Read Squeeze Play Page 5

  “I agree,” said Nancy. “I’m going to have to find out more about Stormy. The rumor that she’s having financial problems is not much to go on.”

  “All right,” said George. “Who else?”

  Nancy paused for a minute before answering. “Rebecca,” she said simply.

  “But wasn’t she kidnapped?” Bess asked.

  “It looks like it,” Nancy said, cocking her head to one side. “But looks can be deceiving.”

  “You mean Rebecca could have kidnapped Caitlin and then made it look like someone else was involved?” Luke asked.

  “I think someone else was involved,” Nancy said. “Even though the tracks outside Caitlin’s window were smeared, they seemed to be too large to be a woman’s, and they seemed to stop at the doorway to Caitlin’s room. Maybe they just petered out there. Or maybe someone trashed the family room to make it look like there had been a struggle.”

  “Someone like Rebecca,” George said, brushing Luke’s arm as she leaned back in the booth.

  “Could be,” Nancy said, and pushed her empty plate to one side. “Whatever role Rebecca played in the kidnapping, we know she’s important to the case. Then there’s Bill Barrows.”

  “Is he a suspect?” George said in quiet surprise.

  “Well,” Nancy said, lacing her fingers together thoughtfully. “I remember looking for him after Sean tackled the mascot. He wasn’t on the field. And when we saw him at the park last night, there was a blue feather on his shirt.”

  “But he was wearing a Falcon button,” George replied. “The feather could have been from that.”

  “Besides,” Bess added, “he would be the last person to ask Sean to throw a game, wouldn’t he?”

  Nancy was watching Luke. She had never thought of him as good-looking in high school, but that description definitely fit him now.

  “Barrows would do anything to win,” Luke said. “There’s no way he’d make Sean throw a game. It just doesn’t make sense.”

  “I guess not,” Nancy said with a sigh. “But I want you to keep an eye on him, Luke.”

  “No problem,” Luke said with a grin. “We tend to hang out together a lot these days.”

  Nancy laughed lightly. With three more games scheduled that week, Luke would be seeing his manager every day.

  “What now?” Bess asked as Nancy slid out of the booth.

  “I’d like to learn more about Stormy Tarver,” Nancy said, leading the way to the cash register.

  “We could stop at the library,” George offered. “I remember an article about her in Profiles magazine, and I’m sure the library will have it.”

  “Good idea,” Nancy said as the group left the restaurant. “I’ll meet you there.”

  “I’ll ride with you,” Bess volunteered, raising an eyebrow at Luke and George for Nancy’s benefit.

  Nancy laughed and unlocked the doors of her Mustang. She maneuvered her car through downtown River Heights, stopping at the stately two-story brick building that housed the city library. George and Luke met them on the front steps. Then they entered the large reading room lined with racks of magazines and newspapers.

  George located Profiles and the article that had run earlier that summer. Nancy took the magazine and began to read out loud. “ ‘Rangers owner Stormy Tarver said she was joking when she offered umpire Jack Middleman $1,000 to call strikes for her pitchers last week. But Middleman wasn’t laughing when he reported the incident to the league office. He said Tarver stopped him in a dark parking lot outside a restaurant and offered him cash to call the game in the Rangers’ favor.’ ”

  Bess raised her eyebrows as Nancy read. She, George, and Luke were leaning over the table in rapt silence.

  Nancy read on. “ ‘Middleman didn’t take the money. “The guy can’t take a joke,” said Tarver. “I was just trying to make the point that I didn’t like his calls the week before.” League officials are investigating, but no one really expects them to discipline Tarver. Given her track record for bizarre behavior, this could just be another publicity stunt.’ ”

  “That sounds like Stormy,” Luke said. “She’s a real case.”

  “There’s more,” Nancy said, scanning the page. “Listen to this. ‘Some people think that Tarver might have been serious, though. After all, this is the same woman who once poured laxative into the opposing team’s juice jug to try to help the Rangers out of a losing situation.’ ”

  All four laughed, but then Bess asked, “Do you think Stormy would try to get rid of Sean just to win the series?”

