Read Starlit Ruins Page 25

  Part of her missed the edge of the life she had lead up to this point. Being safe dulled the danger of always having to run to stay alive. She started to remember her old self, Mina, the calm, quiet girl who could not take a life to save her own. On those thoughts, she knew that Mina just could not survive a place like this. It was all too harsh for a pretty pageant girl like that. Sure, there had been her life as Sailor V, and the adventures as Sailor Venus. But that was over now, gone like her friends. As her mind wandered to her friends, she came to thinking that if the rest were still alive, they were bound to have changed as she had. So far, the worst possible scenarios seemed to be showing in the violent tapestry that was the world of Rifts Earth.

  The thought of what might have happened to the others scared her. Usagi had seemed so different; calm, and withdrawn. She had always cried. At the slightest incident, she would break out in a fountain of tears. Now she did not seem to be able to cry. She did not even speak unless spoken to. Was that fear she had read in her eyes has she had hit the back end of the Wind Jammer Sky Cycle? No more pretty girl. Just Anim.

  Her hand touched the metal of her face, and felt the coldness of it. A warmth moved down from her eye of flesh, across the cheek. That's when she heard the knocking.

  “Mina?” The voice was male; familiar.

  “Come in,” she said, voice somewhat hushed.

  The door opened. He poked his light brown haired head through the gap. “Can I have a little of your time?”

  “I've time. Too much. You can have it.” She gazed at him for a moment, thinking nothing, just looking at the soft build of his face, his dark blue eyes, the thick curl of his hair, the worry on his lip. She bit hers. He came in and sat down beside her, and took one of her hands in his.

  “Talk to me,” he offered.

  “I don't know if…” she hesitated.

  “If what?”

  “If anything.”

  He looked at her for a moment, dropped his gaze, seeming thoughtful. He then looked back into her eyes and said, “What's the first thing you think of when your mind wanders?”

  It took her a moment to gather her nerve, and wits about her. “I… I think I'm waiting until I have to start running again.”

  Carl merely nodded. “What about your friends? Have you thought about them?”

  “I have.”

  “What about Mamoru? Why haven't you wanted to meet him? He's asked about you, and worries a great deal.”

  Her face twisted with regret, and fear. “My guardians, Artemis, Luna… they changed so much. I'm not sure if I can face him, thinking how he might have changed…”

  Carl shook his head. “He really hasn't changed much that we can tell. He's all the human he ever was. With the acceptance of his metamorphosis abilities.”

  Mina looked at him. “What do you mean? His henshin? You mean when he turns into Tuxedo Kamen? Seems a little strange now in all I've seen here, but…”

  “Well, no, I… forget it. That's not what I'm trying to get at. I mean his other, I guess, earth metamorphosis abilities. He's an Earth Child.”

  She fixed him with a blank stare.

  “I don't suppose that I've really given you a choice, have I?”

  Mina sighed. “No. Thanks alot. Damn it… This whole bloody thing scares the hell out of me.”

  He looked grim as she studied his face. She said, “You know.”

  He nodded slightly. “Yes. I had indicated that previously, had I not?”

  She shook her head. “You said you knew about them, not what happened to them.”

  “Sorry. Vagueness seems to be one of my gifts. We've only just recently pinpointed Rei, Ami and Usagi. Today, in fact. They're in Texas. The Coalition caught Rei just before I left to help you. Apparently Ami's been there for quite some time.”

  She grabbed him by the shoulders. “Tell me.”

  “You don't have to strangle me for it…”

  She let him go. “Sorry.”

  “That's quite all right,” He hesitated. “Ami is amnesiac. We don't know when it happened, but she seems not to remember anything at all. I'm so sorry.”

  “Maybe I should just be happy they're still alive,” she muttered, shaking her head morosely.

  Carl opened his arms, and she leaned against him, her breathing shallow, her mind flooded. He thought to speak, but remained silent, not knowing what to say. He just held her, curious of what she had been like before her arrival here. He knew she had been proud of her beauty, and was quite tough despite what the Rifts had introduced into her life. He wondered what had happened to that girl. He was also amazed by what seemed to be developing between them. It seemed oddly… natural.

  “What else…” she asked wearily, sounding strained. Carl hesitated. He did not want to hurt her any further. “I have to know,” she insisted. “Just tell me.”

  “They removed an arm, her left one, as a cruel experiment. Coupled with the exploratory surgery, they have reduced her to a half cyborg.”

  A growl emanated from her throat as she leaned back, her face scrunching in an angry glare.

  “She'd have died if I hadn't intervened.”

  She calmed slightly, looking Carl in the eyes. “Are you going back to see her soon?”

  “I… yes, as soon as the charges against Dr. Ravelli pass through.”

  She looked puzzled.

  “I was almost caught. Still a chance I might be. If we're going to rescue her, it's going to have to be soon, because we're only going to get one chance, the way things are now.”

  “Alright, but when?”

  A ponderous look passed over Carl's face. “Randy will handle it.”

  She smiled. “Thank you!” she exclaimed, and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “You're most welcome, Mina.”

  Blushing, she looked away from his face. “Can I see Mamoru?”

  “At your leisure.” He stood, bowed slightly. “May I come again?”

  “If you'll be as charming. I would like that.”

  “Then it shall be done. Now… I wasn't just, misreading you, then?”

  “What?” Mina blinked, blood rushing to her cheeks again. “What were you reading?”

  “You. Falling in love. Me, doing to same.”

  She demurred, but could not fully deny it. “It's… I can't, I think I need some time.”

  “Then that will be done too. Your time alone must end, and the wounds be healed, in time.”

  She let out a little sigh. “I don't know. I don't.”

