Read St. George for England Page 14


  Soon after Walter's return from France Dame Vernon returned to hercountry estate, and a year passed before he again saw her. During thistime the truce which had been established between England and France hadremained unbroken. It was certain, however, that ere long the two powerswould again come to blows. The King of England had honourably observedthe terms of the treaty. Upon his return home he had entirely disbandedhis army and had devoted his whole attention to increasing the trade andprosperity of the country. The measures which he took to do this werenot always popular with the people of England, for seeing how greatlythey excelled the English manufacturers Edward encouraged large numbersof Flemings and other foreign workmen to settle in London, and gavethem many privileges to induce them to do so; this the populace stronglyresented. There was a strong ill feeling against the Flemings andserious popular riots took place, for the English traders and workmenconsidered that these foreigners were taking the bread from theirmouths. The king, however, was wiser than his people, he saw thatalthough the English weavers were able to produce coarse cloths, yetthat all of the finer sort had to be imported from the Continent. Hedeemed that in time the Flemings would teach their art to his subjects,and that England would come to vie with the Low Countries in the qualityof her produce. Such was indeed afterwards the case, and England gainedgreatly by the importation of the industrious Flemings, just as sheafterwards profited from the expulsion from France of tens of thousandsof Protestant workmen who brought here many of the manufactures of whichFrance had before the monopoly. The relations between England and theFlemings were at this time very close, for the latter regarded Englandas her protector against the ambition of the King of France.

  But while King Edward had laid aside all thought of war, such was notthe case with Phillip of Valois. He had retired after the signatureof the treaty full of rage and humiliation; for hitherto in all theirstruggles his English rival had had the better of him, and againstvastly superior forces had foiled all his efforts and had gained alikeglory and military advantage. King Edward had hardly set sail whenPhillip began to break the terms of truce by inciting the adherentsof Charles of Blois to attack those of De Montford, and by renderingassistance to them with money and men. He also left no means untriedto detach Flanders from its alliance with England. Several castles andtowns in Brittany were wrested from the partisans of De Montford, andKing Edward, after many remonstrances at the breaches of the conditionsof the truce, began again to make preparations for taking the field.Several brilliant tournaments were held and every means were taken tostir up the warlike spirit of the people.

  One day Walter had attended his lord to the palace and was waiting inthe anteroom with many other squires and gentlemen, while Sir Walter,with some other noblemen, was closeted with the king, discussing themeans to be adopted for raising funds for a renewal of a war withFrance, when a knight entered whom Walter had not previously seen atcourt.

  "Who is that?" he asked one of his acquaintances; "methinks I know hisface, though it passes my memory to say where I have seen it."

  "He has been away from England for some two years," his friend answered."That is Sir James Carnegie; he is a cousin of the late Sir JasperVernon; he left somewhat suddenly a short time after Dame Vernon hadthat narrow escape from drowning that you wot of; he betook himselfthen to Spain, where he has been fighting the Moors; he is said to bea valiant knight, but otherwise he bears but an indifferent goodreputation."

  Walter remembered the face now; it was that of the knight he had seenenter the hut of the river pirate on the Lambeth marshes. When releasedfrom duty he at once made his way to the lodging of Dame Vernon. Walterwas now nineteen, for a year had elapsed since the termination of theFrench war, and he was in stature and strength the match of most men,while his skill at knightly exercises, as well as with the sword, wasrecognized as pre-eminent among all the young esquires of the court.

  After the first greeting he said to Dame Vernon: "I think it right totell you, lady, that I have but now, in the king's anteroom, seen theman who plotted against your life in the hut at Lambeth. His face isa marked one and I could not mistake it. I hear that he is a cousinof yours, one Sir James Carnegie, as you doubtless recognized from mydescription of him. I came to tell you in order that you might decidewhat my conduct should be. If you wish it so I will keep the secretin my breast; but if you fear aught from him I will openly accuse himbefore the king of the crime he attempted, and shall be ready to meethim in the ordeal of battle should he claim it."

