Read Starburst Page 44

  “God I missed you,” Kevin said taking her mouth again.

  “I think I missed you more,” she demanded.

  “Impossible,” he replied, and got up and pulled her hand, helping her up as well.

  Trevas, Alley, Peyton and Don were out by the pool when they joined them. Trevas had already went to the store and stocked up on beer, and steaks to grill for supper.

  Trevas wouldn’t let Peyton help with any of the side dishes, and told her to get out of his kitchen and go be with Kevin. He wanted to try a new grilled eggplant recipe, and sweet rice and beans recipe and he didn’t want Peyton in his way.

  She happily sat on the glider with Kevin as close to him as she could possibly get, and he rested his arm over her legs. Peyton noticed how happy Kay and Don seemed to be, and were constantly kissing and saying cute little things to each other.

  Alley sat at the kitchen island and watched Trevas cook.

  “Can you believe my mom Trevas?” she asked, looking out the glass door and catching them steeling a kiss.

  “I believe your mom is head over hills in love,” he answered while preparing his meal.

  “Yeah I would say so, but it’s creepy. My mom doesn’t fall in love.”

  Trevas smiled at her and leaned in for a kiss. “Neither did I,” he told her and she smiled, glad that it was her that brought him to his knees.

  “Trevas I don’t want to do this whole red carpet event,” she told him, feeling the nerves from doing it.

  “Look at it as the finale baby. This is it, your very last carpet event, photo shoot, interview and the last time you will ever have to dress up like a princess.”

  Alley moaned. “Did you have to remind me about the dress and did you see the heels, she expects me to wear?”

  “I thought you chose the shoes.”

  “I did, but none of them would have been my first choice. I wonder if my publicist would be mad if I wore my boots.”

  Trevas laughed, picturing her in the evening gown and black combat boots. “You would really do it too, wouldn’t you?”

  “You damn right I would.”

  Alley’s phone rang and she answered it. “Hey Frankie,” she said, already knowing what she was calling for.

  “Need anything?” she asked discreetly, knowing Alley knew what she was talking about.

  “You know I do, is it good?”

  “Primo,” she answered.

  “No!” Trevas demanded, already knowing what she was up to.

  “Are you at the shop?” she asked.


  “Okay let me call you back.”

  Alley got off the stool and walked around to Trevas, forcing him to stop chopping his vegetables and looked up to him with pleading eyes. “Please, please, please Trevas,” she begged.

  “Alley no, you are not going.”

  “Trevas, you can’t tell me that I am not doing something. I am not your child.”

  “But sometimes you act like my child. I don’t want you taking a chance on going in there. If they are dealing out of that shop, they’re going to get busted, and I don’t want you anywhere near it when it happens.”

  “They don’t deal weed Trevas. They get it for a very few select people. I am going whether you like it or not, so you might as well not be a dick about it.”

  “Let me go with you.”

  “If you go they are going to play dumb and act like they don’t know what I am talking about. They are not going to give it to me with you there. I promise I will go straight there and straight back.”

  “I am asking you not to go Alley.”

  “Okay, have it your way,” she said and went upstairs to get her backpack that she used for a purse and everything else, and her keys.

  She glared at him as she walked down the stairs and to the door.

  “Alley!” he called before she closed the door behind her.


  “Come here.”

  Alley went to him and tilted her head, and he pulled her to him.

  “You have got to be the most stubborn, persistent, pigheaded female on this earth. Please be careful, and if you are not back here in thirty minutes, I am coming after you.”

  “I promise,” she said and kissed him, glad that he wasn’t going to be an ass about it.

  “Alley,” he called again before she got out the door, and she turned to look at him.

  “I love you.”

  She smiled. I love you too and don’t worry. I will be fine.”

  Alley pulled out and noticed right away the dark gray car following her. She wasn’t about to let them take her picture going into the tattoo shop again, and turned down another road to see if they actually were following her and sure enough they were.

  She sped around another couple of blocks and tried to lose them, but they were speeding right behind her.

  “Damn it,” she said out loud.

  She slowed down at the next intersection to make sure noting was coming before she ran through the stop sign and she didn’t make it to the next block before she heard the siren and the lights right behind her.

  She groaned and pulled over but was happy that she was being pulled over before she had a bag of weed in her car.

  “License and registration please,” the police officer requested.

  She took her wallet from her bag and handed him her license and then found the registration and proof of insurance in the console where Trevas had put them.

  “Alley Fletcher?” he asked, looking at her license and then back to her.

  “Yes sir,” she answered.

  “What’s your hurry?”

  “I was trying to get away from those fu…” Alley stopped herself. “I had paparazzi following me, and I was trying to lose them.”

  “Is that them, right there?” he asked, pointing to the gray car parked alongside the curb just ahead waiting for her.”

  “Yes sir,” she replied.

  “I’ll tell you what. I am going to write you a ticket for running the stop sign, and then I will pull out in front of you and make sure they stay parked until you have plenty of head start.”

