Read Spy Glass Page 8

  hold, but let’s walk in a circle around the Councilor. We don’t have to get close to her. She’ll be in no danger.”

  “No. Arrest her for espionage and for attacking me,” Tama


  “You’ve been guarding her for half a season. Something

  isn’t right. Trust yourselves,” I said.

  “Once around and then down to the cells,” the guard on

  my left said.

  “No tricks,” the other said.

  Wedged between them, I stepped to the side, keeping the

  Councilor in front of me. I reviewed my plan. Magicians

  pulled threads of magic from the blanket of power surround-

  ing the world. They aimed these strings of power at people

  or objects. Since the magic around Tama wasn’t from anyone

  in the room, I needed to find the direction of power. After

  that, it would be pure guesswork.

  She glared at us as she turned to follow our progress. I hoped

  the magician wouldn’t spread his inf luence to the guards. In

  that case, I would be screwed.

  Three-quarters of the way around, I started to worry. What

  if the magician was in the room above or below? And when

  did I decide it wasn’t Zebb?

  After a few more steps, I entered a stream of magic. It

  pushed against my back. I stopped.

  Confusion spread on her face. She reached toward me.

  “Opal? What…”


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  The magic moved and she jerked. “Get her out of here!”

  she yelled. “She’s a spy and should be locked up.”

  “I blocked it for a moment,” I said. “You saw her change!

  I need to get closer.” I dragged the guards three feet and I

  stepped left and right, searching for the stream. Once again

  the magic slammed into my back.

  The Councilor sagged into her desk chair. “Listen to Opal,”

  she said in a weak voice.

  When the magic moved, I stayed with it. “Get Zebb,” I

  ordered the guards as I shrugged them off. “Hurry!”

  I expected Tama to protest, but she pulled her knees to her

  chest and hugged them, making herself into a smaller target

  either by instinct or intelligence. It didn’t matter. By this time, I stood close to her and shielded her with my body.

  The magical pressure increased and I used every bit of

  energy to keep from being f lattened. Where was Zebb? Gasp-

  ing for breath, I strained against the attack. My calf muscles

  burned with the effort. Sweat stung my eyes.

  When the door banged, I yelled, “Null shield!” without

  bothering to see if it was Zebb.

  Two things happened at once. The onslaught stopped, and

  Zebb’s magic pushed me away from Tama. I staggered and

  dropped to the f loor, panting with relief.

  “What the hell was that?” Zebb asked.

  I let the guards explain.



  exactly why I need to be near the Councilor at all

  times,” Zebb said. “I knew you’d endanger her.”

  He continued to rant about her safety, but I tuned him out.

  I wondered again if the magician had been after her or me.

  When I felt stronger, I climbed to my feet. “Zebb, shut

  up.” I resisted smirking when he listened to me. See? I could

  be mature. “Can you sense another magician nearby?”

  “No, but I was on the first f loor.”

  “How about when you entered the room?”

  He shook his head.

  Spy Glass


  I sighed. “Help me out here. Where would a magician need

  to be to reach her?”

  “It depends on how strong he is.”

  I noted his pronoun choice. Habit or did he know more

  than he was telling me? “Can we narrow it down to inside

  or outside the building?” I asked in exasperation.

  “Outside. No one with powers can get by me.”

  Ignoring his boast, I asked, “Can you take a few guards out

  to search?”

  He sneered. “I know you’re used to hanging out with the

  Master Magicians and the Soulfinder. They can walk the

  streets and sniff out any magicians. The rest of us can’t.”

  “But you just said—”

  “Line of sight. Everyone coming into the Council Hall has

  to pass by me. If I can reach their thoughts, they don’t have

  any power.”

  I thought it through. “Then the magician who attacked

  the Councilor is stronger than average. He didn’t need line

  of sight.”

  His lips parted in surprise. “But he would have to know

  she was in her office.”

  We both turned to the picture window at the end of her

  office. Sunlight streamed through the large pane of glass. Tama had located her U-shaped desk close enough to it so she could

  enjoy the view while she worked.

  I moved closer, looking outside. Her first-f loor office was a

  mere twelve feet above the street. Below, townspeople strolled

  or hustled by either on horseback or on foot. Wagons bounced

  along the cobblestones. From this distance, I could see clearly.

  No one seemed interested in the window. No one lurked in

  the shadows. At least not now.

  Zebb joined me.

  “Would curtains help protect her?” I asked.

  “To some extent. The magician would have to guess if

  the Councilor was here. Or risk alerting me by sweeping


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  the building. We could move her desk to make it harder for


  “No curtains,” Tama said. Her first words since the inci-

  dent. A touch of color had returned to her pallid cheeks.


