Read Star Yawns Episode 7. A Few Good Cadets by David & Sabine Williams Smashwords Edition Copyright 2014 Page 1



  By David & Sabine Williams

  Copyright 2014 David Williams

  Previously in Star Yawns:

  Suddenly the ship jerked and began to shudder and list slightly to the side. Something was very wrong.

  The Captain and Beani-Poohs quickly took the turbo lift up to the bridge.

  “ What has happened Mr. Sook?” the Captain asked as he walked off the lift.

  “ We have been caught in some type of tractor beam. It seems to be pulling us towards that large moon.”

  “Magnify the moon.” The Captain responded.

  Looking at it more closely, they could see it was actually not a moon at all but a very sophisticated and large space vessel.

  “ Can we pull away from it Mr. Sook?”

  “ Negative Captain.” He responded after a few moments.

  The Captain frowned. “We had some success in the past using a tackion beam to break free. Let’s see if we are successful again. When you’re ready.”

  Their attempt failed. Their ship was being slowly and steadily drawn towards the vessel and all their attempts to break free fell short as well. Suddenly they saw the ship open up a hatch and the DVD was heading straight for the opening. They could see that it was only a matter of time before they were swallowed up in its depths.

  Their attempts became more frantic, but moments later the DVD was entering a vast dark space within the other vessel and the outer hatch closed, leaving them trapped inside. Inside the giant space ship they could see the inner hull but apart from that the ship seemed to be completely empty.

  Captains Log: Star Date 30.1012

  We have started on our long journey back to the Alpha quadrant. All was going well until a tractor beam caught us and now we have been sucked into a giant space ship that for all intents and purposes is empty. We do not understand how an unmanned ship this large can possibly operate any type of tractor beam, when there are no signs of any machinery or any life forms… but here we are. Now we must decide how to escape safely from this extremely large sinister void.

  The DVD made it’s way from one side of the space ship to the other looking for a way to escape. They even took it around the edge near the hull but there was no exit to be seen. It was seventeen hundred hours when the Captain and the other officers sat down in the ready room to assess their situation.

  Around the table sat Mr. Sook, Sub-Commander Kazzie-Spockers, Lieutenant Beani-Poohs and Commander La Trenne and Mr. Base. Also Oh-No the shape shifter and Ensigns Lid-Lidia and Follicle and Doctor Flusher were also present.

  The Captain looked grimly into the faces of his crew. “ Our situation in the last twenty-four hours has remained unchanged. We have tried various methods to extract ourselves and thus far all have failed. We have had no communication of any kind from the vessel or any species in this quadrant that could have dispatched it and captured us. It could be automated but we have no idea how it operates. This situation could well become even more serious. Any ideas on how we can find a solution to our crisis?”

  Mr. Sook was the first to speak up. “ I have been analyzing the outer hull and it is made of an alloy that is foreign to our data base. I would like to suggest that we try to cut it with our phasers. Perhaps we will be able to cut through the metal just like an oxygen chatelaine system. We should be able to melt through it just like a hot knife through butter, as it were.”

  “ How would you proceed?”

  “ I would try different settings with different strengths with the phasers until we can determine that it’s safe to proceed… then cut a hole in the hull. It may take many hours, perhaps days, but I think this a logical course of action.”

  Mr. La Trenne spoke up next. “ Have you checked for a force field protecting the hull? I’m fairly sure that I detected one when we were first dragged in here.”

  “ We did but if there is a type we have not seen before, we will not be able to proceed. That’s why I would advise caution with the phasers until we can see a safe and successful result.”

  Mr. Base was next to voice his opinion. “ I suggest taking a shuttle craft around the hull for a closer look… if we could only find some kind of control panel that would operate the hatch and turn off the tractor beam or even an crack of some kind... Of course if there is a force field this will not work.”

  “ We’ve used the magnified screen to already do that,” Mr Sook replied, “ But it certainly wouldn’t hurt to try that either. In a shuttle you would have a closer look at the hull.”

  Just then the door opened and Mesetta walked in with some cups on a tray and two pots of steaming freshly ground hot coffee.

  “ Mesetta we are having a meeting here.” The Captain said abruptly.

  “ I know you are and I thought you all could probably use a nice cup of steaming hot coffee about now. I promise I will be very quick.”

  He put down his tray and quickly gave everybody a cup.

  The Captain thoroughly examined the other man. “ Mesetta you are from the Beta quadrant. Have you ever heard of any ship being dragged into a giant moon shaped ship like this before?”

  “ No. I have not Captain Angus, this is something I have never heard of before.”

  “ I just thought I would ask, because it’s unclear how we can escape from here.”

  Mesetta picked up a coffeepot and started to pour the Captain a cup. The Captain was distracted looking out of the window. After Mesetta had been standing there for more than a minute the Captain was startled to see that he was not moving and the coffee stream was frozen in time. The Captain looked around the table. Every single crewmember had frozen except for himself.

  He got up and examined them all. They all had a pulse but were unresponsive to his voice and his questions. Even their eyes were unresponsive. He then walked out onto the bridge. The entire crew on the bridge were all frozen in the same manner.

  On impulse he took the turbo lift down to the Mess room and everybody there was also frozen as well and thus far he had encountered not one crewmember who was able to move around as he was. He was the only one not frozen by the look of it.

  He felt no actual danger just a heightened sense of strangeness. Why was this happening and why had no one communicated with them with demands of any kind? What was the purpose of their capture and his crew being rendered so helpless and useless to the ship? His heart was thumping but this was no time to fall apart. He had to save his crew and his ship.

  He decided to go back to his quarters. The door to his cabin opened as usual… but as he stepped through the doorway he stepped into another world…