  “Thank you” she replied and was almost glad for the ticket. It was worth it for the cop to get between her and the idiots following her with a camera.

  He brought her the ticket. “No more running stop signs. I would rather see your picture in the tabloids than in the obituaries.”

  “Yes sir, I promise.”

  “Wait here until I wave for you to pull out.”


  Alley watched him pull right up beside the car and pull the frontend of his cruiser to just in front of the gray car and then he motioned for her to go.

  “Yes!” she exclaimed and couldn’t help but smile, and flip the driver of the gray car off as she passed.

  She called Frankie and told her that she was in a hurry and to open the side door. She drove down the alleyway, leaving her car running, ran inside, made the trade and was gone. She looked at the clock, and it was already past forty minutes.

  She answered her phone on the first ring when Trevas called.

  “I am on my way,” she told him.

  “You are late, what took so long.”

  “I got a ticket.”

  “For what?”

  “Running a stop sign.”

  Trevas shook his head and told her to be careful, and she could tell him about it when she got there. He knew how she drove and didn’t want her to be on the phone.

  Alley ran her bag upstairs and then joined everyone else on the patio. Trevas was cooking the steaks, and her dad was there.

  “Where did you go?” Peyton asked.

  “To see a friend, here dad,” she said, handing him the pink slip.

  “What do you want me to do with this? What the hell are you doing running stop signs?”

  “I want you to pay it and take care of it. I don’t know what to do with it, and I ran the stop sign to get away from the stupid papz.”
r />   He tried to hand it back to her. “You got the ticket. You read the instructions and you take care of paying it,” he demanded.

  She put her arms around his neck from the back. “I don’t know how, please will you just do it for me.”

  Fletcher groaned and stuck the ticket in his pocket.

  “Thanks dad,” Alley said, and Trevas shook his head and laughed at his evil little princess.

  Fletcher stayed and ate and then took off around eight. Trevas built a fire in the fire pit, and they all sat around drinking beer. Trevas and Alley shared a couple and she text Trevas.

  “Let’s go to bed.”

  “It’s nine thirty. You don’t want to go to bed, you want to get high,” he text back.

  “I want do want to get high, and then I want you to go down on me, and make crazy fucking love to me.”

  Trevas laughed out loud.

  “Would you like to share your text message with the rest of us, so we can laugh too?” Kay asked him.

  “Trust me, you wouldn’t laugh,” he replied.

  Trevas text her back. “Is that the correct order that you would like your wishes in?”

  “Precisely the right order,” she said smiling over at him.

  “We’re going to bed,” Trevas said, jumping up and Kevin and Don started giving him a hard time.

  “What are you going to bed for?”

  “Are you whipped Trevas?”

  “Do you always listen to everything Alley tells you to do?”

  Alley started to say something and Trevas knew all too well what it was going to pertain to. He covered her mouth with his hand and ushered her inside.

  “What did you do that for?” she asked after they were inside.

  “Because I know you were about to say something about us getting stoned or having sex.”

  Alley turned and walked backward up the steps with him in front of her.

  “Are we having sex?” she teased.

  “We are most definitely having sex,” he replied, grabbing her and causing her to have to sit on the steps and he towered over, kissed her and ran his knee between her legs.

  Alley rolled over and scooted up the steps to get away from him. She took the bag from her bag, and he told her he was going to jump in the shower.

  She pulled up his t-shirt and ran her hands up his stomach and chest and kissed his neck.

  “Why don’t you run us a tub of water and I will roll us a joint,” she seductively told him. She knew they couldn’t smoke it by the widow because their parents were right below them, and neither of them was sure what Kay would think, even though she probably knew that they smoked it too.

  Trevas ran a hot tub of water and got in. Alley rolled the joint and handed it to him so that she could undress and he watched as she did.

  “Get a lighter,” he said stopping her before she got in.

  She went to her room and came back and handed it to him. She snuggled up to his chest, and he wrapped his free hand around her stomach. She ran her free hand down his leg, and he lit the joint.

  Alley told him about the cop blocking the paparazzi, and they talked about the premier of the movie as they passed the joint back and forth to each other. She kept letting out water and adding more hot because they stayed in so long. They talked more about going to Utah and were planning on going to the cabin the following weekend.

  Trevas laid the half a joint on the back of the toilet and wrapped both his arms around her and she pulled both of hers around his neck.

  “Trevas,” she spoke, quietly.

  “What baby?” he asked and kissed the top of her head.

  “You know that you’re my whole world don’t you?”

  “Where did that come from?” he asked.

  She turned around and put her legs over his so that she could face him. He took both of her hands in his, staring lovingly at her. He did love her. He loved her so much it that he didn’t know if it was normal or healthy.

  She shrugged her shoulders, looking down at their hands. “I don’t know, I just hope you know how much I love you, and I would never want to be without you.”

  Trevas rose up and kissed her. “Let’s get out of here,” he whispered.

  “You get out, I want to shave first.”

