, ready to deliver a palm strike. Rachelle shoved her claws right into Ally’s palm. Motherfucker. Snatching back her bleeding hand, Ally sliced at the tendon on her opponent’s forearm, making Rachelle cry out. Good.

  Rachelle drove her foot at Ally’s knee, hitting it hard with her heel, the bitch. The impact made Ally stumble and bend slightly. That was when Rachelle wrapped Ally’s ponytail around her fist and dragged Ally to her. She snapped her teeth at Ally’s claiming mark, trying to mar it—pissing Derren the hell off. Not a fucking chance.

  She dug her claws just above Rachelle’s pubic bone, and the bitch instantly released her hair and backed away slightly. Feeling Derren’s anger so intensely, tasting it in her mouth, it was hard for Ally not to let it feed her own ire and make her lose her shit. She fought to keep her head clear, knowing that dueling in anger would make her sloppy and careless.

  She heard Derren, Taryn, and Jaime shouting their encouragement—and making many disparaging remarks about Rachelle. One insult in particular made Ally chuckle . . . which was when the crazy heifer swung her claws toward the juncture of Ally’s thighs. Fuck. Ally barely intercepted the strike, retaliating with a punch to Rachelle’s temple that made her take a lurching step back.

  “Rachelle, submit!” bellowed Zeke.

  If Ally hadn’t been so focused on Rachelle, she would have told him that there was no point. Ally wouldn’t be content with her submitting right then. She wouldn’t buy it as a truthful surrender.

  “Rachelle!” He took a step toward the fighting females but halted abruptly at Derren’s warning growl.

  “Stay the fuck out of it,” Derren cautioned him in a tone that promised retribution. “Your mate deserves this. You can’t save her from it. If you try to interfere again at any point, I’ll be on you before you can blink. We clear?”

  “She’s my mate!”

  “And Ally’s my mate.”

  A part of Ally—small though it was—felt a little sorry for Zeke. It had to be hard watching your mate losing a fight. But that wasn’t going to stop Ally from dueling the bitch. In a quick explosion of brutal hits, she almost had Rachelle on the ground. But Rachelle quickly righted herself and slammed her foot into Ally’s ribs. Son of a bitch! Pain pulsed through her abdomen, almost making her heave with nausea.

  The scents of blood, sweat, rage, and apprehension tainted the air, swirling around them and inciting Ally’s wolf. The animal, despite being so eager to play a part, hadn’t battle
d Ally for supremacy; she knew Ally wouldn’t keep the wolf out of the fight. So she’d lain in wait, ready to lunge at the first opportunity. Now Ally was ready for her wolf to join in.

  In a split second, she shifted into her wolf form just long enough to leap up and bite a chunk out of Rachelle’s upper arm. Then Ally was back in human form so fast her clothes barely suffered from the change. Gasps and exclamations of shock rang throughout the crowd. Rachelle appeared just as shocked, and Ally—wearing a grin that could only be called evil and clearly freaked Rachelle out—took clear advantage of it. She briefly shifted back and forth again and again as she mercilessly attacked.

  Executing a pitiless punch to her opponent’s throat, Ally winced. Her knuckles were chafed and swelling. Her ribs were aching, making it hurt to breathe. Her palm, chest, arm, and cheek were bleeding. She could taste Rachelle’s blood in her mouth, thanks to her wolf biting the bitch repeatedly. And she was sweating and beginning to tire, but she felt Derren feeding her strength through their bond.

  Rachelle wasn’t in a much better state. Her jaw and nose were swollen, her face was badly bruised, one of her arms was almost limp, sweat and blood matted her hair, she was panting heavily, and her clothes were stained with blood from the many places she’d been bit, sliced, raked, and stabbed.

  Flinching as she received another deep wolf bite to her side, Rachelle ground out, “Fuck this.” Then, ripping her clothes, she shifted into a red wolf. Ally followed suit, giving her wolf complete control—and, as such, totally destroying her clothes.

