Read Starburst Page 9

  “We went shopping last night,” he explained, but took the bag. He poured them both a cup of coffee, and they walked to the porch and sat on the wooden swing to the right of the door.

  Alley turned her head a little to listen, too nervous to get up and meet his mom.

  “Trevas, what the hell are you doing?” His mom asked.

  “I have no idea mom. I’m so screwed up right now.”

  “How old is she?”

  “Seventeen,” he told her honestly.

  “Trevas, you will go to prison and be registered a sex offender.”

  “I haven’t done that,” he told her, letting her know that he had not had sex with her.

  “That shocks the hell out of me, but how long do you think that cute little hot thing is going to sleep in your bed like that before you do?”

  Trevas wanted to laugh but only smiled instead. “I don’t really care about the sex… that is not what scares me.”

  “Oh God Trevas,” his mom, spoke alarmed. “Please tell me you are not in love with her.”

  “I am so deeply in love with her that I can’t see straight, and that is the only reason I have not had sex with her. I’m afraid that it’s going to make it stronger than it already is and I have to let her go in a couple of weeks.”

  “Trevas what are you going to do? Are you planning on waiting for her to turn eighteen? When will that be? What happen to the Selena girl? I thought you liked her.”

  “Geesh mom, take a breath. I’m not planning on doing anything. I can’t, I know this was extremely stupid of me and I know nothing is going to come out of it. One, her dad would never allow it, and two, it wouldn’t be fair to her. She is young. She has to find herself before she commits to the first guy that makes her heart flutter.”

  Alley smiled at the flutter remark and continued to listen.

  “And the Selena girl was never anything more than someone to have fun with.”

  “But you had fun.”

  “Alley is so different mom,” he said not wanting to discuss Selena. “She can be so damn irritating, funny, innocent, sweet and the biggest spoiled brat I have ever met in my life, but it’s like she has literally gotten under my skin. Does that even make sense?” he asked, smiling over at her.

  “Yes Trevas, it makes perfect sense. You are in love with her, you dumb boy.”

  “You will never guess who her mother is,” Trevas had to add with a sly smile.

  “Who?” She asked with high curiosity.

  “Peyton Paxton.”

  “You are not serious Trevas.”

  “I’m very serious,” he added, knowing that his mom was infatuated with Peyton Paxton and could tell you every movie, commercial, talk show, magazine article and anything else that the women had done her entire career.

  “Oh my God,” she exclaimed.

  Alley tried to stay in bed and not interrupt, but she had to pee, and couldn’t hold it for another second. Their conversation was over when they heard the toilet flush.

  Trevas went in to tell her that his mother was there and warn her to put on some clothes. He took their cups with them and filled them.

  “Come out here and meet my mom,” he told her when she came to the kitchen to join him

  “I can’t meet your mom Trevas. What is she going to think of me?”

  Trevas smiled and kissed the top of her head. “Alley Fletcher cares about what someone thinks about her?” he asked with a crooked grin.

  “Yes, when it is your mother. And stop kissing me. I’m not letting you touch me anymore.”

  “Come on,” he demanded, taking the coffee cups.

  “Mom this is Alley Fletcher. Alley this is my mom Kay.”

  Trevas’s mom stood up and shook her hand with a warm smile. She could tell by the way, she looked at her son that she was just as much in love with him.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Alley spoke shyly.

  “She is beautiful,” Kay said to Trevas and Alley blushed.

  “Mom, don’t embarrass her,” Trevas scolded.

  “I can’t believe that you are Payton Paxton’s daughter. I love your mom,” she stated, and Alley smiled.

  “Yeah, she is my mom,” she answered, not quite knowing what to say.

  “I saw on Entertainment Tonight that she was in Africa filming the sequel to ‘BLACK’. I can’t wait for it to come out.”

  “Yes, she is. They are just about done I think.”

  Trevas left them to go make breakfast, and he was pleasantly surprised at how well they got along, and listened from the kitchen to Alley tell her about her mom. He made a quick breakfast and had pancakes ready in no time. He brought out the stack and sat them on the picnic table to the left of the porch and Alley carried out plates, utensils, syrup and butter.

  “Isn’t it weird to watch your mother in the sex scenes?” Kay asked, and Trevas shook his head, and Alley laughed.

  “No, not really, I grew up around the sets, and it’s not really a sex scene at all. They do a lot of laughing, and there are so many cameras and people around that it couldn’t be anything more than comical.”

  “Hmm, I guess I never thought about it like that.”

  “You’re not really supposed to think about it like that,” Alley explained. “If you did than it wouldn’t stir the emotions and the movie would be a flop.”

  Kay left about an hour later for work. She made them promise that they would come for supper, and after spending some time with her Alley was fine with it.

  Alley sat across from Trevas at the picnic table, and they stared at each other.

  “Are you still mad at me?” Trevas asked and moved his hand to the middle of the table to take hers, and she pulled it away.

  “No, I’m not mad, but I’m not letting you touch me anymore.”

  “Never?” he asked amused.

  “I guess that will be up to you,” she stated, and got up, carrying the breakfast materials into the house.

