Read Starburst Page 24

“Oh fuck,” she said. “Sorry Kay,” she added, remembering his mom was in the front seat.

  Peyton looked confused when Alley got out of the backseat of Trevas’s car, and he was driving hers. Alley stumbled and laughed, and then ducked behind her mom.

  “Trevas is going to be mean to me mom,” she laughed.

  “Alley, are you drunk?” she asked.

  “Most definitely,” she laughed again.

  “Get in the house Alley,” Trevas demanded.

  “You can’t tell me what to do,” she stated but was still laughing.

  “Get in the house…NOW!” he said in an angry tone, knowing that the paparazzi probably had their high powered cameras going crazy, right about now.

  Peyton told James goodbye and helped her up the stairs.

  “You stay out of my room,” Alley demanded, pointing a crooked finger at Trevas from the steps.

  Trevas stayed downstairs for a little bit, trying to cool off. Peyton wanted to know what was going on, and he explained to her what happened. He felt terrible because his mom was so excited to meet her, and Alley made it extremely awkward for all of them.

  “Mom this is Peyton, and this is my mom Kay,” he finally said. “And I’m going to go kill your daughter,” he added, and got up to leave the two alone.

  Alley was standing with both hands on the toilet, and what alcohol she had left in her stomach was being deposited into the toilet. Trevas leaned on the sink to watch, glad that she was sick. She turned to look at him, and turned right back to the toilet.

  “Go ahead Trevas,” she said, running a washcloth over warm water in the sink.

  “Get in the shower. You have puke in your hair. I don’t think the washcloth is going to do much good.”

  She didn’t listen and washed her face with the rag, and then turned to lean against the sink beside him. She wished he would just get it over with and say what he was dying to say, but he didn’t he stayed beside her and stared.

  He got up and started the shower. “You stink, take a shower, and brush your teeth,” he demanded.

  “Get out,” she said quietly, not wanting to spring the tattoo on him.

  “Get out?” he asked, puzzled.

  “Yes, get out and I will take a shower.”

  “Why do I have to get out? You don’t mind showing everything you have to everyone else.”

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  “I would watch the language if I were you, right now,” he threatened, not about to take her attitude. “It means, look in the mirror Alley. I can’t believe you left the house looking like that,” he added, looking down her body with too much skin showing to the middle of her breast, her nipples sticking out, and the shorts that came to just about her hair line with her midsection showing, and they were short enough to almost pass for underwear.

  “Don’t fucking threaten me Trevas. I will talk ever how I please to talk, and I don’t need you to tell me what that is,” Alley yelled getting angry, and wondering if what she had just said made any sense at all because it hadn’t to her. “And furthermore, I will wear what I damn well please.”

  “Get in the shower Alley,” Trevas said again, trying to keep his cool.

  “Get out so that I can,” she demanded, and he shook his head and left her.

  She took her shirt off and looked in the mirror. He is going to be furious, she thought as she shook her head at her stupidity, but she did like it. She stepped into the shower, and the water stung when it ran down her newly tattooed body. She hissed through her teeth at the pain.

  Trevas was sitting on the desk chair with his elbows on his knees when she came out wrapped in a towel. She looked at him as he looked up to her, and took clean panties and a t-shirt form her drawer. She went back to the bathroom and got dressed with the door shut. She knew she should just tell him now and get it all over with all at once. If she waited he was just going to get mad all over again.

  She came out and lay across the bed, and the room was still spinning, she moaned at the way she felt.

  “Alley I don’t want to be your dad” Trevas told her.

  “Good because I don’t want you to be my dad,” she replied, holding her head up to look at him.

  “I don’t want to wait for you to mature,” he said, trying to put it a different way and she sat up with a serious look.

  “Don’t fucking do that Trevas.”

  “Do what?”

  “Think that you need to breakup with me because I did something stupid. I didn’t plan this. I didn’t go there to get drunk. I went to pick up a bag. I was going to leave and be back before you got home. I haven’t seen them in a while. We sat around and had a good time. I wasn’t doing anything wrong.”