  “It’s possible,” Nancy said. She silently began to scan the rest of the story.

  “Let’s see what else we can find,” George said to Luke. They got up and went back to the magazine racks, returning after several minutes with an issue of Play Ball magazine.

  “Here’s a profile of the Falcons done at the start of the season,” George said, handing the magazine to Nancy.

  The article predicted the team would play second fiddle to the Rangers. Next, it gave short profiles on several Falcon players.

  “There are a lot of names here I don’t recognize,” Nancy said, skimming the article.

  “There’s a big turnover in the minors,” Luke said across the table from Nancy. “If a guy plays really well, he gets moved up to the majors, and if he plays really badly, he’s moved down to an AA team.”

  “Here’s a picture of Rod Sanders,” Nancy said. “The caption says he’s twenty-nine and has been in River Heights for five years.”

  Nancy noticed the faraway, almost sad expression in Luke’s eyes.

  “He’s getting old,” Luke explained. “Anyone who hasn’t made it to the majors by the time he’s thirty should start looking for another job.”

  “I wonder how Rod feels about Sean joining the Falcons?” Nancy asked, flipping to another page.

  “He bashed his locker with a baseball bat when he heard about it,” Luke said, frowning. “And when Sean got so much press for winning the first game, Rod was really down.”

  “He shouldn’t be so jealous,” Bess said.

  “Maybe, but this isn’t just some school-yard game,” Luke said, his voice rising slightly. “It’s his career.”

  “Where was Rod during the eighth inning last night?” Nancy asked, closing the magazine.

  “Probably icing his arm,” Luke said with a shrug. “That’s usually what a pitcher does when he’s finished on the mound.”

  “In the locker room?” Nancy asked, her mind working. “Alone?”

  “You’re thinking Rod could have been in the Freddy the Falcon uniform?” Bess asked.

  “It’s possible,” Nancy said intently. “And if he’s jealous of Sean, that gives him a motive for wanting Sean to pitch poorly.”

  “So we have another suspect,” George said. “And someone else for Luke to watch.”

  “Would you?” Nancy asked.

  “Anything to help get Sean’s little girl back,” Luke said. “But right now I need to go to Sean’s. I told him I’d go over this morning.”

  “We’ll meet you at his place,” Nancy said. “Delgado said there’d be an agent there, so we can tell him what we’ve learned.”

  “But if the kidnappers are watching, won’t they get suspicious?” Bess asked, biting her bottom lip.

  “Actually, it’s best to make it look as if everything is normal. No one knows we know what’s going on. We’re Sean’s friends—that’s all.”

  • • •

  The broken vase was gone and the family room had been straightened up when Nancy and her friends walked into Sean’s house. The curtains on the large picture window were closed, blocking the view to the backyard, and a stranger stood in the hallway eyeing Nancy and her friends. He was dressed in shorts and a Falcon T-shirt and held a radio in his hand.

  “Meet Russ Nunn,” Sean said, gesturing toward the man. “We hope no one else knows he’s here—and if anybody does see him, he’s an old friend of mine from school.”

/>   Nancy knew immediately that Nunn was the FBI agent.

  “Hello, Ms. Drew,” he said without waiting for an introduction, and then with a nod he acknowledged George, Bess, and Luke by name. Nancy knew Delgado had given him their descriptions. She looked over at the counter where a tape recorder sat beside the telephone.

  “Have there been any calls?” she asked Sean.

  His expression became even sadder. “No. I can’t bear to think where Caitlin was last night.”

  Nancy was about to say something reassuring, but before she could speak, the doorbell rang.

  Russ stared at Sean. “Are you expecting anyone else?” he asked.

  “No,” Sean replied, walking to the front door as Nunn disappeared down the hallway. The rest of the group waited in the family room. When Sean returned, he was carrying a small, flat box.

  “I found it on the doorstep,” he said.

  Russ poked his head out from the hallway. Immediately his eyes fixed on the box as Sean set it on the coffee table and reached for the lid.

  Nancy was beside him in a flash, touching his wrist in a gesture that told him to stop.

