Read Spy Glass Page 26



  “Come on, Opal. Basic self-defense. Hit and git. I’m not

  going to play nice with an opponent who wants to hurt me.

  When I hit him, my plan is to knock him down so he can’t

  get up and chase me when I git.”

  “Using pressure points is playing nice?”


  “I’ll remember that when we’re sparring.”

  He grinned. “I don’t intend to let you get that close.” Stay-

  ing true to his promise, Sarn launched an in-and-out attack,

  His speed had improved in a year. Outrunning him was no

  longer an option.

  Spy Glass


  After the grueling workout with Sarn, I aimed my bruised

  body toward the bathhouse. Soaking in the warm water, I

  enjoyed a moment of peace. The students were attending their

  second morning session so the place was empty. I didn’t miss

  going to class at all. But I missed Kade. We had so little time together.

  Six days remained in the warm season. Then Kade would

  be busy with the heating season’s storms. And what would I

  do if I traveled to the coast? Keep Kade company, search the

  beach for treasures with Heli and help Helen with the glass


  I longed to talk to Devlen, as well. Changing into clean

  clothes, I headed to the market.

  “Lovely Lady, can I assist you with your shopping today?”

  A thin boy, who looked to be ten years old but acted more

  like twenty, asked.

  “No, thank you. But can you deliver a message to Fisk for

  me?” I slipped the boy a copper.

  He f lashed a smile. “I can, but I can’t guarantee an an-


  “Fair enough. Please tell Fisk, Opal is in need of his special services.”

  He saluted and disappeared into the Citadel market’s crowd.

  I marveled at the bustling stands and shops. Even though rain

  dripped onto shoppers, no one seemed to mind. Members of

  the Helper’s Guild carried armfuls of packages, haggled with

  stand owners, or dashed from place to place, leading confused

  customers to the perfect store.

  The market was located in the exact center of the Citadel.

  Businesses and factories ringed the vast space, emanating out

  in concentric circles like ripples on a pond. Packed full of

  sellers hawking their wares, the market breathed as if alive.

  The best way to navigate the various stores and craftsmen

  was to hire a Helper’s Guild member. They knew the honest


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  sellers, competent workers and the good deals. Without them,

  a buyer could be conned out of a lot of money. Hiring them

  also kept the poor and homeless children fed and clothed. Fisk

  recruited them to work for him, giving them a place to stay

  and money to live on.

  “Lovely Opal. So nice to see you again,” Fisk said in his

  new baritone. He held a clipboard in his oversize hands. “How

  is the boy?”

  “About the same.” When I had checked on him, he hadn’t

  regained consciousness.

  “How can I help you?”

  I chose my words with care. “I need to find a person who

  has something of mine.”

  “You’ll have to be a little more specific.” Amusement lit

  his brown eyes.

  I explained about Finn and my blood, guessing if Finn had

  been hired in the Citadel, Fisk might have heard about it.

  He tapped his fingers on the board. “An odd request. And

  I don’t normally deal with people who perform illicit deeds.

  However, I have a few contacts and can make some inquiries

  for you.”

  “A few contacts?”

  “Just in case. I like to be prepared for all customers. Any-

  thing else?” Fisk asked.

  I couldn’t stay in the guest quarters of the Creepy Keepy

  much longer. With all the magic there, it suffocated me.

  Whichever way my future unrolled, I would probably spend

  at least half the year in the Citadel.

  “I need a place to live. Small, private and secure enough

  I don’t have to worry about it when I’m away. Is that part of

  your services?” I asked. I had been in the western section of

  the Citadel where the majority of residences were located. The

  maze of streets, buildings and courtyards confused me, and

  the sheer density of them packed together overwhelmed me.

  “Of course. For the right price, I can be—”

  Spy Glass


  “A prince. I remember.”

  We were interrupted by one of Fisk’s guild members. The

  young lady stood on tiptoe and leaned close to his ear, whis-

  pering to him. Fisk frowned then nodded to her. She dashed


  His gaze turned speculative. “Opal, do you remember when

  those fake diamonds f looded the black market last year?”

  “Yes.” I had helped find the source.

  “Do you know anything about pearls?”

  “I know oysters make them, and where they’re harvested.”

  I suppressed a shudder, recalling the emotionless Bloodrose

  family. They lived in isolation at the tip of Lion’s Claw Pen-

  insula, exchanging pearls for other supplies. I wondered about

  the cold glass. Walsh Bloodrose, the clan’s patriarch, was a

  magician. Perhaps he invented it.

  “Could you tell a fake from a real pearl?”

  “Not anymore.” Without my magic, I couldn’t determine

  if those diamonds were real or fake.

