Read Starlit Ruins Page 43

‘Hm? It is my move?' Haisha murmured, blinking and drawing her eyes away from the darkened sky to the chessboard between them. 'Oh. Thanks.'

  'I am unsure if to believe you.'

  'You mean…' her eyes narrowed, and eyebrows knitted. 'Just because I think I should lead the Neo Senshi doesn't mean I'd lie.' She pretended to gaze thoughtfully over the marble Chinese checkers board and pieces.

  'I am psychic, remember?' Naritha chided softly. 'I know she told not where she went. Not your fault.'

  Haisha looked vaguely upset. 'It was like she doesn't trust me or something. I told her I could handle it.'

  'Nasura very wise. She knows you are very, very weak yet. Even more than me.'

  'If you're a wimp than Bruce Lee-sensei is Master of Interpretive Dance,' she peered at the young woman. 'You don't give yourself enough credit, Naritha.'

  She shrugged indifferently.

  Haisha sighed. 'What are you getting at?'

  'Nasura have difficult choice sending us to war. We are very young. We sacrifice everything we are to save our world. She respect that, and care for us.'

  'Un, like any pencil pushing general,' Haisha remarked darkly.

  Naritha actually scowled at her. 'No Haisha-chan! She had children. Her complete family perish in car accident many year ago. She do this to save sanity!' She bit off the words with such severity that Haisha flinched, feeling guilty.

  'I didn't know,' she replied sorrowfully. 'I'm sorry.'

  A moment later, a nagging apprehension dropped into place, and her face curled unpleasantly.

  'You picked all that out of her mind? Does she know?' she gasped, abruptly feeling nervous. 'Are you going to do that to me? Pick the next move out of my head and flatten me?'

  'No. As starters, I not "pick thought" from any mind. Not unless discretion warrant, but even then… occasional thought bombing school? I would lie if say I never think same. Intent of heart say more than image of mind. Understand?'

  'Yeah,' she grinned solicitously. 'But how did you know…?'

  Naritha glanced away into the open air of the dark sky beyond the small patio. 'We had long talk… she knew I might figure this in long term, and told after she gave senshi transform crystal.'

  Haisha gazed at her incredulously. 'You mean she chose you? The rest of us just kinda wound up the only ones alive to be knighted…' she rolled her eyes. 'I always thought there'd be some kind of ceremony. You know, the way real Knights got it? It sucks.'

  Naritha gave a small gasp thinking she probably should have kept that one in a dark cupboard. Oh well, one kettle of catfish out of the way, and well into another boiling full tilt…

  'So very sorry!' she apologized sharply with a steep, yet awkward sitting bow. 'I know she selected you… do not be dishonoured.'

  'I'm not. I know she picked all of us.'

  'So sorry, Haisha-chan, but not sure heard correct?'

  'You did. I know what happened to Xalia. Ayla was right. She was protecting us. Chances are she's catfish bait now, but she made sure we were safe by having the others killed first.'

  Naritha looked absolutely aghast. 'How could she?' she hissed. 'She not able stop deaths?'

  Haisha shook her head soberly. 'I figure she doesn't have any real control, just a little influence. It's a really nasty thought,' Haisha shuddered. 'It's amazing she's done what she has so far. Frankly, I'm amazed the little sports nut is still alive.'

  Naritha blinked, and nodded.

  'Even though it's turned out this way, I pretty well had it figured out who she was going to choose. It was pretty clear Masurani had it over Isanu. She was fast and extremely skilled, but lacked formal training and wasn't very sturdy emotionally. As for Ayla… Asa was certainly authoritative, but really brought tension to the command. Not exactly someone who'd promote morale. Ayla and I aren't exactly bosom pals, but I respect her attitude. She's got a knack for it; knows exactly what needs to be done and who's the best for the job. But if you tell her I said that, I'll deny it.'

  'And fact would be dead if not she think swift on toe.'