  Meeting with Mamoru was less awkward than she initially thought it would be, and somehow she felt he was more attractive than she remembered. As always, he seemed to radiate immeasurable calmness, but the serenity in his brown eyes seemed somehow disturbed. As with the others, it was plain to Mina that something that something had altered him and self perception. Mina met him with a warm hug, feeling that it was the most she could allow him, even after being apart from him for so long. The way he dressed had not modified; he wore a black turtleneck sweater, and dress pants of white silk.

  I could be wrong, she thought in amendment.

  His mouth proscribed amiable words when he spoke of his life here, how it had seemed to be refashioned to whatever will drove this world. He also reflected on his encounter with the ones responsible for their arrival in this terrible perversion of their own reality. He spoke with trepidation about his role as their protector:

  'I do not know if I can protect you anymore as Tuxedo Kamen,' his voice was soft, but the words he spoke in his native Japanese betrayed his fears, and his doubt.

  'Why not? Because you could not protect Demelza?' Mina offered, feeling very much her old self, for the moment.

  'As Tuxedo Kamen, I wouldn't have dealt with it the way I did. As the Earth Child, my anger knew no bounds. I had no control.' He frowned. It was clear to her that it drew forth a dark anxiety from within him

  'You did not hurt her, though, Mamo-chan. You protected her. I do not see how that is dif
ferent from what you would do as Tuxedo Kamen.'

  He gazed at her, amazed by the lack of understanding she displayed. 'I killed it,' he stated ruefully. 'How could you agree? I would never have done that before!'

  'Usagi would have,' Mina interjected sharply. 'You did not have her to do that for you. Perhaps being an Earth Child gives you that. Would you rather be defenseless against the predators here? Would you run?'

  'No. Never. Not when Usagi's future is at stake…' he bowed his head. 'I pray she's still alive.'

  Mina nodded solemnly. Mamoru's eyes fell to the metallic side of her face. 'You have changed, Mina-chan. Your face. It reminds me of all the death I have seen.'

  'Hai,' she replied, eyes narrowed. 'I have survived. Very little seems to matter here. If I did not, I would not be alive now. Would you rather I simply gave up?'

  'No Mina-chan, do not mistake me. I understand what you have been through, but it is not easy to accept.'

  'Do you really? To be hunted because you are sexually innocent?'

  He blinked at her.

  'Not going to get into it.'

  He nodded. 'I get the point,' he stated, clearly shaken.

  Mina turned away, arms folded over her breasts.

  'It's not the same for you. You have your strength to fall back on. It's different for men. They don't mind killing.'

  'What makes you think that? I did what had to be done. I'm not proud of it.'

  'You have lost heart? Where is your pride? Your honour?'

  'Stop. You're right. I don't know what you've been through. I don't even know you anymore.'

  She faced away from him for a moment, feeling like they were light years apart in distance. Mamoru could not believe his ears. She seemed so cold, almost heartless, but he still cared for her, and had no desire to cast aside their friendship.

  'Mina, I think we are both very different now than we used to be. I wish still to be friends, but…'

  She did not look towards him. 'But…?'

  'Will you talk to me? I've missed you all so much, and never…' he stopped. He couldn't lie to her. He had given up, for mere minutes, but the truth hung there like a rotting corpse before him.

  'Never what?' she turned, and held her eyes to him steadily, expectantly.

  He frowned faintly. 'When we found Akari and Yanei, and they showed me where you were, there was no doubt…'

  'What? Akari and Yanei? Who are they?' her folded arms came to ease aside her hips.

  'They…' he paused. 'They brought you here.'

  Her fists clenched instinctively, anger wrapping around her heart like a hissing viper. A vivid snarl appeared upon her suddenly grim visage.

  “Mamoru?” a voice called from outside his room. Mamoru turned to face Demelza as she entered.

  “Good day Mina,” she said, pausing in her step. Mina turned sharply to face her, startling the young healer.

  Mina-chan… Mamoru pleaded in her mind.

  What? You will assail me when your mouth could not be opened?

  No. Understand me. I was scared, and lost too. I may not have been through the same as you, but you must trust me that I understand your feelings.

  I… I guess.

  I'm so glad you're okay, he stated warmly, long after needing to, or perhaps just at the right time. He then smiled. With a glance, he could see that his happiness was infectious, as Mina's face echoed his as she faced him for a moment.

  Me too. Mina's expression of pleasure eased Demelza's discomfort.

  Her face remained serious, however. “Mamoru. Aye, this involves ye too, Mina - if ya don't mind me callin' y' that? - I mean to say we've found Makoto.”

  They both held their breath during Demelza's pause.

  “She's fine, jus' like you said. Though after she talked to Conroy… she just up an' disappeared.”

  Mina gasped sharply. “What? How?”

  “Dimensional teleport, though we canna fathom why,” she muttered, knowing the uselessness of the information.

  Mamoru cursed under his breath.

  “That's it,” Mina began with a snarl. “I can't stay here any longer. I'm going after her!”

  Mamoru grabbed her shoulder. “No. Demelza and I will.”

  “You can't! You don't know what's out there!”

  “Neither do you. Demelza and I will be fine. As an Earth Child, I have a better chance.”

  Demelza nodded her compliance, and consent. “Already we're ready t' send ye with Kirin to find 'er, if you're ready, Mamoru.”

  “Of course!”

  “What am I going do? I can't stay here!” Mina whispered, looking forlorn. “I just can't! I…”

  “You won't be bored long lass. Randy's 'bout ready to send ye,” she smirked.

  The short haired blond reached over and hugged her. “Thank you Demelza!”

  Demelza looked somewhat aghast, but pleased.

  “You're welcome.”

  Mina smiled faintly, somehow beyond her puzzlement feeling open to her foreign show of concern and support. Mina's face lit with consideration as she reached forward and grasped the young healer in a gracious hug.

  Chapter 23

  Magic in a Cheap Suit