  “You’re still an artist. You might spot something we


  “Is someone selling fake pearls on the black market?”

  “We’re not sure. Pearls are harder to find than most gem-

  stones, except diamonds. But now the market is inundated with

  them. Even the legitimate jewelry stores are fully stocked.”

  “Have you asked Elita? She’s an expert in precious stones.”

  Plus, she has been very helpful since her part in the diamond

  incident was revealed.

  “She thinks the black market ones are real, but they’re


  “In a good or bad way?”

  “We’ve no idea. They could be from a new species of oyster

  and our concerns are for nothing.” He shrugged. “We’ll just

  have to wait and see if anything develops. In the meantime,

  Lovely Opal, I will make a few inquiries and find you a



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  * * *

  I spent the remainder of the day visiting my old friend and

  mentor, Aydan. Working with him in his glass shop had been

  my lifeline while I had been a student. By the time we had

  caught up on news and shared a meal, it was late. My foot-

  steps echoed in the empty streets of the Citadel as I returned

  to the Keep. Even more time had passed than I realized. I

  reached through my pants pocket, grasping the handle of my

  switchblade. No real reason to worry as this section of town

  was patrolled on a regular basis, but Valek had taught me not

  to trust those illusions of safety.

  The night stayed quiet. A block from the Keep, a small<
br />
  furtive movement to my right caught my attention. I spun,

  pulled my weapon and froze in midyank. A little girl, too

  young to be out on her own at this time of night, stepped

  into the lantern light. She reminded me of a wild rabbit. One

  move and she would dash away.

  I waited for her to speak. She scanned the street before she

  met my gaze. Her large blue eyes held fear and determination.

  Dirt streaked her face and her corkscrew curls hung past her

  shoulders in a tangled mess. She held a stuffed dog to her chest as if it were her shield. Perhaps it was. I recognized the pink bow.

  “Where’s my brother?” she asked in a strong, no-nonsense


  I inclined my head toward the Keep. “In the infirmary.”

  She suppressed her horrified gasp with amazing speed.


  “What did you do to him?” she demanded.

  “Nothing. He pulled too much magic and almost died. He’s

  suffering from exhaustion.”

  She cocked her hip and glared at me. “That’s what that

  helper whore said. I didn’t believe her and I don’t believe


  Helper whore? A thousand questions formed in my mind,

  Spy Glass


  but I stif led my curiosity. Instead, I challenged her. “Are you calling me a liar?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  Bold. I liked this girl. “Then let me prove it to you. Come

  with me.”

  She stepped back as if I had brandished a weapon. “Why

  should I trust you?”

  “Because you don’t have anyone else left to trust,” I guessed.

  “And you came to me. Why?”

  “You were the only one…” She swallowed. “My brother

  pushed everyone out. Even me.” She glanced at the stuffed

  dog as a glassy sheen coated her eyes. “No one could get into

  the building. Except you.” Stabbing an accusatory finger at

  me, she asked, “What did you do to him?”

  “I kept him from dying.” A light touch of power brushed

  my skin. She was too young to have magic, let alone be able to

  control it. I glanced around. No one was within sight. Perhaps

  it came from the Keep.

  She nodded. “Now you’re telling the truth. Can I see my




  Instantly wary, she checked the street as if planning her

  escape route. “What is it?”

  “You tell me your name and your brother’s name.”



  I grinned. “All right, then on two conditions.”

  “What do I get in return for the extra condition?” she




  My offer didn’t produce much enthusiasm from her.

  “And a bowl of soup,” I added. “Do we have a deal,

  Miss…?” I extended my hand.

  After the slightest of hesitations, she clasped it for one quick shake. “Reema.” She yanked her hand away. Her long thin


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  fingers had felt brittle in mine. She would need more than

  one bowl of soup.

  “And your brother?” I asked.


  I led her past the Keep’s guards and to the infirmary. Healer

  Hayes stood outside Teegan’s room. Concern creased his face

  as he whispered to Irys. The words null shield filled me with an icy dread. An automatic reaction. Reema sensed my unease

  and slowed her pace.

  A null shield would be necessary to keep Teegan alive.

  Waking in an unfamiliar place surrounded by unfamiliar

  people, he could pull magic and risk f laming out again.

  Irys and Hayes ceased their conversation as we neared. No

  surprise touched the Master Magician’s face, but Hayes stepped

  toward me.

  “Something wrong, Opal?” he asked. “Are you ill?”

  “I’m fine. I’ve brought a visitor.”

  He raised his eyebrows and I realized Reema hid behind

  me. I moved aside.

  “Ah… It’s a little late for visitors.”

  “She’s Teegan’s sister.” I introduced her.

