Read Starlit Ruins Page 13

  He paced; only a few minutes remained. She would come out of the coma in less than ten minutes. Dr. Ravelli fidgeted furiously in expectation of his latest creation. Such beauty to be transformed into such power!

  What will manifest in my black haired beauty? If nothing, then she would simply have to undergo further treatment. He almost had to wonder how much more she could take; she had already endured a week of exposure to the drugs. No matter. She would come into her own. She was too much of a wonder not to survive.

  The fire.

  The flames licked at her soul, teasing her. She felt the warmth, and knew that the fire was there. It was there for her. It was going to help her take her revenge.

  You have known the fire most of your life. Use it. Use it to take back that which has been stolen from you.

  Her eyes snapped open. Awareness flooded her senses. Color. Light. The lights in the ceiling shone above her. She felt the coldness of the table, her bare skin against it. The air was warm in her dry mouth. Listening to the sound of her world, she heard nothing. Nothing.

  Movement in the corner of her vision brought her attention to him, The Hated One, as he entered the room. The door closed, she saw his mouth move. Silence was his only comment. He reeled as she screamed. Rei felt the vibrations in her throat as her voice tumbled forth in terror and anger. The Hated One drew near as the noise ceased.

  The fire!

  Anger coursed through her. Rei felt her hand suddenly free from the bond that held it. That hand was on fire. The Hated One's mouth opened in a mixed expression of pleasure and stark amazement. She reached toward him with her flaming hand, and sent the fire towards him, to let it burn, to destroy him. The fire took him, holding firm though he scrambled and ran through the door, leaving it open. She willed that the fire help her, so that she might be sure of his death.

  As the fire of her hand consumed the rest of her body, she felt the power of it fill her soul. Never again would he take anything from anyone. His life was hers. She flew out to the blackened body of the doctor, she knew the truth of the fire. It would never forsake her. Never.

  Soon, others came. They wanted the fire. She cried out again, and struck those down who came. They would not steal the fire from her. She was the fire now, and she would not be taken. She flew through the open door, going somewhere. She was not sure exactly where. Away? Away from what?

  The pain.

  As she sped down the white halls, she noticed cells like the one she had been held in. The thought that she might be able to free them did not even occur to her. She was consumed by her hatred for the Coalition. Then she saw them as they ran towards her. They had weapons. The first stopped.

  A cry of rage left her throat as she struck the first of the five. His helmet exploded in a plume of smoke. The second merely stepped over the body and pointed a strange looking gun at her. A white foam issued forth from the nozzle of the weapon, and as it struck her it caused…

  My fire! No…!

  …a violent wash of pain to take her as the flames of her body dissipated. She landed on her knees, coughing and cursing. Her voice rang out in uneven curses at her attackers.

  She felt a hand pull her hair, forcing her to look at one of them. She watched his mouth move, her anger only growing as he spoke. Though she could no longer hear him, she was starting to understand the words that his mouth formed when it moved.

  '… Gonna pay Bitch…'

  Then a hand hit her in the face. She bit the hand that slapped her, drawing blood. His mouth moved again, and so did the hand. Rei felt her arm snap as he twisted it violently behind her. She gave out in pain. The next thing she felt was a needle, then the welcome bliss of the veil of unconsciousness.


  Rei could no longer tell night from day. She slept whenever the opportunity presented itself; which was not often. Between those restless periods lay more questions, beatings, and examinations. At times the directing Doctor, Cassandra Analeek would submerge her in a glass tube. It was discovered that Rei no longer needed to breathe. She could also cause an aura of fire to surround her at will. This, and other things led Dr. Analeek to install cybernetic hearing implants in Rei so that she could explore her interests on a more intimate level.

  Rei had only been awake for a short extent of time. The length of which she failed to recognize, not that it mattered. Being able to hear again was something she really did not revel in. What was there to listen to but the curses of her captors as she continued to rebel in what few ways she could?

  At least when deaf she could pretend to ignore the name 'Bitch.'