  She cut Zebb off. “I understand your concerns. How about

  a compromise?” She swiped the hair sticking to her face. “No

  curtains and I’ll let Zebb and his null shield stay with me.”

  “Finally,” Zebb said. “It’s what I’ve wanted from the


  Not a diplomatic response and uncertainty filled her eyes.

  “You’ve made a smart decision,” I said. “Zebb may be a

  pompous ass, but he’s trustworthy.” The background check

  on him hadn’t found anything.

  Faith rushed in before he could retort.

  “Tama, are you all right?” She gathered the Councilor in

  her arms. Tama leaned into her.

  “What happened?” Faith demanded.

  I let Zebb handle the explanation while I mulled over a

  possible reason for the attack.

  When he finished addressing all her questions, I asked Tama

  about her enemies. “Any other relatives that might be trying

  to usurp you?”

  Faith answered for her. “No. Akako is her only sister. Her

  parents died years ago and she has one aunt and a couple of

  cousins on her father’s side. They live in the Krystal lands and she’s never even met them.”

  Tama pulled away. “My father was from the Krystal Clan.

  He met my mother while here on business.” Her colorless

  lips formed a wan smile. “He claimed love at first sight, but it took him a few seasons to convince her. The clan wasn’t happy

  about their heir marrying an outsider. But he won them over

  just like he did with my mother. Ev
eryone loved my father.”

  A sweet story, but no help for our current problem. “Can

  Spy Glass


  you think of anyone who might be after you? Or a reason

  someone wanted to control you?” I asked.

  “Perhaps we missed one of Akako’s people,” Faith said.

  “Only Tama can release Akako from prison.”

  “Then why did he force me to arrest Opal?” the Councilor

  asked. “I was convinced she was a spy and I’d only be safe

  once she was secured in Wirral.”

  “Basic strategy,” Zebb said. “Eliminate the person’s sup-

  porters so no one protests when the person changes her


  A logical argument, yet an uneasy chill swirled. Being in-

  carcerated in Wirral would be a waking nightmare.

  For now, at least the null shield protected Tama, and I had

  my immunity. Faith declared she would go over Akako’s files,

  searching for any insurgents who may have been missed.

  I returned to my desk and the thick file on the hotshots in

  the SMU. Perhaps Akako had managed to bribe one of them

  or one could already be loyal to her. I would have laughed

  at the irony if I had the energy. The creative reasoning that

  netted me the file in the first place might lead to an answer

  and to something to prove to the warden that his prison wasn’t


  I read through the files until I was cross-eyed with fatigue.

  After spending the entire afternoon studying the information

  on the hotshots, I had nothing to show for it. Finn’s matched

  his story. Complete background checks with confirmations

  from two different sources had been attached to each CO’s

  dossier. Even the rookie Lamar’s papers had been included.

  His letter of recommendation from the Iolite Prison’s warden

  had been verified twice.

  When the words swam together, I stopped for the day. Tama

  had retreated to her suite for the night, but Faith remained in her office. I debated. Should I skip supper and get a few extra hours of sleep or go to the Pig Pen for a bowl of stew?


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  Preoccupied, I left the Hall and paused. The black sky meant

  I had missed the late-afternoon training again. Nic and Eve

  would harass me about it.

  “Working late?” a voice asked from behind me.

  I drew my sais, whipping around. Finn leaned on the Coun-

  cilor’s Hall. He spread his hands. “Easy there.”

  “Sorry.” I slid my weapons back under my cloak.

  “Are you always this jumpy?” he asked.

  “No. It’s been a long day.” I gathered my scattered wits.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Waiting for you.”

  “Why?” The question popped out without censure.

  Finn laughed. A nice rumble. “I enjoyed our conversation

  the other day and wanted to continue it.”

  “Oh.” My tired brain finally caught up. This was good.

  Right? I wanted to get closer to him and find out more about

  the prison. Kade would understand. I was working undercover.

  But what if our roles were reversed? How would I feel if he

  had to seduce another woman? Horrible. I shook my head.

  Ridiculous speculation. I didn’t plan to seduce Finn.

  “Would you like to have dinner with me?” he asked in an

  uncertain tone.

  “Of course. I’m sorry. I’m tired and—”

  “We can go another time then.”

  “I didn’t mean that. I’m famished. How about I pick

  the place this time? I know a tavern with the best stew in


  He f lashed me his slanted smile. “Any angry officers?”

  “We shouldn’t need a distraction in order to leave.”

  He swept his arm out. “Lead on.”

  The jumble of voices reached us before we entered the Pig

  Pen. Nic’s brother served drinks, and Nic and Eve sat at their

  usual places. Not good. I thought they were on duty. Fulgor

  soldiers filled every table and people crowded the bar. I was

  Spy Glass


  about to retreat to another tavern when Ian waved me over.