  'Oh, sure, yeah, well…' she rolled her eyes with a vague sigh of embarrassment. 'That was mostly Nasura-san's doing though. Hm… but I wonder… did she choose Ayla because I got attacked by that clone of Mina? There's no way I could have known. Besides, she was way too tough. I certainly didn't have the strength, and I hadn't thought to carry any amulets with me. Not that they would have helped. I think if anyone, only Masurani would have stood a chance. You'd be toast now if she hadn't fished you out of that fight with Shao-Enya.'

  The girl of blue hair and silver highlights seemed to be ignoring her monologue. Not that Haisha noticed.

  'Well, it's not like that's important now or anything. We've been Knighted, and are pretty well prepared to face anything Uraki cares to hurl our way. So… about the rest of the candidates,' Haisha blinked, her highly organized mind drawing her back to her beginning rationale. 'Xalia's speed was unmatched, and as the only mutant, she had it nailed. Her elemental powers certainly aided the early decision Nasura made regarding her Knighthood. She was ideal: Fast, powerful, and obedient. There was no way Tasha could have equaled her. With you there was never any real question. We would have ended up with a sixth senshi if things had turned out differently. You're the only psychic sensitive to have enrolled. I really would have liked to see how Janus might have turned out,' she smirked.

  Naritha knew, of course, that she meant the design of Janus' outfit, for certainly the original standard would have been outright hentai. She had been the most buxom of the squires, and undoubtedly one of the most uniquely talented. Her ability to absorb the physical properties of anything she touched made her a force to be reckoned with. Not to mention the fact that any male who dared to oppose her tended to forget their names, much less any intent to fight.

  This applied to some women as well, it seemed, and apparently, as Janus had defensively - and repeatedly - explained, was not entirely a direct result of her ultra-feminine appearance. Nonetheless, handy - to coin a pun - talent.

  'Not kind,' Naritha stated, blushing harshly. 'Janus treat with much respect. More than most. I liked her.'

  'She was walking sex. Her figure,' she replied, her expression softening only slightly, 'is - uh, was - a lot like yours.'

  'Haisha,' she protested faintly, somewhere between offended and pleased.

  'Look, it's nothing personal. You're very pretty. Pretty much have your pick of guys, that is,' Haisha said. Naritha blushed more fiercely. She persisted, 'Take it as a compliment. Janus set the wrong tone, and the Senshi need to stay classy.'

  Haisha finally clued in to Naritha's lack of comfort as the young Chinese girl attempted to shelter herself in silence. Several moments of awkwardness drifted by on clouds as the girls made a few more furtive moves in their game. During this period, Haisha finished, as if to herself, her earlier thought:

  'Well anyway, I don't know about me… Thanus was quite well versed in combat tactics. He was a weapons master, whereas I just have my sword. Feh. Helped that he was a serious cutie, too… which gets me thinking it's a shame there aren't any guys in the group.'

  Haisha's voice trailed off into a pleasant timbre of silence. Naritha used the ensuing silence to temper the juxtaposition of her ire and the sense of Nasura's scathing emotional scars. It took a while. Long enough for the game to resume. After nearly a dozen moves, Haisha's guilt broached a subject not too far lost.

  'Look, I'm sorry.'

  'Hm, Haisha-san? What for?'

  'For comparing you to Janus,' she frowned. 'It wasn't nice.'

  'Oh. That fine. Not mind so much. Knew Janus well, and see she not - um - slut, as many think. Beauty, if too thought excessive, not mean quite that always as seen,' Naritha noted, not gazing up at her friend's surprised expression and arched eyebrow. 'Her heart was golden.'

  'Golden? What’s that mean…?' the copper haired young woman murmured. Slowly, it registered that Naritha had broached another subject as she looked u
p from the beautifully designed board to glance at her temporary opponent. 'Huh?'

