Read Star Raiders and the Lost Expedition 2nd Edition Page 3

  Chapter 2

  Tyger Trap

  On the other side of the known galaxy, the Xatu Empire has taken over several planets around the Deneb System except Felinoron, the fifth planet around Denebola, the system’s sun that astologists found on the tail constellation of Leo. On the planet, lives cat-like Animuns called Felinis. The Felinis are also Colonists like the rest of the free planets of the galaxy. Three days have gone by with laser blasts firing, and ships exploding, it was a battle like no other. The Felinis did not want the Xatu Turn their planet into into a slave colony as they saw what the Empire did with the other planets they knew.

  It did not look good for the Felinis that was until a warrior out from the dark came to claim his spot in this battle of hope. Its sleek silvery design, the Thunder Claw streaked into the battle. Like most of the Tiger Claws, the Felinis star craft was a two-seated ship, one for the pilot and a co-pilot who monitors weapon status. Only this ship had one of the best well-trained pilots the Felinis had. Prince Xman Tyger was his name, a tiger looking Felinis. His helmet concealed his long orange hair as his muscular arms took control of his flight stick. He was coming back from his earlier missions when he saw Xatu ships tormenting his planet. His eyes burned in rage like furnace.

  “No!” he shouted in rage.

  He growled angrily as he took a better grip on his flight stick, pushed the thruster control to the max, and joined the battle, firing at the Empire's ships consisting dark crescent shaped ships called B’tars, and Jun’tars, were a slower, but heavily armed ship. He steered his ship in and out of explosions from his fallen allies, trying to avoid their fire. He got a B’tar in his sights and launched his last two space homing rockets. The B’tar could not escape as it blew into a million pieces.

  “No one takes my planet and lives!” He shouted angrily, firing his red neon lasers like crazy. He made several more bull’s-eye hits as his laser blast annihilating his enemy.

  In the middle of the battlefield, orbiting the planet stood a massive command ship called The Hades. Like other Xatu warships, this one has its curvy alien shape, as it was dark and evil. Inside, the commander of the ship Captain Tah, a Xatu, was in charge. He saw and identified the Thunder Claw flying by firing on a B’tar. He then, by his commander, wanted that ship and its pilot undamaged. Tah did not understand at first, but he was under orders.

  “I want that ship in captive,” he ordered to the ensign. “Engage the tractor beam.”

  “Aye sir,” the crewmember replied.

  “Must apologize to Drax,” he said to himself, “I did not think that selfless prince would come back.”

  Suddenly Xman ship stopped moving. At first he could not figure out why, all of the systems were functioning properly. He did not like it as he was like dead in the water. Any enemy ships could easily destroy him, but they did not. Now he knew he did not like it.

  “What the?” He questioned as he franticly started to push buttons on his console to get his ship moving again.

  He pressed the green then the red, then finally an orange button, but nothing still. He felt the full thrusters activated, but he did not go anywhere. He double checked his sensors on the console and noticed something odd.

  Then all of a sudden, the Thunder Claw started to move, but in reverse. Xman could not figure out what he did to get it moving. He then checked the system controls again and figured out what was happening.

  “No!” He said to himself, “I’m trapped in a god dam tractor beam.”

  His fist reaction was to transmit for help, but to his dismay, all of the frequencies were dead. Jammed he thought. He pushed a couple more buttons on his control panel, then the engine engaged in hyperactive thrust, but the beam was too strong and it pulled him slowly in into the ship. There was no way out, he shut the engines off, in case he needed to save its fuel for later. Xman knew that once inside the command ship, he should be ready, but why did they pull him in as if he was a fish? Why didn’t the Empire destroy his ship? He will soon know the answers. The Felinis was puzzled as the Empire started to retreat. Why, the Empire was winning? This did not make any sense.

  One inside the Xatu hanger, he saw an army of troops surrounding the Thunder Claw armed with their blasters aiming at the cockpit. Xman grabbed his gun and thought that he had to act quickly once he opened the canopy. He pressed a button on the console and at the same time as the canopy slip open he drew his weapon, but that proved fatal as several stun bolts shot him. Xman blacked out.

