Read Starlit Ruins Page 16

The strong pitch of the wind tossed and pulled at the heavy clothes and coat he wore. He squinted his eyes behind a pair of thick goggles, looking into the distance ahead. That distance held little of interest, as it consisted mostly of white powder, and the light that reflected brightly from it. Save for the existence of a small cave, Mamoru might otherwise have left the life-starved scene.

  'He made it!' she smiled, kneeling down next to the pool of seeing. She was a long, lithe creature of some slender, childish beauty. She wore a simple dress of pale gold, none to elaborate in style, but well suited to her tall, soft-skinned form. Her ashen red hair flowed to the small of her back, no lower. Flaccid orange eyes gazed into the pool, and then to the focus of her life, her love; Akari.

  'It is as I said it would be, my beloved.'

  Akari smiled as Yanei gazed at him. Akari was a tall, barrel-chested humanoid male who prided himself on his supernatural strength, and his capabilities in battle. His blue eyes followed his love as she took a scroll from the shelf near her. He ran a hand through his short green hair, and smoothed out his long dark blue robe, the grin fading from his face.

  'What to you intend to do, my love?' he asked gently.

  Her replied smile was deceptive. 'He will need further guidance.' She bowed her head and chanted a few words under her breath. 'Come Uyline-chan, take the lost one, bring him to us, show him his true destiny.'

  As her voice fell silent, a large shadow grew to cover Mamoru's form.

  'Mamoru-kun!' Luna cried, noting the snow beast before him, and attempting to warn him of its presence.

  'Silly man-thing,' the creature observed. 'Do you really think my masters sent me here to harm you?' Mamoru dodged the grasping fist that came at him, indicating exactly his thoughts on the matter. The ten foot tall snow woman 'tsked' and grabbed him.

  'Come along nicely,' she said in almost motherly tones. 'Or I might have to hurt you!'

  Mamoru struggled as they approached the cave, certain that the snow beast would throw him over some cliff to his death.

  ʻNow wouldn't that be a silly thing for me to do,' she chided his thought. 'I might get in trouble with my masters! I do not think I will do that.'

  Mamoru remained silent in mind as word, trying to think as little as possible. The cave carried into darkness, as much in lack of light as sense of evil.

  'Luna! Artemis!' he called. Both cats struggled to keep up, even though they knew that they were slowly losing him, as well.

  'I think we're going to be a little late, Luna-chan,' Artemis panted.

  'Mamoru-kun!' she cried, as if having not heard him. 'No!! I won't lose him too!' she snarled. 'C'mon Artemis-kun!'

  The snow beast set him down carefully, nearly chilled through to the bone. He shivered violently.

  'Thank you Uyline-chan, that will be all. Why don't you go and watch out for other lost humans?' Yanei smiled.

  'To please my masters is my sole desire,' she bowed, water trickling from her femininely snow bound form, and exited, her feet leaving only a trailing echo.

  'So where is your bravado now, Mamoru-san?' she started, her face bearing a near-perfect confident white toothed and wicked smile.

  'W-what have y-you d-d-done… uhhh,' he got to his knees slowly, still shivering.

  'Done… you are in no place to ask questions, failed champion! What do you think? How do you believe your fair Xalia, um, fares?'

  Mamoru did not reply. He merely shivered in place, trying to recover some warmth, but not succeeding.

  'Calmly, Yanei-san, calmly,' Akari urged softly. 'I think he might be a little…' he paused, searching for the word, '… cold. Humans tend to suffer from that when without warmth. If you are to question him, then…?' His hand indicated the cave about them.

  Yanei pouted, looking very much the child, and sighed. 'Hai. If I must,' she said. She muttered a few more words under her breath and Mamoru finally felt a gentle warmth surround him.

  'I asked you a question! Answer it!' she demanded, glaring at Mamoru, then glancing at Akari for reassurance. He smiled and nodded. Mamoru struggled to his feet. Numbly, he pulled open his coat, and pulled out what appeared to be a rose of crimson.

  Yanei gave a little gasp.