  “You prancing around half naked and getting drunk with a bunch of thuds, is plenty wrong in my book.”

  “Don’t you judge them. You don’t know anything about them.”

  Trevas snorted and shook his head. “I’m not sure I know anything about you.”

  “Let’s not do this Trevas. I screwed up, and I’m sorry, I won’t let it happen again.”

  “Alley I don’t want to babysit you. I love you, and I want you to be my partner not my delinquent evil princess.”

  Did he have to say that? “I’m sorry Trevas. I feel horrible about this. Your mom is here, and I totally screwed it up. You have every right to be mad at me but don’t give up on us because of it.”

  Trevas started to respond, and Alley was off the bed and back in the bathroom quicker than he could speak.

  She lay back down, and he got up. “Go to sleep for a while.”

  “Trevas there is one more thing that I did that you are going to be very mad at me for.”

  “What Alley,” he asked, but honestly didn’t want to know. “How about you hold that one for later? I don’t think I can take anymore today.”

  “I would rather show you now so that you don’t have to be mad again later.”

  “Show me? What did you do?”

  Alley took a deep breath and rolled to her back, lifting her shirt. Trevas walked around to look and couldn’t believe it. He was hoping that it would wash away in a day or two but knew by the redness around it that it wouldn’t. He couldn’t even speak. He had no idea what to say.

  “Say something,” she said and pulled her shirt back down.

  “Pull it back up,” he demanded angry, wanting to see it, and make sure that his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him. He understood now, why he wasn’t allowed to be in the bathroom with her while she showered.

  She didn’t pull it back up but sat up, not knowing what to say.

  “What the fuck were you thinking? You are getting ready to be in a movie. Your dad is going to kill me and then you.”

  “I wasn’t thinking, but I like it.”

  “You like it?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  Trevas ran his hands through his hair and let out a disgusted groan. “Go to sleep for a while Alley. I need to get far, far away from you.”

  Alley plopped back to the pillow without a response. She did want to sleep and not talk about it anymore.

  Trevas returned down stairs and was extremely happy to see his mother and Peyton had hit it off, and were talking like they had known each other for years.

  “I’m going to drink a beer, would you ladies like a beer?” he asked, sounding like he was ready to go off the deep end.

  “Sure,” Peyton replied, cautiously. He brought both of them a beer to the table and chugged about half of his in one drink. He started pulling vegetables and meat from the refrigerator.

  “What are you doing?” Peyton asked.

  “I need to cook something,” he replied.

  “Are you going to tell me what the heck is going on?” Peyton asked.

  Trevas dangerously chopped a sirloin steak in half. “You really don’t want to know Peyton,” he assured her and chopped the meat again.

  “What did she do Trevas?” she wanted to know.
r />   “She got a tattoo, not a cute little butterfly or tiny little hummingbird. She got it all the way down her ribs.”

  Peyton covered her mouth with her hand. “Her dad is going to freak.”

  “Yes he is, right after he has me knocked off.”

  “What is it a tattoo of?”

  “It says ‘Evil Princess’ all the way down her ribs, in some fancy writing and then ‘Rebellious’ is going through it in a wave.”

  “What the heck would she get that for?”

  “It’s a sick joke. It’s what I call her when she is acting like a little bi…” Trevas stopped himself before saying it, and continued to take his anger out on the meat in front of him.

  Trevas, Peyton, and Kay were out at the pool when Alley emerged two hours later. She vigilantly opened the door, and all eyes were on her.

  “Come in here Trevas,” she requested, pushing her hair from her face, looking rough.

  Trevas got up and followed her in with a good luck from Peyton.

  “She’s your daughter, you deal with her.”

  “Uh-uh, you handle her, a hell of a lot better than I do.”

  “Traitor,” he replied, and went to the kitchen where Alley was waiting.