  She had been told to expect to meet the senior doctor. Dr. Silver's kind words were always welcome. He had also elaborated on the condition of 'Sarah,' a.k.a. Ami Mizuno. Apparently the mental stress was too much for the young woman; she had spontaneously developed amnesia. Every fact from the point of birth had been conveniently forgotten. The doctor sympathized with the tears Rei had shed, and that she shed none at the point of his recollection.

  “Damn lot of good that did,” Rei snarled faintly, getting to her feet. Her violet eyes travelled the wall, hoping that some kind of weakness would present itself. Of course, none did.

  She shivered. Most of the time the climate of the room was bearable, but sometimes, like just then, it was like a warm evening on Mount Everest. She still wore the collar, since they replaced it. No more, since they did not care for any dignity that might have remained within her. Despite her bruises and scars, the evidence of her blossoming into womanhood was unmistakable. Her form had filled out, mostly in the hips, and bust.

  Being a woman in captivity was no better than being a teenager. It presented her with nothing she could use.

  “Be that all ye see of it? Mayhap there be more, my dear, than first appears,” queried a deep, faintly pleasing male voice.

  Rei gazed around sharply. “What?” She gazed sternly at the wall, as if trying to perceive something in it other than the whiteness of the ballistic plating.

  “Quite right,” the voice said, sounding amused. “Thou hast been less alone than thou hast thought for a very long time.”

  Rei swore darkly. “What the hell is it you want?”

  “I want ye, love.” The conviction of his voice stunned her into silence, and brought her anger to a halt. As the moments passed, she began to sense more than just his voice. His presence became gradually clear to her, his emotions, his mind and his soul.

  Over the course of seconds, his life played itself out in her mind. The collar did not seem to be able to restrain the flood of memories which ensued. He was a True Atlantean of some one hundred years experience. He had known of her existence since the point of birth, and had sought her out from that point forward. He was a powerful mage schooled in many magic arts, including the element of fire, temporal wizardry, and the delicacies of dimensional travel. He was considered by many a force to be reckoned, and respected. She also read in him that she was his first and only love, that he had not fallen for another over the century of his life. The passionate strength of his love took possession of her heart, until she replied it in intensity and potency. Rei found herself crying tears of insurmountable joy.

  As the bond tightened between them, a humanoid figure trickled into existence. He had the seriousness of a raven written in the gorgeous features of his face, the muscular build of a powerful warrior, and midnight tinted waist length hair smooth as silk. He was clothed in deep shades of silken black as if in mourning.

  Immediately she was in his arms, mumbling softly, wordlessly. Emotions and thoughts flooded her mind to the point of confusion. She knew not what to say first.

  You need speak not.. I know. I have read in your beauteous heart all you offer me, he uttered gently in her mind.

  “But…” Rei whispered. “It's just so much… to be loved like this… um, to have you, everything…”

  Speak with thy mind. They can nary block the passions we share.

  It seemed incredible, even fo
r its honesty, she felt for an instant. We must escape, Rei started, her telepathic words hesitant at first. We must… I… It's not safe here.

  Aye, my sweet. Howe'er, thou needs must speak first with Cassandra.

  Rei recoiled. Why?

  She means to free thee, tagged that she might track you to your home and kin. Ah, blessed heart, listen. Though my powers be great… You know what it is to be mystically exhausted?

  Hai, Adolphus, I understand, she replied, feeling calm for the first time since she knew not when. What about you? Surely you weren't so reckless… as to spend all your manna?

  Oh I've a tid-tell little spell, that will need a touch more'n I've got a-yet. He leaned forward, planting his lips firmly to hers. Silence drifted idly by as immeasurable passion was shared. He then smiled softly, stepping back from her. Until then, I will be invisibly yours.

  She nodded, a warm smile radiating on her face. His eyes narrowed in a rare expression of hatred. Immediately Rei understood; she was sharing his hatred for their abuse of her. As much as she appreciated the direction of his emotion, she would rather he was not angry. It darkened his face so unpleasantly!

  They come! he thought bitterly. It would be wisdom itself to play your anger out now, aye?

  In response, she pushed her feelings down into the core of her soul, forcing what little animosity remained to come to the surface. The focus of Adolphus' feelings became darker, she felt, and it helped her to concentrate on the matter at hand. As the door slid smoothly open, she brought a scowl to her face.