  In the war room of the Felinoron castle, King Rymu, a Tiger Felinis dressed in royal purple attire, was sitting in his chair that was part of other chairs surrounding an oval table. Holographic screens were lit up around them show the latest schematics of their battle with the Xatu empire. They were slightly relieved that the Empire did not destroy their planet, but they there more confuse instead. Rymu listened to commander Sommanar’s report of what they have lost.

  Sommanar was a leopard Felinis dressed in yellow fatigues. He looked like we was in his mid thirties, slightly athletic with short yellow spotted hair.

  “Almost half out fleet has been destroyed my king, and one was captured,” he reported.

  Rymu raised his brow and asked, “Captured? Who?”

  “We don’t know,” he replied cautiously, “We believe it could be your son returning from an earlier mission.”

  His eyes widened, as he could not believe his ears. The Empire took his son, but why, he wondered. Then his memory flooded back to a horrid memory when they had taken his wife. He was on a diplomatic mission to Uuk’Ticab to meet with the Serpian ambassador, but things went out of control when the Empire decided to attack the Colonials and kidnap his wife. Days later, his wife, Sharla, was dead, killed by a Xatu commander. He knew what he had to do.

  “Assemble all the troops, we are getting him back,” Rymu commanded.

  Sommanar looked to him and said, “Sir you can’t be serious? What if the Empire decides to return and use their plasma drill? We cannot survive another attack like that. Heck, we wouldn’t have enough men to protect the planet, let alone to go after your son.” As much as he did not like it, he had to think of the Felinises and continued disappointedly, “Besides, I am truly sorry your highness, but he could be good as gone.”

  King Rymu looked at him angrily, “I don’t care! He is my son, and,” He then realized what Sommanar was telling him and he was right. Xman was probably the only reason why their planet is still standing. “You are right.”

  “Right?!” A female voice cried unbelievably.

  Rymu’s only daughter burst in having to listen what they had said. Rymu looked over to and saw a slim attractive Tigress Felinis standing in the doorway. He thought she was a spitting image of her mother when she was in her young age of twenty.

  “What are you talking about father?” She said bravely, “He is my brother, and your son. You can’t just leave him to the Xatu Empire, like mother.”

  “Tygla, I thought I told you to stay outside,” her father said to her harshly, “This is a private meeting.”

  “I don’t care!” She cried, “We are going to get him out!”

  “We are not going to do anything,” Rymu said to her, “Sommanar is right, we must protect our planet, from another attack. And we need all the Felinis soldiers we can get.”

  “Then I’m going to get him back, with or without your help,” she turned and stormed out.

  “Tygla Wait!” Rymu said going after her. He caught her out in the hall and held her arm, “Tygla please, I am sorry, but I cannot allow you to do this.”

  Tygla shot back as she released herself from her father’s grip, “You can’t tell me what to do. I am not a cub anymore father. I’m old enough to make my own decisions.”

  “Tygla, don’t fight with me please,” he said sternly, “It’s too dangerous out there.” He paused slightly as he chose it his next words carefully. “I’m sorry, but I am r
estricting you inside the castle grounds until further notice.”

  Tygla was astonished to her father’s decisions. How could he not care of his own son she thought. She then was about to say something, but that would make things worse. She pouted and ran to her room almost crying. Rymu sighed and frowned. He did not like what he had to do, but it was best for her. He felt a touch on his should her and it was Sommanar.

  “You made the right decision,” he said as Rymu sighed.

  “Did I?” Rymu wondered, “Then why do I feel guilty?”

  On the far side of the Milky Way galaxy, an important strategic meeting took place. Cian was the Colonial military capital of the galaxy. Not too many people know of the planet since a small nebula surrounded it called The Ghost Nebula in the constellation Ophiuchus, which was a perfect hidden secret location. It has the same atmosphere as Earth’s but all the citied resided near huge forest of red wood trees. Only four major cities were on the planet, Phlan, Arcos, Washington, and Egal. The council met in the secluded city of Egal talking about the Empire’s last threat on Felinoron. The meeting room was once a sports arena when they used to play galatical sports like Spaceball locally. Now it was a meeting hall for the struggling colonials. All of them were different races of all kinds. They all sat and started the meeting that would decide the fate of their freedom.

