Read Star Yawns Episode 7. A Few Good Cadets by David & Sabine Williams Smashwords Edition Copyright 2014 Page 7

Scout marched down the hallway to Flips quarters. At the door there was no response and she tried again but the door remained closed. She stood there biting her lip. She was sorry for way she had overreacted the night before and she wanted to apologise, just to keep the peace. She had been genuinely shocked to witness what was happening in his cabin and had reacted predictably.

  She knew Flip had no idea of her real feelings for him and if she wasn’t careful she could lose the friendship that they did have. But she was honest enough with herself to realise that she had another motive for being there. She wanted to make sure that little green vixen from Tarrago was gone. She was jealous, she admitted it and maybe she had no rights when it came to Flip. But she was damned if she was going to stand aside and give him up to her.

  After five minutes she realised Flip wasn’t there so she tried to page him on his Comm badge, but with no luck. She had no idea where he might be. Although she suspected he was back on the planet and was not responding.

  Where had that little green pest lured him to now? She knew that Flip was stupid enough to leave his quarters again. It would not surprise her to learn that he had gone back to the restaurant with that female. He would be dumb enough to do it. It annoyed her that he had probably been gone the entire night. He was not on duty until later that day but he certainly wasn’t sleeping in. He would have answered her otherwise. So that meant he had turned his Comm badge off and was doing goodness knew what.

  She scowled at the thought of that 22 female. Thank goodness they would be leaving the planet soon and she wouldn’t be around anymore to distract Flip. Then maybe Scout may have a chance.

  It was getting harder and harder for her to watch him seeing other women right in front of her but she had the added advantage of working with him every day and sooner or later he was going to see her. Really see her as an attractive fitting companion to him.

  After about an hour of fruitlessly trying to contact him she was beginning to feel that something was not quite right and then decided to speak with the Captain about it. She found him on the bridge checking over a few things.

  When he saw her he smiled at her. “ Did you and your friends have a nice meal last night?”

  “ Yes we did thank you Captain, the meal itself was very nice. It was what happened after that that caused us some concern. Here is my official report for the record Sir.” She proceeded to explain to the Captain all that had taken place, up till that point in time.

  The Captain looked very grave. “ Thank you, that was very logical and well presented. You will be interested to learn that yours are not the first complaints we have had from the crew. Other crewmembers have also complained about their shore leave on this planet.

  “ I will admit it can be confronting to have to deal with the laws on this planet regarding the attitudes of the even people towards the odds. I am considering cutting short the shore leave here and proceeding to another planet and resuming shore leave there.”

  Scout frowned. “ Sir, Flip seems to be missing. I think he is on the planet with the even girl and he is not answering his Comm badge.”

  The Captain nodded. “ He is not the last straggler. We are proceeding with roll call this morning. Don’t worry, Cadet. You leave it with me. Do not beam down to the planet yourself to search for him. I will send a team down to look for him and any others. Let me know every place you visited yesterday and we shall try to locate him.”

  Scout proceeded to do so. After this she left the bridge and reported for duty. There was nothing for it. She had done all she could. Now she just had to wait for that stupid jerk to return to the ship.

  * * * *