Read Splitting Nines (1) Page 16

  Chapter 15. Shameless

  A tape of Abba singing, ‘Dancing Queen’ played. A naked woman danced in front of forty men. Four men carried a table onto the dance floor, placed it down and then walked away. The woman danced over to the table, jumped, turned, and landed butt first on top of the table. Ten men ran over and formed a line in front of her. The second man in line tucked a handkerchief down his shirt, just under his chin, like a bib.


  Jimmy and Dave sat at a table watching the show. Jimmy lifted a glass off the table and took a sip. “Whiskey and ginger ale, I’ll never forget the day.”

  “We were supposed to be a couple of bright kids. Why did we do something so stupid?”


  “You were in love, my friend. I wanted to see some skin.”


  “I’m still in love with her, but at times I feel she doesn’t even like me.”


  “Come on, I saw the looks she gave you since you were eleven.”


  “At first, then she acted like she didn’t want anything to do with me.”


  “Well, now she’s going to marry you.” Jimmy finished his drink and showed the bartender two fingers. He scanned the hall. “Hey, where’s Lumpy? Rotondo Rose wouldn’t untie his leash?”

  “She called me looking for him an hour ago. Maybe he had to work a little late.”


  “I kind of miss my favorite Nazi.”


  “He’s nothing like his father. Trust me.” Dave glanced at a guy going down on the stripper. He shook his head. “Amazing! I can’t believe those guys.”


  “Nothing wrong with getting your tongue wet. You oughta try it sometime.”


  “With a stripper? In public? No thank you.”


  They both watched the waitress approach their table, but Jimmy noticed every eye-catching body movement. Dave’s eyes were on her pretty face until he thanked her for the drink she placed down in front of him. As she sashayed away, Jimmy’s eyes never left her swaying backside. “Women look fantastic coming and going. Damn if I know why they can still titillate me so much. I had so many.”


  “Maybe you ought to write a tell-all book. That time you nailed Heather sold a lot of tabloids.”


  “That time? My dick knew her like the palm of my hand. Tell me, after the wedding vows, you’re off to....?”


  “The Islands. We’re flying out Sunday morning. What about you?”


  “Florida. I’ll be starting a new movie, Tuesday. I’ll have to act like a good guy for a change - an astronaut. Maybe a Father Flanagan type role next. With a twist ending: Flanagan molested Whitey Marsh. Some of my fellow Jews love to bash you Christians.”


  In a hotel bar Tom sat in the booth farthest from the bar where the lighting was poor. He stared at his drink, thinking about his next victim: Jimmy, the actor.

  “How you doing, Tom?” asked Winnie as she sat down across from him.

  “I’m dying.”


  “Are you serious?”


  “Serious as a brain tumor. I don’t want to talk about it.” He touched her hands. “Thanks for coming, Winnie.”


  “It’s nice to see you. You know I couldn’t visit you. Ray would have found out.”


  “Winnie, come up to my room? No one will know. Just the two of us - like before. The good times I’ll soon forget.”


  “Sorry, I have to go. Take this.” Winnie handed Tom a long white envelope.


  Tom peeked inside. “I don’t need your money.


  “Keep it, Tom. It’s Ray’s. Are you going to the wedding?”


  “I better not. It’s Cookie’s big day. I don’t want to spoil it. Come up to my room,

  please? You owe me.”


  “I can’t. I’m sure Cookie would love to see you at her wedding.”


  “Your husband and son will be there. I might bash their heads in.” Tom stared blankly at Winnie. He appeared in a daze. “I get excited, and I just can’t help it, I might lose control and I think I’ll like it.”


  Winnie stunned, slid out of the booth and stood. “Good bye, Tom.” She hurried out of the barroom.


  Tom took several steps away from the booth and stopped. His eye disappeared under its lid as he collapsed to the floor. His entire body jerked in all directions; he appeared to be in immense pain. When still, he wet his pants.


  All the pews were filled. Dave, Jimmy, Cookie, Linda, and a minister stood in front of the altar. The minister said, “You may kiss the bride.”


  Dave kissed Cookie.

  There were cheers and applause.

  Out of sight, Tom stood in the far corner of the balcony, staring at Jimmy. A half-smile appeared on his face.


  Inside a library Tom sat in front of a computer. was on the screen. Jimmy’s face and credits appeared. Under Actor-filmography, the little hand clicked on The Challenger (preproduction). The Challenger appeared. Filming locations s clicked. Melbourne, Florida, USA, appeared. Then, then Melbourne newspapers, then Clicked life. Under entertainment headlines, ‘Shooting of Challenger movie to start May 9th.

  “Bingo!” Tom said, loud and clear.

  The patrons gave him a dirty look.


  Tom ignored them, jotting down information on a small brown notebook.