  He crouched down to her level. “Your brother is gaining

  more strength each day. What is your clan name?”

  Reema pressed next to me. “Why do you need it?”

  “I can create a stronger bond between us. Teegan’s been

  unconscious since he arrived and I can only reach him on a

  subconscious level. The more I know about him the better.”

  Hayes had said the wrong thing. I felt her stiffen. Before

  she could bolt, I laid my hand on her bony shoulder.

  “Let’s visit with Teegan first, and I promised Reema some

  soup.” I gave Hayes a pointed look.

  He straightened. “Of course. I’ll send one of my assistants

  to the kitchen. I’ll also have an extra bed brought in. It’s too late for Reema to go home.” He hurried away, calling to one

  of his helpers.

  Spy Glass


  Irys had been studying the girl, and I willed the Master

  Magician not to scare her off. She met my gaze and nodded

  with approval. “Let me know if anything changes,” she said

  before leaving.

  I pushed open Teegan’s door. The lantern by his bedside

  cast a weak light. White blankets covered a small lump on the


  Reema climbed up, put her stuffed dog down on his pillow

  and shook him hard. “Tee, it’s me. Wake up.”

  “Easy.” I tried to pull her away, but she shrugged me off.

  “Come on, Tee. Wake up.” This time, she straddled him

  and bounced.

  I grabbed her around her skinny waist and yanked her off

  the bed. She fought me, but she didn’t have the muscles or the

  stamina to break my hold. One benefit to the ruckus, Teegan

  opened his eyes.

  “S’okay, Ree.” He glanced at me. A wispy thread of

  magic grazed my face. Before I could raise an alarm, it


  “Stay with Fire Lady, Ree. S’okay.” His eyes closed.

  Reema had stopped struggling. I let her go. This time, she

  sat on the edge of his bed and held his hand. Her stubborn

  pout dared me to make her move. Instead, I plopped into the

  chair as weariness f lowed through my body.

  “Is this Fire Lady a friend of yours?” I asked her.




  “No. We don’t have any relatives.”

  “Yes, you do. You’re part of a clan, and if you dig far enough

  back into history, you’re distantly related to all the members

  in your clan.”

  “Our mother told us not to tell anyone our clan name. She

  said no one would know it.”

  Progress. “Where is your mother? She should know about



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  “She’s buried under a red rock in the Courtyard of




  “Shut up. Tee and I are just fine. Once he gets better, we

  can take care of ourselves.”

  Such confidence. With her small stature she could pass for

  six years old, but I guessed she was closer to eight.

sp; “Who is this Fire Lady? I can try to contact her for you.”

  Reema ignored my question. Her attention was fixed on

  the night table. Next to the lantern was Teegan’s teapot rest-

  ing on top of his apron. Someone had washed and folded the

  garment. The girl stroked the fabric with her fingertips. “I

  thought they had been stolen.”

  “I brought them here. I thought he might want them when

  he woke.”

  She turned her gaze to me. And for the first time I saw

  behind her tough girl mask. It took all my strength not to

  wrap her in my arms. The arrival of Hayes with a tray saved

  me from giving in to that desire. Reema launched herself at

  the food, eating with a steady determination as if the soup,

  fruit and cheeses would be snatched away.

  Hayes pulled me from the room, closing the door. “Did

  she give you any more information?”

  I relayed the sparse details.

  He sighed. “Orphans. Wonderful.” He rubbed a hand

  along the stubble on his cheek. Dark smudges underlined his

  brown eyes. “Teegan’s a powerful magician. If he can con-

  trol his magic, he’ll be enrolled in the Keep’s program.” He


  I guessed where his thoughts went. If Teegan can’t control

  his magic, he would be joining his mother in the Courtyard

  of Souls.

  Hayes returned his distant gaze to me. “Reema however is

  another story. We’ll have to contact the authorities and find her

  Spy Glass


  a place to stay. She can sleep in his room for a couple nights, otherwise…she’s yours.”

  “Mine? But I thought—”

  “She trusts you, and I need you to find out as much about

  her brother as possible.”


  “What? Do you have something else to do?”

  Yes, but I needed to be in the Keep regardless. After Hayes

  left to check on his other patients, I returned to Teegan’s

  room. Reema had devoured every bit of food. When a knock

  sounded, she startled. I opened the door, stepping back so

  Hayes’s assistant could wheel in another bed. The sheets

  smelled of soap—a contrast to the rancid odor emanating

  from the little girl who eyed the assistant with distrust.

  My charge. At least for the next few days. First order of

  business would be a bath. But when I made the suggestion,

  she refused.

  “I need to go home,” she said.

  “It’s too late to be out by yourself,” I tried.



  “That abandoned warehouse isn’t a home,” I said.