  The white wolf flattened her ears and peeled back her lips as she growled at her opponent. Hackles raised, the red wolf bared her teeth as a bold growl trickled out of her. They lunged at each other, their bodies crashing hard. Clawing deep into fur and flesh, they growled and snarled as they both viciously battled for dominance.

  Yelping from a harsh bite to her flank, the red wolf sprang away. Chest heaving, she released a fierce growl, daring the white wolf to attack again. But the white wolf wasn’t in the mood to toy with her prey. Didn’t want a duel. Her human side had punished their opponent, and now the white wolf wanted to end it, to force their opponent—who by killing her would have killed her mate—to submit or die. There could be no middle ground.

  She didn’t leap at the red wolf. She barreled into her, causing her opponent to fall onto her side. The red wolf brutally swiped at the white wolf’s muzzle before righting herself. In retaliation, the white wolf sunk her teeth deep into her opponent’s shoulder, tearing through fur, flesh, and muscle until they grazed bone.

  Bucking and clawing, the red wolf managed to get free. But she didn’t manage to move far away. The white wolf slammed her body into hers hard enough to send the red wolf sprawling onto her back. The white wolf wasted no time in taking advantage of it. She straddled her opponent and pressed her forepaws onto the red wolf’s shoulders to pin her flat. Then the white wolf clamped her jaws around her opponent’s throat, causing the red wolf to freeze.

  Freeze, but not submit.

  The white wolf heard voices shouting. She didn’t understand the words, nor did she care. Her attention was on the female beneath her, who attempted to struggle free. The white wolf warningly tightened the grip of her jaws slightly, feeling a little of the red wolf’s blood seep into her mouth.

  Again, the female froze. But again, she didn’t submit.

  Giving one final warning, the white wolf growled as she shook her opponent. There was more shouting from the crowd, and then the scent of the red wolf’s mate as he rushed at them. The white wolf didn’t panic, sensing that her own mate was holding him back, that he would protect her.

  The red wolf suddenly bucked, snapping her teeth. There would be no submission, the white wolf then knew. Despite knowing that part of her human side would be sad to take a life, the white wolf didn’t hesitate to act. Using her back paw, she sliced open her opponent’s midsection as she twisted her neck, tearing out the red wolf’s throat.

  It was over.

  The wolf backed away from the dead body, turning at her mate’s voice. He knelt beside her, wrapping one arm around her neck and stroking her head with his free hand as he spoke words the wolf didn’t understand. As Ally pushed for supremacy, the wolf rubbed her body once against his before pulling back to give her human side full control.

  Breathing hard, Ally sank into Derren’s arms. A hiss of pain escaped her as her injuries rubbed against his jacket. “I’m getting blood on you.”

  “I don’t care.” He kissed her forehead, disappointed that he couldn’t kiss her mouth but not wanting to taste Rachelle’s blood. Watching his mate battle, even though she’d been the dominant fighter throughout, had been agonizing. He’d winced at every cut, every strike, every kick, and every bite. Feeling her pain and fatigue had only made it worse.

  Jaime handed Ally a bottle of water. “Here, sweetie.”

  Hand shaking slightly, Ally gratefully took it and practically inhaled a long swig. She allowed Derren to help her stand, surprised when her knees didn’t buckle. Removing his coat, he wrapped it around her; it fell to midthigh on Ally. The pressure of the material made her scratches sting, but she gritted her teeth against the pain.

  Hearing a gut-wrenching sob followed by a soul-deep cry, she looked at Zeke. He had his arm wrapped around his stomach, clearly in agony as he crouched beside the red wolf. Ally didn’t know what it was like to feel a mating bond break, only knew that the more developed the bond was, the more painful it would be to break.

  “I’m sorry that you’ve lost your mate,” she told him. “I gave her the chance to submit. My wolf gave her the chance.”

  Standing behind him, Matt gave her a nod. “Zeke knows the rules of our culture. When Rachelle didn’t submit, you had no choice but to end it the way you did.” He rubbed at his nape, sighing heavily. “Ally, I’m sorry I doubted you, that I let you down so badly.”

