Read Spy Glass Page 23

  He wore his Ixian dress uniform with all his medals glinting

  from his chest. An impressive amount had been pinned to the

  black jacket.

  Holding onto Valek’s arm for balance, I navigated the stairs

  without falling on my face. “New shoes,” I said. I used the

  word shoe loosely. Torture device would be a better term. The heels had to be at least four inches high. Sarrah’s doing, no


  Arm in arm, Valek and I walked down the aisle. My at-

  tention switched from my feet to the assembled guests. So

  many happy faces beamed at us and we were just the honored

  couple. I grinned, thinking of how Mara and Leif would be


  Kade caught my eye. He oozed dignity in his formal Storm-

  dancer attire—a gray long tunic with black piping that reached

  to his midthigh and cinched around his waist with a black

  leather belt studded with silver. Black leggings and knee-high

  black boots completed his clothing. He had a silver lightning

  bolt pinned to his shirt. Best of all he smiled at me.

  Past Kade, I spotted Ari and Janco, both fidgeting in their

  Ixian dress uniforms, making their medals f lash in the sun-

  light. But they froze when they saw me. Janco’s lower jaw

  dropped open, and I glanced behind me to see if Mara had

  already started. Not yet.

  Standing with my parents in the front row, Irys Jewel-

  rose winked at me. The Second Magician had arrived late

  last night, looking exhausted. But today she wore an elegant

  copper dress and showed no signs of weariness.

  Next to Irys, my brother looked debonair in his formal

  clothes. He had actually combed his hair away from his eyes.

  Who knew he could appear to be a handsome young man?

  Not me.


  Maria V. Snyder

  After we reached our designated places, Mara and Leif en-

  tered. The gasps and ohhs and ahhs thrilled me. Leif wore

  black pants, a cream shirt and a black vest all made of silk.

  Jungle vines had been embroidered on the vest and accented

  with pearls, matching the pearls on Mara’s gown.

  The wedding ritual passed by in a blur. During the reception,

  I hardly tasted my food before the dancing started. All the

  work and preparation for just a few hours. I think I would

  prefer to have a simple ritual with a few guests. Perhaps on

  the beach. Or perhaps not. Yelena and Valek hadn’t made a

  formal commitment, but they were devoted to each other—

  true heart mates. Could they say the same about Kade and

  me? Could I?

  Before I could answer, another song started and Kade pulled

  me to my unsteady feet to dance. One good thing about four-

  inch heels, they brought me closer to his eye level. And being

  wobbly had its advantages. Kade held me tight.

  “I’ll have to thank my mother,” he said.


  “For helping you pick out that dress.”

  “You like it?”

  “Yes. In fact, I’d love to see it off you,” he whispered in my


  His lips brushed my neck, sending a sizzle along my skin.

  “So you can examine the stitchery up close?” I teased.

  He bit my earlobe playfully before drawing back. “No. So

  I can get a good look at your shoes.”



  As the evening progressed, I also danced with Valek, my

  father and Leif. I traded insults with my brother. Near the

  end, Ari and Janco found me taking a break from the party

  behind the factory.

  “Damn, Opal,” Janco said. “I didn’t know you could look

  that good!”

  Spy Glass


  “Nice.” I swatted him on the shoulder. “How did you find


  “I tracked you. Ari didn’t think I could,” Janco said.

  “I didn’t doubt you,” Ari replied.

  “But you gave me that look.”

  “Which one? The exasperated one? When I’m with you

  that’s my normal expression.”

  “Really? I thought your standard for tonight was surly.

  You managed to scare off all those who may have been brave enough to talk to us,” Janco said.

  “It was the uniforms, genius. At least I didn’t squirm like a little kid in his father’s dress clothes.”

  I interrupted their argument, otherwise we would have

  been there until dawn. “I think Janco looks—dare I say it?—

  dashing in his uniform.”

  Janco preened, f lashing Ari a superior smirk.

  “You shouldn’t have dared,” Ari said.

  “You’re equally distinguished, Ari,” I said. “What is it about

  uniforms that make men so…”

  “Irresistible?” Janco asked. “Yummy? Hot?”

  “Respectable,” I said.

  “Boring! No man wants to be called respectable by a woman

  who is not a mother or old or married.”

  “Some women find respectable to be very appealing,” I




  Ari, however, peered at me with interest. “Are you one of

  them? Because someone like Devlen has a long way to go to

  be respectable.”

  Annoyed, I snapped, “I’m with Kade. Devlen was just

  a…moment of weakness during a difficult time. That won’t

  happen ever again.”

  “Uh-huh,” Ari said.

  I crossed my arms. “Are you two here for a reason? I have

  to return to the party.”


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  “We thought we’d update you on our efforts,” Ari said.

  Mollified, I nodded for him to continue.