  An old humanoid male stood up. He was wearing blue a robe with a gold trim and his short grey hair came down to his ears. His square-jawed face was rugged with a few wrinkles near his dark brown eyes. He was Ambassador Naku, head of the United Colonial Council of Planets. Once he calmed the noise down the meeting began.

  “I just heard from General Smithson that Felinoron as miraculously survived an attack from one of the Xatu battleships. And for some odd reason, they did not use their power drill to destroy the planet which is irregular for them.”

  Vissal, a brown-scaled Lizzian ambassador from the planet Hurclion, turned to Naku and said, “Do we have any information on why?”

  Naku shook his head, “No Vissal, General Smithson is still looking into that as we speak. In the meantime, Felinoron needs our support like no other. I understand that Senator Ismal will gladly donate his robotic construction crew to help rebuild the main city.” He shook his head thinking of the battle, “Either the Empire is getting very careless or very shrewdness we must be on high alert. Now, I know for a reason that the Empire has been attacking our supply plants near the Crab Nebula. The last one almost cost all of our fleet. They are getting stronger and we need to find their weakness and fast, any ideas?”

  The council of ten looked and talked to each other, but it seems that no one had an answer.

  Naku sighed and continued, “Well, perhaps what we need is more time to think about it. I suppose the next order of business is an alignment agreement with Caninion ambassador, Fulge. Now I know his planet is on the verge of siding with the Xatu Empire. Something we do not want to happen. Tomorrow I will travel to Caninion and speak with him. Senator Shaka has agreed to come with me as she has dealt with them before. Finally, on the agenda, one of our Avian scientists has been mysteriously disappeared. He was going on an expedition on the far side of the galaxy when it happened, if anyone has any information, now the time to share.”

  Skyla, a female Falconia Avian, spoke, “I wouldn’t be surprised if the Xatu are involved. They have been trying to abduct our scientists since the beginning of this war and frankly it’s getting out of hand.”

  “I agree,” Shaka the zebra-like Stalian concurred. “But our militant despot is very low to assemble an investigation team to find him.” She turned to Skyla, “I am truly sorry.”

  Skyla frowned and replied “It’s is not your fault, but I suggest we put together a Secret Security Agency for the Colonials to handle these types of situations.”

  “That is a good idea Skyla,” Naku said, “All in favor?”

  The vote was unanimous and the meeting ended. The council departed as Naku left to his chambers, a young blond male human met him there.

  Naku turned to him, “I am going to put General Smithson in charge of the Secret Security Agency.”

  The man nodded and said, “King Rymu has called and said that his son may have been abducted by the renegade humanoid Lord Drax.”

  Naku frowned as he sat in his chair thinking of that name, “Drax.” He sighed and said worriedly, “I really wish I could help my old friend, Maas, but Shaka was right, the Xatu has cut us down to a stump. We must somehow find a way to penetrate their defense shields.” He looked up to his assistant Maas and asked, “I don’t suppose you have any ideas?”

  “Sorry sir,” Maas said, “But it seems that we have more of a recruitment problem instead.”

  Naku agreed, “I know, it wasn’t like this twenty years ago. It seems like the rest of the free galaxy has lost faith in us. Most of them are either privateers or bounty hunters.”

  On the other side of the galaxy, sits a half desert half-watery planet called Sadr in the Cigni system. The planet surface is sometimes ninety percent humid and hot as today was one of those days. Like Cian, Xatu empire has not conquered yet it. The Xatu thought Sadr was a waste of their time, so it was perfect sanctuary for those who were hiding.

  Furttle, a city near the hot steamy calm ocean contains the most hideous scum, wickedness, and revolting smugglers this side of the galaxy. Mike and Justin entered an air-conditioned tavern called the Seball. One of their good friends Digan, who unfortunately was not there at the time, owned the Saball. The Earthian rocking-tuned music filled the air from a holo band near the back of the tavern, as they passed the Animun and alien type patrons. They sat at their regular table on the far side of the bar and ordered their drinks from a cute Faunis server.

  “Well I hope this baby is worth what we went through,” said Mike holding up the blue and red swirled crystal jewel. Justin did not like Mike holding it up in public, especially in a bar like this.