  'It means what you think it mean. Now, we end talk of Janus. Not dishonor memory further. Now we speak of others, of Inner Senshi we met.'


  'So what you think? Makoto blessed generous, hai?'

  'Oh! You mean her husband!'

  'He is… attractive, hai?' she noted with a childish blush, the corner of her small full lips curling upwards slightly.

  'She's a lucky… uh, angel… That's a real man for ya, hot stuff!' she punctuated her comment by licking the tip of her finger and pretending to burn it on her thigh. 'If milk does a body good…' she whistled appreciatively. Naritha gasped, embarrassed, mostly by the sharing of her new found friend's feelings. Haisha relocated a piece and gestured to Naritha.

  'When win war, I will find such guy, and marry him,' she giggled, as if the idea was foolish. 'Um, maybe. I would be much happy with plain husband.'

  Haisha shook her head. 'Some guys really go for shy girls,' she grinned. 'Besides, like I said, you're beautiful.'

  'Thank you. So are you,' Naritha returned, displacing a piece to another locale.

  Haisha repeated her earlier motion of negation. 'Thanks. But I'm too bossy. I scare 'em away more than half the time. Not that that's a bad thing necessarily…'

  'I not know great much about dating.'

  'Not great and much. That's a double - um - positive? Better to say "don't know much." Ah, well, being ignorant can be a good thing,' Haisha moved a piece. 'And bad. It can hurt.'

  'That why I wait. Not like sisters… who marry young. I left to be KnightsMage… stay unmarriaged.'

  'You mean "unmarried".'


  'My move?'


  Haisha captured several pieces in a row, then asked: 'What do you think about the war?'

  'I worry that I not fight well. That I am weak.'

  'You're a master of Te. I wouldn't want to fight you!'

  Naritha was contemplatively silent.

  'Look, fighting isn't your main thing anyway. You're the psionic senshi. We need you for that.'

  Naritha traded one empty spot for another with a single blue and white veined marble sphere. 'I disagree. This is war, Haisha-chan…'

  '"Haisha" is fine.'

  '… Neo Senshi need more warriors. I am not sufficient strong.'

  Haisha delved into Naritha's eyes, feeling concerned.

  'Are you worried you won't be able to make it?'

  'No. Worried I won't make difference.'


  Iesha had attained no end of misery the previous night, and determined that while she was awake, the distraction of preparing breakfast might succeed her worries. It, however, several burnt pieces of toast later, failed. Finally, she - thanking mass production - retrieved some frozen waffles, and managed not to singe them in their preparation after the third cup of sleep dulling coffee. Alongside that was a fair amount of bacon, which disappeared quickly when early - and oppositely so - risers, came to greet breakfast.

  'Thanks Mama,' Masurani called from the small living room.

  'Hey, yeah,' Goku agreed between food-shoveling bites. 'This is pretty good! Is there more?'

  'Not as long as you mind doing it yourself,' Iesha replied flatly as she paced morosely into the living room.

  Iesha, I know your worry for Sanja has kept you late. Fear not. He is safe now.

  Iesha gave with a gasp and dropped her steaming coffee on the floor, yelping as she jumped back from the scathing liquid.

  'Mother of mercy,' she whispered, watching her with teary eyes, her voice rich with anxiety and heartfelt thankfulness. 'Um, maybe you guys should go spar.'

  'Hai,' Masurani sighed, setting her drink down.

  Goku looked around. 'Hai Ma'am. But is there…'

  'I've got some food downstairs, Goku-san. You know that,' she reminded him faintly.

  'If you don't mind, Iesha-san, Naritha and I will have a few more rounds of chess.'

  Iesha nodded distractedly as the remaining two young women traversed the fair distance to the kitchen-locked patio, well out of earshot. She faced the vastly altered young woman she had formerly known, the well of concern that was the core of her being driving her onward.