  "I have seen Sir James," Lady Vernon said. "I had a letter writ in afeigned hand telling him that his handiwork in the plot against my lifewas known, and warning him that, unless he left England, the proofsthereof would be laid before justice. He at once sailed for Spain,whence, he has returned but a few days since. He does not know forcertain that I am aware of his plottings against us; but he must haveseen by my reception of him when he called that I no longer regard himwith the friendship which I formerly entertained. I have received amessage from him that he will call upon me this evening, and that hetrusts he will find me alone, as he would fain confer with me on privatematters. When I have learned his intentions I shall be the better ableto judge what course I had best adopt. I would fain, if it may be, letthe matter rest. Sir James has powerful interest, and I would not havehim for an open enemy if I can avoid it; besides, all the talk andpublicity which so grave an accusation against a knight, and he of mineown family, would entail, would be very distasteful to me; but should Ifind it necessary for the sake of my child, I shall not shrink fromit. I trust, however, that it will not come to that; but I shall nothesitate, if need be, to let him know that I am acquainted with his evildesigns towards us. I will inform you of as much of our interview as itis necessary that you should know."

  That evening Sir James Carnegie called upon Dame Vernon. "I would notnotice it the other day, fair cousin," he said, in return for her stiffand ceremonious greeting; "but methinks that you are mightily changedin your bearing towards me. I had looked on my return from my longjourneying for something of the sisterly warmth with which you oncegreeted me, but I find you as cold and hard as if I had been altogethera stranger to you. I would fain know in what way I have forfeited youresteem."

  "I do not wish to enter into bygones, Sir James," the lady said, "andwould fain let the past sleep if you will let me. Let us then turnwithout more ado to the private matters concerning which you wished tospeak with me."

  "If such is your mood, fair dame, I must needs fall in with it, thoughin no way able to understand your allusion to the past, wherein myconscience holds me guiltless of aught which could draw upon me yourdisfavour. I am your nearest male relative, and as such would fainconfer with you touching the future of young Mistress Edith, yourdaughter. She is now nigh thirteen years of age, and is the heiress ofbroad lands; is it not time that she were betrothed to one capable oftaking care of them for her, and leading your vassals to battle in thesetroubled times?"

  "Thanks, Sir James, for your anxiety about my child," Dame Vernon saidcoldly. "She is a ward of the king. I am in no way anxious that an earlychoice should be made for her; but our good Queen Philippa has promisedthat, when the time shall come, his Majesty shall not dispose of herhand without my wishes being in some way consulted; and I have no doubtthat when the time shall come that she is of marriageable age--and Iwould not that this should be before she has gained eighteen years, forI like not the over young marriages which are now in fashion--a knightmay be found for her husband capable of taking care of her and herpossessions; but may I ask if, in so speaking to me, you have anyone inyour mind's eye as a suitor for her hand?"

  "Your manner is not encouraging, certes; but I had my plan, which would,I hoped, have met with your approval. I am the young lady's cousin,and her nearest male relative; and although we are within the limiteddegrees, there will be no difficulty in obtaining a dispensation fromRome. I am myself passably well off, and some of the mortgages which Ihad been
forced to lay upon my estates have been cleared off during myabsence. I have returned home with some reputation, and with a goodlysum gained in the wars with the Moors. I am older than my cousincertainly; but as I am still but thirty-two, this would not, I hope, bedeemed an obstacle, and methought that you would rather entrust her toyour affectionate cousin than to a stranger. The king has received mevery graciously, and would, I trust, offer no opposition to my suit wereit backed by your goodwill."

  "I suppose, Sir James," Dame Vernon said, "that I should thank you forthe offer which you have made; but I can only reply, that while dulyconscious of the high honour you have done my daughter by your offer, Iwould rather see her in her grave than wedded to you."

  The knight leapt from his seat with a fierce exclamation. "This is toomuch," he exclaimed, "and I have a right to know why such an offer on mypart should be answered by disdain, and even insolence."

  "You have a right to know," Dame Vernon answered quietly, "and I willtell you. I repeat that I would rather see my child in her grave thanwedded to a man who attempted to compass the murder of her and hermother."

  "What wild words are these?" Sir James asked sternly. "What accusationis this that you dare to bring against me?"

  "I repeat what I said, Sir James," Dame Alice replied quietly. "I knowthat you plotted with the water pirates of Lambeth to upset our boat aswe came down the Thames; that you treacherously delayed us at Richmondin order that we might not reach London before dark; and that byenveloping me in a white cloak you gave a signal by which I might beknown to your creatures."

  The knight stood for a moment astounded. He was aware that the fact thathe had had some share in the outrage was known, and was not surprisedthat his cousin was acquainted with the secret; but that she should knowall the details with which but one besides himself was, as he believed,acquainted, completely stupefied him. He rapidly, however, recoveredhimself.

  "I recall now," he said scornfully, "the evidence which was givenbefore the justices by some ragged city boy, to the effect that he hadoverheard a few words of a conversation between some ruffian over in theLambeth marshes, and an unknown person; but it is new to me indeed thatthere was any suspicion that I was the person alluded to, still lessthat a lady of my own family, in whose affection I believed, shouldcredit so monstrous an accusation."

