Read Star Yawns Episode 4. By David & Sabine Williams. Smashwords Edition Copyright 2012 Page 2

  “ So you missed your daughters ceremony?”

  “ Actually, I did not miss it. I watched it from a tree, some distance away. I had a long distance visual aid and I observed the whole ceremony. I was worried I would not recognize Bex at first, but I saw her and she was beautiful, just like her mother. She kept looking around the whole time, I think she was looking for me.”

  Lid-Lidia nodded. “ I see. You are wanted on Salvaje for assault, and you have been lying to your daughter for most of her life. I get all that! But I don’t understand why you feel the need to take your own life? None of this makes sense to me.”

  Manzanna paused again. “ I have not told this part yet. About six months ago my daughter met a man and he comes from a very prominent family on Salvaje. About a month ago he asked her to marry him, and she said yes.”

  Lid-Lidia shook her head. “ I still don’t get it?”

  “ His family think that I am an ambassador - not some lowly trader. She wants me to come to Salvaje in two days time and meet her fiancée and the family she is marrying into. “

  Manzanna shook his head, distressed and burst out: “I could not face her after all this time! No! Not and have her look at me and see nothing but a liar! I cannot do that to her. I thought if she heard I was killed by star ship fire she might not think so badly of me. The truth need not even come out and she could just go on with her life. But that did not work out so well. And that is not the worst of it. If I were dead it would not concern me but now…. well, when the ship exploded I lost some expensive cargo that I was carrying so now I will have to pay back some more money for the cargo. I am in so much trouble!

  Lid-Lidia was quiet and then she said softly, “ Do you really think that would have been the best way? Please don’t tell me that your daughter would be proud if she thought you had hanged yourself?”

  “ No, I know that was a stupid thing to do but I felt desperate at the time. By then I was not thinking clearly, I didn’t know where to turn. I promise I will never do it again. I suppose I will just have to face up to the fact that my daughter will be disappointed and learn to live with it. If only I had done things differently the situation would not be so dire now. I have been living a lie, so now I must make amends.”

  To Lid-Lidia’s horror, Manzanna started to cry. “ I’m so stupid! I don’t deserve to have such a lovely daughter. If only I could convince your Captain to take me somewhere else. To see Bex under these circumstances would be more than I could bear.”

  The tears rolled down his face and he looked physically ill.

  Lid-Lidia sat quietly in sympathy for a while. “ I’m going to see the Captain and perhaps I can get him to let you have some quarters and not have to go back to the Brig. I just have to convince him that you are not a threat to yourself anymore.”

  Manzanna looked at her, mopping his face. “ That would be a very nice thing to do. I thank you for your kindness. What did you say was your name?”

  “ It’s Lid-Lidia, but you can call me Lid. I be back in a while.”

  “ So you will tell the Captain my story?” he asked dolefully.

  Lid-Lidia nodded and put a hand on his shoulder. “ I will, please don’t worry. I’ll do my best to help you. Perhaps we help you with your dilemma.”

  She walked out of the sick bay.

  Manzanna looked thoughtfully after her and then with another sigh, he lay down and tried to sleep.

  * * * *

  “ May I see you for a few moments Captain?” asked Ensign Lid-Lidia about ten minutes later on the bridge.

  Discerning her expression, the Captain nodded.

  “ Come to my ready room and tell me what you have learned.”

  He signaled for Beani-Poohs and Mr. Sook to come in as well.

  They all took their seats and Lid-Lidia proceeded to tell them the story about Manzanna. When she had finished she thought everybody looked to be sympathetic except Mr. Sook.

  “ Will you consider giving him regular quarters Captain?” asked Lid-Lidia.

  “ I’m not sure, this doesn’t sound like the alien we encountered at the brig earlier.”

  “ I’m convinced he will be no threat to himself anymore. When I left him he was crying.”

  “ Are you sure he didn’t make up this story just to gain your sympathy?”