  Trevas’s eyebrows rose at the thought. “What are you going to shave?”

  “My legs,” she smiled.

  “Is that it?”

  “No,” she answered honestly.

  “I want to shave you there.”

  “You will cut me.”

  “I promise I won’t, please. I let you go to Frankie’s didn’t I?”

  “No, not really, I almost had to throw an Alley tantrum.”

  “You’re not supposed to know what an Alley tantrum is. We say that behind your back.”

  Alley laughed.

  Trevas stood up and wrapped himself in a towel and picked up the shaving cream and the razor. He let the water out so that he had better access.

  “Let me do my legs first,” Alley said holding her hand out for him to squirt some shaving cream and took the razor. He watched and when she was finished she looked at him, contemplating on whether or not to let him take over. He opened his hand for the razor, and she laid it in his hand.

  “Lay back,” he said in the sexy husky voice that drove her insane.

  She lay back in the tub and he squirted the cream in his hand and messaged it over her, and she gasped even though he hadn’t touched a sensitive spot at all.

  “It doesn’t feel that good when I do it,” she told him.

  “Then maybe you better just let me take over this job.”

  Alley laughed and watched as he did a very nice and slow job. He shaved the top of her first, rinsing the razor after every stroke.

  “Spread your legs,” he told her in that damn husky voice again, and he moved her apart with his hands. He applied more cream and let out more water so he could get better contact. He shaved her from the top all the way to the back of her, using his fingers to spread her to get in the tighter spots.

  Alley thought she was going to orgasm with just him shaving her, and he could tell that she was very much into it. No matter how much she tried, she couldn’t control her hips twisting into him, begging for him to touch her. She had her eyes closed, and her head back, trying to pull herself together.

  “Stop wiggling or I am going to cut you.”

  “Fuck, I can’t Trevas,” she answered, and he smiled, loving every second of it.

  Trevas took the shower head from its holster and pulled the plug on the tub, and all Alley could do is watch as he adjusted the water and then angled it between her legs. He used his hand and wiped away shaving cream and then turned the shower head to the jet stream spray and held it between her legs, making sure that the stream hit in the exact place that he knew would bring her to bliss.

  “Fuck, Trevas,” Alley breathed out in a whisper, arching her back and closing her eyes as her head tilted back on its own accord.

  Trevas slid one finger in her and had her calling out profanity within seconds. He shut the water off and pulled her hands helping her out.

  “I don’t think I can stand up after that,” she tried to tell him, but he was too excited to respond and lifted her to him, placing her gently on the sink. He moved into her slowly and hissed through his teeth at the feel of her. Alley let him take her for a few minutes and then made him stop.

  “Move,” she demanded, bringing her feet to the floor and making him step back.

  She kissed him with all tongue and turned around, bending over the sink, and he resumed his position and continued to take her fast, hard and rough until they were both quivering to the bone and Alley was calling out or normal sacrilege.

  “I think I messed up your wish list a little,” Trevas told her, turning her back to him so that he could kiss her.

  “I think I liked your list better,” she smiled.

  They crawled into bed, and Trevas held her naked body close to hi
s and kissed her several times. They talked for a couple of hours and then Trevas made love to her again before they finally fell asleep around two in the morning.


  “Are you guys decent?” Trevas heard his mom yell from the door.

  He opened his sleepy eyes to look over at Alley, sound asleep on her stomach with the covers thrown off. He smiled a warm smile as he covered her naked body.

  “Yeah, you can come in,” he told his mom.

  “It’s nine o’clock. Are you two going to sleep all day?” she asked, and opened the dark curtains to let the beautiful sun shine in.

  Alley squinted her eyes and moaned, and Trevas had to hold on to the covers to keep her from kicking them off. She rolled over and threw her arm over him to snuggle up with him, and he shook her.

  “My mom is in here,” he told her, and she opened her eyes.

  “Good morning Alley,” Kay said happily.

  “Good morning Kay,” she replied, rubbing her eyes and sitting up a little to look at her. “What time is it?”

  “Nine and we are going to go do some sightseeing. Do you guys want to come?”

  “Are you crazy? We’ll just stay in bed,” Alley answered and then looked to Trevas. “Did you want to go Trevas?” she asked a little late.

  “No I wanted to go visit my grandparents.”

  “I would rather do that too,” Alley agreed, not wanting to be chased by paparazzi all day.

  “Peyton made breakfast, come down and eat with us,” Kay said and left them.

  Alley started to get up, and Trevas threw her back to the bed. “Don’t leave me,” he said holding her hands down with his.

  “I have to pee,” she smiled, and he kissed her.

  Trevas pulled on his jeans and was putting his shirt on when Alley came out.

  “I didn’t want you dressed yet,” she said placing her still naked body against his. He embraced her, and ran his hands down her tight little butt and moaned.

  “I think you may just be a nymphomaniac,” he whispered to her neck.

  “I am not; I have gone three or four days without it lots of times.”