Read Starburst Page 31

  “Do you want something to drink?” Kevin asked, breaking the stillness.

  “No, I’m good thanks,” she replied.

  “Go out with me tonight,” he said, sitting in Kay’s chair, and she laughed.

  “Go out with you where?”

  “Come to my house, I will cook for you.”

  “I am not coming to your house Kevin,” she protested, and knew it would be a bad idea to be alone with him where there was a bed within two hundred feet.

  “Fine, I will take you to Emmanuel’s Steak House.”

  “What about Kay?”

  “Kay’s not invited.”

  Peyton laughed.

  “She won’t mind,” he pleaded.

  “Why do you want to go out with me? I am leaving in a few days, and you will probably never see me again.”

  “I want to go out with you because I think you are the most beautiful thing on two legs, and so what if you are leaving. I didn’t ask you to marry me. I just want to buy you dinner. You do eat, don’t you?”

  “Yes I eat,” she told him, trying not to blush. “Give me your phone number. I will see what Kay has planned for us, but don’t hold your breath.”

  “I hold my breath every time you come within fifty feet of me,” he said with some sort of sexy grin that made her want to run for the hills, and she blushed again.


  “Kevin asked me to go out to eat with him tonight.” Peyton told Kay as she pulled out of the parking lot.

  “Are you going?”

  “I don’t know if I should. He said you’re not invited.”

  Kay laughed. “Bastard,” she said. “You can go if you want Peyton, I don’t mind a bit.”

  “I guess a restaurant would be okay,” she said, trying to talk herself into it.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Some place called Emmanuel’s Steak House.”

  “That’s a nice dark, candlelit, romantic place to go.”

  “Oh, great,” she replied, now trying to talk herself out of it.

  Peyton wore the only dress that she had brought with her. It was short with a long V neck that showed just enough cleavage and was sleeveless. It fit her snug, and she wore black pantyhose and black stilettos. She wore her hair down and parted it on the side with soft curls. She did her makeup and spritzed just a touch of Ralph Laurens, Notorious perfume.

  “You’re going dressed like that, and you are trying to stay out of bed with him?” Kay teased.

  “Kay, this is a bad idea,” she decided.

  “It’s too late now, he’s here,” she told her looking out the window. “Should I wait up?”

  “Yes, you should wait up. I will be home by nine.”

  “Yeah okay,” Kay said in a mockery tone.

  Kevin met her at the door wearing black dress slacks with a crisp white shirt and a fancy blue satin tie. He wore his hair with a messy sexy look, unlike how it was combed over neatly in place when he was at the office.

  “You look beautiful,” he told her as Kay helped her with her jacket.

  “Close your mouth,” Kay told him, placing her hand under his chin, and he told her to shut the hell up.

  The restaurant was very dark with black and red table clothes with silver candelabras on each one. Kevin had gotten them a corner table in the back and let her sit facing away from the other diners and so far no one had recognized her. He helped her with her jacket and let her sit first.

  “This is a pretty fancy place,” she commented.

  “Did you think I was going to take you to McDonalds?”

  “No. You told me where you were taking me,” she teased, and he laughed.

  “You are absolutely stunning,” he remarked as he kept telling his eyes not to look at her breast.

  They both ordered steak and wine, and she was pleasantly surprised at how much they laughed and talked. They shared a decorative brownie trifle, and when they were done he helped her with her jacket and held her hand as they walked out without one person recognizing her.

  “Do you want me to take you back to Kay’s now?” he asked as they drove.

  “Where else would you take me?” she asked.

  “For a drive.”

  “We can drive if you want.”

  Kevin took the same back road that Trevas had taken Alley on his bike, and drove along with the mammoth rocks alongside of them.

  “I bet this is really pretty in the daylight,” Peyton supposed, looking out the window at the rocks through the headlights.

  “I can bring you here in the day time,” he offered, and she smiled in the dark without a response.

  Kevin pulled over to a wide spot and shut off the lights.

  “What are you doing Kevin?” she said quietly, and her heart started pounding out of her chest, her palms became sweaty, and her breathing became shallow.

  “I have to kiss you Peyton,” he told her, shifting in his seat to look at her.

  “You have to?” she teased, with the same low tone.

  He didn’t reply and moved his lips toward hers, and she responded by meeting him half way. It was everything that she was afraid that it was going to be. When she parted her lips for him he discovered her mouth with his tongue, causing an uncontrollable moan to resonate. He moved his right hand to her neck and throat and laid the other one on the outside of her thigh, which caused unwanted sensations in her groin area.

  Peyton was fighting with everything in her not to straddle him right there in the car, and it got a whole lot more complicated when he moved from her lips to her throat and down the front of her chest. Her head dropped on its own accord giving him full access as her hand ran though his soft hair on the back of his neck.

  “Kevin stop,” she said, barely above a whisper.

  “Why Peyton,” he asked and took her mouth again. She kissed him back briefly and pulled away.

  “We can’t do this,” she demanded.

  “Why Peyton? Tell me you don’t want this as much as I do.”

