Read Star Yawns Episode 7. A Few Good Cadets by David & Sabine Williams Smashwords Edition Copyright 2014 Page 3

‘Captain’s log: Star Date 19.0815

  We have been flying at warp factor nine point five for many weeks now. In the interests of giving our ship’s engine a rest we shall slow down to orbiting speed during maintenance. In a few hours we will orbit an M class planet with oxygen nitrogen atmosphere. If this planet is suitable I have instructed the crew that we will all take some shore leave. We might even stay in orbit a couple of weeks while we replenish our supplies.’

  The Captain walked out of his ready room. “ Mr. Sook how long before we will be orbiting the planet?”

  “ Approximately twenty minutes Captain.”

  “ Ensign Lid-Lidia would you see if you can hail the authorities on this planet.”

  Lid-Lidia set to work. “ I have someone from the planet Captain.”

  “ Put them on screen.”

  A few seconds later a man in almost human form appeared. He was thin with very little hair and very large ears. He was also a slight shade of green.

  “ Welcome to the planet Tarrago,” the man said, “ my name is Elgin246. I am a representative of the Ambassador in charge of Alien Interactions. How may I serve you?”

  “ I am Captain Hemorrhoid of the Star ship DVD, we are representatives of Star Fleet of the federation of planets from the Alpha quadrant.”

  “ You are a long way from home Captain.”

  “ Yes we are and we have a long journey still ahead of us. We were wondering if we could orbit your planet for perhaps a couple of weeks? In that time the crew will beam down to you planet for some rest and recreation.”

  “ We love to have visitors come to our world. You and your crew are entirely welcome. You can stay here as long as you like.”

  “ Thankyou, you are very kind. I will beam down and meet with you in a short time.”

  “ I look forward to it Captain. Have a small party beam down first and we will explain a few rules about our world to you. Our laws may be different from what you are accustomed to and this orientation is necessary in order to avoid misunderstandings and keep the peace. Once orientation is completed we will be happy to welcome any number of your crew.”

  “ Agreed. We are on a peaceful mission and we thank you for your consideration.”

  “ I look forward to our meeting.” With that the representative signed off.

  “ What do you make of that Mr. Sook?” asked the Captain.

  “ I would say it is most intriguing, perhaps Mesetta might know something of this planet.”

  “ I was just thinking the same thing.” The Captain tapped his COM badge.” Mesetta would you be able to come to the bridge for a moment?”

  “ I’ll be right there Captain Angus.” Came the reply.

  A few minutes later Mesetta stepped onto the bridge and the Captain ushered him into the ready room where Mr. Sook and Kazzie-Spockers were also waiting.

  “ Take a seat Mesetta. I am hoping you can help us. Soon we will be orbiting the planet Tarrago. I realise your planet was a long way from this one but do you know anything of this world and these people?”

  Mesetta sat down and started to think. “ I do remember hearing about this planet before. A few years ago I had occasion to speak with a man who was a trader who had been here.”

  “ Do you remember what he told you?”

  “ Yes he told me that the people here have names that end in numbers. People with an even number are usually quite well off and the people with odd numbers are poor and are often servants to the even numbered people.”

  The captain nodded, “ Now I understand what the rules must be that Elgin246 is going to inform us of. It seems strange that just a number can determine a being’s worth.”

  Mesetta looked concerned. “ Is there a problem Captain?”

  “ No, not so far. We will have to tread lightly it seems. We don’t want to do anything to upset these people. We have to remember our own prime directive as well. Thankyou Mesetta, now we know what to expect.”

  * * * *