  He snapped his fingers a few times and two stools next to my

  friends emptied. So much for a quiet conversation.

  Finn whistled. “Wow. You must be a good customer.” He

  nodded to a couple of people as we claimed the stools. I made

  sure to sit between Finn and Nic.

  “Have you been here before?” I asked him.

  “No, but I know a few of Fulgor’s security forces. All part

  of the job.”

  Hoping Nic and Eve wouldn’t blow my cover by men-

  tioning Kade, I introduced them to Finn. Nic sized him up

  and gave me a questioning look before Eve elbowed him in

  the ribs. If Finn noticed he didn’t react. Two bowls of stew

  appeared in front of us, and I turned Finn’s attention to Ian.

  When Finn made the connection between the brothers, I felt

  a strange sense of pride.

  “Is he the reason you’ve missed four training sessions?” Nic

  asked me.

  “I’ve been busy with work.”

  “No excuses,” Nic said. “It’s too important. Does


  “Time to go,” Eve said, standing. She pulled Nic off the

  stool. “Nice meeting you, Finn. We’d love to stay and chat,

  but we’re on duty tonight. Opal, we’ll see you in the morning.” Her pointed gaze warned me she would question me


  Eve hustled Nic out the door. Confusion creased his face,

  but he followed his partner.

  Finn and I ate our stew. He pushed his empty bowl aside

  and drank his ale. “You’re right. It is the best in town.”

  The food revived me, and cleared my mind. “It’s better than

  my mother’s, but don’t tell anyone I said that or she’ll disown me.”

  “Your secret is safe with me. Although I could blackmail

  you with it.”


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  I smiled at his teasing tone. “You could try.”

  “You never did answer my question.”



  “If you think you can beat me with those sais of yours?”

  He touched my arm, resting his warm fingers on my forearm.

  “Think about it. You did miss a few training sessions.”

  “How much training have you had?” I asked.



  I had gotten serious about improving my own skills only a

  year ago. “I doubt I could win a match against you.” Unless

  I cheated and used those pressure points Devlen had inadver-

  tently taught me.

  “You may surprise yourself. From what I hear, you’re rather


  “What have you heard?”

  “There wasn’t much information in the gossip loop, and

  you didn’t give me a whole lot, either.”

  “I hardly know you.” Yet I didn’t pull my arm away.

  “True. But you’re in a powerful position, working so close

  with the Councilor and the First Adviser.”

  I couldn’t argue with him without telling him why I took

  the job. “And?”

  “And I knew someone in security had to know som

  He leaned his elbow on the bar with a smug casualness.

  “Who ratted me out?”

  “Do you know a Captain Alden?” He gestured to the still-

  empty stools. “Your friends’ boss?”

  “I’ve met him once or twice.” Nic and Eve had reported

  everything they witnessed in Hubal to him. Their report had

  lacked a few important details. “How do you know him?”

  “Friend of a friend.”

  “Are you proud of yourself ?”

  “Of course. Plus I feel better knowing you are with the Councilor, and I can tell the warden good things about


  Spy Glass


  “The warden asks you because…?”

  “I know everyone in town.”

  “You didn’t know Alden.”

  “Miss Logical. I see you’re going to keep me on my toes. I

  didn’t know Alden personally, but if I passed him on the street, I could tell you his name, rank and his position on Fulgor’s

  security force.”

  We talked about random things until I steered the conversa-

  tion to the SMU and the hotshots.

  Finn leaned close. “I know why you’re so interested in


  “You do?” My mouth felt dry, and I resisted the urge to

  gulp my ale.

  “No one is escaping from the SMU, Opal. No one. Stop

  worrying. Those men who stole your magic won’t hurt you

  ever again.”

  Covering my face with the mug of ale, I tipped it up and

  took a long drink. Did he know about the file on my desk? I

  decided to tone down my focus on the hotshots in Finn’s pres-

  ence for now, and pretend he had guessed everything right.

  I placed my hand over his and gave it a light squeeze.


  Our conversation returned to more mundane topics. When

  I couldn’t stif le a yawn, Finn stood. “Time to go. I have an

  early day tomorrow.”

  “Me, too.” I grimaced. Nic would be extra hard on me and

  Eve would pepper me with questions. Ugh.

  Finn grasped my hand when we reached the street. Our

  footsteps echoed along the empty road. I hadn’t realized how

  late it had gotten.

  “The day after tomorrow is my day off,” he said. “Would

  you like to go riding with me?”

  I hesitated. Quartz would love the exercise, and I hadn’t

  taken any time off since I arrived.


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  “There’s a pretty little waterfall in the forest north of the

  city,” he said.

  “Sounds fun.” But guilt welled. I tried to rationalize my