  “Feh,” the grunt said. “In a bad mood tonight hey Bitch? Well,” he hefted his standard issue CS energy rifle. “It don't matter t' me. So long as yer not too loud.”

  He grabbed her shoulder, pulling her out into the hall with him. “Dr. Analeek said she wanted you.”

  Rei remained silent for most of the trip, actually caring for a change whether or not she was brutalized.

  “Why so quiet, fire-hussy? Did we finally beat the fight outta you?”

  Rei snarled under her breath, fully prepared to turn and fight.

  Please love, not as yet! Adolphus' mind explained soothingly to her. She knew he was walking beside her, she could feel him. She wanted so to look at him, to hold him, and it hurt her so that she could not. Besides, ye have seen only the one side of yon coin.

  “Huh? I guess we 'ave! I never figured ya fer a quitter,” the grunt said, seemingly surprised. “The doc said ya'd never let up, if ya know what I mean…”

  Rei stopped and cast a measured glance back at the armoured man.

  “Hunh… Just you keep moving Bitch!” He slapped her, his hand cupped for effect more than pain, knocking her to the floor. As he knelt down to help her up, he spoke in hushed tones.

  “Sorry, I hafta do that. Dr. Silver said he'd be back real soon with the others. He said he'd gotten word 'n Usagi and Mina. Ya'll be gettin' outta here soon.” He shoved her away roughly as he finished, and uttered another loud order.

  She nodded ever so slightly in his direction, thanking him. The passing of a pair of moments saw them to Dr. Analeek's office, and the entry of Rei into her presence.

  “Radiant! Absolutely radiant!” a soft, sultry voice exclaimed gently. “My sweet heavens you are beautiful. Dr. Ravelli did have glorious taste, if nothing else.”

  Rei risked a glance upward at the woman, challenging her with distinct ferocity. The sun-bleached blond stood and returned Rei's gaze evenly, maintaining the altercation. It rather seemed to Rei that the amply built woman would make a better prostitute than scientist. She hardly fit the stereotype; wide dark green eyes, full, firm lips, a slender hourglass figure, and a graceful, sensual look about her. If not for the fact that her hair had been done up elaborately on her head, it would have easily fallen in full pale gold lengths to her svelte waist. She wore a simple khaki business suit which somehow accented her figure rather than concealed the generous curves of it.

  She is as she is, a tool at this moment of use to you. Bide time in this moment.

  Rei felt the warming of emotions in Adolphus and fought to conceal her reaction. For a moment there was the flicker of oddity at the statement, and another pang at the loss of Juan, but both were stifled by her new love's complete understanding and sympathy.

  “What do you want?” Rei began, making a point of simplicity for the complication of emotions within her soul.

  “That, my dear, is - for the most part - up to you. I know what I want, but the real question is, do you?” The woman raised a sleek eyebrow.

  She's playing with me, Rei stifled a flare of rage. She's toying with me!

  Blessed heart, there will be no trespass upon you. None that I will allow, Adolphus stated. I am one with your fear.

  Rei sighed. “I want to leave, Cassandra.”

  Cassandra smiled; she was winning. “That makes two of us, my angel. I tire of the Coalition. They tire of me. I find the concept of being an enemy of theirs tantalizing.”

  Rei looked nonplussed. “I don't get it.”

  Cassandra nodded seriously. “Of course you don't. To put it plainly; I have two problems. First, how to make an enemy of the political power I have served my entire life? Leave. That, my luscious creature, is my second problem. How to leave in such a way that in order to return I must occupy a body bag? You are my means. So far, breaking the standards of experimentation upon you has meant nothing. Why? Merely for the reason that your angelic frame refuses to expire. You have survived the most brutal exploratory surgery, drug exposures, and physical abuse.”

  Rei shuddered plainly at the references made by Cassandra to her. Each time she did, the blond woman smiled, pleased.

  “Stop it!” Rei snarled. “I am not your angel!”

  Cassandra merely looked satisfied. “I knew you wouldn't hold back. I was counting on it.” She stepped around her white desk, and stood before Rei, studying her closely. “You are too much the Firebrand. I am glad I choose you.”