  Lid-Lidia shook her head and smiled. “ If he did, he succeeded. But no, I am convinced. If you could have heard the emotion in his voice when he told me the story you would believe him too. There is no denying that he loves his daughter very much and that he is feeling a level of desperation.“

  The Captain thought for a moment. “ Very well, he may have his own quarters but I want security on that floor and I think you should make sure there is nothing in the room he can harm himself with. I just want to make sure nothing happens to him.”

  “ What about his request to not be left at Salvaje?”

  “ I’ll take that under advisement. I don’t want to make any decisions about this too quickly. Will you find him some quarters Ensign?”

  “ Yes sir, I’ll get onto it straight away.”

  Lid-Lidia promptly left the room.

  “ I suppose we should have had the Sub-Commander in here for this as well.”

  “ Don’t worry you can always bring her up to speed later,” said Beani-Poohs.

  The Captain scratched his head. “ What do you make of all this? The Ensign seems to think Manzanna is genuine.”

  “ It could be that this Manzanna is a con man of sorts,” suggested Mr. Sook.

  Beani-Poohs started to stare at them. “ Have you considered that he just might be telling the truth? I know that I am a romantic of sorts but I feel for this alien. His daughter is getting married and instead of being as pleased as punch the poor man is trying to kill himself. I think we should do something to help him.”

  The Captain snorted. “ What could we possibly do to help him? He lied to his daughter for eighteen years and now he has to face the consequences. I see it two ways - he comes clean and asks her to forgive him or he disappears and never sees her again. That’s how I see it.”

  “ Why does it have to be so cut and dried?”

  “ Because those are the only two options open to the man.”

  Beani-Poohs went quiet for a moment while she was thinking. “ Captain I have an idea, but I’m not sure that you will like it. It explores a third option.”

  “ Then don’t tell me, I already know I’m not going to like it.”

  Beani-Poohs started to laugh and Mr. Sook raised one eyebrow. “ No I’m going to tell you anyway, it’s a wild idea but I think we could pull it off.”

  “ Now I know I don’t want to hear it.”

  Beani-Poohs ignored him. “ My idea is that we clean up Mr. Manzanna and dress him like an ambassador. The Sub-Commander and Mr. Sook are both familiar with protocol dilemmas and can assist him with the customs of this planet. It would not take them long to upload the information they require to the central computer and access that information on the aliens behalf.”

  “She is right, I have dealt with many ambassadors before,” Mr. Sook assured the Captain.

  “ We can replicate an ambassador’s outfit. Then we contact the planet and invite the wedding party up to the ship and we put on an elaborate reception for them, one that befits someone of his station in life. We can make up a story for the reason why Manzanna cannot go down to the planet. Manzanna will be able to finally get to know his daughter a little. When it’s over we take Manzanna to another planet and we go back to the Alpha quadrant. What do you think?”

  The Captain first looked at Mr. Sook and then at Beani-Poohs. “ I’m speechless, what do you think Mr. Sook?”

  Mr. Sook thought for a moment. “ It’s an intriguing idea and not without merit.”

  The Captain broke in. “ I can not believe you’re considering this crazy idea. There is no way we could possibly pull this off and if it went wrong, can you understand the ramifications it woul
d cause? We would be branded liars and our presence here in the Beta quadrant would be compromised. If Star Fleet found out I would be in big trouble, I could even be court-martialed. The whole thing is out of the question.”

  “ But we could do it.” Beani-Poohs was smiling from ear to ear. “ Just think how happy you would make you make that poor suicidal alien. If we did this for him he would never even consider doing anything drastic like that ever again.”

  The Captain started to stand up and then sat down again. “ You’re out of your mind and you’re trying to make me crazy too. Well I won’t give in, the answer is a resounding NO!”

  He stood up again.

