Read St. Ronan's Well Page 24


  A', all

  "A. B. Memorial," a legal statement which does not give the names of theparties concerned.

  Abee, alone.

  Ae, one.

  Aff, off.

  Afterhend, afterwards.

  Ain, own.

  Airn, iron.

  Ajee, awry.

  Amaist, almost.

  Andrew Ferrara, a sword.

  Ane, one.

  Assoilzie, to acquit.

  Asteer, astir.

  Atween, between.

  Aught, possession; to own, to possess.

  Auld, old. "Auld lang syne," the days of long ago.

  Aw, all.

  Awa, away.

  Awing, owing, or bill.

  Awmry, a cupboard.

  Bairn, a child.

  Baith, both.

  Ballant, a ballad.

  Bane, a bone.

  Bangster, a victor

  Bawbee, a halfpenny.

  Bee--"to hae a bee in one's bonnet," to be harebrained.

  Beltane, a festival on the first of May, hence Whitsuntide.

  "Bent, to take the," to provide for one's safety, to flee country.

  Bide, to stay, to remain; to bear, to endure.

  Bigg, to build.

  Bind, one's ability or power.

  Bink, a plate-rack.

  Birl, to turn, to toss.

  "Blaw in my lug," a flatterer.

  Blude, bluid, blood.

  Bodle, a small copper coin.

  Bogle, a scarecrow.

  Bombazine, the silk and worsted stuff of which a lawyer's gown was made.

  Bonnet-laird, a small proprietor or freeholder who farms his own land.

  "Bow Street runners," London detectives.

  Braw, brave, fine.

  Bruick, possessed.

  "By ordinar," out of the common run.

  Ca', to call. Ca'd, called.

  Callant, a lad.

  Caller, fresh.

  Canna, cannot.

  Cantle, the crown of the head.

  Canty, lively, cheerful.

  Capillaire, a syrup made from maidenhair fern.

  Cappie, a kind of beer.

  Carle, a fellow.

  Carline, a witch.

  Carvy, carraway.

  Cauld, cold.

  Cheek-haffit, side of the cheek.

  Chucky, a pebble.

  Claithes, clothes.

  Claver, gossip.

  Claw, to beat.

  Cleck, clack or hatch.

  Cleeket, cleiket, caught, ensnared, taken.

  Clink, to chime, to rhyme.

  Clouted, patched, and so strengthened.

  Cock-a-leeky, cockie-leekie, soup made of a cock boiled with leeks.

  Cock-bree, cock-broth.

  Cockernonnie, a top-knot.

  Cogue, a wooden measure.

  Condiddling, appropriating.

  Courie, cowry, a shell used as money in parts of Southern Asia andAfrica.

  Coventry. To send one to Coventry is to refuse to have anything to dowith him socially, not even to speak to him.

  Cowt, a colt.

  Craig, a rock.

  Crap, a wig of rough short hair.

  Craw, a crow.

  Cuitle, to wheedle.

  Cumbers, drawbacks, vexations.

  Cutty, a jade.

  Daffing, frolicking.

  Daft, crazy.

  Daur, to dare.

  "Day, the," to-day.

  Decerniture, a decree of the court.

  Deil, the devil. "Deil's buckie," devil's imp.

  Deleerit, distracted.

  Diet-loaf, a kind of spongecake.

  Dinna, don't.

  Doited, dotard.

  Donnart, stupid.

  Dookit, ducked.

  Douce, quiet, sensible.

  Dought, was able.

  Doun, down.

  Dowcot, a dovecot.

  Drap, a drop.

  Drappie, a drop of spirits.

  Dree'd, endured.

  Drogs, drugs.

  Dung, knocked, beaten.

  Ee, the eye

  Een, eyes.

  Eneugh, enough.

  Fa'an, fallen.

  Fash, trouble.

  Fashious, troublesome.

  Faut, fault.

  Feck, part, the greater part.