  Justin replied, “I just hope it’ll be enough to pay off Mama’Halb.”

  “Well we’ll find out when our dealer get here,” Mike said.

  Just then, a full size goblin-like alien entered the bar. Its gray-green skin and two long sharp lower-jawed tusks were fierce. It almost made you think it was a bounty hunter looking to kill Mike and Justin, but it wasn’t, it was an alien Giber, he strolled around and went to the human bar keep. The bar keeper then pointed towards Mike and Justin and the Giber nodded.

  “Looks like he’s here,” commented Justin as he looked up. The Giber walked towards them and stood above as Mike smiled friendly.

  “Want to sit down?” Mike asked gesturing a seat to the alien.

  The Giber replied, “No, thanks. Where’s the jewel?”

  “Where’s the money?” Justin asked.

  The Giber replied, “You’ll get the money. I want to see the jewel?”

  He asked again. This time more aggressively.

  “It's right here,” replied Mike as he put the blue shiny jewel on the table.

  The Giber’s eyes widened and said, “Ah, the Na’Tuka Jewel.” he picked it up to examine it and continued, “I don’t know how you did it but, I’ll pay you the five thousand.”

  “Five thousand!” Exclaimed Mike, “Come on, do you know what we had to go through for that thing? I’m sure it’s worth more.”

  The Giber snorted laughing and said, “You two are good bargainers. Alright, I’ll give you eight thousand and no more.”

  “Fine,” Mike said in defeat, “The money?”

  “Of course, here, eight thousand in cash,” the Giber replied as he handed a wad of translucent like money, “You humans are truly scum,” Mike handed the jewel to him as he held it up admiring the Bimend. He laughed as put it in his pocket and walked away.

  “Well, here’s your share,” said Mike handing his friend his divided the money.

  Justin replied anxiously, “Good let’s get hell out
of here.”

  “Relax. Can I finish my drink first?” Mike said as he took a sip of his drink and looked at him.

  Justin was nervous. He knew that Mama’Halb would send another of her goons after them and she knew where to find them.

  “Well, I just don’t like staying in here when Mama’Halb is a bit pissed at us.” Justin said to him “And she knows where we hang out Mike.”

  Justin made good point, “Fine,” Mike replied as he placed a tip on the table.

  They both got up and headed for the entrance until a real bounty hunter named Tuskin, a walrus-like Animun Warlian, cut their path with a blaster aimed at Mike's stomach. Mike looked at him and did not realize who it was until he looked up at his ugly face.

  “Where do you think you’re going Tippin?” He asked icily as he snarled.

  Mike replied slyly, “Ah, Tuskin, what a surprise. We were about to see Mamma’Halb. Weren’t we Justin?”

  “Yeah,” his friend replied nervously.

  “Yeah, sure,” Tuskin said backing them up a little, “She wants the money now. Fifty thousand. Pay up.”

  “Well, you tell her we only got twenty five hundred and will get rest later,” replied Mike.

  Tuskin then said, “Don't insult me with your pitiful worthless coins. She wants the whole amount. If you don’t pay, she authorized me to kill you both. Here and now!” He then smiled at that thought.

  “Why don’t we all go outside so we don’t kill anybody in here, huh?” Justin suggested. “That and I don’t like the thought that all of us could be spending eternally in the Neptune Correctional Facility.”

  Tuskin thought then replied, “Good point, why don’t we? But no tricks!”

  They all started to head outdoors. Justin, hoping he could get a quick and unnoticeable shot at Tuskin, he quietly took out his blaster, turned then said to him, “Aw wait a minute, it’s too hot out there to play. Besides,” he then shot Tuskin in the leg, “I hate playing with a cheat like you.”

  Tuskin cried in pain as he fell to the ground. The two ran outside like scared rabbits into the busy dust like street. Mike did not know that Justin was going to do that to him, but Mike smiled, as he never thought of a better friend then Justin.

  “Head for the ship!” Mike ordered to his companion as he took out his own blaster.