  Peyton couldn’t tell him that, not if she was to be honest. She did want him as much as he wanted her. She was going crazy inside and wanted him with everything in her.

  “We can’t Kevin,” she said again, trying to be an adult and not act like some crazy sick teenager in love.

  “Come home with me,” he requested quietly.

  “Take me back to Kay’s.”

  “What is wrong with us being together for one night Peyton? We are both adults with the same sexual attraction to each other, and if you are worried that I’m going to go blabbing my mouth about sleeping with Peyton Paxton, you’re wrong.”

  “Why don’t you have a wife or a girlfriend,” she asked.

  “Why don’t you?”

  “I asked you first, but I don’t because I’m very busy and don’t have time for romance, and it just complicates things for me.”

  “That’s what I was going to say,” he teased, and she laughed.

  “Really, tell me why,” she asked again.

  “I did have a wife but, not for six years now. We moved here ten years ago for my job and after four years, she wanted to go home to Florida, but she didn’t want me to go home with her.”

  “Do you have kids?”

  “I have a son. He will be twenty in May.”

  “What color are my eyes?” she asked, half laughing.


  “I don’t know, I saw it on a movie,” she replied, and he laughed at her.

  “They are the greenest green I have ever seen,” he told her. “Come home with me,” he requested again.

  “You just don’t take no for an answer do you?”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “Kay is waiting up for me,” she tried.

  “Kay is a big girl.”

  “Kevin,” she started to say, and he moved in and kissed her with all tongue again, and ran his hand up her ribs, resting his thumb on her nipple which responded back to his touch.

  “Okay,” she pa
nted the word.

  Kevin flipped the lights on and put the car in drive and held her hand on the top of her leg on the drive back. They were both quiet, anticipating what they knew was about to come.

  He pulled into the cul-de-sac and his house was on the back corner. It was a very nice home with two stories. She thought it must have been his house with his wife because of the size of it. He pulled into the garage and they entered through the laundry room.

  “Do you want something to drink?” he asked.

  “No,” she said looking at him with bedroom eyes, telling him what she wanted.

  He took her hand and led her upstairs and she thought she could faint. What the hell is wrong with you Peyton? she asked herself, trying to shake off whatever this feeling was going on inside of her.

  His room was big and opened. He closed the curtains and turned to her removing his tie and she stood in front of him feeling ridiculously nervous.

  “Your bed’s not made,” she said, and felt like it was the dumbest thing in the world she could have said and had no idea why she said it.

  He snickered. “Do you want me to make it?” he asked, walking to her.

  “Uh-uh,” she answered, unbuttoning the top buttons on his shirt. She had fantasized about touching him there, since the first time she met him, and it was as sensual as she had dreamt. His chest was strong and hard, and he had just enough hair to make him sexy as hell.

  He kissed her neck as she continued to undress him, and then she pulled his shirt from his dress pants. She could see his protrusion lying toward the left side, and she wanted so much to run her hand down his shaft but pulled her body to it instead.

  He pushed her already short dress up higher and travelled her body with his hands. She reached around her back, slowly unzipping the dress as he watched with wanting eyes. She moved one of the straps down, revealing her bare shoulder, and he helped with the other one until it was to her waist. He kissed her breast where the material from her bra didn’t cover, and she reached around and unsnapped it as well. He removed it and took her nipple into his mouth, causing her to moan as he slid the dress the rest of the way down. She slipped out of her heels and stepped out of the dress and slid the pantyhose down her hips.

  Kevin backed her to the bed and after laying her down, slowly and sensually removed her pantyhose. He slid his fingers around the top of her expensive white satin panties, and slid them off as well as she lifted her hips to help.

  “I want to tell you how freaking beautiful you are, but I’m sure you hear it all the time,” he spoke down to her, examining her body with his voracious eyes.

  “You can tell me how beautiful I am,” she smiled, teasing, wanting him to stop staring and come to her.

  He did come to her but not to her lips where she thought he would. He ran his manly hands up her legs and to her inner thighs and brought one knee to the bed. He placed one hand on her piercing hip bone and moved the other one between her legs, watching his hand as he did with the most lustful look in his eyes that was humanly possible. Peyton gasped at his touch, and her hips automatically responded as he slid his fingers up her and then back down.

  She wasn’t sure how much she was going to be able to take when he moved his free hand and took his thumb to part or more while his fingers massaged her swollen sheath. When she was very close, and he knew it, he stopped and came between her legs with his mouth and it sent shivers through her spine. It was just a matter of time before she was rearing her hips, and screaming out in pleasure.

  As soon as she could breath and the quivering had settled she sat up and unbuttoned his dress slacks. She released him and took him in her hand causing him, to now moan. She took him into her mouth, and he thought he was going to come unglued. He didn’t let her stay there long, afraid of what was going to happen if he did. He laid her down and came between her legs and she stopped him.

  “You need a condom,” she demanded with her hand on his chest.

  He was right there, he could feel himself on her, and he wanted to drive himself into her that very second.