  Now what am I supposed to do? He knew he couldn’t go a day without touching her, and it was driving him crazy already because he hadn’t kissed her yet.

  “Let’s go for a walk,” Trevas requested, once the kitchen was back in order.

  They walked down to the lake and followed the path that went around the shape of the lake and back to the dock.

  “Can I hold your hand?” he asked.

  “Uh-uh,” she replied and brought both of them to her short jean pockets. She decided that she liked this game and knew that it was going to drive him crazy. She planned on using it to her full advantage as she walked and thought about the things that she could do that would drive him insane. She decided to start right that moment and removed the loose fitting t-shirt, and was left with a ribbed tank-top that was small on her and showed her midsection. She flipped her hair with her hand and smiled over at him.

  “Do you really think that is going to bother me,” he asked, sounding very confident.

  “Oh, I know it is,” she replied, sounding more confident.

  They walked and talked as they flirted with each other without touching. They watched a couple of fish jump, and Trevas asked her if she had ever been fishing.

  “No and I’m okay with not doing it,” she told him bluntly.

  “Well I need to do some fishing here.”

  “You fish all you want. I’m not touching a fish or the worm.”

  Trevas laughed. “But you’ll eat them right, city girl?”

  “I would say no, but I know that you would make them delicious so yes, more than likely, I would.”

  Chapter 5

  Alley and Trevas had dinner with his mom and sat in the fenced in back yard with her little dog Strike. Trevas grilled burgers, and they played around with the dog, throwing a squeaky, rubber bone. Alley threw it to Trevas, and the dog would run after it, and he would throw it back, keeping the playful dog going. Trevas tried more than once to touch her, and she would either pull her hand away or spin out of his arms and wouldn’t let him. He g
roaned at her more than once and didn’t know how much more he was going to be able to take it.

  Alley and Kay got along great together, and for some reason it pleased Trevas to know end. He knew that Selena would have never fit in with his family, and couldn’t quite put his finger on why Alley fit in so well. It wasn’t like they had anything in common or came from even close to the same background.

  They said goodbye on the front porch and Alley went to the car first, giving them a moment.

  “Trevas, I love her, and if you choose to wait on her, I will stand behind you but not until she is legal,” she warned.

  “Thanks for the support mom, but I’m still not committing, her or me to that. I will see you in a day or two.”

  Trevas opened a beer and went to the front porch when Alley announced that she was going to take a shower. He couldn’t stand the thought of watching her naked shadow and not being able to touch her. He had told himself the entire day that he could play this game too and tried to tell himself that he wasn’t going to try, but he did, several times and she put a halt to it every time.

  Alley joined him on the top step and of course she was scarcely dressed, and he went to the shower next. He returned wearing jeans and no shirt, and she noticed, staring over at his bare chest, willing herself not to touch him now. They sat out until almost dark, and she shared three beers with him. They decided to watch one of the old VHS tapes and sat together on the couch, at opposite ends.

  Trevas picked the movie because Alley didn’t know what any of them were and settled on the eighties movie Beverly Hills Cop. Alley got her bag and pulled out her little sandwich bag and broke up a chunk on the coffee table. She pulled a rolling paper from its little packet and twisted it like a pro as Trevas shook his head and watched. She looked over to him as she licked and sealed it closed.

  “Have you been doing that the whole time I have been around?” He wanted to know, doubting his security abilities.

  “No, not really, that day when you were by the pool, and I was on my balcony, you know, when you told me I needed my ass beat? I was then.”

  “And you flipped me off?”

  “Yes,” she smiled, “that day.”

  “You were getting stoned?” he asked, shaking his head in disbelief.

  “Yup, that’s what I was doing,” she admitted.

  Alley lit the joint and inhaled deeply holding it in. Trevas was waiting for her to hand it to him, but she didn’t. She hit it again and then put it in her mouth, fire side first. She came to his bare chest and lightly placed her hand on him and moved her mouth to his. Her lips were so close, he could feel them. She blew the smoke from her mouth to his as she exhaled and he inhaled it. She slowly moved away giving him a look of pure rapture, and he wanted to grab her and give her a taste of her own medicine, but didn’t and instead, sat up, trying to hold in the smoke.

  Alley took another hit and handed it to him the next time, and he moved closer to her and took it. They smoked about half of it and she moved, propping herself up on the sofa arm. Her legs were dangerously close to him, and he couldn’t resist and moved his hand just above her knee.

  “What are you doing?” She asked, looking down at his hand.

  “I’m touching you because I can’t stand not to for one more second.”

  Alley stared at him seductively, and when she didn’t protest his hand, he moved between her legs and tried to kiss her. Alley turned her head slightly, and he kissed the side of her face. She turned back to him, but when he was at her lips again, she moved again, and he kissed her neck. He tried to kiss her two more times, and she would let him get so close and move. The next time that she did it he held her head and forced his tongue in her mouth, and she couldn’t help but respond.

  She scooted down some and brought one hand to his face and the other to his chest. His hands were already all over her body, and he moaned a soft moan at the feel of her.

  “Trevas,” she whispered, breathing rapidly and he knew what she was going to say.

  “What Alley,” he whispered to her lips.