  The Warlin limped out of the tavern. They both ran down the street as laser blasts were shooting at them from Tuskin. Merchants and buyers screamed and took cover as their laser blasts illuminated the scene. Mike and Justin took a quick left turn into a rustic open-roofed garage, as he quickly shot back at Tuskin missing him. Justin pushed a button as the door slid closed. He then ran towards the ship’s ramp following Mike. Once they gotten to the cockpit, they quickly started her up and took off as the garage door slid open. Tuskin started to shoot at the ship, but it was all ready too late. The ship blasted into the blue sky.

  “I will find you,” Tuskin said to himself, “Then you will be dead!”

  “Man,” commented Justin trying to catch his breath, “That was close.”

  “Yeah, too close,” replied Mike calming down.

  Justin then asked, “What now desert fox?”

  “Well, we need to find another safe hidden port,” Mike replied as he checked the map quadrants. “Somewhere that Mama’Halb does not know about.”

  Justin asked, “Where? The Empire conquered most of the galaxy. It’s not like we can waltz in and say ‘hey can we crash here for a while?’ And besides we still don’t have enough money.”

  “I know. Hold on,” Mike replied pointing at his screen, “Well, we can always got back to Cian.”

  “Cian?” Justin replied, “The last time we were there, they turned the planet to a colonial military base.”

  “That’s right,” said Mike as he explained, “And Mama’Halb is not that stupid to send any of her bounty hunting friends there to shoot up the place.”

  Justin said uncertainly, “Mike, they’re not gonna set us up with anything except military positions, you know that. And even if they did, do you think we’ll be interested?”

  “Don't worry, I think Digan is stationed there,” replied Mike.

  Justin said, “How do you know? He hasn’t contacted you in months.”

  “Well, the last transmission he sent was from Cian. I just hope he’s still there.”

  Justin looked at his friend wondering if he was right. He hoped that his idea would pay off. Mike then set the coordinates and the Golden Condor rocketed into space towards their home world, Cian.

  At end of the Deneb System sat the monumental star ship Hades. Like most star ships, Hades was different. Xatu wanted a starship that the colonials would fear. The outer hull had a skeletal look to it with probe spikes shooting out everywhere. The first time that Naku saw this ship, he knew that they were doomed. Inside, the commander Lord Drax sat in his little throne room planning.

  “Captain,” he said into his visual transmitter, “Bring in the Felinis prisoner.”

  Alexander Drax was once human. He was once a slave to the Xatu Empire until one day they were looking for a human that knows secrets of the Earthian race. They offered money, power, and freedom and as greedy as Drax was, he did not hesitate join them. He began to serve as a solder in their army, until a couple of years ago when he was in a terrible accident that left his skin turn into a bluish color, but the accident also left him a strange gift, an ability to morph his body to anything he wanted. The Emperor heard this and instantly promoted him to a powerful lord in his army.

  The captain nodded to Drax, a few moments later the door slid opened, and guards dressed in red armor pushed in the Felinis Prince. Xman was hand cuffed and chained to the guard like some slave. He looked up to him and instantly recognized the commander. Drax’s blue skin, white hair, and evil red eyes have some of the men in his ship tremble when they are near him, but Xman was not trembling. He knew him all too well. His face grew angry and growled like a hungry wolf.

  “Ah, Xman,” Drax said icily, “Long time no see.”

  “Drax,” Xman replied unhappily, “How long has it been?”

  “Too long I’m afraid,” he replied as he looked to his two-crew members, “Guards, leave us.”

  They chained Xman onto the floor as a grapple forced him to kneel down and the guards left them. Xman did not know why this was happening to him. All he did know that he wanted to rip Drax’s heart out of his blue skinned body.

  “Do you know why my fleet didn’t destroy you and I dragged you in like a cod fish, so you could live?” Drax asked.

  Xman looked up at Drax in despite of him and finally replied sarcastically, “Not really. Why don’t you tell me?”

  “I spared your planet because my master wanted to enslave your people. You Felinis are strong good workers. Perhaps your father is willing to trade his people’s freedom for his loving son.”

  Xman looked at him in disgust and said, “My father is not that stupid Drax. I rather die for my planet than have it turn to a slave pit.”