  Zeke’s gaze snapped to him as he exploded, “She just killed my mate and you’re apologizing to her?”

  Not liking that tone whatsoever, Derren interjected, “Don’t blame Ally for this. You’re hurt that you lost your mate—I get that.” Derren wouldn’t be able to function without Ally. “But part of the blame lies with you.”

  To Ally’s total surprise, all the tension left Zeke’s body as he mumbled, “I know. It took me a while to see the truth. It wasn’t until we visited your territory that I finally realized that I didn’t know my mate as well as I thought. That day, I felt how angry she was with Ally. I felt how badly she wanted to hurt her. I should have kept a closer eye on Rachelle, made sure she didn’t go after Ally again. This is on me.”

  “It’s on Rachelle,” Matt adamantly stated, taking the words from Ally’s mouth. Zeke shook his head in denial, the image of absolute devastation as he stroked his mate’s flank.

  Feeling like she was trespassing on what should be an extremely private moment, Ally turned to Derren. “Let’s go home.” She was exhausted, disheartened, and quickly heading for an adrenaline crash.

  He kissed her forehead again. “Gladly,” he replied, echoing her earlier sentiment.

  As he went to guide her to the SUV, Taryn appeared in front of her, looking impressed. “I don’t know how the fuck you switch forms like that, but you gotta teach me.”


  The moment they exited the SUV, the door to the main lodge flew open and several Mercury wolves and her uncles came rushing out. Ally undoubtedly would have winced at every tight hug if Taryn hadn’t ridden with them during the journey so she could heal her.

  Strangely, Shaya had a pair of shears in her hand. Frowning, Ally asked, “What are they for?”

  An innocent smile took over the Alpha female’s face as she hid them behind her back. “Nothing.” Then she exchanged a knowing look with Taryn and Jaime, both of whom now radiated an amusement that tickled Ally. With an inner shrug, Ally made her way into the lodge. The Mercury and Phoenix wolves all followed.

side the living area, Bracken coaxed Ally to sit on the sofa while Kathy handed her a mug of some kind of mint-smelling tea. Caleb tucked a blanket around her, and Kent offered her a cookie. Taking one, she leaned into Derren and quietly asked, “Why are they fussing?”

  “They’re taking care of you.”

  “You don’t like that,” she sensed.

  “It’s my job.” He knew he sounded petulant. After all, this was what packs did: they looked out for their own, gave comfort and touch when it was needed. But Ally was his, and he wanted to be the one who took care of her.

  “Drink it,” said Kathy, pointing to the tea. “It’ll get the taste of blood out of your mouth better than any toothpaste.”

  Saluting her, Ally did as advised. That was when she noticed that the seriously hot Phoenix enforcer, Dominic, was looking hard at her. “What? What are you staring at?”

  He sighed languorously. “You, before I wake up from this dream.” There were groans of annoyance and a few chuckles.

  Growling, Derren would have shot up from his seat and lunged at the little shit if Ally hadn’t placed a hand on his thigh to stay him. “Don’t,” Derren spat at him. “You’re not using your cheesy lines on Ally.”

  Holding up his hands, laughing, Dominic said, “Seriously, I’m just messing with her.” His expression turned serious yet soft as he regarded Ally a second time. “Hell, you must be tired . . . You’ve been running through my dreams all night.”

  Again, Derren went to dive at the prick, but Ally pressed her hand down harder on his thigh. That didn’t mean he’d let him get away with it. “Zander!”

  Standing behind Dominic, Zander whacked the enforcer over the head.

  Wincing, Dominic rounded on him with a grin. “Hey, you’ll mess up my hair. The others don’t hit me that hard.”

  Casting the Phoenix enforcer an exasperated look, Nick turned to Derren. “Tell us what happened. Is Rachelle no longer an issue?”

  It was actually Bracken who did most of the storytelling, praising Ally’s fighting skills and making her uncles smile proudly.