Read St. George for England Page 4

  Walter on his return home related the whole circumstance to his master.

  "I would you had told me, Walter," the latter said, "since we might havetaken precautions which would have prevented this foul deed fromtaking place. However, I can understand your wanting to accomplish theadventure without my aid; but we must think now what had best be saidand done. As the lady belongs to the court, there is sure to be a finepother about the matter, and you and all who were there will be examinedtouching your share of the adventure, and how you came to be upon thespot. The others will, of course, say that they were there under yourdirection; and we had best think how much of your story you had bettertell."

  "Why should I not tell it all?" Walter asked indignantly.

  "You should never tell a lie, Walter; but in days like these it is safersometimes not to tell more than is necessary. It is a good rule in life,my boy, to make no more enemies than may be needful. This knight, whois doubtless a great villain, has maybe powerful friends, and it is aswell, if it can be avoided, that you should not embroil yourself withthese. Many a man has been knocked on head or stabbed on a dark night,because he could not keep his tongue from wagging. 'Least said, thesooner mended,' is a good proverb; but I will think it over tonight, andtell you in the morning."

  When they met again in the workshop the armourer said: "Clean yourselfup after breakfast, Walter, and put on your best clothes. I will go withyou before the mayor, and then you shall tell him your story. There issure to be a stir about it before the day is done. As we walk thither wecan settle how much of your story it is good to tell."

  On their way over the bridge Geoffrey told Walter that he thought he hadbetter tell the whole story exactly as it had occurred, concealing onlythe fact that he had recognized the knight's face. "You had best too,"he said, "mention nought about the white cloak. If we can catch the manof the hut in the swamp, likely enough the rack will wring from himthe name of his employer, and in that case, if you are brought up as awitness against him you will of course say that you recognize his face;but 'tis better that the accusation should not come from you. No greatweight would be given to the word of a 'prentice boy as against that ofa noble. It is as bad for earthen pots to knock against brass ones, asit is for a yeoman in a leathern jerkin to stand up against a knight infull armour.

  "But unless the lady knows her enemy she may fall again into his snares.

  "I have thought of that," Geoffrey said, "and we will take measures toprevent it."

  "But how can we prevent it?" Walter asked, surprised.

  "We must find out who this knight may be, which should, methinks, notbe difficult. Then we will send to him a message that his share in thisnight's work is known to several, and that if any harm should ever againbe attempted against the lady or her daughter, he shall be denouncedbefore King Edward himself as the author of the wrong. I trust, however,that we may capture the man of the swamp, and that the truth may bewrung from him."

  By this time they had arrived at the Guildhall, and making their wayinto the court, Geoffrey demanded private speech with the Lord Mayor.

  "Can you not say in open court what is you business?" the Lord Mayorasked.