  'I am Tuxedo Kamen,' he declared weakly. Only moments after this statement, Mamoru's water soaked clothes were replaced by a complete formal outfit: Tuxedo, cape, cane, hat, and mask, all but the latter black. 'In my mind there is no question how she fares, but well!'

  'Amusing!' Akari laughed, standing, sounding impressed. 'Your faith is quite remarkable, even though you hardly know the child!'

  Ah, Akari, Yanei smiled, glad she had coached him on his manner prior to this meeting. His calmness angered the righteous warrior, as she had known it would. You play the King well. Keep to it, and we shall win yet!

  Tuxedo Kamen's expression turned sour. 'I want to know what you have done with the Sailor Senshi!'

  Yanei looked at her love, face placid for a moment. Then she giggled. She glanced at Tuxedo Kamen and smiled.

  'Done? My you are a foolish one, aren't you? Even for such a beautiful senshi…'

  Akari looked irritated as he approached his intended opponent. 'We have done nothing to your precious girls,' he snapped, angered by his love's flirtations. Mamoru ignored Yanei's attentions, adamant on his answer.

  'You have them!'

  Akari took a moment to clear his mind. Yanei, he thought. Please my love, remember the one who cherishes you.

  She glared at him, then sighed, frowning prettily. Hai, love, of course. Shall we end this?

  Akari nodded. Tuxedo Kamen took a step towards the two, confused by their silence.

  'We have nothing that would interest you here, Earth Guardian,' Akari stressed softly, walking backward towards Yanei. 'Perhaps some of these might entertain you.'

  With a gesture, four demons swathed in shadow dropped down from the darkness above.

  The masked gentleman did not hesitate in his attack, knowing that the demons would not in theirs. Pulling a rose from his coat, he pierced the nearest creature with it, thrown, like a dagger. There was a dry hiss, and the form of the shadow-like beast turned into stale streams of smoke.

  Akari chuckled to himself, wondering if he would find a chance to battle the masked one himself. A good battle, as short as it might be, would be a refreshing change.

  Approaching his love, the sounds of hand to hand combat clearly audible in the background, he leaned over and kissed her softly. When his lips left hers, she stood, and bid him towards the elaborate thrones of ice they had abandoned in their interest of their opponent.

  'Do you expect him to win, my beloved?' she asked.

  'Hai. Against the darklings,' he mused, 'but not me.'

  She blinked and smiled, tossing back a length of hair flirtatiously. 'Of course not. I have yet to see a human best you in combat.'

  He frowned slightly. 'The potential energy wasted while we bicker over his silly Bishojo Senshi.'

  She nodded, empathic in his concern. Yet, something prodded her. 'My love,' she began, distracted by the swift, skilled combat. 'I do not think… that Uraki-sama would have gone to such trouble to remove them from their home dimension if they were merely silly!'

  'Perhaps,' he frowned thoughtfully, placing a thick hand against his chin. 'Why did he not just kill them?'

  'There is a good reason. He would have slain them, rather than sending Yalen after them, but there's more to it…'

  'Hai. He did need the exercise,' he remarked, glancing at her briefly.

  'Maybe… I'm not sure about this,' she replied his gaze for a moment, '… but, maybe it's about breaking them.'

  'Breaking them? I could do that,' he started with a scowl. 'Yalen himself broke the blue haired girl, and nearly killed that long haired one.'

  'You mean Ami and Rei? Hai, but they are alive now. No, my beloved, it is, I think, about breaking their will to fight. Our power is of no matter if we do not use it.'

  Silence drew a vei
l over the two. Yanei found herself watching the human, the smoothness and grace of his movements as he struck down the third demon. As the fourth took care to sneak up from behind, the black haired human turned aptly and hit the assailant with what would have otherwise been a winding blow. As it was, he merely knocked the darkling aside, setting up for his next attack. She desired further time to converse with Akari, so she breathed a simple spell, summoning another half-dozen shadowlings.

  'I don't understand, my love,' Akari stated plainly, not noticing the additional opponents. Or, simply not caring.

  He's good, she observed, closing her mind from that of her love.

  'Do you remember? We watched Beryl's senshi continuously fail against them?'