  Feckless, spiritless.

  Fend, defence.

  Fern-seed. Certain kinds were supposed to render invisible those whocarried it on their person.

  Feuar, one who holds lands in feu--_i.e._, on lease.

  File, foul.

  Flee, a fly.

  Fleeching, flattering.

  Flesher, a butcher.

  Flichtering, fluttering, fussing.

  Flight--"hail flight," the whole lot.

  Flyting, scolding.

  Follies, ornaments, laces, &c.

  Forbears, ancestors.

  Forby, besides.

  Fou, full.

  Fouest, fullest.

  Frae, from.

  Fu', full.

  Fule, a fool.

  Gaed, went.

  Gaen, gone.

  Galliard, sprightly.

  Gane, gone.

  Gang, go.

  Ganging, going.

  Gar, to force, to make.

  Gate, way, direction.

  Gaun, going.

  Geisen'd, leaking.

  Gie, give.

  Gill-flirt, a giddy flirt.

  Girning, crabbed, ill-tempered.

  Gled, a kite.

  Gnostic, knowing, sharp.

  Gomeril, an ass, a fool.

  Goupin, a double handful.

  Gowd, gold.

  Gowk, a fool.

  Gree, to agree.

  Grosert, a gooseberry.

  Gude, good.

  Gudes, possessions, property.

  Gully, a large knife.

  Ha', a hall.

  Hae, have.

  Hail, haill, whole.

  Harns, brains.

  Haud, hold. "Neither to haud nor to bind," a proverbial phraseexpressive of violent excitement.

  Haugh, low-lying flat ground, properly on the border of a river, andsuch as is sometimes overflowed.

  Haverils, foolish chatterers.

  Heather-tap, a tuft or bunch of heather.

  Hellicate, giddy, wild.

  Hempie, roguish, romping.

  Het, hot.

  Holm, the level low ground on the banks of a river.

  Hooly, softly, slowly.

  Hotch, to jerk oneself along in a sitting posture.

  Hottle, an hotel.

  "Hout fie! hout awa!" expressions of dissatisfaction.

  Howff, a favourite resort.

  Howk, to dig.

  Hurley-hacket, a badly hung carriage.

  Huzzie, a jade.

  Ilk, ilka, each, every.

  I'se, I shall.

  Jaugs, saddle bags.

  Jer-falcon, a species of hawk.

  Jirbling, emptying liquids from vessel to vessel.

  Kale, broth.

  Ken, to know.

  Ken'd, knew.

  Kitchen-fee, dripping.

  Kittle, to tickle, to manage.

  Kittled, were born.

  Knap, to break in two; also, to speak after the manner of the English.

  Kouscousou, a Moorish dish of various compounds.

  Laird, a squire, lord of the manor.

  Lamer, amber.

  Landlouper, a charlatan, an adventurer.

  Lang, long.

  Lave, the remainder.

  Lawing, a tavern reckoning.

  Lea-rig, unploughed land or hill-side.

  Lee, a lie.

  Leeving, living.

  "Let abee," let alone.

  Lick, to beat, to overcome.

  Linking, walking arm in arm.

  Linkit, linked.

  "Link out," to pay down smartly.

  Lippen, to trust.

a fellow, a person.

  Loot, allowed.

  Loup, leap.

  Lug, the ear.

  Mailing, a farm.

  Mair, more.

  Maist, most.

  Mansworn, perjured.

  Mask, to brew.

  Maun, must. Maunna, must not.

  Mawkin, a hare.

  Mazareen, mazarin, a deep blue colour.

  Meith, a mark.

  Mell, to maul, to meddle with.

  "Minced collops," meat cut up very fine.

  Mind, to remember.

  Muckle, much.

  Muir, a moor.

  Multiplepoinding, a method of settling rival claims to the same fund.

  Multure, the miller's fee for grinding grain.

  Murgeons, mouths, distorted gestures.

  Mutch, a woman's cap.