  “Do you want something to eat?” he asked, her as she stood in the kitchen with her arms crossed holding a glass of water.

  “No, I want you to scream at me and tell me how stupid I am,” she replied, feeling guilty about her adventurous day.

  “I wanted to do that earlier. Why do you think I wanted to get away from you?”

  “Are you ever going to forgive me?”

  “Yes, but I’m probably going to get mad all over again every time I see that tattoo.”

  “I really do like the tattoo Trevas,” she admitted, and he growled as he took her plate from the refrigerator to warm it up. She slid across the counter a couple of steps toward the microwave and looked up to him.

  “Please kiss me,” she said, softly and even though his mind was telling him not to, he was still mad, his eyes went to her lips and he moved closer to her. He could give her a quick peck so that she knew that he still loved her, he thought, but she had other plans, and as soon as she parted her lips his tongue relished her mouth, and he pulled her closer to him.

  “I’m sorry,” she said resting her hand on his chest, and her head on his chin.

  “You need to call your dad. How did the paparazzi know you were there?”

  “One followed me from here, and I guess he just called his f---,” she stopped before saying it. “His buddies,” she finished.

  “Promise me that you are done with stunts like this,” he requested. “If you feel the need to get drunk and smoke weed, do it with me. I will get it for you. I don’t want you going there again.”

  “Trevas they are not bad people. They smoke weed that’s it. They don’t do anything harder than that.”

  “I don’t want you going there Alley.”

  “Fine, okay, I won’t.”

  “Promise me.”

  “I promise,” she said and moved away from him.

  “Where are you going? Your food is ready.”

  “I have to go suck up to your mom,” she replied, and Trevas smiled.

  Alley walked out the door and right up to Kay. She bent down, and hugged her, and Kay hugged her back.

  “I’m so sorry Kay,” she apologized as Kay rubbed her back.

  “It’s okay Alley, your mom has been remarkably good company. I can’t believe I’m sitting here drinking beer with Peyton Paxton,” she admitted, excited as Alley pulled away and smiled a weak smile.

  “I’m sorry to you too mom,” she said, sitting at the table with them.

  Peyton smiled, not used to her daughter accepting fault. “You know your dad is going to come unglued when he finds out about the tattoo.”

  “Yes I know,” she admitted, and Trevas brought her plate.

  She didn’t think her stomach would let her eat it, but after she took a couple of bites of the beef and vegetables it seemed to settle it, and she almost ate the whole thing before pushing it away.

  “I want to see the tattoo,” her mom requested.

  Alley stood up and pulled up her shirt.

  “I kind of like it, it suites you,” she admitted, and Trevas gave her a dirty look.

  “Great Peyton, let’s encourage her,” he offered, and she laughed.

  Chapter 13

  “Don’t ever leave me Trevas,” Alley whispered, laying in Trevas’s arms once everyone had turned in for the night.

  “Why would you say that? I’m not going anywhere unless you tell me to,” he told her and moved her to the side so that he could look at her.

  “Because I do stupid things, and I don’t want you to get tired of me screwing up.”

  “Alley, we all do stupid things. I was ready to go to prison when I was your age. I’m not going to stop loving you because you make mistakes. I don’t think you realize how much I love you. I couldn’t breathe without you, my heart couldn’t beat, and I wouldn’t want it to without you.”

  Alley smiled a weak smile. “Kiss me,” she whispered, and he did and then he made slow passionate love to her and was surprised when her normal flamboyant self didn’t come out, and she moaned in pleasure instead of profanity.

  They all ate breakfast together outside by the pool and Alley almost choked on her food when her dad opened the door and joined them. Trevas smiled a deviant smile when she looked to him for support. His look told her that she was on her own, and he wasn’t helping. She knew she deserved whatever he said but still didn’t want to tell him. Trevas got him a plate, and he sat with them.

  Kay couldn’t believe that not only was she eating breakfast with Peyton Paxton but also the famous director, Nicholas Fletcher. She was pleasantly surprised at how normal they were, and she felt like her and Peyton were best friends.