  Good enough to best Akari-san? She shook her head. Such foolishness. He is a mortal. No mortal has ever beaten my love.

  'Hai,' Akari growled. 'Fools, every one.'

  'It wasn't entirely their fault. They came so close, and each time the senshi grew in strength.'

  'Hmm, true.'

  'It is their will to survive. Their spirit. No matter how hard they are knocked down, it gives them the strength to get up again.'

  Silence overtook them again. She knew Akari was not pleased with her observations, as they interfered with his want to combat the powerful human warrior, and she almost felt badly. Yet, Uraki had encouraged her to analyze the situation. It was her responsibility to see that they did not fail! Moreover, Akari would have plenty of time to challenge the young Xalia.

  'My love, is that why you have instructed our gem-beasts to take sexual advantage of the child as much as possible? I did not understand that, either. She is pretty, perhaps, but I cannot see what is accomplished by molesting her. Moreover, how could she deserve such vile treatment?'

  As Yanei gazed at her mate, she both realized, and felt, that he was genuine in his confusion. He did not understand the concept of rape and the demoralizing power it held in battle. She frowned, averted her gaze, grateful she had closed her mind. It was something she indeed understood, and had experienced. Uraki-Ayo had been careful to place her with one who treated her with such support, and gentility, during the period of her physical and emotional recovery. She owed Akari very much, even though he did not realize it, and never may.

  'My love, she does not, of that you may be assured. But Uraki-Ayo wants her out of the way… It would hurt her emotionally Akari-san,' she stated clinically, removing herself from the fact of the matter. Truth was, the very idea of the action she had taken left her with sallow reflective nightmares of that night. She had prayed forgiveness, and had received guidance to merely let her feelings subside.

  Flitting chance of that, she thought bitterly against her rising sense of guilt. I do not hate her, but she is an interference! There is naught I can do!


  'Oh? Ah, um, it is more intimidating to face the fear of rape. Violence is a simple matter one really must only heal from physically. Rape affects the innermost part of one's personality, and scars. She will be less willing to fight them, making matters far easier for us, my sweet. Even though the none of them actually will force her. It is a mere scare tactic.'

  Internally, she shuddered at the mentioning of it, but held her gaze upon Akari, who had such peace in his eyes that she was comforted. His nod was almost a bow, and she accepted it, knowing he was once again paying respect for her intelligence, for which he was greatly in debt. Gradually, her fleeting interest returned to the fighting warrior, as he neared the battle's termination. Briefly, searching his heart, as only she could, she came to see that it was bound most powerfully to another.

  Of course. He loves that moon girl, Tsukino. Even if he was to defeat Akari, I could not have him. He would not love me as Akari does. She closed her eyes. I tire of this. I will help Akari-san to end it.

  Abruptly she realized that the battle had ended. The beautiful male human had defeat the darklings, sending them back to their native realm. Home.

  'Now I will challenge him,' Akari decided, sitting forward.

  Yanei put a hand on his arm, halting him. 'No, my beloved. Why do we not send him to his senshi? We will waste no more time. Perhaps it may break his spirit as well.'

  He gazed at her, an uncertainty on his face. Consideration dwelt for some time in the minuscule reaches of his mind.

  'Hai, my love!' he agreed, a smile creeping across his well muscled face. 'We will send him to the Earth, to find his senshi, and be lost with them! You are a most worthy woman Yanei,' Akari offered from the core of his being. 'Most beautiful, and most loving.'

  He stood, kissed her again, lingering a moment, and then approached the edge of the ice platform. Her smile was complete, a fulfilling warmth alighting within her slender frame.

  'Well fought,' Akari smiled approvingly. 'Too bad I won't get to challenge you myself.'

  Tuxedo Kamen glared at him icily. 'Oh really? You afraid of losing to me?' he snarled with a slight grin.

  'I fear no such thing. What I do have, is a matter of much interest to you, mortal.' He pointed towards the pool of seeing. Tuxedo Kamen approached the limpid waters warily, unsure of the intent.

  'Mamoru-kun!' a voice cried.

  Tuxedo Kamen turned towards the source of the voice. 'Luna-chan? Artemis-kun?'