  “I don’t have a condom Peyton. What are you worried about, getting pregnant or that I am unhealthy? because I assure you that I probably have more to worry about from you than you do me,” he explained, knowing that he hadn’t been with anyone in months but was almost sure that she did get around. Of course, it was just speculation from what he had read lately on the internet.

  “That may be true, but I don’t do this without one, ever,” she added.

  Kevin kissed her and then pulled back to look at her. He moved his hand down and stroked himself up her a couple of times while he looked down into her eyes and she stared back, under his spell.

  Peyton arched her back and closed her eyes when she felt him enter her. She couldn’t have stopped him now if she wanted to and the way she felt right at that moment she didn’t want him to, forgetting all about the condom rule that she had never let this happen without. She had walked away from men, even when it was this close when there was no available condom.

  Kevin kissed her throat and chest as she moaned, tilting her head as he thrust into her sending her into an orgasmic frenzy. As hard as it was, he did pull out of her when he was ready and released on her sexy tiny stomach, and she wondered at that moment what the hell she was doing.

  No man had ever done that, no man had ever touched her without a condom, except Fletcher, and that was how Alley got there, and no man had ever defied her and took her after her protest of not having a condom.

  “I need to go to the bathroom,” Peyton told him when her fingers found his substance on her stomach.

  He took her clean hand and pulled her to her feet with a kiss. “I’m sorry about that, but you never answered whether or not you could get pregnant.”

  “I can’t get pregnant, but I did tell you no,” she demanded, quietly standing close to his lips and holding her mattered hand out to the side.

  “You did, but you didn’t stop me,” he retorted.

  “I couldn’t stop you,” she admitted and walked away from him and into his master bath.

  When she returned after cleaning up she pulled on her panties, and started to put her bra on.

  “Stay the night Peyton,” Kevin requested.

  “What? I’m not staying the night,” she protested. She didn’t do that either. James was the closest one that ever stayed the night, and he was usually up and gone before day light.

  “Why not?”

  “Because Kay is expecting me, and I should have already been there,” she replied still getting dressed.

  Kevin held her hands and kept her from spinning the bra, in place.

  “Please don’t Kevin,” she said, unable to look at him.

  He took her chin lightly, and made her look up, planting a soft kiss on her lips. “Stay with me Peyton,” he begged, and her eyes closed as she breathed in a defeated breath.

  “I don’t have a tooth brush,” she tried.

  “You can use mine.”

  “That is gross,” she stated.

  “We just traded way more saliva than you are going to get from my toothbrush,” he demanded.

  “I need a t-shirt,” she said, giving in.

  “Why? I don’t want you to wear a t-shirt.”

  “Because I feel naked.”

  “That’s because you are naked,” he teased.

  “I want a shirt,” she demanded, and he got her one. She pulled the too big shirt on as her phone rang, and it was Kay.

  “Hi,” she answered.

  “I am sorry to bother you, but I wanted to know if I should lockup, and I have some bad news.”

  “Yes you can lock up, and I am not interested in bad news,”

  “Oh the webs we weave for ourselves,” Kay teased, using Peyton’s words because she was spending the night and not coming home.

  “Shut up, what’s the bad news?”

  The pictures released, they didn’t wait until tomorrow after all, but it might not be as b
ad as we were afraid.

  “Son of a bitch, what do you mean by that?”

  “You will see when you get online. I only saw them on LA Trickle, and that was it, for now anyway. Did you yet?” she had to ask, and Peyton knew exactly what she was talking about.

  “Yes, I did,” she answered honestly, shaking her head in disbelief at her actions.

  “Good or bad?”

  “Totally freaking awesome,” she said, and Kay laughed.

  “I will see you in the morning and tell Kevin he better not be late for work.”

  “Do you have a laptop that I can use?” Peyton asked Kevin, and he pulled on a pair of basketball shorts and went downstairs to get it.

  She turned it on and as soon as she clicked on the search bar, her name pulled down.

  “You Googled me,” she smiled, looking back at Kevin now sitting beside her on the bed.

  “I can’t really deny it now,” he admitted.

  “Did you find anything interesting?”


  “Don’t believe any of it.”

  “I was mostly checking out the hot pictures,” he replied, and she smiled.

  She typed LA Trickle and as soon as it was opened up she knew what Kay had meant by, it may not be as bad as they thought.

  The headline read, ‘Power of Publicity’ and not only were there pictures of Alley and Trevas there were also some pretty explicit pictures of her rival, Hailey Arlington with her costar, and boyfriend, of singer Lexis Diamond. Kevin sat beside her as they looked at the pictures and they both read the article.

  It talked about whose controversy would get the most publicity and the affairs of both girls. It speculated that Alley was cheating on Jerrod Jackson with older bodyguard Trevas Evans, and also talked about Hailey Arlington’s affair with the pop singers boyfriend Bo Slater.

  “You don’t mind if I call my ex-husband do you?” she asked Kevin, and then asked herself why she just asked his permission.

  “Of course not,” he replied, and she dialed his number.

  “Hey beautiful,” Fletcher answered.

  “Fletch the pictures were released.”