  “With the limited time, we only searched Owl’s Hill, and

  all the towns between Fulgor and here. Valek went farther

  west, past the Citadel.”

  “And?” A tingle of hope bloomed.

  “So far nothing.”

  Hope died again.

  Ari noticed. “Don’t worry. We’re bound to pick up the

  trail. It’s only a matter of time before we find your blood.”

  “I know a way we could go faster,” Janco said, perking


  “How?” I asked.

  “We could use a Bloodhound.”

  Ari and I groaned in unison.

  “What? It’s a good idea,” Janco whined.

  “It’s ridiculous,” Ari said. “Just because the breed—”

  “I think I hear someone calling me. Gotta go.” I hurried

  off, leaving them to argue.

  When I returned, I noticed my mother had cornered Kade.

  Not good. I debated rescuing him, but decided against upset-

  ting my mother again. Coward? Who me?

  Instead, I found an empty table and soaked in the revelry.

  My peace didn’t last long. Yelena joined me. She wore a red

  gown and had left her long black hair down. It f lowed over

  her bare shoulders and matched the butterf ly pendant at her


  “Talk to me,” she said.

  “There’s nothing to talk about. My mother’s still mad, my

  magic’s still gone and Kade and I are fine.” For now.

  She studied me and I fought the urge to squirm. I imag-

  ined she examined my soul and saw a black stain of self-pity

  spreading on it. Would she be disgusted?

  Without any obvious censure, she asked, “Why is your

  mother angry with you?”

  Spy Glass





  real reason.”

  “Leif ’s Storm Thieves story—”



  I swallowed a groan. “I already have a Story Weaver. I don’t

  need another.”

  Yelena didn’t blink. “And you’ve talked about this with


  “He’s part of the problem!” Then it hit me. “Wait. How

  did you know my Story Weaver was a he? Are you reading

  my mind?”

  “Opal, relax.” Yelena reached and cupped my face with her

  hands. “I can’t read your mind or soul. But it doesn’t take a

  magician to know you’re conf licted. You need to talk it out

  either with your Story Weaver, a friend or a relative.”

  Yelena met two of the three requirements. Plus she also had

  a Story Weaver named Moon Man, but he died during the

  Warper Battle. And she was right. I needed to untangle this

  mess inside my heart. Pulling her hands down, I held them

  in my own and let my worries, concerns and cringe-inducing

  behavior pour from my mouth. I told her about Devlen, the

  events at the prison and the difficulties with Kade’s and my

  mother, leaving nothing unsaid. Breathing easier, I slouched

  in my chair.

  She listened to the whole thing without interruption. “I

  can’t tell you what to do, but I can offer three bits of advice.”

  Her lips quirked into a wry smile. “Moon Man would be

  proud. First, the mothers.” Yelena let go of my hands to poke

  a finger into the air. “You managed to see why Kade’s mother

  was so hostile to you, which is a good start. Do the same with

  your own mother.”

  “But—” The warning in her eyes stopped me.

  “Second, your magic. Don’t give up hope, but at the same

  time formulate a backup plan. Where do you see yourself next

  year? What will you be doing in five years? And don’t be afraid


  Maria V. Snyder

  to talk to Devlen. He’s been through it.” She glanced at Kade.

  He laughed at something Janco said. Ari’s don’t-encourage-

  the-boy scowl didn’t affect Kade’s humor.

  “He should understand,” Yelena said.

  “He does, otherwise he wouldn’t be here.”


  “And third?” I asked.

  “Stop being so hard on yourself about Ulrick. Valek would

  have gotten to him regardless of your distraction. In fact, I

  approved the assassination.”

  I gaped at her. But before I could recover, Irys Jewelrose

  approached us.

  “Sorry to bother you, but it’s important,” the Master Ma-

  gician said. “Yelena, can I borrow Kiki? I need to get to the

  Citadel as fast as possible.”

  Yelena stood. “What happened?”

  The explanation rushed out. “It’s this very young magician

  we’d been keeping an eye on. He’s resisted all our help and

  Bain finally sent a few magicians to bring him to the Keep

  before he f lamed out and killed himself. But he just pulled a

  dangerous amount of power to protect himself from them.”

  “Why do you need Kiki?” I asked.

  “To cut through the plains and get to the Citadel faster,”

  she snapped in impatience.

  “But if the boy is protected and Bain can’t get close, why

  do you think you can?” Yelena asked.

  “The boy is terrified of Bain. He doesn’t like me, but at

  least he’s not afraid of me. And I have to try,” she said.

  “Take Valek,” Yelena said. “His immunity—”

  “A good idea, except the boy is scared of men. He’s a runaway.”

  “How about Fisk?” I asked. He had been homeless, but now

  he was the leader of the Helper’s Guild, which gave beggars

  and runaways jobs.

  Spy Glass


  “Tried him already. Didn’t work.” Irys turned her hands

  up in a helpless gesture. “I’m open to suggestions.”