  “ Don’t stand up Captain, I’m the one whose leaving.” Beani-Poohs got up and walked towards the door as the Captain slumped back in his chair. “ This is going to be great. We are all going to have a wonderful time. I’ll see you later Mr. Sook and you too Angus. I hope you don’t mind but I think I’m going to call you Gus, It’s much nicer. I have such a lot of work to do.”

  With that she left the room.

  The Captain looked at Mr. Sook who was giving him a strange look. “ Well I told her! I’m not the type of person that lets a female walk all over him. When I put my foot down it stays down. I am the Captain of this vessel and my word is law.”

  With no expression whatsoever Mr. Sook said. “ So we’re going to have a reception for Mr. Manzanna it seems.”

  The captain started to hit his own head on the table.

  “ It certainly looks that way.”

  * * * *


  Kazzie-Spockers wandered into the sick bay to see the Doctor.

  “ I am ready for my next session,” she said.

  “ Technically this is your first session, we didn’t actually have the first, you will recall.”

  “ That is of no consequence. I’m here now so let us begin immediately.”

  “ Okay then, take a seat in my office and I’ll be right with you.”

  Kazzie-Spockers walked into his office and lay down on the couch.

  The Doctor walked into the office very briskly a few moments later. “ Take a look at the ceiling. You’ll notice the black smudge on the ceiling has been cleaned off. I had it done just for your benefit.”

  “ Thankyou, let’s get started.”

  The Doctor stared at her for a moment. “ You seem a bit stressed, is it too soon to be doing this since the last time you came in?”

  “ I do not get stressed. It is illogical. No, let’s just get to it. If you think you can help me I think the logical thing to do is to accept your help.”

  “ Well said Sub-Commander. Let’s get started.”

  Just then a crewmember knocked on the door. “ Oh wonderful, we have an interruption already!” The Doctor said, annoyed

  It was Yeoman Amsterdam. “ What can I do for you Yeoman? Make it quick, we are very busy here.”

  “ I just wanted to tell you we are having a film night tonight and you’re both invited if you would like to come.”

  “ What are you showing?”

  “ We are showing two films from the twentieth century. First we are showing ‘Arachnophobia’, followed by ‘The Giant Spider Invasion’.”

  The doctor rolled his eyes. “ What a delightful evenings entertainment you are going to have. No, I think I’m busy tonight. What about you Sub-Commander?”

  As he looked around to ask Kazzie-Spockers he saw she was gone.

  He turned back to the crewmember, irritated. “ Please leave! Another session has been ruined!” he muttered.

  * * * *


  Beani-Poohs found Lid-Lidia on Deck 15 settling Manzanna into his quarters.

  “ Please sit down Mr. Manzanna I have something I want to discuss with you.” Beani-Poohs said encouragingly.

  Manzanna looked at her with tears in his eyes. “ Before you do I want to tell that I am overwhelmed with these quarters. Please tell your Captain how thankful I am and that I will be no trouble from now on. He will hardly even know I am on this ship and please just call me Manzanna, that is my only name.”

  “ As you wish, and I will be happy to convey your message to the Captain. Now there is something I would like to discuss with you and I’m hoping you will be delighted with what I am going to say.”

  “ There is nothing you could say that would upset me now, I am overwhelmed with happiness.”

  Lid-Lidia and Beani-Poohs exchanged glances. They both sat down next to the alien, who was wiping his eye again.

  “ I have been talking to the Captain and we are willing to have your daughter and the whole wedding party beam up here to the DVD to have a type of reception for her engagement. Before you say anything be aware that we are going to give you a make over.”

  Manzanna’s mouth opened and shut. “ You are?” A reception, here? What is a make over?”

  “ We are going to make over your appearance and help you to pretend to be an ambassador so that you can impress your daughter and her family to be.”

  “ Are you saying that you want me to pretend to be an ambassador?” Manzanna was stunned as he grasped what she was saying.

  “ Yes, that is what I am saying.”

  Unexpectedly Manzanna burst out: “ No! I won’t do it. I just cannot! A deception of this scale is impossible! I could never pass as such an important person for a whole reception. What if I do something wrong? These are educated sophisticated people and they would see right through this ruse.”