  “This could be from the kidnappers,” she said. “If it is, we need to be very careful we don’t destroy any evidence.”

  “Ms. Drew is right,” Russ said, stepping to the other side of Sean. “But first we need to find out who left it.” Russ made a quick call on his hand-held radio. “The box was left by a delivery van from River Heights Courier Service,” he said. “An agent will check out the driver.”

  Russ examined the box and began to look around the room. Nancy guessed he was searching for something to use to open the box without touching it. She handed him a pen. With a quick nod of thanks, Russ pushed up the lid.

  Inside the box was a lock of fine, dark hair.

  Under it was a note in cut-out block letters. As the rest of the group stared, Luke read the words out loud:

  Throw the series, or your daughter will lose more than her hair.



  SEAN’S FACE turned white. He reached for the lock of hair, and this time it was Russ Nunn’s hand that shot out and caught his wrist.

  “I’m sorry, but you can’t touch it,” Russ said. “We’ll have to send it to the lab.”

  Sean slowly let his hand drop to his side as Russ released his grip.

  Russ flipped the lid of the box shut, then got back on his radio, reporting to Delgado.

  “Isn’t it dangerous, using the radio like that?” Bess asked when Russ had finished. “Someone could overhear.”

  “They’re probably using a special scrambled frequency,” Nancy suggested as Russ clipped the radio back on his belt.

  “That’s right,” Russ said to Nancy. “Sounds like you know quite a bit about FBI procedure.”

  “A little,” Nancy said, perching herself on one of the stools by the kitchen counter. “And I have a bit more information. I had a visitor this morning.” She handed Madeline de Grasse’s business card to Russ, glancing at Sean as she did so.

  The pitcher was standing between George and Luke, obviously very troubled.

  “What’s this?” Russ asked, frowning as he took the card from Nancy.

  “A Ms. de Grasse came to my house this morning,” Nancy explained. “She said she’s representing Mr. and Mrs. Zabowski. They’re going to try to get custody of Caitlin.”

  Sean’s response was quick and loud. “What do they think they’re doing? I’ll have their heads for this!”

  “Take it easy,” Nancy said gently.

  “Nancy’s right,” Luke said, putting his hand on Sean’s shoulder. “You have to stay cool. The Zabowskis are just like hecklers—you can’t let them get to you.”

  The baseball comparison worked. Sean sighed and leaned against the counter. “Okay, okay,” he said at last. “But I’m going to see them. They’re not going to turn Caitlin’s disappearance into a three-ring circus—not if I can help it.”

  “Luke and I’ll go with you,” Nancy said quickly. “What they say could be important to the case.”

  “All right,” Sean said at last, checking his watch. “They said they were staying at the River’s Edge Lodge. I doubt they’d have gone back to Chicago yet.”

  “They’re at the River’s Edge?” Bess said in surprise. “That’s where the Rangers are staying. I overheard some fans talking about it at the concession stand.”

  “Maybe there is a connection between the Zabowskis and baseball,” George offered.

  “If there is, I’m going to find out what it is,” Sean said, his face red with anger.

  “Just talk to the Zabowskis,” Russ told him. “Anything beyond that, we’ll handle.”

  Sean turned away without answering and strode through the kitchen toward the front door.

  Nancy tossed the keys to her Mustang to George and said she’d hook up with them later at the Roost. Then she and Luke followed Sean to his car.

  The River’s Edge Lodge was the largest hotel and convention center in River Heights. Sean directed Luke to park in the lot and quickly led the way to the main entry. The Zabowskis had given him their room number the night before, so they walked past the registration desk to the elevators. Sean pushed the button for the fourth floor. When they stepped out of the elevator, Nancy was facing a wall of glass that overlooked a well-kept plaza in the triangle formed by the three towers of the hotel complex.

  She took a quick peek and then followed Sean and Luke toward the corner room at the end of the hall. Mr. Zabowski answered the door on the second knock.

  “You’re not welcome here,” he growled at Sean, raising his chin slightly as he spoke.