  “A Curare-laced dart shot with a blowgun,” Yelena said.

  “The boy’s built a barrier that repels objects and people.

  No one can get close to him.”

  “Valek could disguise himself as a woman,” Yelena said.

  Irys considered. “The boy’s pretty smart. He might see

  through the disguise.”

  “And what happens when the boy discovers he’s been

  tricked?” I asked. “It won’t help with his trust issues.”

  “That doesn’t matter right now. Saving his life and the

  power blanket is the most important. If we had your…”

  She didn’t need to say my glass magic. If I had it, this situ-

  ation wouldn’t be a problem at all. Then I closed my eyes as I

  realized I’d been an idiot. When I opened them, I met Yelena’s

  questioning gaze and nodded.

  “Irys,” I said, “I’m coming with you.”

  “You have what? ” Irys asked in outrage.

  I explained to her about my immunity.

  “Why didn’t you tell me before?” Her loud question

  caused several guests to stop their conversations and glance

  our way.

  “Many reasons. I promise I’ll tell you everything en route

  to the Citadel,” I said, getting to my feet.

  Sensing something was wrong, Kade and Valek joined us.

  “Can you be ready to leave in an hour?” Irys asked me.

  “Yes.” I kicked off my shoes and grabbed them.

  Kade opened his mouth, but I pulled him along with me

  as I hurried to my room. Changing into travel clothes and

  packing a few things, I summarized the crisis for Kade. “I

  know. I’m rushing off again. But how can I not?”



  “Moonlight’s a Sandseed horse. Come with me?” I asked.

  “I won’t be much help. And I’m needed on the coast,” he


  Although I expected his answer, regret touched me. “I get

  credit for asking you. Remember that.” I poked him on the

  Spy Glass


  shoulder to emphasize my point. He latched onto my wrist

  and drew me in close.

  “And I want a rain check on that dress.” He kissed me with a

  fierce passion that left me dizzy. He stepped back. “Remember


  My lips tingled. “Won’t be a problem.”

  When I finished gathering my travel gear, I paused for a

  moment to collect my thoughts. “Please make my apologies

  to my family. My mother’s going to be livid.”

  “I’ll explain it to her,” Kade said.

  “I’m glad you understand.”

  He gave me a sad smile. “I do. Yet inside—” he pointed

  to his chest “—I’d rather you were coming with me to the


  We joined Irys, Yelena and Valek by the horses. Both Kiki

  and Quartz had been saddled and were ready to go.

  A slight brush of magic touched me as Yelena communi-

  cated with Kiki. When she finished, I asked her what name

  the hors
es had given me.

  She chewed on her lower lip. “They aren’t very imag-


  “Glass Lady?” I guessed.

  “No.” Yelena cocked her head, studying me. “I’m not going

  to tell you.”



  “You haven’t reclaimed it yet.”

  “That doesn’t make sense. How complicated can it be? You

  just said they’re not imaginative.”

  “If I told you, you wouldn’t believe why they chose

  that name. When you’re ready, I will tell you.” End of


  Before I could protest, Valek said, “We’ll send word if we

  find anything.” He was referring to my blood.

  “Thanks.” I hopped up on Quartz.


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  Irys and I said a final round of goodbyes and then turned

  the horses toward the Avibian Plains. When we reached the

  tall grasses, Irys spurred Kiki into the gust-of-wind gait and

  Quartz followed. The plains distorted around us as we sailed

  over the ground.

  For the next two days, Kiki and Quartz set the pace. They

  stopped when they were tired, and nudged us when they

  wished to go. Their efforts brought us to the Citadel three

  days earlier than a normal horse.

  We arrived in the early morning, shot through the south en-

  trance gate and turned west. The Citadel’s streets f lowed under Quartz’s hooves. Surprised shouts followed as she dodged pe-destrians. Amazed at Quartz’s speed and agility after two days

  of hard riding, I hung on to her mane.

  Zigzagging through the intricate maze of the residential

  quarters, I hoped we would arrive in time to save the boy.

  Kiki and Quartz stopped near an entrance to an alley too

  narrow for them to fit.

  Irys jumped to the ground. “Come on. This way.”

  I hopped down. Stains and graffiti marred the white marble

  walls, and weeds grew through the sidewalk’s cracks. Grime

  coated everything. I hesitated, wondering what to do about

  the horses. Quartz pushed me forward. They would be fine.

  As I followed Irys through the alley, the stench of rot filled

  my nose. I avoided the puddles of muck and heaps of trash.

  The passageway ended in a small courtyard. A group of people

  huddled on the far side.

  I recognized Fisk, Master Bain Bloodgood and a few magi-

  cians from the Keep. They turned to us. Fisk transformed from

  worried to confused, but Bain scowled at me in displeasure. I

  wondered if Irys had communicated with him regarding my