  "I would that I could discredit it, Sir James," Dame Vernon said sadly;"but the proofs were too strong for me. Much more of your conversationthan was narrated in court was overheard, and it was at my request thatthe ragged boy, as you call him, kept silence."

  "And is it possible," the knight asked indignantly, "that you believedthe word of a fellow like this to the detriment to your kinsman? Why, inany court of law the word of such a one as opposed to that of a knightand gentleman of honour would not be taken for a moment."

  "You are mistaken, sir," Dame Vernon said haughtily. "You may remember,in the first place, that the lad who overheard this conversation riskedhis life to save me and my daughter from the consequences of the attackwhich he heard planned; in the second place, he was no ragged lad,but the apprentice of a well-known citizen; thirdly, and this is ofimportance, since he has recognized you since your return, and is readyshould I give him the word, to denounce you. He is no mere apprenticeboy, but is of gentle blood, seeing that he is the son of Sir RolandSomers, the former possessor of the lands which I hold, and that he isin high favour with the good knight Sir Walter Manny, whose esquire henow is, and under whom he distinguished himself in the wars in France,and is, as Sir Walter assured me, certain to win his spurs ere long.Thus you see his bare word would be of equal value to your own, besidethe fact that his evidence does not rest upon mere assertion; but thatthe man in the hut promised to do what you actually performed, namely,to delay me at Richmond, and to wrap me in a white cloak in order that Imight be recognized by the river pirates."

  Sir James was silent. In truth, as he saw, the evidence wasoverwhelmingly strong against him. After a while he stammered out, "Icannot deny that I was the man in question; but I swear to you thatthis boy was mistaken, and that the scoundrel acted altogether beyond myinstructions, which were simply that he should board the boat and carryyou and your daughter away to a safe place."

  "And with what object, sir," Dame Vernon said contemptuously, "was I tobe thus taken away?"

  "I do not seek to excuse myself," the knight replied calmly, having nowrecovered his self-possession, "for I own I acted wrongly and basely;but in truth I loved you, and would fain have made you my wife. I knewthat you regarded me with only the calm affection of a kinswoman; butI thought that were you in my power you would consent to purchase yourfreedom with your hand. I know now that I erred greatly. I acknowledgemy fault, and that my conduct was base and unknightly, and my onlyexcuse is the great love I bore you.

  "And which," the lady said sarcastically, "you have now transferred tomy daughter. I congratulate you, Sir James, upon the possession of aready wit and an invention which does not fail you at a pinch, and ofa tongue which repeats unfalteringly any fable which your mind maydictate. You do not, I suppose, expect me to believe the tale. Still, Iown that it is a well-devised one, and might, at a pinch, pass muster;but fear not, Sir James. As hitherto I have kept silence as to theauthor of the outrage committed upon me, so I have no intention ofproclaiming the truth now unless you force me to do so. Suffice thatboth for myself and for my daughter I disclaim the honour of your hand.So long as you offer no molestation to us, and abstain from troubling usin any way, so long will my mouth be sealed; and I would fain bury inmy breast the memory of your offence. I will not give the world's tongueoccasion to wag by any open breach between kinsfolk, and shall thereforein public salute you as an acquaintance, but under no pretence whateverwill I admit you to any future private interview. Now leave me, sir,and I trust that your future life will show that you deeply regret theoutrage which in your greed for my husband's lands you were tempted tocommit."

  Without a word Sir James turned and left the room, white with shame andanger, but with an inward sense of congratulation at the romance whichhe had, on the spur of the moment, invented, and which would, he feltsure, be accepted by the world as probable, in the event of the sharehe had in the matter being made public, either upon the denunciation ofDame Vernon or in any other manner.

  One determination, however, he made, and swore, to himself, that hewould bitterly avenge himself upon the youth whose interference hadthwarted his plans, and whose report to his kinswoman had turned hermind against him. He, at any rate, should be put out of the way at thefirst opportunity, and thus the only witness against himself be removed;for Lady Vernon's own unsupported story would be merely her word againsthis, and could be treated as the malicious fiction of an angry woman.

  The following day Dame Vernon sent for Walter, and informed him exactlywhat had taken place.

  "Between Sir James and me," she said, "there is, you see, a truce. Weare enemies, but, we agree to lay aside our arms for the time. But,Walter, you must be on your guard.