  “Make love to me.”

  “Why can’t this be enough?” He asked quietly, in between kisses.

  “Get off of me,” Alley scolded, and squirmed from under him and got up. She stood in front of him and removed her shirt and then her bra. She slid out of her shorts and then her panties, and he could do nothing but stare. He couldn’t even speak.

  “You get up and follow me to this bed right now, or I’m done,” she threatened.

  “Done what?” He managed to say.

  “Done playing your game.”

  “Alley, I’m not trying to play games with you.”

  “Shut the fuck up and come with me.” She demanded, and walked the few steps to the bed, and he overwhelmingly followed.

  “You have a horrible potty mouth,” he told her removing his jeans and coming to her. He knew he was done, and he knew it was just a matter of time before he gave in. Alley’s breathing picked up, and she was shocked and scared now that they were going to do what they were about to do.

  Trevas took her naked body in his and found her lips with his again. His hand wandered down her body, and she arched and gasped at the same time when his fingers landed between her legs.

  “Damn it Alley you feel so good,” he whispered to her neck, but she was unable to respond and could only focus on the sensations that were taking over her body and the emotions flowing like an electrical current.

  She refrained from touching him this time, afraid of freaking him out again, and waited on him. Trevas continued to penetrate her and kiss all over her. She had to turn her head because she was getting close and couldn’t breathe with his mouth on hers. Trevas could tell she was ready and pulled back to watch her pleasure. Her back arched and her hips thrust into his fingers. She closed her eyes and screamed out, and Trevas thought it was the most lustful thing he had witnessed in his life. As soon as she was able to regain her control, he moved between her legs and delicately entered her. She pulled away a little at first, and he stopped.

  “Are you okay?” He asked, before going any further.

  She smiled at him. “Yes, just making sure it wasn’t going to feel like the last time,” she explained thinking about the first time he had penetrated her, and the pain that immediately followed.

  Trevas didn’t respond, too wrapped up in what was happening and moved in slowly, moaning a pleasurable moan as he did. Trevas made slow passionate love to her and loved everything about her. He picked up speed and thrust deeper into her, causing her to close her eyes again, and she almost sat completely up when she screamed out again, and he plunged deep into her, letting go with her.

  “Oh fuck, Trevas,” she said breathing rapidly, trying to come down from her high and he didn’t reprimand her over her language again because he too was trying to come down from his own high.

  Trevas shifted his weight to the right of her, and she entwined her soft warm legs in his.

  “Trevas,” she said, softly shifting a little herself to look at him.

  “Alley don’t,” he warned.

  “I have too Trevas.”

  “No, you don’t, we agreed that we wouldn’t do this.”

  “You agreed. I didn’t have a say in it.”

  “Alley what do you think is going to come out of this when your dad gets back?”

  “I think that’s up to you, I know what I want.”

  “And what is that?” He asked with a little bit of an attitude.

  “What do you think?” She asked, sitting up, with a little bit of her own attitude.

  “That’s what I am asking you.”

  “I want you Trevas, I love you.”

  And it was out. She said what he didn’t want to hear. “Alley you cannot love me and I can’t love you. Why can’t you understand that?”

  “Because its bullshit and you know it.”

  “Didn’t I give you what you wanted?” He asked, and it was too late to take it back.<
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  “Fuck you Trevas,” she yelled and got up to pull her clothes on. It wasn’t what he wanted at all. He was looking forward to her naked body sleeping next to his, and he didn’t know what to say.

  Alley grabbed her laptop from the nightstand and sat on the couch and he groaned, rubbing his face with both hands.

  “Alley get over here and talk to me,” he demanded.

  “We don’t need to talk Trevas. I already got what I wanted from you,” she snapped, waiting for the laptop to power up and he groaned again.

  “What Trevas?” She turned and asked. “You are the one that said it. You have made it perfectly clear what you want to come out of this, and it doesn’t include me. I get it, so don’t fucking touch me ag….ain.” She shouted but slowed down on the last word when the news flash from her computer caught her eye as she opened up the internet.

  “Director Nicholas Fletcher and Daughter’s best friend, eighteen year old, Brooke Austin, Photographed in intimate pictures.” She clicked on the link and saw her forty one year old father on a hotel balcony kissing all over her friend. She clicked on every picture and couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Not only could she not believe it from Brooke but her dad as well.

  Trevas got up and looked over her shoulder and her head shaking no, in disbelief. She slammed the laptop closed, and took her cellphone from her bag. She walked out to the porch, and he followed.

  “You are not going to get any service Alley. Come back in and we will go into town and call him tomorrow. Don’t call him when you’re so upset.”

  Alley turned and glared at him. She twisted her mouth to the side to keep from using the F word again.

  She walked around the yard and up the little slanted bank. She stopped when she got two bars, and noticed that she already had three voice mails but didn’t listen and dialed his number.

  “Alley I tried to call you,” he answered, letting her know that he was trying to warn her before she saw them herself.

  “What the fuck dad!” She screamed in the phone. “How could you do this?”

  “Alley, nothing happened.”

  “Really? That’s not how I saw it. Why was she in your room? Or were you in hers?”