  Mutchkin, a measure equal to an English pint.

  Na, nae, no, not.

  Naig, a nag.

  Neist, next.

  Odd-come-shortlies, chance times not far off.

  Ony, any.

  Or, before. "Or they wan hame," before they get home.

  Ower, over.

  Owerta'en, overtaken.

  Palinode, in Scotch libel cases a formal recantation exacted in additionto damages.

  Parritch, porridge.

  Pat, put.

  Pawky, shrewd.

  Pice, an Indian coin.

  Plack, a small copper coin = 1/3_d._

  Pock, a poke, a bag.

  Poney, L25.

  Pootry, poultry.

  Pow, the head.

  Pownie, a pony.

  Prieve, proof, legal probation.

  Puir, poor.

  Pyot, a magpie.

  Quaigh, a whisky measure.

  Raff, a worthless fellow, a nobody.

  Rattan, a cane or walking-stick.

  Rax, to stretch.

  Redd, to tidy. "An ill-red-up house," an untidy house.

  Reekie, smoky.

  Reise-sac, a travelling-bag.

  Rin, run.

  Rouleau, a roll of coined money.

  Row, roll.

  Sae, so.

  Sair, sore.

  "Salam alicum!" The usual Mohammedan greeting, meaning, Peace be withyou!

  Sall, shall.

  Sasine, a mode of investiture in lands, according to ancient Scottishlaw.

  Saumon, salmon.

  Sax, six.

  Scart, scratch.

  Scate-rumple, skate-tail.

  "Scauff and raff," tag-rag and bobtail.

  Sclate, slate.

  Scouthered, slightly toasted or singed.

  Seeven, seven.

  Shave, a slice.

  Shool, a shovel.

  Shouther, the shoulder.

  Sib, related by blood.

  Sic, such.

  Siller, money.

  Skeely, skilful.

  Skylarked, tricked.

  Slaister, a mess.

  Sloan, a rebuff.

  Smoor, to smother.

  Snap, a small biscuit.

  Sneck-drawing, crafty.

  Snooded, bound up with a snood or fillet for the hair.

  Sorn, to spunge, to live upon.

  Sort, to arrange, to manage.

  Sough, a sigh. "To keep a calm sough," to keep a quiet tongue.

  Speer, to inquire.

  Steer, stir.

  Steered, disturbed.

  Streekit, stretched (applied to a corpse).

  Suld, should.

  Syllabub, a curd made of wins or cider with milk or cream.

  Synd, to rinse.

  Syne, since, ago.

  Tailzie, a bond of entail.

  Tane, the one.

  Tappet-hen, a large measure of claret holding three magnums or Scotspints.

  Tauld, told.

  Taupie, tawpie, an awkward girl, a tomboy.

  Thae, these, those.

  Thrawn, thwarted or twisted.

  Threepit, averred, persisted.

  Till't, to it.

  Tither, the other.

  Toom, empty.

  Topping, excellent.

  Trankums, flimsy ornaments, laces, &c.

  Trewed, believed.

  Twa, two.

  Twal, twelve.

  Unco, very, particular, uncommon.

  Vilipend, to slight, to undervalue.

  Wad, would.

  Wadna, would not.

  Wae, woful, sad.

  Walth, wealth.

  Wame-fou, bellyful.

  "Wan to," reached.

  Warld, world.

  Waur, worse.

  Weel, well.

  Weird, destiny.

  Wha, who.

  "What for no?" why not?

  Wheen, a few.

  Whiles, sometimes.

  Whilk, which.

  Whully-whaing, flattery.

  Wi', with.

  Winna, will not.

  Wud, mad. "Ance wud and aye waur," increasing in insanity--applied toone who, being in a passion, still waxes more furious.

  Wull, will.

  Wuss, wish.

  Yanking, smart, active.

  Yont, beyond.


  A merry place, 'tis said, in days of yore; But something ails it now,--the place is cursed.