  Drax frowned at that little remark and said, “What a pity, but then again, if you want to die, it won’t matter to me.” Drax then smiled at that thought and had an evil idea. He then pressed a button on his visual communicator once again. “Guards, take him to the Security Cells.”

  The guards came in, unhooked Xman, and took him back into the prison center deep inside the ship.

  Moments later in another part of the galaxy, the Golden Condor finally landed on Cian after waiting hours for clearance. They found a landing pad in the city of Phlan. Phlan was small city, about ten thousand inhabitance work and play here. Mike remembered when he was kid, playing Spaceball with Justin in the same streets. He missed those times, but now the streets were cover with soldiers of all kinds.

  Mike and Justin found out where Digan was working from one of the fighter pilots. They entered a very tall spiraling like bu
ilding to find their old friend Digan. They arrived on the 10th floor and walked down the hall to the offices of the Colonial Personnel Dept. Digan was a humanoid from the planet Cian. Like most humanoids, Digan did posses a unique gift, the power to see in dark places, not as if he was nocturnal, he still can see well in the daylight. He was older than the Mike or Justin about ten years older. They knew that he colonials redrafted Digan as a paper pusher about a month ago while he was managing his bar back on Sadr. Before that, he was best space pilot during the assault on Earth until he crashed landed his ship on a nearby station breaking his leg and several rib bones. He then considered himself retired.

  “Hey Digan,” Mike said entering his little office, “What’s happening?”

  Digan looked up and smiled as he recognized his old friends. “Hey, Mike Justin, long time,” He replied as he got up. He shook both of their hands and sat back behind his desk, “What can I do for you my old friends.”

  “Listen we need a job that will pay fifty thousand Galatical dollars and fast.” Mike replied as he and Justin sat down across from Digan.

  “Fifty thousand?” Digan laughed thinking that was joke, “Jeez, you got to knock over a bank for that kind of money.”

  “Yeah we know that, but I got pay off a couple debts.” Mike replied.

  Digan then said, “Mama’Halb eh,” Mike nodded, “Listen, things here are a bit tight with the war and all. I can’t promise you any big jobs like I did back in the day. I’ve been up to my armpits with this trade route problem the Colonials have, so don’t expect anything anytime soon. So here my suggestion, you guys just hang around here, and if something comes up I'll give you a call all right? You still got that old Condor ship of yours?” They nodded sadly. “Good. Hey, don't worry something bound to come up. Just hang in there.”

  “Thanks buddy,” said Mike.

  Digan smiled and replied, “No problem. Now if you excuse me I gotta get back to work.”

  Digan felt sorry for them and wished that he could give them the money now. He knows how Mama’Halb can be when she doesn’t get what she wanted. Digan greeted them out and he went back to his work. Mike and Justin sighed, not knowing what to do. They knew it would not be any time soon that Mama’Halb would find them with another bounty hunter on their scent, and they could not stay there too long. What they needed was a miracle.

  Meanwhile in another area, Tygla was waiting in line wearing cargo pants an old T-shirt and a brown leather jacket. She did not want anyone to know who she was, as it might prove dangerous. Unfortunately, Tygla had everyone staring at her immense beauty, but that day she was not looking for a mate. She was angry at the war that was going on and even worse, somebody reported that her brother has been missing in action. She had nowhere else to turn too. She hoped that the Colonials could give her some answers or better yet, some help to find him. The man behind the desk called to her and explained her story to him. The clerk did not seem interested though.

  “Listen,” she exclaimed, “My brother has been kidnapped by the Empire and all you can say is that you can’t do a damn thing about it?”

  “I’m sorry, but we don't have any solders to spare with the war going on,” the clerk replied, “My best bet for you young lady is to hire a bounty hunter or something. Next.”

  She growled at the clerk touchily, “Do you know who you are talking to?”

  The clerk look at her, “Yes an irritating cat, now please, I have other customers to tend to. Next!”

  She did not want to deal with the low paying clerk as she might tear him a new mouth. She just stormed out of there trying to hold back her tears and anger. She then looked at Mike and Justin, and wondered if they were someone she might use.

  “So what do we do know? We need money and fast,” said Justin informed his friend.