  “I don’t care if I’m welcome or not,” Sean said. Pushing Mr. Zabowski aside, he strode into the room. Nancy and Luke followed.

  “I know you hired a lawyer,” Sean announced.

  “We’re just doing what’s best for our granddaughter,” Mr. Zabowski said. “You obviously can’t take care of her while you’re running around the country playing baseball.”

  “But, Mr. Zabowski,” Nancy pleaded as she squeezed past Sean into the spacious room. “Don’t you realize that once you go to court, the press will get hold of this and Caitlin could be in even more danger?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Mrs. Zabowski interrupted. “We told our attorney to be absolutely discreet. Nothing will be done to put Caitlin at risk.”

  “She told Nancy that she was going to file the petition as soon as she could,” Sean said, taking a step closer to Bert. Caitlin’s grandfather moved back and bumped into the couch.

  Nancy saw the Zabowskis exchange glances and thought there was a trace of uneasiness in both their faces.

  “Don’t try to blame this on us,” Mrs. Zabowski said loudly. “It’s not our fault that Caitlin’s in danger. It’s you and your miserable job that caused this.” Her face had become bright pink, and she shook her finger at Sean. “Traveling around and having your name and picture in the paper so much, you made yourself a target. You made Caitlin a target.”

  “But, Mrs. Zabowski,” Nancy began, “couldn’t all this wait until Caitlin is safely back home?”

  Nancy wanted to defuse the tension in the room before things got out of hand. She turned to Luke for help, but he, too, was flushed with anger.

  “You make it sound like we’re criminals,” Luke said. He stepped up beside Sean. “Baseball’s the all-American sport. You ought to be proud.”

  “Please,” Nancy said, stepping between the Zabowskis and Sean and Luke. “If any of you truly care about Caitlin you’ll realize this is not the time for a fight.”

  “She’s right,” Bert finally admitted. “All this will keep until Caitlin is back. I’ll call off the lawyer and make sure she keeps quiet. She shouldn’t have acted so hastily anyway.”

  Mrs. Zabowski moved closer to her husband and slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow.

  Sean sighed. “Let’s go,” he said at last. “Before I
take a swing at someone.”

  Nancy was following the two baseball players through the door when Mrs. Zabowski spoke again. Her voice was softer, though still not friendly. “Sean, we really are trying to do what’s best for Caitlin.”

  Sean turned around. “Caitlin is my daughter,” he rasped. “Taking her away from me is the worst thing you could do.” With that, he headed out the door.

  “It’s almost as if they haven’t accepted the fact that Caitlin’s been kidnapped,” Luke said as they waited for the elevator. “Their only concern is getting custody.”

  “Yes,” Nancy agreed, letting her gaze drift to the large windows and the plaza below. She turned back when the elevator arrived. “But it’s possible they’re just very upset. Sean, did you know they wanted Caitlin to live with them?”

  Sean nodded and let out a sigh as the elevator doors whispered closed behind them. “Last winter they offered to keep Caitlin during baseball season. They know it’s hard for me to take care of her when I travel.” Sean shrugged and watched the numbers flash above the elevator doors. “Stella even suggested that Caitlin could stay with them all the time.”

  “You said no,” Nancy prompted.

  “Yes, and not very nicely,” Sean said, folding his arms at his chest. “I was pretty angry. Caitlin and I have a special relationship. She lost her mother. It would be terrible for her if she lost me, too.”

  “After that, did they ever say anything more about keeping her?” Nancy asked.

  “No,” Sean replied, shaking his head. “Not until now.”

  “They did promise to call off the lawyer,” she offered.

  “True,” Luke said as the elevator reached the main floor and the doors slid open. “Look, Sean, why don’t I spend the afternoon with you at your place. That Nunn guy doesn’t look like great company.”

  “You don’t have to,” Sean replied.

  “I know I don’t. But I want to,” Luke stated flatly.

  “I’d like to make one more stop while we’re here,” Nancy said. She led the way, to the main desk where a lone clerk stood behind the counter. “I want to send some flowers to Stormy Tarver,” Nancy said politely to the clerk. “She is staying here, isn’t she?”