  "You know as well as I do how dangerous this man is, and how good a causehe has to hate you. I would not have divulged your name had I not knownthat the frequency of your visits here and the encouragement which Iopenly give you as the future suitor of my daughter, would be sure tocome to his ears, and he would speedily discover that it was youwho saved our lives on the Thames and gave your testimony before thejustices as to the conversation in the hut on the marshes. Thus Iforestalled what he would in a few days have learnt."

  "I fear him not, lady," Walter said calmly. "I can hold mine own, Ihope, against him in arms, and having the patronage and friendship ofSir Walter Manny I am above any petty malice. Nevertheless I will holdmyself on my guard. I will, so far as possible, avoid any snare whichhe may, as 'tis not unlikely, set for my life, and will, so far as Ihonourably can, avoid any quarrel with which he may seek to saddle me."

  A few days later Walter again met Sir James Carnegie in the king'santeroom, and saw at once, by the f
ixed look of hate with which he hadregarded him, that he had already satisfied himself of his identity.He returned the knight's stare with a cold look of contempt. The knightmoved towards him, and in a low tone said, "Beware, young sir, I have aheavy reckoning against you, and James Carnegie never forgets debts ofthat kind!"

  "I am warned, Sir James," Walter said calmly, but in the same low tone,"and, believe me, I hold but very lightly the threats of one who doesnot succeed even when he conspires against the lives of women andchildren."

  Sir James started as if he had been struck. Then, with a great effort herecovered his composure, and, repeating the word "Beware!" walked acrossto the other side of the chamber. The next day Walter went down theriver and had a talk with his friend Geoffrey.

  "You must beware, lad," the armourer said when he told him of the returnof Sir James Carnegie and the conversation which had taken place betweenthem. "This man is capable of anything, and careth not where he choosethhis instruments. The man of the hut at Lambeth has never been caughtsince his escape from Richmond Jail--thanks, doubtless, to the goldof his employer--and, for aught we know, may still be lurking in themarshes there, or in the purlieus of the city. He will have a grudgeagainst you as well as his employer, and in him Sir James would find aready instrument. He is no doubt connected, as before, with a gang ofwater pirates and robbers, and it is not one sword alone that you wouldhave to encounter. I think not that you are in danger just at present,for he would know that, in case of your murder, the suspicions of DameVernon and of any others who may know the motive which he has in gettingrid of you would be excited, and he might be accused of having had ashare in your death. Still, it would be so hard to prove aught againsthim, that he may be ready to run the risk in order to rid himself ofyou. Look here, Walter. What think you of this?" and the smith drew outfrom a coffer a shirt of mail of finer work than Walter had ever beforeseen.

  "Aye, lad, I knew you would be pleased," he said in answer to Walter'sexclamation at the fineness of the workmanship. "I bought this a monthago from a Jew merchant who had recently come from Italy. How he got itI know not, but I doubt if it were honestly, or he would have demandeda higher price than I paid him. He told me that it was made by the firstarmourer in Milan, and was constructed especially for a cardinal of thechurch, who had made many enemies by his evil deeds and could not sleepfor fear of assassination. At his death it came as the Jew said,into his possession. I suppose some rascally attendant took it as aperquisite, and, knowing not of its value, sold it for a few ducats tothe Jew. However, it is of the finest workmanship. It is, as you see,double, and each link is made of steel so tough that no dagger orsword-point will pierce it. I put it on a block and tried the metalmyself, and broke one of my best daggers on it without a single linkgiving. Take it, lad. You are welcome to it. I bought it with a specialeye to you, thinking that you might wear it under your armour in battlewithout greatly adding to the weight; but for such dangers as threatenyou now it is invaluable. It is so light and soft that none will dreamthat you have it under your doublet, and I warrant me it will hold yousafe against the daggers of Sir James's ruffians."

  Walter did not like taking a gift so valuable, for his apprenticeship asan armourer had taught him the extreme rarity and costliness of so finea piece of work. Geoffrey, however, would not hear of his refusal, andinsisted on his then and there taking off his doublet and putting iton. It fitted closely to the body, descending just below the hips, andcoming well up on the neck, while the arms extended to the wrists.

  "There!" the smith said with delight. "Now you are safe against sword ordagger, save for a sweeping blow at the head, and that your sword canbe trusted to guard. Never take it off, Walter, save when you sleep; andexcept when in your own bed, at Sir Walter Manny's, I should adviseyou to wear it even at night. The weight is nothing, and it will notincommode you. So long as this caitiff knight lives, your life will notbe safe. When he is dead you may hang up the shirt of mail with a lightheart."