  Just then Mike was tapped from behind they turned around and it was the Felinis. Mike mouth dropped to as he thought he died and went to heaven as he laid his eyes on her slim athletic body. She had short orange wavy hair that burned with passion, and her dark brownish stripes wrapping around her exposed body. Mike immediately fell for this striking creature.

  “Excuse me,” she said in a calm voice, “I couldn’t help over hearing, but uh, my name is Tygla and I heard you need a job?”

  “Y-yeah,” Mike replied admiring her lovely yellow cat eyes, “You got one for us?”

  “Well yes,” she said politely, “How much you need?”

  “About fifty thousand,” Justin replied.

  Tygla then said, “Fifty thousand? Well, that should not be a problem.”

  “Great,” Mike said as he and his friend smiled. He did not believe it. Some miracle he thought. “My name’s Mike Tippin and this is my friend Justin Jobbs.”

  “Hi,” Justin said friendly.

  Mike continued, “So, what’s the job?”

  “A rescue operation,” she replied, “My brother Xman has been kidnapped by the Empire and I need you to help me get him back.”

  “Whoa, hold it sister,” Mike said stopping her with his hands, “The Empire is way out of our league. The last thing we need is entanglements with the Xatu. Couldn’t the Colonial army help you?”

  “No,” Tygla replied sadly, “They said that their militia was low and could not spare anyone.”

  Mike felt sorry for her. Something inside him told him that this was woman was unusual. After he dumped Julia, he vowed not to be taken by another woman again, but he thought that Tygla could be different. He looked upon her sad face and frowned a bit, but then this could be another deception. He glanced to his friend and he knew as well as Justin knew that they need the money badly, but go against the Empire, he would not take the risk with his friend. He had heard stories from Digan about the Empire, kidnapping humans and turning them to mindless slaves.

  He thought his feelings over and finally said, “Look, I’m sorry, but the Empire isn’t our thing. We could get killed. If your brother was kidnapped by a greedy Slugton maybe you got a shot.”

  “Mike,” Justin said, “Can I speak with you for a minute?” Justin pulling his ear brining him to a conclusive spot where they can speak to each other, “What the hell are you doing? We can pay off Mama’Halb for this one job and you said yourself that in this business there’s going to be life threatening risks and great rewards, well fifty thousand is a great reward, and facing the Empire for that money? Heck, I’ll do it.”

  “I know, I know,” Mike replied, “Look,” he paused for a minute glancing over to Tygla. She was thinking that this was going nowhere and frowned even more. He did not like her frowning and could sense that she was about to cry. Mike then said, “Alright let’s do it.”

  They turned back to Tygla and Mike said, “Ok we’ve discussed it and we’ll take the job.”

  “Great,” she said gracefully, “Thank you very much.”

  “No problem,” Mike smiled.

  Tygla smiled back to him, “I have to get my stuff and tell you everything what happened. Oh by the way, where should I meet you?”

  “Port 23,” Mike replied.

  Tygla said, “Thanks again.” She shook their hands and a glimpse of hope rekindled in her heart.

  “Again, no problem, oh except for one thing,” Mike said, “You will be paying us in full after the job, right?”

  “Of course,” she replied, “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “Well, we had a lot of cheating clients in the past,” Mike replied looking in her eyes again, “But I think we can trust you.”

  Tygla smiled, turned and left to get her things while Mike examined her slim attractive body. He was hypnotized the way her long tail slithered like a snake. He did not know if he was still alive or died and went to heaven. Was Mike in love with this beautiful creature?

  “Don’t even think about it,” Justin said breaking Mike’s thought as he was looking to his friend then to Tygla, “She a Felinis.”

  “So?” M
ike questioned.

  Justin replied, “Do you know what Felinis do to humans when they fall in love with them? I heard stories that they kill them in their sleep.”

  Mike retorted turning to him. “Na, that just an old wives tale, come on, she can be all that bad.”

  “You’re walking on thin ice Mike,” Justin warned.

  “Now you can’t tell me that she didn’t turn you on?” Justin just looked at him as Mike sighed in defeat of the argument “Let’s get back to the ship.”

  Justin was a bit concerned with his friend. He knew Tygla was beautiful, even if she was human, she still could be dangerous.