Read Star Yawns Episode 6. Logan is not my name By David & Sabine Williams. Smashwords Edition Copyright 2012 Page 6

  “ There was no inflection, you must have imagined it, and for a person who does not get jealous you sure sound jealous.”

  “ Commander La Trenne I did not spend the last few days combing this planet in the hot sun to see you kissing some blonde bimbo in the main street of that town.”

  “ You know what I would like? A cup of gulag, I wonder if the replicator can make it. You should try it.”

  “ You’re just trying to change the subject.”

  “ Someone has to.”

  They walked up towards sickbay.

  * * *

  It was twenty hundred hours and all the members of the crew were standing in the cargo bay. The Captain looked very sad as he stood up to say few words.

  “ The other day we lost Yeoman John Amenity, I can’t say I knew him very well but by all accounts he was a fine crewmember. I feel a little responsible as the Captain of this vessel for what happened even though there was nothing anybody could have done. The Yeoman’s family will be contacted at the earliest opportunity and I will convey my deepest sympathy for their loss. Our situation is a lonely one. We are cut off now from our own quadrant in space so we must become a family. If one of us dies, the rest of us will feel it deeply. This week we were all not sure if we had also lost Commander La Trenne, but it is a happy day because our friend has been returned to us.

  “ What else can I say about Yeoman John Amenity? He is now sleeping in death and in our memories too. As we climb each rung on the ladder of life we will encounter hardship and sometimes sorrow but all in all let us focus on the good times ahead for there will be many. I can practically guarantee it. I now commit his body to space, the final frontier.”

  With that the doors of the air lock opened and the yeoman’s body was cast out of the ship.

  The Captain turned to everybody standing there. “ Would anybody else like to say a few words?”

  La Trenne stepped forward. “ I would like to sir.”

  La Trenne walked to where the Captain had been standing. “ Firstly I would like to say that I am sad Yeoman Amenity has died. I didn’t know him very well but that really is my loss. I really wanted to thank everybody, especially those who were involved in my rescue. When I fell down the side of the cliff I hit my head and had no idea who I was until today when I saw Sub-Commander Kazzie-Spockers. The Doctor in the town told me I would get my memory back when I saw something familiar and he was right. You have no idea how comforting it was after beaming aboard to see familiar faces. It was something I had taken for granted in the past but never will again. I just wanted you all to know how happy I am to be back home here on the ship. We are stuck here in the Beta quadrant now and we are not sure when we will be able to find another wormhole to take us home. Just the same I am glad to be here with my friends, as the Captain said. I would thank you all for working so hard towards my rescue.”

  A few minutes later the Captain and Beani-Poohs walked up the hall towards the turbo lift. “ That was a nice speech Mr. La Trenne gave tonight,” she said.

  “ Yes it was and I agree with what he said.

  “ You do?”

  “ Yes and I have been thinking about our engagement.”

  “ Have you been thinking that we should postpone our marriage until we get back home to Earth?”

  “ No, just the opposite. I think we should get married along the way. When we arrive at a planet with someone who is authorized to perform marriages we should do it.”

  “ Did you know that Mr. Sook is authorized? He can legally marry people.”

  “ I think that just works on Vulcan.”

  “ No, he told me just a few days ago that he would be happy to marry us whenever we decide we want to.”

  “ How nice of him.”

  “ He said he gives a very logical talk.”

  “ I’m sure he does… this from a man who has never been married himself.”

  “ You sound annoyed, should I not have spoken to him?”

  “ No, it’s okay, I’m not annoyed. It’s just a bit soon. I think we should enjoy being engaged for a few months.”

  Beani-Poohs rolled her eyes, perhaps he was just like his mirror image after all.

  Suddenly the ship jerked and the Captain noticed that something was wrong.

  They quickly took the turbo lift up to the bridge,

  “ What has happened Mr. Sook?” the Captain said as he walked off the lift.

  “ We have been caught in some type of tractor beam. It seems to be pulling us towards that large moon.”

  “ Let’s magnify the large moon,” the Captain responded.

  Looking at it more closely, they could see it was a very large space ship.

  “ Can we pull away from it Mr. Sook?”

  “ Negative, Captain.”

  “ Perhaps if we sent a tackion beam through the tractor beam to break free?”

  They tried this but it did not work either. Suddenly they saw the ship open a hatch and the DVD was heading straight for it.

  Soon they would be consumed.

  To be continued…

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