  Rei's open palm moved before she could think to stop it. Cassandra gasped, and wiped a bit of blood away from her lip as it curled somewhat angrily downwards.

  “Mind your temper. I have limited generosity, my dear.”

  Rei growled, her fury growing. Thoughtlessly she grabbed Cassandra by the neck and squeezed lightly. “You came to me. You do what I say. Got it?”

  Cassandra gagged and gasped. “Y-yes… ugh… yes! Okay! What d-do you want?”

  “I want you to free Ami Mizuno.”

  Cassandra looked shocked. “The half-cyborg?”

  Rei tightened her grip on the woman's neck. “Agh-gh-all right…!” she coughed.

  Rei dropped her, and with a dark scowl, stated, “I won't hesitate to kill you. Don't forget that.”

  Cassandra coughed, rubbed her neck with her hands, then said: “Perhaps. Were I you, I would endeavour not to forget that if you kill me now, you will never escape.”

  Rei's eyes narrowed.

  “Ah,” Cassandra smiled. “I see you do not favor the idea. Good. Shall we go?” She gestured towards the door.

  How much longer, Adolphus?

  No longer than my own patience, blessed heart.


  Ami, or rather, Sarah, did not seem terribly attached to the idea of departing.

  “Damnit Sarah, why not?” Rei asked, uncharacteristically trying to restrain her frustration. Sarah gazed calmly, and steadily at her, her blue eyes serene, and hard at the same time.

  “Listen honey, I'm glad yer fine, but I can't go. Shyanne needs me.”

  Her eyes widened, “Who?!”

  “A ten year old girl in GECA. Unless I kin find a way ta get 'er out…”


  It is the same to me when I am ready.

  Okay. “Alright Sarah, I'll get her out for you. Where is she?”

  Skepticism washed over her face. “How?”

  Rei leaned forward, and whispered as she spoke. “A mage. He's… Um, he can get her out.”

ic!” she blurted aloud.

  Rei! Cassandra has betrayed thee! Suddenly his form became visible. He took Rei's hand and pulled her to him. “Needs must we leave, now!”

  Sarah got to her feet.

  “Rei…” she started. Her face said the rest; come back for me…

  “All right,” she said, looking at Sarah, then at her raven-faced love. “Let's go.”


  As the grunts burst through the cell door, they noted a blue haired girl fallen, her soul pouring out through her eyes.

  “What the hell is this?” snapped an angry sounding Dr. Desmond Bradford, following closely behind, stern glare cast upon the sobbing young woman.

  Cassandra appeared beside him, eager to answer his question.

  “Case 211-A, Sir. She seems to be crying.”

  The man issued a dangerously intolerant sigh.

  “Is that a decisive reasoning based on your thorough understanding of her physiological condition, Doctor?”

  Cassandra walked about the room for a moment, as if looking for someone. Dr. Bradford's hawk-like eyes scrutinized her actions. “Sir,” she started, “we seem to be,” she hesitated. “Missing one of the experimental cases.”

  “Must I continually stand witness to these failures!” he boomed, turning away from Cassandra briefly. “Arthur, Drake! Go! Take a squad and search the entire level until this creature is found! Now!”

  “Yes sir!” one of the two grunts barked before exiting hurriedly.

  “You, Cassandra, have a great deal of explaining to do. Come,” the Administrator decreed as he departed the scene. With only a single regret-filled glance, she glanced back upon her failed ploy, and exited the scene. Some moments after her tears had dried, Sarah heard a small voice.

  “Mom…?” As this word was uttered, two forms faded slowly into existence.

  “Come Sarah, we cannot tarry!” Adolphus asserted swiftly. In his arms he held a small grey-winged blond haired girl. His face appeared somewhat pale, though Rei knew plainly why. A mystic talisman had given him the manna needed by drawing from his physical stamina. As a result, he leaned on her ever so slightly. He had been kind enough, however, to provide the young girl with a robe which was more than she had worn during her interval of residence at Lone Star. Sarah ran over to him, and they were gone.

  Chapter 12

  Who's that Senshi?