  The two small cats stopped as they realized who else was in the room.

  'Akari! Yanei! What have you done!'

  Yanei sniffed, indicating her distaste of cats.

  'We are showing your Earth Guardian his senshi.'

  Luna thought; She must be lying. How could she know?

  'Don't think you're fooling us Yanei!' The dark blue haired feline growled determinedly.

  Artemis whispered to her; 'look at her, pretty kitty, I don't think she's bluffing.'

  Luna looked back at him.

  'Do I look like I'm bluffing?' she snarled. Artemis conceded, a stern expression on his face.

  'Foolish mortal. Look to the image, see what it will show you,' Yanei snapped impatiently.

  Mamoru glanced nervously at Luna, who did not appear to even see him, and then at the pool. He was not quite sure what he was seeing. After several moments, he slowly came to recognize a scene. It was a dock. There were… he squinted, eleven girls, only five standing. As he watched them, one of the five in what he recognized to be the uniforms of the Bishojo Sailor Senshi shot the remaining two in skin tight body suits. Mamoru trained his eyes on the pair of blond haired girls, not believing what he saw.

  'Iye…' he breathed. Her odango atama - the dumplings of blond strands - hairstyle could not be mistaken. Mamoru did not want to see the hole where her shoulder should be. He did not want to think about the ensuing implications. Facing the possibility of that reality was almost worse than having lost them.

  'Usako!' he cried, tears rising to his eyes unexpectedly.

  'Mamoru-kun no! It's a trick!' Luna implored, quite certain she had lost him already to the image he saw, whatever it was. She studied him. Was he crying? As he watched, the girl wielding the weapon continued firing. In his heart, he knew it was them. His Senshi. His Sailors. They were alive.

  'If you wish to join your beloved, be our guest. All you have to do is touch the pool of seeing,' Yanei offered, knowing he was sold to her proposition already.

  'Mamoru-kun!' Luna snapped in a panic, 'You can't abandon the mission like this!'

  'I'm supposed to protect the Moon Princess,' Mamoru said in uneven tones. 'How can I protect the one I love if I'm not with her?'

  Luna looked at Artemis, hoping he had an answer. He did, but it was not one she expected.

  'He can't go alone, Luna-chan,' he said coolly.

  For the first time in her feline life she did not know what to say. She knew, however, that she had no choice now. If the Moon Princess was alive, she had to be next to her, to guide her, and protect her.

  'Mamoru-kun!' Luna snapped, frightened and uncertain. 'We're coming with you.'

  Mamoru nodded, and picked them u
p in his arms. He gazed solidly at Akari. 'If this is a trick, demon, I will return and destroy you both.'

  Akari was having a hard time not looking smug. In one fell swoop, they had won the battle for the NegaVerse! 'I assure you, it is no trick.'

  Mamoru gave him a hard look, then turned and reached toward the water of the pool. For a moment he felt wetness surround his fingers before the world about him swirled and faded.

  He landed on his stomach. The voices were clear to him before he became aware of his location.




  Despite his weariness, he fought his way to his feet. He opened his eyes, his vision blurred and fogged. Slowly, as it came into focus, he saw them. Usagi lay in Mina's arms, her face bruised and dirty, a dark looking gap in her shoulder the only remnant of her left arm. Mina was in tears, Rei and Ami were hurt, and lay motionless at the edge of the dock. Makoto appeared to be the only one left standing. Mamoru wanted to run to them, to protect them, to fight whatever it was they were up against.

  But he could not make himself move. Whether it was shock, fear, or something else, Mamoru could not seem to get his mind to work to figure it out.

  'Mamoru-kun…' a familiar voice whispered weakly. He looked down. In the place that Luna had fallen, there was a small humanoid woman. She had long black hair, and a long, slender form. Beside her was a white haired man. He had neither clothes nor consciousness. The woman had the latter, but not the former.

  'Luna-chan?' Mamoru dropped to his knees, confused, angered, and lost. He did not know what to do. Just as his mind began to toss with the revelations brought, an explosion consumed the small dock.

  Chapter 15

  Clawed Out