  “Alley has something to tell you,” Trevas told him twisting the knife a little, and loving every minute of it.

  “What’s up princess?” he asked. “Hmm, this is good,” he added taking a bite of the breakfast casserole.

  Trevas laughed. “Evil Princess, Rebellious Evil Princess,” he rephrased, and Alley gave him a daggered look.

  “I kind of snuck off yesterday while Trevas was picking Kay up from the airport and did something that you are not going to be happy about.”

  Fletcher’s eyes widened. “What the hell did you do?”

  Alley stood up and pulled up her shirt, revealing the tattoo that glistened from the lotion she had just applied to it before coming out.

  Fletcher dropped his fork to his plate and stood up.

  “What the fuck Trevas?” he asked, looking to him instead of Alley.

  “Of course, it’s my fault,” he countered, but he did feel somewhat responsible, and wished he would have made her come with him.

  “Dad you can’t blame Trevas. I’m the one that did it, not him.”

  “Alex May, you have a nude scene. Do you have any idea how hard those things are to cover up? What the hell were you thinking?”

  “I don’t know. I’m sorry.”

  “You’re sorry?” he asked, sarcastically. “Well since you’re sorry,” he added, smartly, and Trevas watched as Alley pressed her lips together and twisted her mouth to the side. He knew she was dying to tell him off, but surprisingly she didn’t and didn’t answer.

  “Um, you might want to take a look at this too,” Payton said, offering her smart.

  It was a picture of Alley in her very short shorts with her head covered with a hood, wearing dark sunglasses, walking into the tattoo parlor. The caption read, ‘Bets circling through Hollywood on whether or not the daughter of Peyton Paxton will be able to finish the movie, directed by father, Nicholas Fletcher. And then there was another one that said, ‘what tattoo did little Alley get?’

  Alley dropped her head and hated the trouble that she was causing. She wasn’t sure why she cared. She never had before, but for
the first time in her life, she didn’t want to be a disappointment.

  “Why don’t you sabotage the whole fucking movie before we even get started?” Fletcher yelled at her.

  “Fletcher, Uh-uh,” Trevas stepped in, surprising Peyton and himself for standing up to him, but wasn’t about to let him talk to her like that.

  “I gotta get out of here,” he said but turned to Alley before he left. “Should I just find someone else for this Alley?” he asked.

  “You do whatever you have to do,” she demanded, yelling. She spun him when she got up to go inside, contacting his shoulder with hers.

  Peyton and Kay sat and watched without a word until Fletcher left, and then Trevas went upstairs to go to Alley.

  She was digging through her backpack and pulled out the bag of weed when he entered. She turned to look at him with tears in her eyes.

  “Come here baby,” he spoke softly, and she was in his arms sobbing as he took the bag from her hand, and stuck it in his pocket. “He’s just mad Alley, he’ll get over it.”

  “My dad has never talked to me like that,” she stated, from his chest.

  “Give him a little time. He has a right to be mad, but he doesn’t have the right to talk to you like that, even though I have heard you talk to him like that.”

  “I have, haven’t I?” she realized, and also realized, she didn’t like the way it felt.

  “Get dressed and let’s go shopping with our parents,” he kissed her on top of the head.

  “I wanted to smoke that,” she said, looking up to him.

  He kissed her, “No, you don’t need that. Get dressed,” he replied, and smacked her on the butt.

  “Are you shopping with us?”

  “No way, I’m just the driver,” he replied, and she laughed.

  “I love you Trevas.”

  Trevas kissed her again. “I love you too.”

  “Is she coming with us?” Peyton wanted to know when Trevas descended the stairs.

  “Yes, she’s coming,” he replied.

  “Trevas I love your mom. She is so much fun,” Peyton told him as they waited for her and Alley to get ready.

  “Thanks Peyton, I know you have made her year by having her here. I will hear about this for the next ten years.”