  'What happened? Is my husband…'

  Makoto's hesitation and bowed head made her heart leap, thumping in her ears as against the tight cage of ribs. 'He's well, now. The attempt on your life was no solitary event. You were right. When I found him, he was in an ER, critical condition. If I hadn't intervened, he would be dead.'

  Iesha's shoulders shook in silent wracking sobs, face in open palms. Makoto felt a sharp mix of emotions; gratitude to Phate, for being able to save his life; sorrow, at her inability to prevent what had happened, and finally, anger. When Iesha spoke, minutes later, her voice was soft and distant, a flute piping in contest to the thundering roar of a sapphire white waterfall.

  'Thank you. Praise God for you, Makoto. I owe you more than… than I can say.'

  Dread silence.

  'Please, if you will…'

  'Of course.'

  Feeling herself alone, Iesha let forth the passion only her husband had ever seen, and would ever see, while Makoto mourned in the solitude of her mind. She proceeded downstairs with the air of loss and concern. Hanlan felt the ache within his soulmate, immediately as one feels a warming bonfire. He accepted her to his arms, said nothing and kissed her forehead gently.

  'I love you Makoto Kino Ireson. You're the badassest angel ever.'

  'I love you too Hanlan. You hulking clown.'

  Most of the basement had been cleared for Masurani's vigilant training routines, which included her Kamisenin techniques, for which Goku was plainly responsible. For any audience, the only point of interest was found when one realized that the blur flying about the basement was a pair of fighters, rather than a stray tornado. Masurani was faring considerably well, when one realized how seriously she was outmatched. The fight was limited to hand to hand combat, for the moment. For the duration of the fight, once every odd instant for so, they would pause while Masurani caught her breath, or got back on her feet. Each time, she would return to the fight. So far, twenty mind numbing minutes of violence had expired.

  It was to their vague interest that the sparring pair armed themselves. Masurani chose an unencumbered Bo staff, while Goku matched the selection, his motions of warm up easily ten times the speed of his student. Nonetheless, each weapon began to glow as if charged. Then, with a bow, sparring resumed. The result, however, did not alter. Hanlan felt much of the tension in Makoto's close-pressed, sleek and generously proportioned body dissipated.

  "She's really getting whomped, love, isn't she?" Makoto observed in English.

  Hanlan nodded at her glib comment. "Yeah. But the only way I can tell that is 'cause every time they stop, she's on her butt. I tell ya, I wouldn't want to fight her. She'd tromp me!"

  Makoto seemed genuinely impressed. Hanlan conceded rarely to anyone even when outmatched in battle. It was an even greater rarity to hear him concede from a mere demonstration of their ability. "And there's no tellin' how tough this guy Goku is… Man, he took out over a hundred of those demons… and didn't even work up a sweat! Kinda makes me wonder why we don't just let him win this war for us."

  Makoto blinked before conceiving the answer. "Because brute strength won't defeat Uraki-Ayo, especially if he teams up with Galaxia, as Beryl did. It will be up to Usagi again."

  Hanlan shrugged nonchalantly. He understood little about the NegaForce, but knew that it seemed to be an insurmountable opponent. After an additional minute or so, Masurani plodded over to Makoto and Han, and plunked herself heavily on the bench. Goku strode up, looking no worse for wear aside from a collection of small sweat beads on his forehead.

  'You've improved!' he smiled.

  'Ar-arigato,' she panted wearily. 'Domo arigato, sensei.'

  'You're welcome,' he bowe
d with that selfsame smile, honestly impressed. 'You've been training very well alone. I guess those techniques I taught paid off, hai Masu-chan?'

  'Hai,' she nodded, taking a pull at a bottle of filtered water. 'I've also had some help. Nakio-san taught me a few things.'

  'I've tried to help,' Makoto noted. Masurani all at once looked stunned, as if it just came to her that Makoto had been one of her long term sensei, and friends.

  'Oh yeah!' she smiled. 'You did. Taught me that power isn't the most important thing.'

