Read Staff Master 2 Page 8

  Chapter 7:

  Connor went back to the tomatoes Lena had spilled when she fell and started to try and salvage what he could. Andre followed him and cleaned up what he could. After they picked things up Andre took Connor to the front of the house where they sat exactly in the same seats Lena and Connor sat the night before.

  Andre broke a long silence. "Babushka think is good idea for me stay."

  Connor didn't respond right away. He reflected on his conversation with Shuji and thought about the possibility of finding his mom while trying to convince himself why he came to Kyiv. "What do you think you should do?"

  "I promise to register for tournament and I keep promise, zen I stay." Andre responded.

  Connor turned to look at his callused friend. "We can't leave Babushka here by herself if Lena can't help her."

  "Tournament start in two days, vee have time to see is ok." Andre looked at Connor without blinking.

  Connor could tell Andre was in no mood for arguing and he didn't want to push him, but felt bad that he had pushed Andre so hard to fight in the tournament. He changed the topic. "This place reminds me a lot of home in England."

  "Is good Connor, vee can stay and not have vorry about fighting and Kenshi and Billy and finding mother or girlfriend, but you want fight." Andre was half-heartedly sarcastic.

  Connor remembered Maria. He hadn't thought about her since he met Shuji on the beach. Feelings of uncertainty raged around his heart. He wanted to see Maria desperately and he wanted to find his mom. Andre's unexpected simplicity of a solution was tempting. He knew the village could use the help, but as Connor played through different scenarios in his mind he knew it would only be a matter of time before the Kenshi or Billy caught up with him. As he wandered in thought he saw a vehicle kicking up dust off in the distance.

  "Andre." Connor stood up. "What's that coming this way?"

  "Is car. Is not car from village. Vee go inside." Andre scurried to get inside.

  Connor put his arm in front of the door. "We stay. I'm not running from anyone who has taken the steps to track us down."

  Andre panicked. "Vhere is staff?"

  "Inside. Leave it there. It won't help us." Connor reassured him.

  A black sedan buzzed to a quiet stop. Connor tried to peer through the tinted window. The driver side door opened and a chauffeur exited the vehicle. He walked to the back door on his side of the sedan and opened it. A Japanese man with a tall and lean frame stood up. Connor watched his cheek muscles flex and his eyes squint. The man was clearly important and carried himself confidently, but there was an uncertainty in his posture. As Connor studied the man he stepped closer to the sedan. By the time he had taken two steps the other door of the sedan was open and Billy hopped out with his snake oil smile.

  "Hello Connor and good day to you too Andre, I was beginning to think you might not show up to our little event." Billy chagrined.

  "I was under the impression I wasn't invited to your event." Connor responded.

  Billy let out a wry chuckle. "True. I have banned you from the tournament, but the people want their quarter staff master and I am here to offer you a spot."

  Connor examined Billy who appeared to be genuine in his invitation to the tournament. "What if I don't want to fight?"

  "Come now Connor." Billy turned on his charm. "You have proven that you can beat the very best. These fighters will be like putty in your hands. Of course you will need to fight against my friend here. He is destined to make the finals and I believe he will be trickier to defeat than you might think."

  "Who is friend Billy?" Andre intruded into the conversation.

  "This is my friend from Japan. His name is Takeo." Billy looked poised in his introduction. "He represents my business partner and is a distinguished guest."

  Connor felt like the invitation was another ploy of Billy's. He was hesitant to respond. Andre finally spoke up. "Boy vill not fight in tournament. Vee vant no more fighting."

  "Well I suppose we can have our final match right here. Takeo! Go get your staff!" Billy's face turned cross.

  "Wait, wait, wait. Slow down Billy." Connor didn't want to start anything that would disturb the tranquil village or especially Lena and Babushka. "Andre has a lot on his mind right now. When does the tournament start?"

  "Three days. You will be a staff master if you accept my invitation and can observe the first day of fighting with me in my box." Billy reluctantly offered.

  Connor's mind was swirling with thoughts and emotions about Lena, Maria, and his mother. He somehow felt like he had some slight leverage with Billy. "I will fight, but you give me my trainer back!"

  "What are you talking about boy? Your trainer is right here!" Billy shouted.

  "I want my trainer from El Djem! The girl. Maria." Connor demanded.

  Billy laughed and smiled as he looked at Connor. "You got it bad boy!"

  Connor started walking toward Billy before Andre stepped in front of him. "I'm not your boy!"

  Billy puffed up. "Fine Connor. I will bring the girl to you tomorrow."

  "I've got a better idea. I'll go with you now and I'll bring her back myself." Connor felt a hatred he didn't know existed for the man in front of him.

  "Fine. What about Andre?" Billy spat on the ground.

  Connor was surprised Billy was so agreeable, but he knew Billy hadn't expected Connor to react the way he did and he knew he had some slight leverage. "He will stay here. He needs to take care of his Babushka."

  Connor turned to look at Andre. The Ukrainian had a look of horror and shock on his face. Connor grasped Andre's shoulder and looked him in the eye. "Stay here. I'll be fine. He can't harm me until the tournament starts. I'll send for you if I need you."

  Andre simply nodded. Connor rushed inside and collected his belongings. Babushka was still tending to Lena. Connor walked over to her and put his hand on her shoulder. "I have to go Babushka. Andre will stay and take care of you. Thank you."

  Babushka muttered something in Russian to him. She drew him closer to her face and gave him a dry kiss on his cheek then patted his face. Connor smiled and returned a gentle touch to her wrinkled face. He walked out the door, nodded once to Andre, and the chauffeur opened the passenger front door to let Connor in.

  When Connor sat down he turned to see a tinted glass window separating the front seat from the back of the car. He could make out the silhouettes of Takeo and Billy, but was content to be separated from them on the trip back to Kyiv.