  “ Please, do not alarm yourself Manzanna. We would help you and we have enough time to instruct you in the customs of these people. Believe us, you will carry off the part of an ambassador, your daughter and her fiancée and the other guests will not think anything but what we wish them to because they will not be expecting anything else.”

  Manzanna got up and paced across the room. “ I don’t know! I will have to think about this. I don’t like to act out such a huge lie… but on the other hand I may never see Bex again. Please let me think for a while and I will let you know.”

  “ Don’t think about it too long, we will be arriving at Salvaje the day after tomorrow and we will have a lot of preparation to see to.”

  Lid-Lidia and Beani-Poohs left the quarters and Manzanna deep in thought.

  “ Do you think he will agree?” asked Beani-Poohs.

  Lid-Lidia nodded. “ I think so. He loves his daughter very much. It is almost too irresistible. It’s a very good idea.”

  “ Thank you. Sometimes I even surprise myself.”

  * * * *

  The Captain found Beani-Poohs in the mess room having a drink with Lid-Lidia.

  “ How did it go?” he asked. “ Did Manzanna agree to this elaborate scheme of yours?”

  Beani-Poohs took a sip of her drink and sighed. “ He’s thinking about it.”

  “ He’s a bit hesitant to do something like this,” said Lid-Lidia.

  “ You know, I’ve been thinking about it and I don’t blame him for not being as thrilled as we thought he might be,” continued Beani-Poohs “ he doesn’t want to go on lying to his daughter. I have to respect the man for that.”

  The Captain sat down. “ Don’t worry, he will probably change his mind by tomorrow.”

  “ What makes you say that?”

  “ Right now he will be weighing things up. This may his last chance to ever see his daughter and I’m thinking he will not want to pass that up. So even though you know I am against all this you can start making preparations for this reception as soon as he says yes."

  They both beamed at him. The Captain sighed to himself. He was not as thrilled about the idea, even now.

  “ I’m off to bed now,” said Lid-Lidia, “ see you both in the morning.”

  When she was gone, the Captain said, “ I’m glad we’re alone. I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  “ I know, you wanted to tell you don’t want to be called Gus. You also didn’t like the way I didn’t listen
to you before when I told you my idea concerning the alien.” She smiled at him.

  The Captain stood up suddenly. “ Would you like another drink, I think I would like one.” He came back a few moments later with the drinks. “ Actually that wasn’t the reason I wanted to talk to you. I don’t mind being called Gus at all and as for the other reason I think you’re clever enough to know when you’re over stepping yourself with the Captain…and not the man.”

  Beani-Poohs took a drink. “ So what were you going to tell me?” She looked a little concerned now.

  “ I don’t really know how to say this so I’m just going to say it straight out.”

  “ Are you breaking up with me?”

  The Captain reached across the table and put his hand on hers. “ No, that wasn’t it, not at all.”

  Beani-Poohs looked at him in that direct way that often disconcerted him. “ Then what?”

  He cleared his throat. “ Please don’t take this the wrong way...I enjoy your company and I am happy to spend time with you…but...things seem to be progressing a little bit too….” He hesitated.

  She sat back and slid her hand away from his. “ Are things going too fast for you?” she asked a little coolly.

  He looked at her. “ Yes. They are. I wish to proceed more slowly, if that meets with your approval.”

  Beani-Poohs said nothing for a moment, then as if she had suddenly made up her mind about something, she silently gave a little sigh. “ If that is all that is worrying you, then I don’t mind about that. We can take things slower if it will make you more comfortable. We are on a star ship in a different part of the galaxy and we may be here for a long time. There is plenty of time.”

  “ So you don’t mind at all?” he looked relieved.

  Beani-Poohs stared at him. It was not quite clear what the expression on her face was but she said calmly, “ No, not really. If we are to be together I want it to happen because we both want it.”