  'Especially when you're outmatched,' Makoto stated caustically.

  'I think that’s really wise. You must be a good teacher,' Goku smiled.

  Then, Makoto regarded Goku for a moment, gauging his strength. She blinked, turning her eyes away as his aura seemed to blind her.

  Holy… she gasped. How can he be so powerful?

  Even Usagi has that kind of power, Ellison observed. Goku is a very unique fighter. It is, in my estimation, very fortunate that he is on our side.

  'Goku-san, would you like to spar with me?' Makoto said, stepping out of Hanlan's arms as she tied her hair up at the back of her head.

  Looking to get trounced? Be my guest, Makoto, but don't look for any help from me, Ellison stated firmly.

  No sense in you breaking character, my frugal ally, she replied glibly, removing her scabbard and leaning the rune blade upon the bench.

  'Would I ever!' he replied enthusiastically, before doubt furrowed his brow. 'You don't use advanced chi techniques, do you?'

  'Well, not since the transformation, no. I haven't needed to,' she replied firmly. 'I just want to see how well I'd do.'

  'Okay!' Goku replied as he assumed an automatic defensive posture.

  She offered a curt shrug before falling into her offensive stance. There was a bow, where Goku scrutinized her before striking. Makoto was knocked back by Goku's inhumanly fast reflexes for the next several minutes. Masurani was the only one clearly aware of each action made. She noted that Makoto lacked only a single third of her sensei's superhuman speed, and began to wonder why she had been at such a disadvantage in the earlier battle. As the typhoon sparring match continued, Masurani watched in interest as the look of concentration on Goku's face intensified into one of near feral regard.

  Abruptly, only five minutes after initiating the match, Goku called a halt. The remarkable warrior sported a fair amount of sweat.

  'Wow! You're as fast as I am,' Goku noted in an unusually serious tone. 'You're nearly as strong, too! That's amazing! How do you do it?'

  'I'm an Angel of War, Goku,' Makoto replied calmly, taking deep, even breaths. 'I adapt.'

  'Wow. Very, very cool,' Masurani breathed in awe.

  'Just think… I could always get stronger if I trained with you! Thank you very much for sparring with me,' Goku grinned, bowing deeply towards Makoto, who replied respect in kind. 'Masurani couldn't have had a better pair of sensei!'

  'Hai,' Makoto nodded gravely. 'Maybe we could teach each other someth—'

  'Nasura's here!' Iesha called, but in an unexpectedly sharp tone. Masurani dropped her towel and headed up the stairs. 'Sounds bad.'

  Makoto noted to Hanlan and Goku as they followed her; 'It probably is.'

  Hanlan grabbed Makoto's arm gently, indicating he wanted to talk to her before they joined the group.

  Love, Makoto started. It's probably important!

  Yeah, but this'll just take a second… at which point he leaned over and kissed her upon the lips gently. Moments flew before they parted.

  'Mm,' Makoto murmured faintly, and huskily. What is it?

  What'd you talk about with Iesha?

  She gripped at him, holding tightly.

  It was about her husband. He'd been attacked.

  Oh, he replied, sounding slightly disappointed.

  What? Is that it? You coerce me with a kiss to get that and you're not happy with it? The faint lust in her telepathic voice dropped completely.

  Uh, well, sorta. I thought it was about you.

  She sighed faintly. Well, it kind of was. Mostly it was about them, though.

  Here, he offered, pulling her tightly to him. Lemme make it up to you.

  She smiled. Better believe you will. A kiss now, the rest later.

  Han's face fell. Can't they wait?

  She shook her head. No. Now hurry up.

  Tired of words, he pressed his lips to hers passionately. A brief, startling eternity passed between them before, like the stubborn hold of glue, they pulled apart. Makoto took a deep, sharp breath. Sorry, love…

  Why? I'm not, he grinned as he led her up the narrow staircase.

  Chapter 41

  Accelerated Light